Offer Raised For Presbyterian College. Mi*, litckwilli Gives $20,0<'0 Found' Uesitlent Mul^-s Lipem! DoriHlitiii in tin- !'*i n~ to Mr. Heckwith, his fortune was added to her own. That her heart is linked with thoto of the people of Bennettsville and their educational interests has heon shown in a way that should forever mako her the most loved and honored woman known to its citizens. Her name will go down in history us the benefactor of Bennettsvillo, and future generations will 1 ho up and call her blessed. It has been suggested that a monument nKnnlil I... ed to he** memory, hut she if building monuuionU more durable than brass or marble. The mooting hint night raised over #8,000 in addition to what had been subscribed before. Among the increases in subscnj)* tiona was I) \). Mc^oll, frein #5,000 to #0,500, and A. J. Mathoson, from #5,000 to frt,* * 000, til meeting ? ms held lit re inst night t<> complete Benneltsvillo's I it 1 for the Prt'shyU'liun College of South Carolina. A happy ?en>a lion was sprung by the leading of u telegram from Mrs. Haniet Murchison Beckwilli, ntTuiing 120 ,000 in cash ?nd 12 acre* ot land at an inducement to., ads the college locating in B -m el:sville. klI do Ibis,'1 t.ho Miid. "in e memory of my beloved son, ,1. lin I). Murehison, .Jr., who died 10 years ago today, und in iiK-moc. of my beloved daughter, Eleanor Murchison." A moment of deep silence, aftei loe reading ot llie telegram, was followed !>j prolonged applause, as those present grasped Ihu f ii 1 meaning of the woids. 'J hen Col. Knnx Livingston, i?. L). McColl, ISr., mid T. 1. lv??p? r?' made feeling remarks, expressing tlio profoundest gratitude to this noble woman f.?r her nnignilicent Oiler C todn.. D. L). Mo i 'Coll, \. M iiheson, Kjv. it. i I Foul, Dr. linn van MeLond and j | It. !j Fieeinnn wore ducted dt'l.' I ga'os m.?l ini'loui/. ard of ti u.- | subscrihtd, a Ill y and aged i Christian citizen of a n?url>y town has said that ho would not forget ' tho college should it he localed in j Honnc'tsTi la Our people want the college ami rhould wr get it il w ill l?o taken care of. - <*.? -?? SlCKENIXti SHIVERING F11' . of Augue and Malaria, can he; relieved and vuicd with Elect no Bitters. This is a pure, tunic medicine; of especial hcnelit in malaria, lur it exerts a true curative influence on the disease, driving it entirely out of the sys em. h is much to be preferred to Quin ine, having tiono of this drug', hud after-'.'fleets. K. S Muuday, of 1 lenra lta, Tex., writes: "My brother wa> very low with malarial fever and jaundice, til! ho took Electric Bil'eis, which saved kin life. At Crawford Bios , J. F. Muckey & Co. and Fundornurk Pharmacy* di uu: stores; price ode, guai antor >1. It seems impossible fot a man to touch whiskey in a husint ss ivav without becoming dishorn;.t. Twenty-eight revenue olliccrs nnd distillers of North Carolina are uuder indictment fur dishonest practices. There are 40 counts against Collector? Hardin.?Carolina Spartan. SPOILED HER BEAUTYHarriot Howard, of 201) W. 34lh St,. New York, at ono time had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. Shn writes: "1 bad Salt lihcum or Eczonia for years, but nothing would cut e it, until 1 used Bucklon's ArnicaSalve." A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns und sores. 