THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. ?* "~U A Representative Newspaper Covers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Counties Like a Blanket. if ????? - ... i *1 * " . I VOL. XLII. LEXINGTON, S. C.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1912 36 i^ v.- . v*. * v' yH rfr V- : ?<. .* U'V. V. V. ?S~: r / J/.. ; " . 1 A I 'iSr' 1 3^ * ^Off' 'W " Most people intern And while putting tie sums slip th; 4-" The way to save s Why not begin to by o pening a sa THF VTOM1 LEX1NC Resources te; .t * v- ? We Pay Interest 5 per cent Intere t "i ; There is something impr< in the coming of a new yei To them it Is not simply I stitntion of the next numei life. The'deairo to "tarn over people, coming with a realj and a keen nense of regret been done and left undone This bank extends to all dial greetings. To those v we include with our good \ invitation to do so. If yon hare not saved du "turn over a new leaf." J facilities of a ban^. They show you in a few months NOW is the logical time tc BANK Cfl 3.S. WliSSINGEK, Pr i; II MM?1? I?U??? I?? 1 ORANGE! FOR 1 Preparatory Course, Regula: Music and Expression. New E (for Boys, Rates within the reai alogue and other information t W. W. F 36-38-40-42 ( I Cr Buggie If you an our Line bef< We have bouts of diffe /Yot nriri B HIXCj gVL I Rememb I hibition in or v I the buggy wi I Our Mi I ment. Ou Tl 61 W. S. 16aO MAIN 8TKEE Solicits a Share O y Delays d to save SOME TIME, .. i I i;+ ; it on lei a Dig aggregate ui inrough their fingers. successfully is to save NOW. save at this auspicious moment ivings account at E NATIONAL BANK iTON, . . S. C. $250,000.00. on Saving3 Accounts Quarterly, st Paid on Certificates of Deposit Sir I jssive to the tnoughtfui man or woman ir. a trick of the calendarf an arbitrary subral, bat a real milepost in the journey of t anew leaf" ?s spontaneous with most [zation of the death of a big life period, that in the passing many things have that should not and should have been, its customers and friends its most corrho have not yet opened aocounts with us pishes for happiness and prosperity an ring the past year, NOW is the time to Perhaps you are not familiar with the make saving easy and systematic and that it is a sin of omision to neglect it. > start. OF CHAPIN [APIN, S. C. esident. J. F. HONEYOUTT, Cashier. | * tURG COLLEGE IOYS AND GIRLS. r College Courses, Teachers7 Course, Business equipment, Enlarged Facilities, Military Features ch of all who want an Education. Write for cat;o IIVERS, President, Orangeburg, S. C. jecial For o npAr? c9 TT QT?nOC id* ff cigujliij; xjlui ajkvw e in need of or thinking of buying jre you purchase ! just received and have open in St< rent makes, styles and prices, whi< es and your choice while the stock er the $90.00 Tyson & Jones Bug - -* \\To nnlv f?avo ir SHOW Wiuuuvy. ii v wnij UUT v , ill be given away immediately as st inager, Mr. C. Ernest Livingston w r Motto (Quality Goods at reasonal HE L. C BATES! iOBE OR T, of Your Vali Hcac For Flo A "Pinnacle The Kirkl Just across the tor r Prices, 0 Ladies' Set All ladies who < ade will please cal their plates. Every Lady in asked to be presei dies School Impr< Lexington High S J ^ A at p. m. The Ladies Scl a substantial lunc State Campaign di Attention tutor We now carry in stock GRAN High Speed Beari Solid, 1 x^, 1H*K, 1 are 12" long and dimensi Phone?Wire?Write? COLUM 823 West Cervai: 1 July ;s? Carriag anything in the at ock a nice lot of al :h is for our specie is complete, gy which is to be 30 more Rawhide ated. Come, buy dll be glad to mak< )le prices with ter ). CI SURG, r GOODS COMPAf z-Tonsr, ja=a., tued Patronage. Polite and Pr Iquartters ur, Meal. Grits, Hay, and ill Kinds of Feeds. " Flour Makes Good Bread _____i land Distributing" Co., Wholesale. Congaree Bridge on Lady Street. Write Us r Call and Inspect Our Stock. tool Improvement League ;ontributed cakes for the masquer11 at T. P. Meetze's store and get r ___ ? o_i 1 xt^ i ;c i.exmgiuu juuuui jLfisuii.i nu. x id it at the re-organization of the Laovement League, to be held at the ichool Building on Saturday July 13, 100I Improvement League will serve heon on the Court House Lawn ay, July 23rd, 1912. nobile Garages and Machine Shops the following size Cored Bars of the famous NON ng Bronze?the bronze used in all first class cars 1 2x1, 2^x134, 23^x1^8 All Bart ons above are outside and inside diameters, or Call. Orders Filled Immediately IBIA SUPPLY COMPANY, s St., . . . Columbia, S. C. and Augi es? Robes? Whips? >ove line anytime this Summer be sui bout 50 jobs of Buggies, Carriages ai il July and August trade. Come, ins given away free. This buggy is nc whips left to be sold at $1.00 each, aft a good whip cheap and get a chance 3 you our best prices and show you t ms to suit.) Call and give us a tri ULLUM < SOU TH C IY, ^LiGrlESZEB, C OLUMBIA, S. C. ompt Attention. October istf i v I The I Best Recommendation I Yon can have : I i Savings Ban 0 in; Em sm 1 Citizens Bank oi I BATESBURG, | Resources bOFFICERS AND D l ER, Pres. WRIGHT, Yice-Pres. CEO. BELL TIMMERML I BROOKLAN | New Brooklanc j DIRECT! ft J. G. Guignard, E. W. Shu S R. N. Senn, Henry Bui I A. D. Shull, L. S. Trot I DfolitaiMl Q?vinn.< AIlA VAKAUIAK1UI m Trust Company 1 A safe institution and on Banks in this community, The business of Lexington 1218 Washington St., 1 1 1 & Call at This Ba And Let Us Present You Called "THINGS \VORr ; is full oi interesting and ; erybody. UNION1 NATIO rinlnmhifl ! ft ??????? list Buye re and see >pect UU1 >w on exter which ^ at this High Grade Buggy, hrough our complete Buggy and al. ^AR/IDA uv/ivsrn IAROLINA 3 VE Pay Yon to Save. 11 is a k Book your pocket. It brings the ile that stays. : Bateshurg, s. c. - $175,000.00 RECTORS: A. C. JONES, Cashier. g L. W. FOX, Asst. Cashier 1 AN, Attorney. 3j S9SS69S9e96S6369SSS969 D BANK i i, S. C. | ORS: I ill, G. A. Guignard ? ff, F. L. Sandel a ti, P. J. Wessinger I esesesesssesesesssssss ?Bank and e of the best Savings . county people solicited. Columbia, S. C. = -ss >nk with a Handy Book ra knowing;' it useful facts for evIffALi BANK 3. C. z=4 r^s? I I Wagon DepartNY nunHOBBnan