If HE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. ^?w???? i ? I,.. ... ? i A Representative Newspaper Covers Lexington and the Borders of the Snrronnding Counties Like a Blanket 70L. XLIv! ~~ LEXINGTON, 8. C? WEDNESDAY. MARCH 11.1914 " IYbuRunYour3 With a Check Bi HouiAbout Yow t % i? ^if! **1^, , l "T% ILLS, bills, bills?nothing bu i D the head of the family. N< ......TTATffll nil II rt ness wnnuui a lull The miming' of the home today is Open a CHECKING A< THE HOME Ni LEX1NG Capital $25,060.00. Samuel B. George, Pres. Alfred J. Fox, Cashier, ! f | BROOKU 8 New Bre TITTM i/AMJI S J. C. Ly brand, E. W ? R. N. Senn, Hem 'iA. D. Shall, L. S. | adviso: ? Frank W. Shealy. James ij aim ) "g ;|V- '< -J Ufp> acanre oar depcaftoM well * ^sJeafcical with our own; to giro i "with sound bonking; t6 welcos I large one; to be satisfied with s V & . ae?f transactions, and to give it L ' ' _i i access. ThigJLg ahrays the pa *^wv lie Palmetto Of COLT I i MMW?MM? ?WW?WBW? Ethe old irollna ?Organ ss, State, Coi $300,000 0( "* < AAA A/ I bur plus proms ioo,wu u\ Liability of stockholders 300,000 0( Pro tec ion to Depositors...; \.. 1756,000 0< The new banking House is pi Vault which is protected by an Electric Bank Proteotion Compi thoroughly burglar proof. It has also installed a oomplel are offered to our customers at i afford every facility aud accomm* ?OF! W. A. CLARK, President, T. 8. BRYAN, Vice President. When Nex Call and see our new bi Main and Gervais streets ? _ *j_ !? as a depositor 11 you sou whether you do that or r acquaintance. UNION Col mi) ^ ===== Lt bills!" frequently is the complaint of > man would think of running his busiK BOOK. How about YOTJR home? a BUSINESS PROPOSITION. :COUNT With Us at Once 4TIONAL BANK rTON, S. C. Resources $250,000.00 ?, Jas. J. Wingard, V. Pres. K. F. Oswald, Asst. Cashier. VND BANK f okland, S. C. 8 3CT0ES: 5 r. Shull, G. A. Guignard S y Buff, F. L? Sandel | Trotti, P. J. Wessinger g BY BOARD: g A. Summerset, Lemuel Hall. ? ?SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!SSSSSSS.1SS1 / * : -v?l- ' r ______ POLICY : ; t ud teniT holding Into*** u generoM term. ? V?, Ooiutetent ie theataall account as well aa;*h?f" , * XT. \ mall margins of profit in Its busi- ? >.;? ; /. V . j.. . e customers a fair measure ofj^lts . * lienor National Bank, JXSIA, 8. C. * i ? '$, j. ' J. P. IUkssvi, Cashier. K . ? RELIABLE tj National Bank I ized 1868? ~ B mty and City Depository. I > | SAVINCS DEPARTMENT. | ? Interest allowed at the rate of | j 4 per cent, per annum, payable quarterly, February, May, Au- K ) ] gust, November ovided with a modern Fireproof Electric System installed by the Q my of New York City, and is made :e set of safety deposit vaults which easouable rates, V, e are prepared to H odafion which one's business justifies JOSEPH M. BELL, Cashier, JOHN D. BELL, Asst. Cashier, t in Columbia lilding on (the coroner of i. We should welcome you fit to open an acconnt, but lot we want to make your 'IOlHTAIa b&NK bia, S. 0. H School Sonse Burned. "Red Knoll" school house, located near Wyses's Ferry about five miles north of Lexington, was destroyed by fire on Friday evening about half past seven o'clock. When first aiscov ered the whole building was ablaze and everything in the building was lost. It is thought that fire was left burning in the fire-place on Friday and that it, in some manner, rolled out on the floor causing a total loss of the school-house and all of its con tents. This 16 only a theory, however, and it may be, it is asserted by some, that the fire was set to the building by an incendiary. The school, which is being taught by Miss Aiken from Oo{ lumbia, will be continued in another } building near-by and there will be no { time lost as a result of the school ! house having been burned. > t-r Derrick-Calk. Miss Mary Derrick and Mr. Victor Calk, twotif the popular young people near Lexington, surprised their families and friends /late Sunday evening j and drove to the home of the Rev. P. j D. Risinger in Lexington, where they j were happily married, the Rev. Mr. I Risinger performing the ceremony. ; The bride is a daughter of Mr. and | Mrs. Frank L. Derrick and is popular i in the community