TH L5DGER. THURLOW S. CARTER, j KDITOK AXI> MANACKU . ?8SUKI? \VKI>NKS|?.\ Y A N l? S ATU K 1) A V * HITKSOKirTION Mt I'KI' YKAK ; ' Lancaster S. C. August 1213, 1U05. < ! Attention, Grand Jurors ! I Notion is horob/ given that a special meeting of the (Jrand ( Jury of Lancaster county will ho held the first Monday in So itemhor, at tho court house, for ( tin* purpose of considering tho road question and other matters of vital interest to the public ? It is highly important that every grand juror he present. E. B. LiNui.ii, Fore tu an. Experts Tell of Silt >uil Around Lancaster. Spicial to Greenville News. Washington, Aug It). - Departincut of Agriculture Icih just issued an inteiesting bulletin concerning cccilsilt loam found in Lancaster county, 'l'his cccil silt loam is said to he the second soil of imfwrtnnce found it) the Piedmont section and embraces an area acres or approximately 1 17 squat e miles The soil vane- m color from a yellowish brown, and contains u high percentage of -i11. Tins land is sometimes known us white land, on account of it- color, or sometimes a- black jnck hind because, of the characteristic forest growth. The soil vanes from 6 to 15 inch 's in depth, and i- usually underlain by a stiff yellow or red clay thai continues to a considerable depth. On this sill loam land cotton is the chief crop, -and on the aver age, yields about ono-lhird of a bale per acre. It may reach one on newly cleared lands, but falls below ono third 011 those portions worked on shares by tenants. Corn is not grown extensively on the upland hut stands next in im portance to cotton and yields from 10 to 30 bushels per {acre. Some oats, sorghum and peas are grown hut do not receive the attention they should. W. A'. Price The Dispensary in Chcraw. Editor John T. Meehan, of the Cheraw Carolina Citizen, believes in tho Dispensary, but he believes it should be administered according to law.?In the last issue of his paper he printed much inter, csting testimony, which goes to show that the Dispensary has been flagrantly mismanaged in Cheraw, and ho not unreasonably argues that the abuses ho complained of are Jnot local, but State-wide in operation. "It (the Dispensary) is rotten right herein Cheraw,1' he says; and ho adds that. "Tho conditions existing in Cheraw and in Chesterfield County with regard to tho Dispensary may be taken as a fair sample of the conditions prevailing in a majority of , the counties of South Carolina." Of this we do not think there enn l?e one iota of doubt in the mind , of any intelligent man in tho State. ( ? News and Courier. j A (HUM 'IKAUEDY 1 is daily enacted, in thousands o 1 homes, as Death claims, in each ' one, another victim of Consutnp- 1 tion or Pneumonia. J>ut when < Coughs and Colds tire prop j oily treated, the tragedy is avert- ( cd. F. (i. 1 luntley, of Oaklandon, ( Ind,. writes: ".My wife had the consumption, and three doctor, ' gave her up. Finally she tookDr, 1 King's New Discovery for Con- f sumption, Coughs and Coldse t urhmJi on ? /*/! "^<1 *'? *' " ** " ff iiiv.ii vui v. treated, and tney open a wide field for speculation: Period of 1S88 to 1803, assault and battery, 2,506; burglary, 514; larceny, 1,400; rape, 123; perjury, 01; forgery, 128; murder, 717. Totals, 5,G3S. Period 1804 to 1800, assault'and battery, 5,55S; burglary, 8C5; larceny, 1, G17; rape, 143; perjury, 87; forgery, 184: murder, 1,138. Totals, 7,G02* Period 1800 to 1002, assault and battery, 3,377; burglary, 534; larceny, 2,093; rapo, 100; perjury, 154; forgery, 157; murder, 1,214. Totals, 7,498. This does not show that the dis. pensary has decreased crime, and though perhaps allowance should he made for the fact that the population of tho State lias steadily increased since 1888, still the increase in crime is more marked for the first period following tho enactment and operation of the law than