THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. A Representative Newspaper Covers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Counties Like a Blanket. VOL. XLU. ~ ~ LEXINGTON, S. C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1912 43 t V ? Co^lj '' _ Most people intend t A w*A **rliila tvnffinrr if AllU 1VUUC |/utuug av tie sums slip throi The way to save sue Why not begin to sa by opening a savii THEHOME 1 LEXINGTt Resources We Pay Interest en 5 per cent Interest mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm \ - . . f ? . -i Now Located In 1323 Main St.. Where We Hop Start Saving T You Will Richland Savings 1323 MAIN STI r^ROOKL i New Bi | DIR | J. G. Guignard, ?. I R.N. Sean, He X A. D. Shull, L. The Remark . -1 _ Of Tills Ban Is built of the F] ed by oareful att MENTS. We want you to every accommoc responsibility wc In oar Savings I ed quarterly. LET OUR BAN The Palniett< OF CO Welie Jones. President. fvi ( Dry ( A NIC '/ 61 w. s. 10?0 MAIIV STBEE Solicits a Share r Delays o save SOME TIME, nff lpf a hi a acrfrreeate of lit v" O -OO- -o igh their fingers, eessfully is to save NOW. ve at this auspicious moment igs account at NATIONAL BANK >N, . . S. C. . . $250,000.00. Savings Accounts Quarterly. Paid on Certificates of Deposit flier Permanent Home I VHI vimMiiviii Columbia, S. C. )e To See You Often, oday?and Tomorrow Have Something. Bank & Trust Company REET, COLUMBIA, S. C. ? S9B969SS696SS969BS696969696969 AND BANK s rookland, S. C. ? ECTORS: | W. Shull, G. A. Guignard | nry Buff, F. L. Sandel g S. Trotti, P. J. Wessinger X S969S9SSS9SS89S96S89SSSSS9S9SS able Success k .... RIENDSHIP of its CUSTOMERS gainiention to tneir BANKING REQUIREbe one of these Customers and offer yon lation tint your balance, business, and irrant. )epartment we pay 4 per cent, calculat: K BE YOUR BANK. t National Bank, LTTMBIA, S. C. J. P. Matthews. Cashier r. D. I Always Sells Corner Main and Richland St.* 3roods, Notions, Olothi Ladies' Suits ;e lot always ,01E DBT 61 n^oisrc^TO^ x, of Your Valued Pa1 tieaaqi I For Floor, Meal, All Kinds i "Pinnacle" Floi Mak The Kirkland I Whol Just across the Congare .s-1 Will lor Prices, Or Call ai i i W. M. U. Association To Meet at Gastoni The annual meeting of the W. M. U. workers of the Lexington Baptist Association will meet with the Sandv Run Baptist church, at Gaston, September 10th and 11th. The programme includes the different departments of missionary effort. Each church is * urgently requested to have two representatives present. , Mrs. J. F. Fallaw is chairman of the committee on hospitality; therefore, each delegate expecting to attend the meeting, should send in their names at once, so that she may be able to secure them a home. ? Miss Jessie E. Mack, Secretary of the W. M. U. of the Lexington Baptist Association. A Good Place Tor Sale. I offer for sale my place, containing 76 acres of land, 35 acres nnder cultivation, four miles from Lexington, ten miles from Columbia, on Red Bank creek. Good 4-room iionse and ne.ces9ary out buildings. Apply to JESSE L. McOARTHA, 8w50p Lexington, R. F. D. 4. How Paint The first cost of a good job of paint? Devoe?is $50 (average size, of course). The first cost of a second or third or fourth rate job, $55 to $100. The wear is likewise. The better you paint, of course, the longer it wears. And the more you pay for your job, the shorter it wears! Devoe is one of a dozen good paints There are hundreds of bad ones. As likely as not, Devoe is the only good 1*1 f V? i a fnirn uuo 111 bUAO vv II M? DEVOE The Harmon Bros Co sells it. BAT ? It For Less s., . . Columbia ng, Shoes, Hats, j, Skirts, Etc. 5 TO SZLEC" 11018 COHFAH T, T3SB., ^E-A.I>T-A tronage. Polite and Proi larters , Grits, Hay, and of Feeds. IF es Good Bread listribuMug Co., ji ? I esale. :c Bridge on Lady Street tc Us [id Inspect Our Stock. Dental Parlors. Attention is directed to the display advertisement of Dr. M. S. "Whitehead, dentist, 1521 Main street, Columbia. Dr., Whitehead has recently purchased the interests of Dr. Geo. R. Harding,'the veteran dentist, at 1521 Main Street, and there are no better dental parlors in the city. Dr. White- 1 head is an experienced dentist, and an expert workman. He knows the business and his charges are reasonable. Give Dr. Whitehead a trial. PeUon to Incorporate. The town of Pelioa is soon to become incorporated. An election will be held on September 3 to vote on the proposition and to elect a mayor and four aldermen. This is a step in the right direction. This town has had a phenomenal growth daring the last few years; and there are many new residences going up today. A town with churches and schools can ill afford to be without police protection, and we congratulate Pelion upon the step she is about to take. YOU WANT 1 Your Watches and Clocks put in first- J class order at reasonable pric bring them to | 5 T. H. Donny, ' vl . UJ.UUm.L.. (9 ID Main C4 I VIO TVaiuiiHianci mm v Parlor Restaurant,Columbtei,S.C. 1 ] ] MM < 1 1 , s. c. Millinery, ! ; i r FROM I .GKE2E5, C OLUMBIA, S. C'. mpt Attention. October lltf \ The Fir^t Stai In life towards wealth and ease what you earn. A