Christian Citizenship and Km Application. ? In its issue for September Collico's publishes tin inquiry into ''Christum Citizenship by an author who, the editor tells us, is "A grout c'eiitivo iirt'sl wh ?>e reasons for anonymity seem sufficient to us us to himself.'' This great creative artist asks: 1 1 s there such a thing us Christian Citizenship? No," ho nays, "but it could be created.'' In part he says: If Christians should vote their duty to (iod at the polls, they would cart) every election, and do it with ease. They wt uld elect every clean candidate in the United States, and defeat evoiy soiled one. Their prodigious puw er would be f Ilia oliil/lt .in >? w.l- V# AAIU V1MIM1 V>ll 111 I IIU hands of infamous men It is the Chnstiuu congregations that are responsible for the tilling of our public offices with criminals, for the reason that they could prevent it if thoy choso to do it. They could prevent it without organizing a league, without framing a platform, without making any speeches or passing any resolutions?in a word, without concert of uny kind. Thoy could jf accomplish it by each iodividou< resolving to vote for God at the jr polls?that is to say, vote for the / candidate whom God would approve. Can a man imagine such a thing as God being a Republican or a Democrat, and voting for a criminal or a blackguard merely because party loyalty required it? Then can*wo imagine that a man can improve upon G?)d's attitude in this matter, and by help of professional politicians invent a better policy ? God ha* no politics but cleanliness and honesty, and it is good enough for men. A man's second duty is to his family. There way a time when a clergyman's duty to his family required him to be his congregation's political slave, and vote his congregation's ticket in order to safeguard the food and shelter of his wife and children Hut that time has gone hy. We have the secret ballot now, and a clergyman can vote for God Ho can also plead with his congregation to do the like.J Perhaps. Wo can not be Mire. The congregation would probably | inquire whom he was going to vote for and if he stood upon his manhood and answered that they had no Christian right (which is the same as saying no moral right, and, of course, no legal right) to ask tho question, it is conceivable ?not to say certain --that they would dismiss him, and be much offended at his proposing to be a man as well as a clergyman. Still, there are clergymen who are so situated as to lie able to make the experiment. It would be worth while to try it. If the Christians of America would be persuaded to vote God and a clean iickoi, 11 wotnu bring about a moral revolution tluit would bo in. caleulably benetieiont It would . -m , save the country?a country whoso Christians have betrayed it and are destroying it. # fin Christian* nt Connectieut sent llulkily to the Senate They sent to the Legislature the men who elected him Tlic'O two crimos they couhl have prevented: thov did not do it, and upon them rest the shame and the responsibility. Only one clergyman remembered Ids Christian morals and his duty to God, anil stood bavely by noth Mr. 8m\the is probably an o iteast now, hut tucli a man as thai can endure < a tracism; and such a man ns that is likely to possess the treasure of a family that can endure with him, and be proud to do it. I kiss the hem of his garment. Four year* ago Greater Now York had two tickets in the field: ono (Lain, the other dirty, with a single exception: an unspeakable t'eket with that lonely exception. One-half of the Christians voted for that foul ticket and against (tod ami the Christians code of morals, putting h?