UjsS Matttia 'Al II Oil ? \Yuntod! Customers for ,Jar (|(1 Tops, rubbers, utul Jar wrenches*. wl J. B. Mackorell. br ? Mr. Mack Christ en bury, of CI Derita, and Miss Minnie Christen- ed bury, of Marvin, wore married th Tuesday by l?sq [). K. 11*11. .1. ? Far Sab-! 100 bos. of corn. ^ Apply to James F. Helms, It. F. D. No. 1. 1>( ? Mr. Soulo Gregory of Kcr- ^ ? shaw is visiting relatives at liiis 11 placo. ? M iss Margaret Iloko of Waycross, Gu., Miss Bessie Hoke of Catawba and Miss Margaret Frew j,u of Rock Hill arc guests of Mrs. yc VV. B Knight. nr ? Mabel, the infant daughter of w' 1 Mr. and Mrs Win Ligon, of this ,l y. , place, died ( f cholera infant m. j Thursday, August 10, 1905, ageU about 8 months. ? Mrs. L>. W. Stover is visit- an ing relatives at Rock Hill. W1 ? Mrs. R. L. Dick of Concord, ,l" N. C , is the guest of Mro. W. C. Carpenter. ? rhrcc hits with dwellings, also vacant lot on Elm Street for wj salo Apply to T. S. Carter Agent, co ?Lost! Gold locket, lotler ,f. ? , . he engraven thereon. Return to this ^y office and get reward. ?Mrs. II. E. White, of Fort (u, Mill, is visiting her mother, Mrs nt Virginia Green. R( ? Miss Zne White, of Fort Mill, is I ho guest of Miss Janic ' en Green. W( ? Mr. Martin Davis, of Chut- eo lotte, N. C., is here on a few days Pr visit to his wife, who is spending some time with the family of Dr. C< Poovey. C( ? Salesman wanted to look af ,n ter our interest in Lancaster and ^l' adjacent counties. Salary rr com- ^ mission. Address Clover Oil and ^ Paint* Co., Cleveland, O. ?Mr. Geo. W. Pittmau of ^ loncs X Roads had a cow killed t)r by lightning last Suturday night. ha ? The gruded school opens the tirht Monday in September. See . announcement vv] ?Rev. E. F. Griffith or' Stales- bn ..: 11- M / i -:i iii? - u" yinr, 11. V^., Will IIOKI 11 SOl'lOS (It uu meetings at Gills Crook A. R. 1\ at tix church next week. .^ ?Mrs. VV. D. Gamble of Wild is wood, Flu., is hero on a visit to '1*1 het sister, Miss Maggie liood, and or other relatives. Miss Allie Hood, , d#> who bus tioen spending some u time in Florida, returned home with ber. ?The Board of County Commissioners mot Tuesday in the p< Supervisor's oflioo, and declared J. F. Nishct elected cotton we'gh- P( er at Lancaster C. H., A. L. wi Mobley at Heath Springs, and G. thi F. Cook at Kershaw. fei ? Girts Daniel, colored, charg- wi ed with house*breaking and lar- ch ceuy, was brought up from-Ker- Pi shaw Wednesday and lodged in pr jail here. m< Mr G W Can t hen Came Near j # Loosing IiIh Mules. Mr (ieo. W. Cauihen came near in loosing a pair of fino young mules ? in Dry Creek hist Wednesday af- an tornoon. He undertook to cross ('a the creek at an old ford when tho UP mules hogged in quick sand and ce mud, unahle to move, with their heads just above water, lie had Pi to hold tho hoad of ono of tho wl mules abovo water to keep it from fo drowning before help arrived. Kortunat.olv his hrnHioi Mr .liio. i.~ A. Cautbon, nod his neighbor, f? Mr W T Vanlandinglmm, were (1(j near with a force of hands repair ilfl inga pasture fence which had been washed away by tho freshet, and 8j( they came quickly to the rescue. The mulos were tinally saved by ^ prying them up and lifting then, out of tho creek. Ono of tho mules at was badly crippled in the effort to fo get it out. Is ) mos-TiUman A quiet home wedding vis khI iinizoil nt 3 o'clock hut WodnoRiy afternoon, August 15, 1005, lien Mist Lena Amos became the ido of Daniel L. Tillman, lie v. mliners Frawer, D. I) , porformthe ceremony at the homo of o bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I'. Amos- The t>ridal couple tt on the L. and (J. train that tornoon for a bridal trip to Old ?int Comfort and Washington, fter September 1st they will t>e home at Chcraw, S. C., where o groom is engaged in the offices the Seaboard Airline. Miss Amos is one of Lancaster's list amiable and cultured young liesnnd the groom is a promising uing man of this county. Hoth o deservedly popular and carry th them the very host wishes of host of friends hero. -Mi. nn0 people were in attendance, ngrcssman Finley and lion. J. amel made tine addresses on edu lion and lion. J. H. Foster ot. lodcraft. The dinner was exllent and the day enjoy td hy a 11 esont. ? Lancaster special to News and .urier: Probably the largest mtederato cannon tiall ever seen these parts was shipped bore [>m Fort Mill a few days ago. belongs to Capt. Samuel JO hito, formerly of Fort Mill, it now a resident of Lancaster. 