homeless wa to be the fate of the man who i Assure yourself of a comfortable ing habit. Our Savings Department not o ity for all moneys deposited, but compounded semi-annually. Yc one dollar. Citizens Bank ol II. X. CUNTER. Pres. M. U. BOATWRIGHT, Vice-Pres. CEO. BELL TIMMERM Call at This Ba And Let Us Present You Called "THINGS WORr is full of interesting and erybody. WUTT AUT AT A iPTO IVJllAVAB AHA* AV. Columbia, I -= The Election Yesterday. Tbe election in the county yesterday 1 passed off quietly, although the great- tre. est interest prevailed. With practic- sho ally all of the vote heard from, it seems mo that Frank W. Shealy has been re- &c electied Clerk of the Court over his Ant three opponents by a safe majority, cur 3im J. Miller has been elected sheriff Ide aver his two opponents by a good eve rote, and W. D. Dent has been re- = / sleeted auditor by a handsome majority jy | over Hayes and Wingard. It appears jn> al90 that C. E. Corley and George A. j Shealy are the leading candidates for supervisor and will make the second ra0 pace. Senator Crosson and W. H. bot 3ha:rpe Esq., will run oyer for the p0S senate. E. L. Wingard and D. J. S. cesi Derrick run over for treasurer. Hoi- ar(j yl L. Harman and M. P. Lindler are jorj in the second race for superintendent of education. John W. Smith and W. but L. Addy are in the lead for county bet com missioners and are probably elect- r[ 3d. Warren Weed and Joseph M. CJaughman will be in the second race for coroner, it is thought. Ii For House of Representatives E. L. C Lybrand is elected on the first ballot. J Messrs. Addy, Edwards, Malpass and Shuler are leading, with a probability E cf Mr. Towill gaining enough votes s ever Mr. Shuler to get in the second "V race. ? J Blease Leading Jones, ? Winner Uncertain J B With probably the largest vote in the history of South Carolina Demo- g era tic primaries polled yesterday, the ? result of the race for the governor ? - ? J r? 4- o n ft O vl TT ~r uorsnip was suu ui uuuuc ou ?xi co.x*? j hour this morning. Returns received j up to 3 a. m. showed the two leading j candidates for governor running neck and neck, with Gov. Cole L. Blease 107 votes ahead of Judge Ira B. Jones, his chief opponent, with ma:,y ^ precincts, including nearly the whole *8U cf the big Charleston city clubs, still 8 bo be heard from. This is probably the closest race in the history of South Carolina primaries. ure The race for United States senator i was far less exciting, B. R. Tillman, I the incumbent, apparently having "* * * * - ~ -A. I coralled a large enougn vote to eiect ( him overhis two opponents. ^ J. Frasher Lyon led the list of canin ( didates for attorney general, polling 88,352 votes, with T. H. Peeples next, 0 * with 26,653. It is almost certain that there will be a second race for this j office, with Lyon and Peeples in the at J points. Sei For state treasurer S. T. Carter on( made a very strong run, polliDg near VE Pay You to Save. rt nnnm'nlo in aQTTincr O n/il'firtrt of UVUCIOVO xu OUTiUg %M v*v** Vfc m nderer in his old age is likely 1 s improvident in his yonth. 1 old age by cuHivating the sav- H nly guarantees absolute secur- I } pays you 4 per cent interest, I >u can open an account with $ I Bateshurg, I A. C. JONES, Cashier. | L. W. FOX, Asst. Cashier || AN, Attorney. g ,nk with a Handy Book TH KNOWING." It useful facts for evNAL BANK. 3. C. if The Ideal Theatre. 'he Ideal, Columbia's newest thea, has on the best that has been wn in Columbia for weeks, in ving pictures, singing specialties, . The orchestra is composed of the jst musicians that money can pro* e and the music is splendid. .The ial is an ideal place to spend the inings. two to one against D. W. McLaurhis opponent. Vvr fwmmiHsioner John C. :hards has a long lead, his vote this rning being greater than that, of h his opponents. However, it is i9ible that later returns will nesite a second race, as Maj. Richs has but little more than a maity. 'he returns were slow coming in, seemed to be about equally divided ween city and country. 'he vote at 3 o'clock this morning )d: Governor. ra B. Jones, 55,7*3 lole L. Blease, 56,156 ohn T. Dancan 1,932 United States Senate. !. R. Tillman, 48,785 r. B. Dial, 19,253 V. J. Talbert, 23,908 Attorney General. . Fraser Lvon 38,352 ? 0 H. Peeples, 26,653 . R. Earle, 8,792 iarnard B. Evans, 7,330 State Treasurer. . T. Carter, 50,725 >. W. McLaurin 28,915 Railroad Commissioner. ohn G. Richards, Jr., 40,506 . H. Wharton, 14,702 ames Cansler .23.391 The State Ticket. artial returns received up to the r of going to press indicate that ase and Jones are running close for ernor in Lexington, the probabilijeing that the county will go to ase by a small majority. The fig 8 give Blease 1,764 against 1,618 for ies. Duncan has received 43 votes 'ar. 'or the United States senate Tilin 1,410; Talbert, 585; Dial, 798. >n account of the intense interest ;ounty offices it has been impossible jet foil returns on the State ticket. Barbecue will furnish a first class barbecue Ballentine, S. C. on the 7th day of Jtember 1912. Speaking by the idi lates. Prices reasonable. Oome i. Oome all. Jacob G. Met?..