? CALOMEL IS MERCl ACTS ONJJVE "Bodson's liver Tone" Starts Your Liver n*u? TU-. OaImhiaI 4nrf nnacn'A DBltBl 111(111 UQIUUICI mill uuoou i Salivate or Make You Sick. Listen to me! Take no more sickening, salivating calomel when bilious or V. constipated. Don't lose a day's work! ' {J : Calomel is mercury or quicksilver whieh causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact "? ' with sour bile crashes into it, breaking it up. This is when you feel that awful ;V nausea and cramping.^ If you are 'sluggish and ''all knocked out," if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated . k or you have headache, dizziness, coated ?^ue^ jf breath is bad or stomach sour take a spoonful of harmless Dod3 liver Tone on my guarantee. | EXPERT D I SPECIAL L( I FOR MONTH ^A, A11 Work is Done Underlay if The Beet Mate: * ? * ll Baltimore Df 1329 l-2!Main St PHOl . ??? I/F YOU CMT fifing A&W1 '. ' ' * v. V <- . *.. I Let us shov I have in Trunks | Paices as usu \ city. Do not , I are making a s Beach and 06o V ft - DO NOT FRE -1 KEEP IP LOBE DRU I COLUMBIA, |||lBallenti ajj^jjHeavy andFs I Flour, Meal and and our pries will < Country Produce 3 1800 Main Street PHONES 3 SUBSCRIBE FOE ? IRY! IT SICKENS! iRIIKE DYNAMITE Here's my guarantee?Go to any drug * V T*V 3 store and get a 50 cent Dottie 01 jlkxieon's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful tonight and if it doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous by morning I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn^t gripe and they like ite pleasant taste. MTWiPlI itffWW?an? ENTISTRY | )W prices | OF AUGUST * I S Personal Guarantee. Only ? rials are Used. 1 SET OF flJQ TEETH b ^#0 \ GOLD q J CROWNS +9*% ? BRIDGE fj WORK VW Other Expert Dental Work Low in Proportion. intal Parlors SE 539 Columbia, S. B. f | * EM PLATE TOrsbntKir4' 7 you what we and Bags, tal lowest in [the forget that we j pecialty of Palm 1* Cloth Clothes, T AND SWET,' COOL i 0 WiOODS CO. I %i SOUTH CAROLINA I / . / L. ne Bros. !ers In I nicy Groeries make our sore your ;t us make you prices LL\ Feed ofall Kinds f :ertainly itract you. Bought .nd Sold. Clnmbia, S. C, 152 and 352 : THP DISPATCH I I -? 1 | AVERY THE JEWELER ' Carries a full and complete line of all the latest and upto date designs in : Jewelry Cut Class Oliver ; ? * i Watch Repairing at ' . reasonable prices?all % work guaranteed. W. E. AVERY, Main St. COLUMBIA, S. | I 1 [ ~ "? - ' WE ARE HEADQUARTERS j FOR SUGARS, COFFEE, TEA AND RICE ! Wholesale and Retail V Roasted Coffee, 18. 20, 22, 25 and up ! Green Coffee, 16, 18, 20c. Green, Black and Mixed Teas, 25o, 40c, 50c and up. Rice Sold at Cut Prices J[;g | > C. D. KENNY CQj ^ | 1638 Main St I COLUMBIA, Sr Liver Trouble I :'I am botheredw^^jlfllouble "THrrTTlTainWebste City (Iowa. "I have pains in my side and bfck and an awful soreness in my stomach. I heard of Chaimbelain's Tablets and tried them. By the time I had used half a bottle of them I was feeling fine and had no signs of paing," Obtainable everywhere, j IMJKr For Windows ar life worth living We've G< Don't put up a i screen. It won't ke quitoes and insects < it harder for you to Buy our new sci wire. This will make Then you can be saf *f disease-bearing pests *table all summer.* Lorick & Lov COLUMBIA i We especially invice the and the public generally, to coi they want pure drugs and stan tions carefully and prompUy fil kind. THE TAYLOR D! 1520 Main Street PHONI LET US HAVE THA REASON WHY TO TWENTY-! THEY C A Our vehicles are manu each item is reduced to 1 every respect than you c< to order. Figure it out vehicles factories in the leather, or rubber tires, and one other articles tl he places his order for si material that can be had secure. ??j. 1 _r ? in6n, msieau ui uuiiuiii^ in fact, instead of building build a thoi nd all at one thousand u- es, seats, tor alike; all going through tn< at every process. Each in sand times, or four thousa ment of the machine. Ev< ing, withoqt any lost moti thing and only one thing, would be possible if he we have to do in a smaller fs And so it goes in every < step and better value in ev do a thousand things that i Electricity welds the steal wrok by hand with open fi being heated and then shri wearing and a great saving And again, instead of sh number of each style to tb large dealers can secure, attend to the detail work c would meet all the Southei who can buy in large quan facturer much cheaper ths Write us for our new cata! OUR G GREGORY COL (Mies ?'?8CS tHi Steam and working Machinery G Corn Mills, Feed Miils, Grits an ing M MACH Automobile ? MODERN MACHINE SHOP AND DESCRIPTION. TANK A1 ?? Larg Up Town Automobile Sales Room COLl f Machinery Dept.?Telephone 343-323. L ? 