\alty to party above loyalty to God and honorable citizenship, and tlioy came within a fruction of it; whereas if they had flood by their professed morals they would have Iniried it out of sight. Christianity was on trial then, it is on * tiid now. And nothing impor- I taut is on trial except Cluistianity It was on trin in Philadelphia, and failed; in Pennsylvania and V failed; in Rhode Island, and failed; in Connecticut, ard failed; in * Now York, and failed: in Delaware, and failed; m every town aud county and Slate, and was roceant to its trust; it has ellusivcly bruised itself with the small mat ters of charity and benovolcnco. (j and has looked on,indifferent whilo its country was sinking lower and lower in repute and drifting further and further toward moral destruction. It is the one force I _ that can save, and it sits with ' | folded hands. In Greater New ! York iL will presently have an opportunity to elect or defeat some j straight, cloan, honest men, of i the sterling Jerome stamp, and j some of the Tammany kind. The j Christian vote?and the Christian J vote alone?will decide the con- ' j test, it, and it alone, is master j of the situation, and lord of the ' result. SPOILED HER BEAUTYHarriet Howard, of 209 W. 34lh I St,. Now York, at one time had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes: 4,I had Salt Rheum or Eczema for years, but nothing would cure it, until 1 used Bucklen's ArnicaSalve." A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 25c at Crawford Bros , J. F. Mackcy &: Co's, and Kunderburk Pharmacy, d r u g store. x ?sCls>, fti Lh pftSfesv "J* WMF "I* > / I KvW ' L_LJ$wvt v : 1 mvMhk X1 ? V^H\4akes " Joyful Vacations it will find out what's wrong ?it is the greatont "every??? month-in the-year" medicine ^ , in the world today, the great est producer of Vigor, Vi i talitv, Annetite. Good Feel j in#, and" &ood Appearance, I because it puts every part of I d the Ixxly in t^rxxl health. Pro- g d ! euro a mammoth dollar bottle _ from your dealer, or write us d direct for free sample, now d Chi- k?r? M#'llr1r? Co., \Vfn?to?i-8Alem, N. O. XwWvlvv.v! MMMMMIIMIIM III I .? CASTOT1T ./V . flonrg th* /y7'.'0 Kind Ynn lh?e Always Bou^ Foley's Honey and Tar for children,stiff .sure. No opiate?, % "You Must Sleep. If you cannot, it is due to an irritated or congested state of the brain, which will soon dcvelopc into nervous prostration. Nature demands sleep, and it is as important as food; it is a part of Iter building and sustaining process. This period of unconsciousness relaxes the mental and physical strain, and allows nature to restore exhausted vitality. I)r. Miles' Nervine brings refreshing sleep, because it soothes the irritation and removes the congestion. It is also a nerve builder; it nourishes and strengthens every nerve in your body, and creates energy in all the organs. Nothing will give strength and vitality as surely and quickly as Dr. Miles' Nervine. "During1 the past winter I had two attacks of LaGrippo which left in? very weak, and In l?nd condition. I was so nervous I could not steep. My wife, after trying different remedied. Went for a doetor. The doctor watt out. and a neighbor recommended l)r. Miles' Nervine, and she brought homo n bottle. I bad not slept for prune time, and had terrible pains In my l\r?nd. After taking a few dopop of Nervine the pain was not po poyero, and I plept. I am now taking the second bottle, and am very muoh Improved." IIVKTt) V OM1TU t W, A I.UI a A*.*....* illi P1II1 I 11, I IIUVI Mill, \ i. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by ycur druggist, who will guarantee that the first Dottle will benefit. If It fails, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind ?awwin 11 i ii nm i ice? .