where she resides. | The grocra is one of the most pro| gressive young farmers of the river ' section and number his friends by the ! score. Happy congratulations! J I One Man Knifed, Another Shot Spartanburg, March 9.?Resenting oertain remarks addressed to him by TX7 "\7" T OwAnrn o nnofnmflr T-T W ?t . JL . o > juiunuj u vujLuiuvi ) MI ii Eason, a clerk in the Bee Hive department store here, this afternoon slashed Brown about the face with a pocket knife. Brown drew a revolver and fired three balls into the body of Eason, one entering the right arm, another a right leg and a third the right knee. I Eason, while painfully shot, will recover. It was found necessary to take 16 stitches in the face of Brown. The shooting affray happened in the clothiDg department of the store, and several women clerks were near the two men when they commenced fighting;. | The store was thrown into wild excit-^ j ment by the affair. ^ Oft tft fhft * * Supervisor Charles E. Goriey has made it known that those person Hwho failed to pay commutation road tax , daring the period limit prescribed by will either have to pay their fines, work .the road or go to the rock pile. Dorii|j the past several weeks the f, Lexington supervisor hajfhad a nnm- | ber of warrants issued forepersons who have refused to woik the roads upon call of -the respective overseers' on different roads, and in . almost every instance convictions have been secured \ where the cases were tried before the jnstioes of the peace. Several cases \ are now pending, besides those that have already been disposed of. The supervisor is receiving complaints from the overseers in most every u QQ/.f?An fn fV* o fViof novtatn persons refuse to work after they have been "warned1 y to do so by the over: seers, and it is expected that manyj persecutions will follow. In the cases that hare been called to the attention of Supervisor Corley there art both whites and negroes, but when it comes to enforcing the law Supervisor Corley states that he is no respecter of persons, and that ! every man who has not paid the pro: visional road tax and who refuses ti I comply with the request of the over* , | seers will be prosecuted. ?I do } intend for any man to get out of work- | ! ing the roads who is physically ablj i j r ^ ^ * _ % _ J i I to periorm roaa worK ana wnonasuf ? paid the commutation tax in lieu (f working," said Mr. Oorley to-da\. ? "and I hope that the people will rei^ j ize this fact." I i There is always kicks coming frab ^ different sections of the county aneat -i bad roads and asking that the chajigang be placed in this neighborhood ' or that neighborhood, when, in |?e, opinion of the officers many of thjjBe I same people positively refuse to assistance in the way of working the C roads. "Everybody wants goodltn roads," said the supervisor, "but aeyj'in expect them to be built by the co&ti ha] chaingang. I expect to give |bh{'?nc people good roads wherever possibly ^ ? but, at the same time, I expect! fo; ^ i those people who have not avfile bui fhpmsfilvfls of the ODoortunitv of nai ing the tax, belp to build them "f The supervisor has been wjpm Bu commended for his course in therms cai ter of working the roads, and it if the purpose to see that- every n&o I every quarter, does his whol-3 dlty.| \ I 3 f * I I '& I | I 1 Clerk Shealy Now in Florida. 1 Hon. Frank W. Shealy, Lexington's popular and very efficient clerk of s court, left on Friday in company with g his friend , Capt. Chas. H. Kelso and j t Mr. ai J Mrs. J. H. Morgan, for a few o days stay in the "Land of Flowers." 1; Mr. Shealy has been suffering from a h recurrent attack of throat trouble ti which caused hira no little uneasiness ti a year ago when he wa9 forced to change climate, and he goes to Florida r; now for the purpose of getting relief a if possible. U pon his return to Lex- ^ ington Mr. Shealy will most likely e announce whether or rot he will be 111 ri the race for lailroad commissioner in H the primary this summer?an an- tl nouncement which his friends are p awaiting with much iuterest and enthusiasm. It is hoped by everyone h that- the clerk will have a pleasant h and profitable trip. f( Our Newberry letter. J We have been waiting