1ENS ' id Doors, make r i at Them 'usty, wornout old I ep the flies, mos>ut, but wilFmake "drive" them out 1 reens and screen i home look pretty e from these little i?and be comforrace, Inc. 7 v, S. C. j I I i Medicines 1 ! people of Lexington county me to our store wheneveri dard medicines. Prescrip-! led. Toilet articles of any RUG COMPANY Columbia, S. C. 88. I ! .t job printing!! WE CAN SELL BUGGIES FIVE PER CENT CHEA lN BE BOUGHT ELSEWt factured in such vast numbers that the owest possible terms, yet the quality is ould secure from a buggy builder who for yourself. These buggies are built b: world. When this factory buys hie or trimmings, paints and varnishes, or tat enter into the manufacture of a ho] ich an enormous quantities that he sect i and he gets it at prices that only qi I a single set of wheels and gears, a single ; a dozen or a hundred parts, according t< time and on one shop order. A thousanc )s, shafts, gears, etc., of one pattern. Ea< s factory at one time. That means econon achine is set to do a certain thing a thousoi na times, as the case may be, and never a < ery operator works as methodically as the r on, without any useless stops," without His work actually produces more results ar re continually changing from one thing to ictory with a limited manufacturing capacil lepartment of large vehicle foctories, there ery part. Modern labor saving machinery smaller factories must do clumsily and ii parts together in a fraction of the time req re forges. Tires are pressed onto the wh mk to tit the fellows This means perfec r in cost ipping one of each style in one small shipm< e large dealers only, and the large dealer g< It would be almost impossible for the larg if shipping out ana retailing buggies to the *n demands. But it is nlain horse sense th; tities for cash can buy vehicles from the 1 in the smaller manufacturer can buy matei iogue. IUARANTEE MEANS SOMETHI* -CONDER MULE CO! UMBIA, SOUTH CAROLS ESTABLISHED 1877 Machinery Gasolene Engines, Ginning Machine eneraily, Gibbs Edgers, Gibbs Shingl id Meal Separators, Flour Mills and lactones, Hay Presses, Belt Lacers a INERY GENERAI ind Accessories, Tire: FOUNDR.Y CAPACITY FOR LARGE MD BOILER WORK. HIGH GRADE G e Capacity?Cast Every D: ? ' j 1211 Lady Sreet. ' I PlantOne Block West of Union Station JMBIA, SOUTH CAROL!? Automobile Dept.?344. Machine : Up Town Sales Room?Telephone 2311. V = A. D. Martin, Candidate for Si Incontrovertib 1. I held the office of County Suj term?190S-1912. 2. My administration was energet ton, Leesville, Batesburg, Brookland, C Hulon and Cedar Grove school building: provements made. These buildings anc ed and superintendents, who preceded i 3. The State and coonty depart harmoniously in education matters and obtained. 4. Settlement of many long stand: 5. Books in office kept in goodshs 6. High school aid for the school tendents who preceded me should have What to Dep 7. Another progressive adminiet courteous and gentlemanly; 8. Fair and square dealing to all. "SPECTACLED A3 The man of sense is he who best which nature has endowed him. lie may "hate to wear glasses," but Glasses are not an evidence of we intellect. In this day of conservation, men and tal and physical strength, wear them force and vitality, as much as for th^ o PT03rcmi^l|pf 1611 main" street |||fj \ ' ; FROM TEN 1, PER THAN [ERE. i producing cost of actually better in builds each buggy y one of the largest kory, or steal, or any of the hundred rse drawn vehicle, ires the very best lantity buyers can f>not 4- r\-%-\ UUUV, ^cai, CL^w., 0 one pattern, they 1 sets of wheels, a :h and every one just iy at every step and id times, two thourhange in the adjustnachine he is operatinterruption ?at one id better results than another, as he would V is economy at every in the iarge factory lefficier:tly by hand, uired to do the same leels cold instead of x fitting and better ent, they ship a large 2ts a price that only e vehicle builder to S Southern trade that at the large dealers arge vehicles manuria! and build them. nanpawaamJ M Company ry, Saw Mills and Woodle Machines, Etc I Brick Machinery, Threshnd V. LLY ?, Oils, Etc : AND SMALL JOBS Of ANY ASTINGS ESPECIALLY ay ; -Wheat and Assembly Streets JA ^ Shop and Foundry Telephone 1193 :J~ jperintendent of Education le Facts: jerintendent of Education, for one ;ic and progressive. The LexingTiapin, Gilbert, Samaria, Calvary, 3 were established and other iml improvements were badly needne, should have had this done: * ments of education cooperated much state aid was thereby ing school dissensions, ipe and always open for inspection*, at our county seat. Superingotten this support long ago. >end On. ration and the conduct thereof uericaxs* ^11? preserves those facultta^-. sentiment is ak mind,