NOTICE OF ELECTION On the Question gf "Dispensary" or "No Dispensary" in Lancaster County. Mate of Sonth Carolina County. County ot Lancaster. NOTICE is hereby given Unit an election will lie hel.l at tbojsovcral precincts est >1 '? lisliuil by law in aucastor county on TutK.lay, October Ilrd, l'.?t 5, an the S W'ils m. O W II irris ami J \ Kill. Ntw Cut: .1 Davis Flynn, IICNteolc and It Ij I. Elackninn. l'lado* vtllc: '1' W MoXceloy, (ion NV > V Manns ami A 0 Ituwi 11. Dwight: K II I.iople, ) O Porter anil It L Usher. Tuxahaw: NV I' MeMa'.us. Win Cook and NV J I folk. Welch's: lloheit F L.onp, ! M Hilton and NV S Fuulkcnheriy. Flat Creek: NV I' Pitn an. ', ! F (jntdiu-r and K Ij Hlnokwi II. Haile (iold Miiw; NV 1 Itlackmon, A S rooui and NV It Williams Kershaw: 1$ A Hilton, F, It li-nt >n and I. Hlackm.-u. Heath Springs: ], M It. 11, A 1' Hoili n lid I eiiv Mi Hi j, 1 r I'riiuiis: .) 1? Hit.son, It F Adam- and i In) NV Klhs. Ft pin: .1 NVyl.? Torn r, A ) It.i'cy aid (??n F Ferpnsou Carnu'l: NV 1 Vai l.indi'ipliani, S V Stover anil It .1 Mellwniu. Montgomery: J M NVillinms, NV 1 llilliitd and NV Ij Croxton, Jr Lancaster Cotton .Miks:_.J4'I I) iv s, I) A Kuiplit and C '1' Hardin. Pleasant VtiUoy: It NN' Dosti r, .1 7. Bailes at d NV E Hall. On the day of the election tho nianeceis must organize by the election <>f a chairumn and clerk if necessary. The chairman elected is empowered to aliuinister oatiis to the other managers and to the voters. '1 he managers have the power to till any vacancy and if none, of the managers attend the citizens cun'nppoiut from a-iong the qualified voters three managers, who after being sworn ean^conduet the election. At the close of tlio election tbo managers and clerk must proceed publicly to open the ballot boxes and to count the ballots therein, to continue without adjournment until the same is completed, make a statement of the result, and sign the same Within three days thereafter the chairman of tho board, or some one designated by the board, must deliver to tbo undersigned the poll list, and boxes containing the ballots and a written statement of the result of tho election?tbo boxes to be locked and sealed immediately after counting the votes. One of the above named manng-us for each precinct must call upon the undersigned at the Conrt House on October 2nd, 19u5, to receive ballot boxes, poll lists, instructions and tickets and also to quality. Dated 8ept?*uber 11 Hi. 1905. John T. Green, Ch'r'iu., 8. D. Taylor, E. O. Secrest, Commissioners of Election for Lancaster County. MAKES THE LIVER LIVELY Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup gives permanent relief in cases of habitual constipation as it stimulates the liver and restores the natnrul action of the bowels without irritating these or gars like pillsor ordinary cathartics. Does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Remember the name Orino and refuse substitutes. Funderburk Pharmacy, ; C. O. Floyd, Kershaw, S. O Notice of Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on the 20 th day of Sept. 1905, tho undersigned as Guardian of Essie I. Stovor now JSIrs. Essie Morley, will make his final return a n it settlement, a n d make application to the Probate Court of Lancaster county, S. C., for a final discharge as such Guardian. W. r. Stover, Guardian. Dated Aug 20th, 1905. A NEW JERSEY ED/TOR'S TESTIMONIAL. M.;T. Lynch, Editor of the Ph;i;AuK...