for the period ended tho 31st of last December. Hoth pe- 1 riods following the enactment of 1 the dispensary law sh ?w a decided 1 increase in the number of murder, ' issuult and battery, burglary, lar- ^ jeny and forgery cases. The first ( period following the enactment of c . t Lho dispensary law shows an increase marked and striking in all particulars over the period pre- 1 ceding the enactment of the law, j \nd strange to say it shows an in- 1 crease over the last period in all 1 turns except as to murder, rape * md perjury. There arc almost wice as many murder eases in cither of the two last periods, and he fact tluU there were 27 less 1 u nurder cases m the six years up I o 1005 than in the six years pre- !, cding is perhaps explained by the r lecided falling oil in tho number )1 mimic? reported in 1004; in 1 y 175 113 ngainst 802 the prercding yoar; which falling off is relieved to ho due to hotter work >n tho purl of junoti throughout ho State. In 1801) tho ratio of yordicts of "not guilty" to "guilly" was S3 to 06; in 1000 it was 110 to 70; in 1001 it was S7 to 77; in 1002 it was 103 to 101; in 1003 it was 100 to 102, and in 1004 it was 120 to 55. Hither period shows an increase in the total offenses of over 30 percent over tho period preceding the operation of the law, which is hard! an eloquent showing for tho groat moral institution. in addition to those and other offenses, touud enumerated on the circuit dockets, the year following the enactment of the dispensary law witnessed the inauguration of iil> cutirvijr uu>v i i 11iiu| nun in vmluting the dispensary hiw. In the six years immediately following tho oponition of tho ''system" there wore 2,011 of those cases treated in the circ'.it courts, and though the next period shows a falling of, there l>? in*; only 1,524 in this, many of these minor violations have for the past few years hoon triable in the magistrates' courts. High-water mark in the State's murder record was reached in Ib'JX, when they were 247 eases. Finley Predicted It. What the l'resont Congressman and Ex-State Senator Said Ahont the Dispensary. (From the Yorkville Enquirer,) We reproduce clsowhero Senator Tillman's plan for purifying tho administration of the dispensary law, and have no hesitation n saying that if it were not for tho years of exp rioneo behind us wo would feel inclined to give it our endorsement. The plan proposed by Senator Tillman is practically tho same as the original, and theoretically it seems well mgh perfect, hut practically :: has proven a failure once, and if we arc foolish onough to try tho experiment it will do so again. It was Mr. Kinley, the Senator from York County, now representing the 5th Congressional district in Congress, who said during the debate on the original dispensary law that in practical operation it would corrupt any government under the sun, and how correct was his prediction is now known of all men. We note with much intorest what Senator Tillman says of the incomprehensibility of the pooplo's choice for Governor sinking so low as to steak It is'pretty hard to conceive of such n thing maybe, but even if Senator Tillman be so honest as all that it is just as well not to forget that there is good reason to believe that .11 I l i uuiui'M uuvo proven weaver. The whiskey business, from its very nature, is a terribly demoralizing one, and to separate it entirely from corruption and graft seems well nigh impossible. Kveo should the dispensary system be re-organized along the lines now laid down by Senator Tillman [hero is no guarantee that it would continue clean through more than 3no or two successive administraions. The best tiling the Sale can do s to "rot nut nf tho wIiImI.