25c at Crawford Bros., J. F. Mackey & Co's, and Futiderburk Pharmacy, drug store. ?Greenville's grand jury has caused various people who bundle County money to refund a considerable amount to the County treasury. Some men cannot long handle public funds without some of it slicking to their fingers. ?Carolina Spartan. A NEW JERSEY ED/TOR'S TESTIMONIAL. M T. Lyneh, Editor of the Philipsburg, N. J , Daily post writes: I have used many kinds of medicines for coughs and colds in my family but never anything so good as Foley's Honey and Tar. I cannot sav too much in praise of it." Sold By Funderburk Pharmacy. C. O Floyd, Kernhnw h C. For a clear complexion take ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take Orino cleanses the system, and makes sallow blotched complexions smooth and clear. Cures chronic constipation by gently stimulating the stomach,liver and bowels. Rofuao substitutes. Price 6O0. You Must Sleep, If you cannot, it is due to an irritated or congested state of tlic brain, which will soon dcvelopc into nervous prostration. Nature demands sleep, and it is as important as food; it ! is a part of her building and sustaining process. This period of unconsciousness relaxes the mental and physical strain, and allows nature to restore cx- ; liausted vitality. Dr. Miles' Nervine brings refreshing sleep, because it ! 9 soothes the irritation and re- i moves the congestion. It is also a nerve builder; it nourishes and strengthens every nerve in your body, and creates energy in all the organs. Nothing will give strength and vitality as surely and quickly as Dr. Miles' Nervine. "During the pant winter I lind two ; attacks of l.aOrlppo which 1. ft me ( very weak, and In bad condition. I was so tn-rvous I could not sleep. My '< wife, after trying different romoch'S, went for a doetor. The doctor was out. ami a neighbor recommended Dr. Miles' Nervine, and she brought homo n bottle. 1 had not slept for some time, and had terriblo pains In my head. After taking a few doses of Nervine the pain was riot so severe, and I slept. I am now taking the second botlle. nnd am vorv much Improved." IIHNItY M. SMITH, Underbill, Yt. [ Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that tho I' first uottle will benefit. If It fall3, he will refund your money. v Milos Medical Co., Elkhart, Ir.d \ UNIVERSITY OF NORfH C&fiOi.lNA lrwMoos. ? Head of Slnte's Educational Hy?t? m I) K V a It T M 10 N T H. ('ollegiute, Engineering, Graduate, Law, A4 ediciue Pharmacy, Library contains 43,0 GRANITE WORKS, h Fl: Work and Low Pricot L L McNinch,; LANCASTER, S. C ' " -Clubbing I'a.vahle t**ti ic;tl THE LEDGER (twice a we JOURNAL (twice a week) o THE LEDGER (twice a wee TON NEWS and COURIE year for THE LEDGER and The SC TOR one year for THE LEDGER, The ATL/ SOUTHERN CULTIVATC THE LEDGER (twice a wei CONSTITUTION (three tin THE LEDGER (twice a wee WORLD (three times a weel THE LEDGER, ATLANTA and FARM, one year for Positively Cairns STILL cm \v?. have moved our st< ek < f SHOKS to the Kiddle huihliniL m e< iid doff from l li?? I>?*!?k of LunciHiof, : 1.41 1.1 order to I*erp fr.? 4m. Notice. All parties who soil cotton at I i*?i i I \ Ssi\iENTIST, I iiincaNto!*, tS. C. [gST Oftice in roar of Fundornrk Pharmacy. July 1, 1905. S^nNER A LV ft .In * mof ll S flSllr.f; .?!** ir> II * vvjf!/l Ratesy in n <1 vn noo. ek) and the ATLANTA nc year for $i .7 :k) and THE CHARLES R (twice a week) one $1.75 )UTHERN CULTIVA $1-75 kNTA JOURNAL and ?R, all three one year for $2. . 1 slmilating the Food nndRcguIa- m ling (he Stomachs and Dowels of & ai^mwwtiwtii'g I ^ Promotes Digcslion.CheerPuInessand Rest.Contains neither Opium,Morpliine nor Mineral, p! j ^T^AllCOTIC. i.j|j totveafOMlZ-SAKVELrtraiKIi .iiy /Vifuiw Set {I - . Alx.Smnn * 1 . RetkrUr Sn/AT ? B A:tLv Srtti f I jes i Jlfatntunt - / I ft Citrin * 1 j'.MP | ' /] J rlarvrt / -, A Apcrfcct Remedy forConstipa- , | | Hon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea v I Worms,Convulsions .Feverish- . U ness and Loss of Sleep. ^ j FacSunitc Signature oF mew york. I EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. 