--? v i < ? I'C.,1.1 i.1. uI/Hliy |)OSt writes: I have used many kind> of medicines for coughs and colds in my family but never anything so good as Foley's Honey and Tar. I cannot say too much in praise of it.'' Sold By Funderbuik Pharmacy. (J. () Floyd, Kershaw b. C. Subscribe for The l.cdgcr. r-ai> roil pveitakjviA. i'!. I . 1 i> ?h< |> ,.f A gucw, B M " ii., -1 b .w u-cd 1- ?1? \ s B Hin.i'Ui.ii i '1..x in thno u iy sc MM)? cas- ? ct pn< mnonin with ? lmmmI i c^wPm i11 i very cunt. Kehln >ub-l ituti s. Sold by Full-; doi bulk IMinntniet C. () Floyd Kershaw, S. U. ^ ^ i Notice to Debtors aud Creditors " of j. Wren Tillman. A il i"Tx?iis li'tving rhtiins aaaiia-t ( tlx- Muto "fJ. Wihii Till cai?, .n?'fused, will pruttuii' lliftii properly piotcn t' t'Mlie uuderaigmd to |-n\mi ii'; hikI j all persous inueb.til to till- sal 1 estate wi i nit ke immrt'inie payment ;??tne h -itme. I ' uuiiiiivfbani . * J. M. Yoder, i Adiidrdstratois Arg, 30 - ;5 \vk. a Notice of Discharge. : I Noii<'(? i> hereby given that on 1 the liOlh day of September, 1005, ? the undersigned as Administrator (( of llie estate of Nannie C. Vaulaudinghatn defeated will make his ti- [ mil return and settlement, and make application to the Frobale * Court of Lunca.-tei county, S. C., 1 for a linal discharge as euch :\il- i minis! rutin \V. ,1. I'unninohnm, Ay order of the Grand Jury, you will all meet me at my office on the fust Monday in October j* next, to make a report how many . c days work each ot you have put i on your road in this year, and t what condition your road is in, I . that require not less than four! days up to that time. Also re- j ' port how many county tools you i have and what kind. 1 M. C. Gakdnkk, 1 Co Supr. 1 PRO FE SB IO > A I j U A It D Ok M P Crawford Dr It C Hkown CRAWFORD & IIROWN, Physicians and Surgeons, I aucaster, H. C, Treatment of the eye, nose and throat a specialty. Calls promptly answered duy or , night. Oflh'e over Crawford Bros r Drug Htore, j Phones: Olllce. Xo 17f?: R idenees Nob. 11 and 3d. Notice. ; Whereas one fourth of ths qual- ? itied voters of Lancaster County have filed with me, as Supervisor j of this County, a petition asking for a vote on tho question of tho removal of all Dispensaries in said County, now, by authority vested j in me by law, 1 heioby order an election, to tie held in Lancaster County on 1tio first Tuesday in October,, 1005, on tt equostion of "Dispensary" or "No Dispen- ' sary," M. C. Gardner, < Co. Supev. Lancaster S. C Aur children,saft .sure. No opiate \CjecAeiL ?i puif i wurikwuuiw IIIII m\i in i MIII m Now'tei r> Gamtdiojr ('use. i|it'cirtl t1111 of Rumbling in tho Palmetto luh rooms nppoiiioil before tho uiyor iind inii'lo affidavits 1 h >t , hoy ,voio not gambling, thorolty ' Hiving their tines remitted iitid . he case against tboin dismissed. I 'olieemuti Koon, who iinuie the' Troy's, sworn out warrants for injury. A preliminary henring . .?u IK.M i.. r .... M...-: i> . ..... .Mi..I.- m.lJi.MUMH- 1>. I>. lair yesterday* anil the defend nts wort' hound over to the liiglir c?>?irt. If there ?'