-av hm i_ loss entirely', and then it will he n a botter position to deal with hose who persist in engaging in bis trnflic. General Repair Shop. I have opened opposite the Pong ?1m. PklV'TtSALK, i OR AUCTION. Wo huVo arranged willi one of tlio best Auctioneers in the Land, I and are prepared to render ellici* ! out service* buying, soiling, or ex- ! clumping. Thia office needs PHOL'- ' KK1T AND L'KOI'OSI HONS at '< business limits Lit us help you }' to help yourself and the county. 1 Remember this is no selfish or individual shop, but the public's office where clients and customers place their property and proposi tions for you and others to mako | your selections from. Remember , clients receive benefits before I here ( are any profits coming to us, , therofoio call or send and got your share of the good things going. ] We are establishing local Agents ( at various places of the most r< - ( liable men wo cuti have rcconiim n- , ded so as to be utile to give correct . date in regard to biddings in different locahtios All propositions li"* Ko rnfori'dil I?? t l?io "HJi... ...? . " " MM pioviil uofho mutual good of the eounlry, let him be lawyer; Doctor, Treacher, Farmer, Banker, Mechanic, tra der, Dude or Loafer. You don't need to see us do business. We read, write, cipher, wire, and occasionally make signs. Any Innnuincrn vou use noils nu iiwi r> r>~ j ? - J you say something because we know how to call for interpreter But remember wo don't claim to be raird readers, therefore place your wants and offerings on our list properly described with reasonable limits. The long list of property wc have to offer you to select from would surprise you. Plenty of it a money making prices. You can buy it and loava it to be re-sold, if yon de-he. The presentjo wners desire to realize for reasons best known to them. We j need your frendshtp and assistance, I are glad to receipt for information and pay for same, it it ro' suits in transactions: .1. Kdgar Pong, Broker, Rock Mill. S (J 1 "CUTS THK BAR I'll TO SUIT YOUR TASTK " ( GREATLY IN DECANI) ' Nothing is inoro in demand than a medicine which meets modern ; requirements for a blood and ' system cleanser, such as Or. King's New Life Pills. They are just what you need to euro stomach and liver troubles. Try them At Crawford tiros', J E Maekoy & Co'h and Fundorburk Pharmacy, ( drug storo, 25c,guaranteed. t Wii .V fc'eVCi SittHltoM ti*ol!t:'J t>\ i'r? f. i?i M ilu.iSrt N: ??' Os It an.-, Aug. Jltl 1' I lowing is t 1m- n||i ;ial yellow fevot h*|mu I I > (? j> in , Siiiidn\ : Niiinlui new otiM'.x, 4;>; total raises to (In o, I 1N5 I) aUts, 1; total deaths. 11)15. No a- foci, 11; total 110(5. Kctiiuiniao under treat im-iit, :jsi. - ? .4 'OP." NO FALSK < I.A i Us Tito proprietors of F.?loy'^ llonoy Htttl Tar do not advertise llus as a "sure euro for consumption." They do not claim it will Mire this dread complaint in advanced eras, Imt do positively issort t'uit it will euro in the ear licr slajes and never fails to give infort and relief in the wor.?t iascs. Folov's II >nev and Tar is without douni the ..:\.t!est throat in I lung r< ni'si\. li lusn substitutes. S I l hy FuuderhurU I'narunu-y. CLERK'S SALE State of South Carolina, COUNTY OK L \ NC A STICK. In tlit* ! i u t i f Common Pleas, Iila S. !(. a h agai: h ' J a I ill's M i l:i: 11. W sdiaiino : Heath A Huini'l Hcdh, John P Heath am! Mi' ri'-lta K H < it n. Jh/riMtiinf*. 1)1'' . I V V i' I > ' dei'l ? ( i! I ill' :ll III Vl S. lite ! 1* l?l-l' lliv'l' It, J Wig:* * W (Jag . ilainl Augu-I 1 i, il;9">, ( Wil w* 11 at |?n i> i i<* anct .mi ai Lnivish i i otiil liiiu-e on tin* FXItKT MONDAY IN Slil'TI^IUDli N UXT, within tii" legal limits of -.lie, 'he fol lowing described lots of laud, to wit; All that piece, parcel or lot "f lam fronting f?evtnl>-nine (79) feet on (i.i\ Street ami s'xtj-two ami one hai (02 \) fret on Arch street lying in tin town of 1, ncaster, in the. county o I laiienster ami State of Son t h < 'uroiina and hotitiiied its fol'ows: On the Nortl west hy i >'av ;tre *t, on tlie East for tlx entire teag'h of I he lot by No I of tlx Chafer Block, now or 1'.v plop erty of Leroy Springs, on the t-onltieast ti\ Arch Street, on t lie West ami Snuthwtst by lot No 5 of same tiloek known as the E 1". Cio y lotso Lida B ,/onea (being the same whicli she del iv d under Hie will If her moth er Mis. Amanda Brown, deceased) ant! Eli/ci J. VVylie and It K' VVylie; * 'i. Punrhnsei to jii?v for j?jp? r.