1 >1* 1{. > Ail other j days you w : Ii:. * . my o0t:*e ? near L A. c1 ?; . p >; Will keep school \ books at b- th "ill , : !) : wiii he gn' 11 to wait on you any day ?n the Wiok ^ \V M Moore : 'r, Hup' f /vtucselcii Jan 18, 1905 HOMEY 1 LOAD : 1 have made arrangement wi. i lenders of money ;t N? w Yor- , with whom I am able lo m'goti.ih I'miih | ( secured by first mortgage on improved ' COttou farms, at 7 per cent inter. ? - j | repayable in annual installment- of; live years No brokerage or commi*. i ' sion charged Only a inr.KoiiabU j charge for abstract -(till* . R. bl \V Y L r IC, j i Aug .31?Cm, .Attorney at i iw Winlhrop College Schoiarsiiip J > and Enrance Exatninaioa. ? The examination for ?bo awaid of vaeau;. -. t . 'arsh:ps ii, WinlUvnp t ol lev.*' ami l l" ll.c '( fin is-ton i.f i.ew stn deills v. I i! he liild ; ! tin county Vlll't ^ Homo on Kii'xy July 7i bat i) a. ni. ) \I pileI ? not be I I Mill (If tet-u j cars ft ? VV.Ii?*na iholaftililpil are vacated Ju! v 711?. they will l??? awardtst l" those in kini; the higher I average at thtsox'iii union pmvi- > do?l they meet ili? c.nni;: 10 c i? ?ver?:?. I ) tinr the award. Api l'it 'nbnt 1 Johnson bofo e iM> ex i ii'Dadon f. r / scholn:ship i ximii! a n bla'il?s. I Scholarship:* are woi'h &'t>0 ami > fiee tuition. Th mx' si n 'vi.l open September -0. !?,)."> ! ' . wr'n -r Information and cs'jlo^u addiiss ^ 1're . I) M J oh n so , F\o Hl'l, i> t1, I . ?? | 1 .Notice to the Public. ' . 1 ! 1 will hold ali iinjiKists. in the I county. Phono to my rvaidcnec at Pleasant Hi'l for me when < needed. I. Montgomery Cu key, jpt. 20?If t Por Infanta and Children. rzxuMLrjn^M ? i ! ? ?v*t* jncarMMiu he Kind Yen Have Always Bought Bears the / , Signature //ft Jj j\ w* !" I $> Use For Over Thirty tears TM CENTAUN ? APAKV. NtW ?OA* OITT.' J. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. Working on credit doesn't pay, tid my terms from this enceforth are strictly cash. tioa.sona.blo Frices, rold Filling SI.50 Amalgam Filling 75 cts. Cement Filling 75 ct HUBliKlt PLATE, nil upper set of tooth $12.00 Ipper and lower set $25.60 jJSST^These prices are strictly jr cash. No work done oxcopt :>r cash or good security. J. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist. u / . _ ~TZ. . ww? J. HARRY FOSTER. Attorney at Law, LANCASTER, S. C. Zk&" Coltootlonsa sp-c tatty Susiness ?2duca.tiori PAYS LARGE DIVIDENDS ! YOU need u pructical business edcation. Wo KtiHrantee satisfaction, 'nurses of study endorsed us being the u..mi practical; tl-ty have no swperio s usiruction given is llrst ctns\n No I her business colleges ?fer by tor adaut'jo . Euter now and prepare sr a lucrative nr.aitr n. Our graduates re i.i demand. Let us must you, we lave a.-Hisled hundreds?they are in lusiiiui.s. Wo dil'ur sj> jcial r.itns Macfatt'sS. G iln.duess College Columbia, S. C. Vug. 2D, 100-A?if. EE iffim ire the mcst fatal of all diseases. FOLEY'S BSJEit dp money refunded. Contains cmedfes recognized by emilcnt physicians as the best for ftdney and Bladder troubles FRJCE 50c. uui if*. A>V:EI; AMI <"HKSTl?R H.A i LVv A I pv dui" m U'e< M iy li-i, r)';ft i?>Miyexfioi?t .-'I'tiUtij) WW 'THOUI). V I i. (> 8?> H m a 45 P m jV Fori ' a iva, <> 49 i m *1 I > p m jV liuHCOii viile, b CD tdi 4 SO p in jV KU'hl.urjJ, 7 05 a id 4 4) p ro 4r Cheat* r, '< HO a in ft 1ft p m \r CI;in oltf, Ho U t)#5 a m 7 00 p in \i Columbia Ho ICO Ift a id ,a. KAHl'lH?UNb. ,v C'litiniOlft, Ho K 0 05 a :ii 8 10 pin Lv < hi?rl >tu*, -*> I. o Oft ;>ji 6 ir' pin LiV l licnt* l, 9 00 i hi H Ift p m L.v /^H'lii-nrir, 940 a hi * 39 p m IjV t'lihC'iinviiie, 9/4) ni H 4 ? p in L.v Furl l.aiVn 10'Oil ? in S5(i p ni \r l aiM'i.M.or, 10 3'>h. j 9 15pm CONt? KUTIONH. ( in-Mcr ?Hout'u r; . * an) hid! 'arolina & Northwestern railways. * JI .nncHstor?Sou. hem it ill way. A I' .l/viilJIil'l 1 i'r.tlUf! mjrr LKUOY HPRlNGrt. Hurt and iruHtu M.. 11 :if ?i. ' 1 *