(>k; many negroes in i ho class o f A lick Albright oft hvnwell, who picked 2,011 | annuls of cotton in live days and , t'ho has a record of 5G7 pounds ! or one (lav, tho southern farmer I i trould not bo enlliig for intini-! . I ;nmts When ho will work the | ipgro is an excellent farmer; but ho ambition of too many i* 'o j kibher grass" and hide tho do* ! option.?The State. Clio Confederate Monument In soliciting funds for the C'onederuto Monument, wo feel that illr call appeals to ivory resident >f Lancaster Count v, and we need ho aid of every fine without oxoption; it is impossible, however n make a personal application to he people in every part of the ounty. \Yc therefore make this (reposition to tho women of the ounty, ("those living both in own, and t he country.) that every rotnan send #1.00 to any of tho ollowing persons, who are each hairtuan, of their respective com- 1 uittoes, for soliciting subacid pions?the names of tho?e corributitig will bo regularly pubi-h" i; the county papers, dis. L. H. Foster, Vlrs. John T. Green, i Vlrs. M. It. McCardeli, v Com Vlrs. ,1. M. Kiddle, ) #hen Baby wan aletc, wo gavo hor Castorla, When alio was a Child, she cried for Caetorla. Whon she became Mies, Bhe clung to Castorl*. When Bhe had Children, nhe gave choui Com tori* Po Buy Cotton Seed and Sell Cow Feed. I am now buying cotton seed ami ellingcow feed on ilie Lancaster market. /)on't fail to ser me before you ell your seed or buy what you want n the way of cow feed. Jeff Headquarters at Jewelry store < f ).yburu ?fc Kobmsou, but will buysend >oth at depot and up town. Oliver C. Blackmon Aug. '20.? 4m. university! OF NORTH CAROLINA blend of State's Educational System, I) E P A It T M E N T H. 1'ollegiate, Engineering, Gradua'e, Law, ? udiciue Pharmacy, Library con tains 43,000 Volumes. New water wt?rks, electri? lights, central heating system. New dorm i'or lew, gymnasium, Y. M. A', A. building, >G7 8tudknts G6 instructors. Tiie Fall term begins ?*ej't. ll.lOOo. A duress Francis I*. Venuble, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. GU> to the LANCASTER MARBLE A TV > > GRANITE WORKS, *\>i Good Work and Low l'rices I. J, McNinch. LA NC A ST Kit, S. C J indigestion: dlsaaso can cseajie its marvolou* action, cures where other inodiciucs fail, (lot a B 1.00 Ixittlo from your dealer, or write for stUliplo, Checker* Mi-UMu* Co., Wtaulon-Hklnu, N. C. B j.ra.vtr usrc " , wo? -ttib BUY LAND! Good Land, Better Land, Best Land. Gnuitl Opportunity to liny Land Near the Town of Lancaster. r?i\ Acres. On Monroe and Lancaster mail 1 hmse ffin r.pen, 80 acres in Tor s . AM open latnl fresh < xcep' 8 ncrcp. ,$12.50 p r acre. 1 oo Acres. 10 miles North of Tit.ncas'tr on Monioe road. 2-horse tarn < pen. well terraced. 35 acres in woods. Two story 7 room dwelling, cribs, l>arn. rear room, cotton house. meat houpe undone tenant house. Price $1,701) 2oo Acres. 6 miles N. of Lancsterou ' li irloite road, 3 farm op*>n, tine woodlain a- <1 bottoms. $10. per aero. 2U3 Acres, Georg- K Ferguson plate at Elgin. Well tini roved, six-hor.e farm in colli vei ion .'.11 noees nry building*. 5-1 (MO Term-' r^as liable. tit oue-ii.?rsi fa m open for $ 23 'us'.. 1 KO Acres, '! he Mlib r " Gil-ton Craven p'aee" in stiburus of town of Lane.ster. Fine timber, bottom lamia, ami rest in good stale ?>f < u ti"atlnn Two tenunt houses. J5SO Acres, The Miller "Cane Crttk place.'