the imm.t ___ , ? IHURLOW S. CARTER, i I)L)1l'JK AM) MANAUKK. ^ iS8iTi:i? WKUN KSDAY ANI> 8.\TI>K HAY j HUBSUKIPTION *i >" PEH YEaK , 1 jutii'Hsier, S. C. i>t pt 20. 1005. ! Wben the dispensary was estublUlu'd ii whs thought llml it \v??111 1 mean h ^lunt iloul to tlu? people fiom ii pecuniary stand point. It was the Utopian dream ol its originators that the profits from the sale of whiskey would so nveiHiw the cutlers of the Statolith money that it would iio longer In1 nccosnnt y to hv\ a tax on propirl\; that the bullion of taxation would lie shifted from the [import) holder to tie Bhouldcrs of the poor diunkurd. 'l itis dream has not been realized. Not will it ever he. For diinkini; men have awoke to a realization of the fact that the special tax levied on them and collected through the dispt usury for the benefit of the towns, for county ;mrposes and for the maintaintttico of the schools, is the main argumcut of the advocates of the dispensary foi its continuance, and on Octooer 3d th?y will volt to close this tax colluding ollici in Lancaster count). What church metuhcr wouhi vote to retain in hi* church r member who had accepted tlx position of dispenserfan i church memt)er with any inert consistency vote to retain an in titution in his county cstublishe< to milky drunkenness protitalde t( his mother SuitH Is it any great fcr wrong to run a dispensary thai to vote for a dispensar) ? \Ve never had prohibition nailer present conditions and we cannot tell how it wonld work, but there is reason for believing that it would work better than formerly. It used to be that drug stores could sell whiskey under a prescription, but they can't do this under the law wc will have after the dispensary is voted out. The drug store that handles whiskey descends to the level rf the ordinary blind tiger and we do not believe there is a druggist in the county that would risk that, or would stoop to that level if thero were no risk involved. In a strong editorial this week the Keoweo Courier calls upon the people of Oconee county t<> banish the dispensary. "It has been weighed in the balance and found wanting," says the Courier. "Its path has been and is the same old trail of the serpent. It dobauchcs manhood in high and low places alike. The curse of God rests upon it. and it must be banished from our midst " Ami that is the way to talk. Why submit eternal Iy to outrage* just to escape the payment of a paltry taxf?Greenville News. ti./> i . j ? v.'i i iiv; iav.ij.jci . To Celebrate His Hundredth Birthday. Mr L ditjr; Please favor me j by stating that people of two I States have decided to honor me I with a birthday celebration on Oct. i/th, 1905, at my residence 7 miles South West of Monroe, X. C. I will be one hundred years old on that day. Tongue cannot express my gratitude to God for the sweetness of his gracious giftf through life, especially in old age. All are expected to bring well filled baskets and have a nice dinner. Respectfully, 1 liram D. King. Stibscribo fcr The Ledger. $ .I .i Svnui * i: I u i i 'I ?: oh ?t M i. ?on. Si iihImi I'iiiiiiaii h|mko In-* Sul|\ivV h\ ni Mutton in lit half ol lli*' I > .-Vtioti?.om-i 1<> ho a onn>p]t aey in I ho logi-lituie In jtu' inon in ohar?o (if thi* nmttor v\h(i ,?ili hrinjjr i* into distoj u'o fill' tint 'iMI'tinnii nf li i i imr it I'lw t have i ha'ted Mid 11 !>a*ti 1 .? ? .".ti of 111c li. ju r aiv in w yuii villi Ii!111 provision li nt iv i\ dollar i i iio profit on I In 1 qnor 'onsine-a lul niiib to iio* Siatv school fund. to he dish iluj'.i J aiii 'iio Uie ocuntiep, and !. pos.rix e ntaii r 'hat it shall not ex. ceil $100,000. \\ i- their hot rep Mi f Nine hundred ll owstii'il dollar- worth of key (Mi lint d held hy the h eal dispeiisei > and hy the Slate !> and 1 in stock a! ('i i,?, an ! otiil 1mi \ i fi?f. UKgl'KsT ll'IOKS "Another provision of this law is that no man shall lie allowed to j purchase liquor unless lie "M* a nqnesl In ok and ?rites his name i in it and states the quantity he want-, and -i^ns his own si>Ti i r. nature to it lias that heen h-rie? No N ; request hoo s s have h a il Used for several \ cat's, I atn told, except here and there. Hen- are two of the in -t inijior, ? . MItBWfJUIfiaaUiiMIUJBBUim tihZ A _ nig nrru We have j fall i They were 1 and cannot NOW vvhil NOTION DE In this depar everything NEV ctasirpfl in fho i w. W W > W VI I fell V/ Neckwear for La< deries and Bati Handkerchiefs, 8 tons, etc. Also famous R & G an Ask to see the little Linen C Mil. tlisr nrw Jl il i it I Li oiCiiS JO 68 ' f life IIH t v.1 p . f-i nis {> ' ';j ,:i\v in vo I l ; f) *:?A> ' IJIMT 1 1*0 {'lv thitf 11**-.*i?1 of <1 ireel ' , :iii*I in She face of the fact Ih vt they have ifcOO'V'hO n .-(.a K they iii'mIo the I other ?l \\ 111 i the lU'xl three months miv, V-ni rle li not sell hipior t'i in a ?Ii-j? nsat > in tins county.' \\ h it v\: 11 ivr do? Ale we h< Iples ? N it un?hoily'i* hu-iness t.