* i% UNIVERSITY OF NORTK CAROLINA 1 ir?. lead of Slate's EOucat ional Syatem, J) K P A It T M K N T S. !oilegiate, Ku?ineerinjr, Graduate, Law, vediciue Pharmacy, ,il>rary contains 4:>,ooo Volunns New waler works, electrL light*, central healing system. New dorm it cries, gymnasium, V. M. <\ A. building, 07 8TUDKNTS 00 1 XSTUllCTOItS. The Fall term begins Sept. 11,190/i. Ador'PH Francis 1*. Venable, President, Ciiapki. 11 n.i., N. C. Glo to the LANCASTER MARBLE A IV i > GRANITE WORKS, O \.: (in ! Work and Low Prices A. J. McNInch, LANCASTER, S. O PlimillHIIIWIH III ?I -Clubbing I *:i.v:t 1> 1St i'i< THK LKDGER (twice a JOURNAL (twice a wcclTHK LKDGKR (twice a TON NEWS and COUb year for THE LEDGER and The TOR one year for T1IK LEDGER, The A'l SOUT11LRN CULTIVA T111C LKDGER (twice a CONSTITUTION (three THK LKDGKR (twice a WORLD (three times a v tiik ij:dgi:k, atlaf and FARM, one year for Positively Cann ! Notice. i \Y lu i! one fourth i)i tiis qnalltii ?l voters of (julKMstor Count y Imvu filed with tun, as Supervisor nt this Count y, a petition asking for a vote, on the question of the ; t ? nioviil of nil I tispui'-arios in said ( oiinty, now, l>y iiiiiImii ily vested j in me I?v law, I hen by tii'ie ??n election, to be lii hi in Loiiivh'ci' ! County on the lust Tue da\ in ( Oetoln r., 1 It!?5t on t n ipi estion of "DispoiiHjirC or "No l)i-p"n sary," , M. C. (iurdnei. j* Co Snpev. Lancaster S. C \ .... nrii 1. i i>/1 /\ 11 >ui is i #>vj #. ;To Buy Cotton Seed and Sell Cow Feed. i nut now mivtiitf oimum s mihimi selling cow <1 i.ii hu 1/ market. Oou't lull t<> m1 in litifiv you ' seU your seed or hoy u hat you want in lh?.' \vav of i'iiW fr ?i C&f" HeiuNpj r'*r at Jewell \ st>re ? f ( l.y hull' A* Hull tison, hill \N ill huj wi'il hot h at 1 <-1 ?>t at <1 up town Oliv< r litaekinnn. | Aujt. ? Int. Notice. All purl ins win i soil cotton 1 : Heath Springs, S. (V at c ear.w-sOy i niptesUil tu meet there Saturday, i Sept. 2, 190f> at 3 o'clock p. m. . ! the purpose of securing a place to 1 have our cotton weighed. Li t all interested lie present . Respectfull y, 11 II lltirton, Chairman ?>f Committee. j j ?r-.r. Mil?IWIIHW II I The First National Bank OK La/t caster, S. C. Solicits accounts of individuals, j tirttH ar <1 corporations, ami oilers to ilcpnsitois every faci'itv ami courtesy * i I'lWisislt'lit with mhiiwI li-tiiUiriir i I ? ... . ..........1^. I it ???r< Ht ill low eH on tinn* deposits. S ifciy depoaM hr>xe? for rout. ! . ('oiTOHpomleuoe Inviteil. lv M. CKOXTON, Cashier. 1 j ( II AS I) jokkm, President. 1 > : l'.iy your subscription. JOHN E. WELSH,i l>KlMrl,l!-4rl\ 1 LuncuHtnr. S. C. IS?" Office in rour of Fonderw -? burk Pharmacy. .Inly 1, 1005. bh hmer stfi t orvDfct S ?n>ino ?r? ? v. z.rlr' I?WIM HPIIBHIIII i I III I BBB?HBP ' i I j ? Rates.; ljII.v iti n <1 vn ihm?. N I week) and the ATLANTA :) one year for $ 1.7 week) and THE CHARLES HER (twice a week) one $175 SOUTHERN CLLTIVA $' 75 'LA NT A JOURNAL and TOR, all three one year for $2.00 week) and The ATLANTA times a week) one year for $2 oo week) .intl The NLW YORK feck) one year for $2.00 JTA JOURNAL and HOME $2.00 n* end on Cradif T. S. CARTER, Pub. Ledger. % 1 4, | PEbEETO! ^T^:._ _ : 1 ^ f? A\fcgetablc IVcpnrntionforAs- ' $ sinwlatinglheFixxlandReguIaling ihe Slomndis and Bowc is of Promotes Digcslion.Cheorfuh ncss and Rest.Contains neither " Opium.Morpliine nor MiiuuaL ' i ; Not "Narcotic. ; ?. || j| ri*veafounrs.iiiynr hininymv rtenvr. / Aperfect Remedy for Conslipa- $J Tiun, Sour Stotnach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- f:J ncss and Loss of Sleki?. i Fac Simile Signature of ST? , s/crr-x? (EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. 1$ I >1- I * l^lliott, Lancaster, S. C. ltesid*nr.e phone No 187. Olllee, Davis Kuildintt. corner Main and Dun lap streets; phone No 72. Will practice in both town and jnunty of Lancaster. All calls, eit her lay Ornish'., will receive prompt at-* ant ion Jan. 10. 