* 2J miles West of town, the b< s plantation in the c andy. Land lies well and in high male of cultivation. Eight or ten 1 horse furm open. A bale of cotton can ' lie made to the acre Good farm houses 155 Acres, The Miller "Kelly place," 21 miles south of t >wn, is all that i purchaser con! ! \\ isii, Kt ids for 2,5(*0 pound, of lint. good investment nt. ihe price. 130 Acres, The Miller "Hood place." *<> nib ei?le of l ane Cinek. 7 milea Nordi ? f town. Pontic tiue bottoms on this place. $'.(). per acre. 1124 Acr- s. The P1111)ips place, one mile East of town w ill he sold at a bargain. 1215 Acres. Adjacent to lands of Mobiey Parka. Two lior.-e-farm in cultivation. Probably 300.000 feet of lumber could be a., wed from 'timber. Land lies well and easy to cultivate. Terms on any of above tracts } cash and balance in one, two and thiee years with approved security. 550 Acres, Geo. IP, Brown plantation, 8 miles west of town, 011 Catawba iliver, 100 acres in wood*, 8 horse farm oien, 2 white settlements, barn and sfuhle, 6 tenements, schools and churches convenient. Terms: j cash, balance in 1 and 2 yenrs. IOO Acres, P Funderhurk "Minor Bla"kmon plttC " on Wild Cat Creek. 5 room-dwelling; 2 tenant, inns s. 75 acres tinder, 4 horse-farm opened 11 miles of T'adesville, Tabernacle and | Games' schools 4 cash, balance in 2 years. 107 Acres, The Albert Blnckmon place, near Piimus. Fa-y terms. 1K12 Acres, 5 miles North east, of town, 2 story dwelling, 2good tenant houses, hariiR. etc., 3 horse farm incuhivati nt, $2,5(0, Terms can bo arranged. IOI Acres. 34 miles Nnrth-easi 1 f (own, Dwelliitg, en;., 2-horso farm open. $1,000. ... 1.... ...... ... -1 i ui inn unii i?u <11 i ui H* (i. I nLo hhVt.'Home <1. si able town pio ptriy and other c miiv property. It will pay you to fee me bef re buying ami i' y ou lr?ve I tn in to -o'l p. will you to get me to sell for you on reasonable cons mis-ion. I. S. Carter, A1 I OJ.T r ( , m k . . . tlio oripir.als nro larger and como in hlno and rod colors. Ask your doalor for "4 of tlioni and achockor hoard free?or write ( hookora Modiclno Company, Wiastou-Sulciu, N. C. Tnc^ ; i^;:; jBSEBEES |j ANfcgcfahlePreparalionforAs- Jjj 1 simttating the Food nndRedula- f ling the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digcslion.Chrcrful- \ ncss andRcsi.Contains neither % Opium,Morpliine nor Mineral. m Not Narcotic. S**Vr ofPlt? DrSAMl ZZ PfTCJIEU f^oryJan Seed" v Jlx.Sftuut * 1 H^k.lUSmitS- I Aniv Srrtl <" 1 few.**. i Mnp Se+tl - ; C/nnfii*d Skignf 6 Ittnktyrwi floYOI* / Apcrfecl Remedy forConslipa- j?| Ron, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea * Worms .Convulsions .Fcverishness and Loss of Sleep. |g Facsimile Signature oF NEW YORK. p rVAf.T rnDV nr *i/o* r.r?r-r^ ?? i M i?Bll'li I il'iiHilpMwmuMMgaws I >f !t (r IKlliott , Lancaster, S. C. Residence phone No 1S7. Olllce, Davis Huildi'.m. corner Maiu and Dunlap street*; phone No 72. Will practice In both town ami i county of Lancaster. Aflcall"* either (lay or illicit',, will receive prompt at-, taution Jun. 10, 1905 ?tf. * e. at my ofHce near L & (' d j?l I'eep school holes at h t'l elli ea nil oil be- pflxd to waltoo yon any (lay hi the week W M Moore, . (' : Sup; l /'.'UlICith n Jao lfi, ISM 15 111 TO LOAN 1 i avo made hi aiigenient wK i ;emlera ot u.oney m New York Lily, with whom i am abte to negotiate loans (pcitinl by flist mortgage on improved cotton f;-rtns, at 7 per cut interest? repayable in annual lustallim tits of five eon No broke'ape or eonimia stnn ul-aigeii