> in ike ihom people obey t In' I iv\ LAI'.Kl.S. "Oih' ? f tin directors having ,u!\'i'iti->ri' f??i bids >ni label i for the liquor they h u e been getting i:i bulk, went t.. Cir.cinnu'i, according to the testimony of the cleric in tin d.sp< n airy, n ! carried willi him the b:d> he had received in his pocket (1 have from good authority that Uryan of Columbia and one or two other printing lions*. s .-.aid they would have been glad to get the jobs at haM" the prices paid) and purchased 1 1,000,000 labels, and the labels arc in Columbia now 'litis is another ot the mismanagement and lite extravagant wasteful way in which they conduct thi 'great business Scholarships Awarded. At a meeting of.thc State board of education in Columbia last Friday, the recommendation for appointment0 ro scholarships in the several State Colleges were approved. The appointments for Lancaster county were a follows: Citadel?C. M. McMurray and Jessie Mobley. Winthrop?Susie Fell South Carolina College?W. M. Duncan, C. M. MciMurray. SKsmPMMMB maon . i b i aoaawwai mk of :\> 1:1st opened 1 ESS (tOO I boiio-ht, will 1 be srrpasse' e they a i 'e IS! PARTMENT. tment we have V that could be way of Hosiery, dies, Silk Embroi:enburg Collars, ack Combs, Buta full line of the d W-B Corsets. enter pieces, 5 and lOcts each. li nep: iliuaer IWM B&S !?l?c?5i3 ifiae ib cue sell sire i'riiiic : :atii-.j< i I & -f? r c f * h Ty to; "i" ' -ow i h' / 'CiaUon VI on" -day. The (hninty Cotton Growers' Association, pursuant to the call of President Smith, of the State association, held an enthusiastic, meeting in the court house Monday. President Strait presided and Secretary Jones was at his post. A letter from President Sni'lh was read, setting forth the necessity of members paying into the state treasury 3 ccnO per bale, as directed by the national association. Amnion iew with President Smith as published in The State was also read. On motion the action of the Arbeville meeting in fixing 11 ta n1 as t he minimum price for seli Y v cotton was unanimously end irscd. The following resolution, often I by Mr. John T. Green, was adopted without a dissenting vote: Resolved, that with a view of aiii'ng the Southern Cotton As sociation in its efforts to secure for tbo cotton planter the minimum price of 11 cents for the present crop, the Lancaster full on Growers' Association in regular meeting assembled, do hi )vl?y earnestly call upon the merchants and bankers of this cunty to aid in this movement t > benefit the southern farmer, by extending to those indebted 1 them, as much indulgence as I ssihle, so as to enable them to ill their cotton until they can .cure 11 cents for it. Also the following resolution, Acred by Mr. Geo. W. Jones: Resolved, That all landown V; make every effort in their power to aid in every reasonable w.'V the tenants in holding their and where tenants can w FA1 ip tlie STW-E ever* loelb {XT! eye t o L>ej d lor Tuo-to-1 EW and Kb CEOTHING, SHOES AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Did You Ever Have a Fit ? | Listen? We carry the famous line of STROUSE BROS', clothinP" cmr\A C. * 4-1 o > lining. I No other line will compare j with it in value and up-to! dateness. Let us figure with you on that new fall suitT S' DEI KHAUOX !s .s ii ?35 2 35S4S ?i1?S24S?iiS ?4?S 'JNES C Department Store. not ho I, thon to pay th m cut rent p ces and the landowner themselves ; old the cot?. ' : it orgs a pair ;? i- sued !>v the Secretary of State, tint hooks ol subscription c?f I ho (| Ijiincttsihr Publishing; Company will be op<.n unt?l noon of Thursday 8jyt?mi)?r 21 t. 11)05, atiho offi to of Chas, 1) Jones, Esq , in the town of Lancaster, South Oarolin i. I 1 I * r. . .-v/% i ' a wu v?r tnrni U'T Lnroy Springe, R. E. Wylie, Chfts. I). Jones, Corporators. Lottor to Funderburk Co. i. Lancaster, S. C. I)kar Sin . A punter com plained that our onus are too full ; unhandy ; spill It's a way we have; 'tis ban i. dmr not to ho full ; hut we have a weakness for fu'l-mnnsuro.? 1 Our gallon contains eight pints; ~ tho u?u ?l "gallou" is seven. ,, We'll t hink it over again ; but". . we like a full can. How much g I short would you like n barrel ? -| Seven galious would be the pro' portiou. Short-measure suggests that the shortage is probably nox in = the cheapest iugredient. (1 ui?f.s we'll stick to four quarm to a gnllou, and fifty gallous a ha11 ?-U The name to go by is Devoo load-arid zinc. Yourstruly, Oh F. W. DkvokA Co. Lancaster Mercantile Co. sells I our paint. ! CASTOR IA j For Infants and CliildrfijL s! The Kind You Have Always Bougnt 1 Signature of GODS! ne of NEW 1 these parts, il as to value less. COM'E get first pick. > SHOES. i" vur standards. The ladies tell us shoes in town. Come see for of this fact. ENT. SI hi* ??!!???So aling; wSi?ilt'f4 for* -NY. f