1005 ?tf. NOTICE. j Tlic hoard of county com mi* doners in thoir mooting Monday passed a resolution in tho ollcct that horoattor no magistrate in Lancaster county will ho paid for holding an inxuest unless it is im possible to got tho coroner, and then the magistrate most comply : with tho law hy securing atlulavirs from three citizens of tho immediate communit y that it is important that an impiest ho held in the particular ease under consideration. M C Gardner. (lounty Supervisor. Noicc. My rej??itar ottiec days will he Sat unlays and first Mondays. \ii oilier da} s you will liud n.e at my ollice near !<&<' d-pot W ill keep schni h >?>ks at t> t < 111 an ' will *l> glint to wait on you any day hi 'he week \V M Moore < 'o Hllpt t /Cd lie it ion Jan 10, 1005 "iilf TO LOW' I have iinuje arrangement wi, i lenders of money in New Yoru ' ity, with whom I am able to negotiate Ions, i secured by lirsl mortgage on impiovcd cotton farms, at 7 j or e.-r.t interest repayable in annual installim tit* ?.f live^ears No hmkeoige or commis sion eharg il Only - teesoniihl charm? for ahs*.met of till" K K VV Y 1,1 )*:, Aug 111?(im. Ailo?n?y id i.nv Winttirop College Scholarship and Enrancc Exaininaion. 'I e t XMiiin ii ion for I It? nwaiil of Vie nm -oho nrs'dps in Wiiil |> l *?>I nni1 1 r lie* (?f*er July 7th. they will he awnr li it to those making the higi e*l average i t litis exsipmii'ion prnvideiiilry nit et. ihe eomhlions gnverntin' lhe uwni'if, Applie ins ;or seholarsliips should write to i're-ul nl Jnhlisoo hefo e li e i xaiii'li illou I r m*Iio n sl ip ? XHini ii 'on hlaiii* m. Heholmsiii }>h i:ie worth ~r 00 ami fi?e tuition i ll - i.ex' s -si ii will opeu September -0. Ilisi") Km fori in * lufoiniation a id > ?' hiwIivh* I're l> 11 Johnson, Ko It lllll, S r. Not ice lot he Public 1 will hold all iiM|ii(st.i in tin county. Phone to my reHulencf I at Pleasant Hill for me when nootlcd. Montgomery Cm* key, pt. 20?tf / For Infants and Children. tee Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears tlie t> Signatur^^^^jf Cl Jt 'n f\Jr ^se L/ For O^er Thirty Years THI Cr NTAUn iOW^AHY, NIW YORK OlPf. J. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. Working on credit doesn't pay, and my terms lrom this henceforth are strictly cash. Reasonable Prices. Gold Filling $1.50 Amalgam Filling 75 cts. Cement F' I ling 75 ct UUliBKlt l'l.ATK, Full upper sot of teeth $12.00 Upper and lower sot $25.50 3$7 The80 prices are strictly for cash. No work done excopt for cash or good security. J. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist. xssuxrf: oo:-A3y vmj luim. i mn>: J.lLHiltY FOSTER. .1 Homey at. law, LANCASTER, S. C. fii')" ? olle -tioiM'i ap.?c iali"???? ! i i ? n n i mum mii ' ? Business Education [ PA YS LA ROR H1VI DSN DS ! YOU need a practical biislne.-H ed ! ucatieu Vv'e vT'i.tmiitee satisfaction, j inu. liu^Xl & 6uaiant83d Ritasfy i or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by eminent physicians as the best for j Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. ' L\ NGA ST F.H A N I > ? 11 ESTER railway ne.bedule in "ffeet May-S, 1 *>:?">. ( Daily except Hnnduy ) w iwrmiuw 1). L,v liancastol. H HO a m 3 to p in Lv Fort I.awn, 0 4!? a in 4 I ? p in i,v Ha*<*nnvNo ft ftO ? ?n 4 So p in I iV RifOibmg, 7 oi a in 1 t? p in Ar Cheater, '< 80 a in ft Ift p in Ar Charlotte, Ho It 0 ftft a in 7 (Ml p m /\r < Vilumbla. Ho RIO Ift a in K AH - in UNL l.v Columbia, Ho It 0 oft t in 3 In p in < hurlotlf, Ho It h Oft miii OIK' pill l,v Cheniii, 0 00a in K Ift jr III J.v /iiulPniiv. 040 a in K 30 p in i l,v Hasmoiiiv|li?, 0..0 i in S 4 > p in hv Foil I/awn 10 00 > in H ftO p ni A i CanciHipr, 10 30 a m o 1ft p in ( ONM'/I ION.n ! ( heater?Honi hern, .- bhoHrd ami ! "arolinti ?fe Nol'tlnvemer i railway*. IiiiiirnatiM -Hoilllic n Itil * ay. A I'. 3/Ol