Only a reasonabl'. charge 1? r ahal racr ofiltle. H K WYLIE, A mf HI - (Jin Altoiiie> at I.mW Winthrcp College Scholarship and lixaiiiinaion. T ? ex >miii : io i lor the award of Vacant -CI io s s i . ps Hi \V 1111111 op t '(?! ege and f -r ill- a imis-IO" of now stu deliis it Hi i < h Id ! t iin- conniv i Moii-eon K i y Ju y7ilial 9 h. hi. \ I'p.'Ifai tH '? I i! I tl-' ' rS til'ill (i'"? fcCil H'UlHOl' I. ? V\ l.i'l HiJlOUIIHIli JIM lie v:ic .I il ill i July 7 11. tl ey will 'if a' u t :one m ikuin Hie Ii'k i)-l hvi I '^i' l I ex inii ii'ion |?iiiv | tilili y uii et e omul i n - igovern* ir: l he hW-jM, /? |t|ii so iiiIh 'or s<-holimlilpx m uiiii I wri ' > I'rueiil.uit ItilitiKOh liefu ? i e examination f >r a'tfliiji i x-i'ni a inn Monks. * hrln'laiviilm Co WiiMh $ t'O llnil fn e tuition 'f h i-rx -u -H! n will I pen Soph m' i i!h I90'? Km '11ri11?r Information a jl? S Jnhnso , Rock Hih, S t . Mtmm* i< Jii-* I'uhlic 1 will iuil-i i i; ijH 'st-. in the t iiinM Pi1 -i" 'o my resilience u lMiii ant Hi", for me when 10 it <1. !. Mo'tl^ .hiei \ Ch Key, pt. 20?tf 0 Miwi iiim i Hi i ii iniiiwii For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the I, \ Signature / Cl ln Use Ur For Over ^Thirty Years TM? OCNTAUt ?o?wn?. wtw *o?i omr. jTe. RUTLEDGE, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. I Working on credit doesn't pay, and my terms from this henceforth are strictly cash, Ecasonable Prices. Gold h illing 5^1.50 Amalgam Filling 75 cts. Cement Filling 75 ct RUBBER PLATE, Full upper set of teeth $12.00 Upper and lower set $25.50 U5?T"I'hese prices are strictly for cash. No work done except for cash or good security. J. E. RUTLEDGE. Dentist. J. llJJUKY FOSTER. Attorney at Lai a, LANCASTER, S. C. VST follentloma spec laity Business Education PAYS LARGE DIVIDENDS ! YOU need a practical busiue?s education We guarantee satisfaction. Courses or study endorsed u? being the must practical; tbey have no superio s Instruction given- is first class. No other btniiiesa colleger 'Fsr tie'ter advantsg >. Enter now and prepare for a iterative positi- n. Our graduates are to ? nuniid. Let US assist y<>u. we have assisted hundreds?they are lu posit tons. Wo oiler special rates MaofuU'sS. C. It i dness College Columbia, S. C.? Aug. 29, 1904?tf. KIDNEY DISEASES arc the most fatal of all dis, eases. CM CY'Q KIDNEY CURE It 4 rytxl o Buarattiid Riitdj | or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by eminent physicians as the best lot Kidney and Bladder troubles. I rruv^ts mic* tod $1.00. ! L N CA STE R AK 1 > <11 ES TKR | RAILWAY I ivIhmIuIv in effect M 2S, I4>5. ( Daily except Hur.di.> ) vV fcsThoUN ! . I.v l.aneHHter, fi 30 a m 3 45 p m I.v Fori Lawn, <5 49 a in 4 15 p m l,v BsauorivHle. 5 61) a m 4 30 p in l,v pifiliburg, 7 06 a in 4 45 p m Ar < heater, 7 30 a in 6 16 p in A r i "hnr'otto, Ho It 9 65 a in 7 00 p m Ar Columbia. 8? ItlO 15 a in KAHTHcUNb. I ,v Columbia, Mo K 0 05 a in 3 |0 p m I.v Charlotte, Ho K 0 05 aril 0 00 pin \ .. r ? , \ .iiTi?-i, ? ?' a hi M IS p in ! ? v Ale.lihurg 94o h m h 80 p ni % J l.v Bascniuvillt*. 9-0 it 111 8 46 ji m i L\ Fort 11 10 (ill .in XS6 pm . a 1 lian?BH'?'r. 10 80 a in 9 IS pm CONNECTIONS. Cheater?Southern, ^eahoanl nod l ':m linn A Northwoatern railways. I,nneaater?Southern Railway. A P. iVoCUKK. .-law l'mUlc mgr I F.UOYHPK1M4S. Preat and Traffli: M iiiu^er.