patiently to i C see what effect the new currency law ; would have over the Southern portion 1 of the Union. Will it help the common lahorpr direet.lv or indirectly or at all? Wlien quite a email boy, not in the p teens yet, we were advised by some of ! n our older men not to buy anything w? i a really* didn t need 110 matter h cheap it may be. In one respect we i a have carried out the advice of our j v aged ones so far. Ui:der the currency i ^ system which has been iu operation ! r in the United States ever since the a j \ | _ Civ|l war there occurred from time to ' 0 time financial panics, more or less ! j severe financial stringency. Many of f these panics and periods of stringency | r certainly must have been bronght- j 2 about by the speculative interests in j a Wall street to the great injury of the ; 1 bosiness and the people of the entire j s J T ,L. A.U,.. ^ [ couu&ry. xa me pxauiorm ui me > g cratie party which elected Wilson ; c president of the United States there j * was a plank demanding a revision of ( J the oorrency laws. President Wilson i g met this demand by outlining in a message to Congress the character of s the bill that would meet the require- j. mentB of existing conditions and the I conditions of the future. Thig bill is v now a law.* Shall we purchase a ? pocket book? fc E < We heal^ily endoise the recommend- e Bleaseto i&ex. la:-tlf'^t^^bly asking them to V pas* a ia!W prohibiting white Women an/credit, we presume, was the cause ' o!fhis recommendation not becoming JLjrberry, S. O., Match 9, . . Sheriff Miller Captures * Dangerous Negro if Sheriff Sim J. Miller returned from I ii trciC nrmnfcv lsut ntohf trrhcro U I ' V ,11 I.J n?w?V jentearly yesterday morning to capture ?negro by the name of A. B. Jtckson, wanted at Bates burg, this eounty, on a charge of obtaining goods underfalse pretense from the E. Jones Con|?ny during 1909. It is said that ?fliers from Aiken county and also a Bankable at Batesburg had made two or ihree efforts to capture Jackson within the recent past, bat each time he iroald make good his escape. BefoiJ going to Aiken yesterday Sheriff Miler was warned by persons to the eflct that Jackson was carrying a rJB and swearing vengeance against alcomers. Sheriff Miller, however, wfked his "rabbit foot" on the negro, ht says, and when he wept to his h?&e the negro was eating dinner. B called to Jackson and asked him ^ txington without difficulty. ? Jackson is a second Jack Johnson in I; pearanee, being very tall and of f avy build. He is said to be a giant 1 strength, and the Lexington officer fl being warmly congratulated upon p j success in caDfcurim? the npom I thout difficulty after others bad ed and failed. This is the first time Sheriff Miller's long jxperience it his bird dog has took an active rt in the capture of a criminal. Chapin Store Burns* ffiapin, March 7.?Fire tonight deoyed a store occupied by C. S. iwley and owned by J. S. Boozer, e loss is estimated at $12,000, onetf of which was covered by insur;e. The origin of the fire has not n discovered. The flames were covered at 11 o'clock. It is thought laya caught on the inside of the Iding. W A TPU TTC : 8 M ua. y your Irish Potatoes from us. We rry WOOD'S because they are m best. Everything fresh to eat. 8 4 t B. ROOF & SONS, I '4 Lexington, S. C. 19-p s?*"" uightning Slays Electrician. Frank Amos Sloan, of 2014 Gadsden treet, Columbia, an electrical en;ineer for the J. G White Construe- I ion company, was electrocuted at 4 , ;clock Saturday afternoon when ^ ightning struck a wire upon which ^ ie was working in the substation of I be Parr Shoals Development Co. at j ^ he foot of wesc Gervais street. : r The accident Occurred during the j ain and tnunder storm Saturday j I fteruoon. The wire upon which lie j ras working was not charged with j j lectricity and the machinery was not j unning. J. A. Scott, coroner for ; C '.ichland county, said Saturday night ! * lat he had not held au inquest, and j erhaps would not hold one. Mr. Sloan was well known in Co- ; $ 1 jmbia. He was 33 years ol age and i * survived by bis father, wife and j I our children and four brothers. C I m HOME WOMEN ji HIVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR j Next- time you 5:0 to the theatre or ! ) rho ''movies" just notice, it you j lease, how many of our home ladies C ave beautiful hair?glossy, lastrous, j 1: ud well-dressed. Then, if you will j I ick out five or tea of those whose j air seems to he particularly pretty i I nd will ask them what they use on it, j ;e feel sure that at least; more than ; 1 1 alt' of them will say "Harmony Hair leautifier." It is last becoming the i age with both men and women who 1 .re particular about the appearance f their hair. { Sprinkle a little Harm mv Hair C Seautifier on your hair each time be- ] ore brushing it. Contains no oil; will ! I iot change color of hair, r.or darken i ray hair. to Keep nair ana gcaipaanarun-iree ,nd clean, use Harmony Shampoo. ?his pure liquid shampoo gives an in- . tantaoeous rich lather that immedi- j S itely penetrates to every part ot hair i md scalp, insuring a quick, thorough ! leansing. Wa9b off just a9 quickly, c he entire operation takes only a few t noments. Contains nothing that can 0 Larm the hair; leaves no harshness or tickiness?just a sweet cleanliness. Both preparations come in oddhaped, very ornamental bottles, with t prinkier tops. Harmonj Hair Beau- , ifier, $1.00. Harmony Shampoo, 60c. ! loth guaranteed to satisfy you in every C ray, or your monev back. Sold only t the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores, nd in this town only by us.?Harmon irng Co., Lexington, S. G. f adv. 1 1. " r- .Yy, . v . fr""' ' 'iLmm 1 ' """ Let Us Co] r * _ yrK ^ Jl : 1 r] y/T A Bft -y jHif J fl;; know that we can please your E. G. DR] Lexington. Sou o s 7 BANK OF CHmPIN, south A home enterprise, owned, by home men. Keep your mo iting with us where it will be serving your neighbor at the s J.JS* Wessinger, Pres., A, DERECTO: J S. Wessinger, W. B Williams, P. M. Frick, C, P. Robinson J, W. Wessix Per Cent. On Savings. g Per Cent. On ' We're Right on | _ HHm aSBBKSanMHHBBBMi No. 9296. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF ME HOME NATIONAL BANK \T LEXINGTON. IN THE STATE )F SOUTH CAROLINA AT THE ^LOSE OF BUSINESS, MAR. 4, 1914. RESOURCES. .oans and Discounts ?163,055 29 )verdrafts, secured and unsecured 505 S& J. S. Bonds to secure circulation 25,000 00 'remiums on TJ. S. Bonds 600 00 banking house, Furniture, and Fixtures 21,434 39' )tlier Real B.>tate Owned.. 4,500 00)ue from National Banks (not reserve agents) 7,329 95. )ue from approved Reserve Agents 13,090 24 Jliecks and other Cashltems 3,049 27 Pactional Palmer Currency Nickels and Cents 248 42 jawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie 4,176 00 y *gal--tender notes 3,809 00 7.985 00 ledemption Fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation) 1,250.00 Total S248.054.39 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in ?25,000 0C !nmlnJudi tided Profits, less Expenses and Taxes paid... ' 2,744 17 National Bank notes outstanding 25,000 00' individual Deposits subject to check 168,753 10 Dime certificates of deposit 10,670 66 Dashier's Checks outstanding.. 886 46Sills payable, including obligations for money borrowed 10,000 00 Total... $248,054 39 itate of South Carolina, County of Lexington, ss: I, Alfred J. Fox, cashier of the abovelamed bank, do solemnly swear that he above statement is true to the best if my knowledge and belief. AT.PPVn T WAT X UUiy t/ JL" Vli. ) Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to 'before me his 9tli day of March, 1914. W. D. Dent,(L.s) v Notary Public S. Jorrect?Attest: . SAMUEL B. GEORGE, JAS. J. WINGARD, XARL'F. OSWALD, y Director**. i liar You I ^ and coif-yon, and shirt you, and be yodr regular Haberdashers, and yon will then be always dressed neatly and in style, \ and will have the satis- } faction of knowing that you are not only dressed correctly but are enjoy* 111 or +VlQ+ rraw VJn-TV ?UBMMVU*VU * J economically. We have v an infinite assortment and ~ taste. ? '.X T CHER, ' ! f . th Carolina. . .i .. .. unAHN If CAROLINA. i managed and runned ney at home by depos* working for you and ame time. T.; Mayer, \Cashier. BS: 1 S? J. Clark, H. C. Shealy, L N. Z. Se&se, I: A. T, Mayer. li iger. Accounts. I Time Certificates. if me job. I TV11 g^aijaikaBit^iffiiiycgP