->, .1. V. G ItEGOliY. o. c. o. r. L. c. ??a??i?tfu> ?auMWKHwa->t the Public Highways in Lu.icastci countv: Please warn out yom bunds and put each section of road in good condition during the month of August as it is an idle time with the most of the farmeic Take due notice theroof and nov ern > ourselves according!) . yours Respectfully, M 0 Gardner, Co Super. Ctec&Mb jtl.Oi) at all p*s i i-janc+WM I Aw old bachelor says that all per fort wmvc'i nr?? ?l??tifi dutttb and blind oacx. ! Mwnaf? N otice or Discharge I , N? tno is lidehv given tlml on I tie 23il dny or September, 11)05, tlin iinnted August 23<1, 1005. ra-fruin an Tapi?temr immm The Lancaster Graded Schools. Thn annual sossiun of the I, i nc>ist?r Graded Schools will begin m ltiday, Sapt. 4, 11)05. All pupils already assigned to grades, and those to he examined for assignment, will Assemble 1 at the school building promptly f at S :30 a. m. Pupils residing within tho limits of tins School District will bo rtquired, ns heretofore, to pay a monthly incidental foe of twenty-five cents, each, the same to ho paid strictly in advance, at , the beginning of oach school ' month. Pupils entering tho school from boyoiui tho school district limits i will ho required to pay tuitiou on the follow ing scale : (trades I, II, III, one dollar per month ; (Trades, IV, Y, VI, one dollar , and fifty cents per month ; Grades VII, VIII, IX, X, two . dollars per month. This inf eludes the incidental foe. 1 Cheap rates of board can be . secured in private families by " pupils coming from a distance. I Pupils from the country will bo permitted to take studies in different grades, provided the hours of recitation do not con5 flict. i* Special arrangements aro to [ bo made for the preparation of 1 pupils desiring to enter college . Tho Factory school, under [ the supervision of miss Grace [ Whisonant, will also begin its session Monday, Sept. 4th. No child under six years of i age will ho admitted in either t tho town or factory school. A. R. BANKS, ) ' , Superintendent. J Lancaster, S. O., Aug. 15, 1005. I Subscribo for The Ledger. ; Notice of Discharge. 1 Notice is hereby given that on the 2(?tb day of August, 1905, the undersigned as Administratrix of the estate of Jarre M. Knight deceased, will make her final rotutn ami settlement, and make application to tho Probate , r', .. * .. r r - -- ' v^min ui ijuncasicr county, 5S. U., for a final discharge uh such Ad' " ininisti fttrix. Laura J. Knight, i Administratrix. > Dated duly 26th, 1905. ' . PROFESSIONAL CARD. Dk M 1' t'KAWPoKI) DR R (5 liKoWN CRAWFORD A BROWN. Physicians and Surgeons. I ancntder, S. C. Treatinert of the **y??, nom* and ttiroa a specialty. i j?iih promptly answered ilny or niifht. Offl- over Crawford Bros Drill? S!ot<>, Phones: OlHce, No 170; It idenceft Noh. 11 and 36. > sorm c \ bolt y\ mir,it a by ADA DEM Y, OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN board ok visitors. charleston. s c, july 6, 1906. ()in? vacancy in u .S'lato Beneficiary scholarship to bo tilled i>y competitive examination exists in Lancaster County. ^Application Blanks may lie obtain4* ed at tlie oflice of C<>1 C S (> A DSDEN Chairman, Char oston, S C. or from tlie County Huporlntondont of RddM* tion. Tlicce application*!, fully filled oiiiHt be in ilie hands of the Chairman on July ;tl, in order to rece-ve rounhleration. (Sillied) (.' SOvDHDEN, Chatrman Jloard of Vialtors. July 10?:iw