I THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH. A Representative Newspaper Covers Lexington and the Borders of the Surrounding Counties Like a Bl nket. . - i ?? ? ????????????????.?$"#VOL. XLlIi , i LEXTNOTON, 8. C. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3,19'2 22 . . ' ' ?1 ? - ? if. i ,|rr-? > i nc Best f Recomraendatii You < Savings . 1 ^ j . Citizens Ban] BATESBURG, Resources " OFFICERS A U. A* UVHIBII, rrw. I M. U. BOATWRICH r, VHoe-F I CEO. BELL TIN II ? * ' .' . ' '> # ft i CA unrioiv NAi OollTtl Dip A. F. LEVER JOS.NO J. H.M.BEATY C L. K\ OP. LOGAN J.W. NCI I E. 0. BLACK D. A.SJ V ^ * :., , ' * . / V tf*-j /y:^ II I ; 1 v mmmmmmmmmm y . f4 ' " : V-: ! ' ' : ' v ( 8 BB I 61 "W. K. l<**SO MAIN NTKER Solicits a Share WE Pay Yon to Save. ? on 1 ;an have la a R Bank Book I in your pocket. It brings the < I smile that stays. k o! Batesburg, s. c - - $175,000.00 ? ND D RECTORS: A. C. JONES. Cashier, res. L<. W. FOX, Asst. Cashier IMERMAN, Attorney. ?? ii .V ILL AT PlOlff AIm bank nbia, S C. " j ectors; p, R WOOD N. H. DRTGGER8 , dt RLKR I. G. COOK ?> Lmt?AAn m r? it i untott Wi 'r* vv * n hj w. n?i*mM rv 11 EMVRY C H. BARRON || ?h / . ' ' ? , i HnaMHwani / I H. M. DIBBLE, Pres. The Ba 1 The last Annual r< South -Carolina as f Germania Saving Bank of Anders Carolina Savings Bank of West* This makes the Ban In addition to this its s makes a total of $834,55 ran Iacp a HnlJflf. VMU M VUV ?? ? This is the Bank thai be made. It already b Augusta, and Johnston Directors. The Bank work for Lexington C Branch. He wants yoi m .OBE DRY 6 T, ... of Your Valued Pa Headqi For Floor, Meal, All Kinds "Pinnacle" Floi Mak The Kirkland 0 Whole Just across the Congarei Writ for Prices, Or Call an Cyclone Kills Eighteen. At Buenos Ayres, Argentina, eight irsons were killed and tuirtv injared iring a cyclone, which caused the Hapse of several old residences. Ten sre killed and twenty injured in the istrict of Junin, about 150 miles to e we9t of ihat cby, which also was vaged by the cyclone. t . JAMES POWELL, 1st Total Resource nk of W 2port of the Bank Exami ollows: is Bank: ... on: .... s Bank ern Carolina: k of Western Carolina by tockholders are liable for 0.12 which the Bank of W t t will open its eighth Brar las branches at Barnwell, I i' KpqiHpq thft hear! office 19 W w ^ _ of Western Carolina is at 1 ounty all the lime. k. D ur support and business. in tmm 1 iiiiiiimr - as ?bbehcti OODS COHPAi T, Tie., tronage. Polite and P narters , Grits, Hay, and of Feeds. I ir es Good Bread ttstribufing Co., :sale. e Bridge on Lady Street, e Us id Inspect Our Stock. ? I Nine Dead in Tong War. With the*d? arh of Lfo Sun, at S*n Jose, Cal , a Hop Srg Tong Man, th^ lives of nine Chinese have be^n r'orf ited in thp tong war bet-veen the Hop Sings and Sen Sney Yings. Lmo Sun a killed by detectives 89 he tried to murder a memoer of the Sen Sney Yings Vice Pnes., P. A. BUCK] s $1,500,000.^1 n iner gives the four strong rotal Capital 1 1 ? - f y 11 t 99 99 far the strongest State Frrl fiob.StlU.UL) more to protec estern Carolina must lose b ich at Lexington as soon a: Jlackville, Salley, Wagene at Aiken. It has 316 st lome wherever it places a . Smith will have charge NY, AG-EB, COLUMBIA, H. C. rompU Attention. r, and everv loan liscount committee i one offers the highto depositors?for ids or savings funds. s Accounts Quarterly. Certificates of Deposit IONAL BANK . s. c D RANK \ d, Si C. ^ ORS: i ill, G. A. Guignard ? Ef, F. L. Sandel h ti, P. J. Wessinger | n I