10 ball :s 10 inches in diuuieter (t weighs 120 pounds. It was ought here for the purpose of >ving the names cut on it of all e various owners, from tine to n?, of Capt White's fine planla?n near Fort Mill, beginning ith the Indians in 1700. On the: !l'a return to Fort Mill it will used for ornamental purposes a notable spring on the plauta >n referred to. It is to lost in e eye of ft lurge mill stone, which to be placed over the spriLg. )Q names have already been cut i the ball, by Stonecutter Mcinch, and as the letters are gih d they present a very attractive pearanco. Pleasant Vulley News. >rt Mill rimes. The protracted mooting at the eusanl Hill Methodist Church m oogin on mursday evening, j u 17ih. The third quarterly conronee for the Fort Mill charge II ho held at Pleasant Hill urch noxt Saturday and Sunday, esidiag Elder Meadors will he esent and will also assist in the aeting. ?Mr. and Mrs O P Heath and ughter, Miss Helen, are visiting Pleasant Valley. ? Mac,the little daughter of Mr d Mrs. .1. L. Pott us, has been ngerously ill from an attack of pondictiUs, but is now couvalesnt. * ?Mrs, J. W Hull is at Dr. yors hud itariiiiii ut Chester, lere she is undergoing treatment r her eyes. ? Hon. O. VV. Potts, who has inn in the hospital at Charlotte r two weeks, is greatly improvut this writing anine in u few days. ? Mr Oh. Barber has been quite :V for the past week. ? Mr. F. (i. Polls has been rcted principal of the high school Purksville, S. C , and will leave i his now tiuldof labor about the it of September Mull. EoLoCUCXn Jell UfOrTtV, i?t c.( Kershaw. who sho! and hilled Mr. jei Thomas C.itoc tn thai town one 01 night last week, made application p for t?ail before Associate Jus'ioo Jones at tins place Tluirst lay morning. The dofondanl was rep- ^ resented by his attorney, E. lb tj I'lakcnoy, Esy ! s, it. E. Wylie Esq. Hail was ag j, recti upon by consent and the * amount fixed at "?ii,UOO which p was readily given and tit defer. 1- (] ant discharged froti custody to a appear at tin approaching term f of emu t for t rail. . j For the Ledger. In I-, mory of our dear Grandmothc , Mrs. Mti r uvi '>. unclt. who tiicd Aug i t, lltUo. tlail n C> ' 2 she lived until the 20th of this c month she would have been 7ft ^ years old. She leaves two sisters, Mrs. Col H Jones and Miss Mary A. liorton of Kershaw county, r; She fiad 4 cliiiiiren livii g, 20 yrand children, and 11 great-grund children. Friends were ir ti liereii riminhi i.?ulini Which contained a jewel rara, ' rwuatiie beauteous fo. in of UramJinu, But lier spirit was not theie. ( Lovely flowers her form encircled, Scattered Iheio by hands of loye. ? Willing hearts to pay theii tribute To the dear one gone uhoVe. \\ ?;h how sail toBi? ihi.' - de Mowed in grief, I . i Vr ne. c\ And to see tiiose children si Weep b itir Pairs but net nlone p, Could we pierce the veil that hidetli ]i Her t; 'in morta! eyes and view 0I Such an angel form of brightness 1 Clothed in garments while and pure q| Would we cull tier hack from heaven, Would We wish her here t'l ain jj In this wprl 1 where joys arc mingled, c With sore hciouvemeii's, grief and j pal n. 111 hraniliii.i we miss thee in our daily paths A mid the hotiseh old grvtiug ?*' W here touos of tender love ure l> entiled. h; When friend with friend is meeting. ^ We know with yonder radiant throng Before the throne tliou art h-wiug. ^ '1 lid b'.ouin of imuioi lality IT| on thy brow soft glowing. ce Bleep on: ere long around thy vouch Bliall iillicssweet be springing j ',l While o'er thee in the rustling houghs R Will joy ous birds he singing. S Hweet be tiiy test, Oh! Giandmu! Uddisturbsd by pain or woe, w Bleep sweetly forever dear Grandma ci Tiii Gabriel bis trumpet shall blow. Gruud Daughter. * * i'ay your subscription. ;; Willi** COST"? Ic order to reduce our atoclc we art until further notice. We don't inter good*. We mention a fow items to #1 Shirta 75c, 50 conts shirts 38c, men's 50c shirts ? job ? at 25c. #10 Suits #7 50. #7 50 Suit MEN'S That cost us fro You can pick thf in at these prices, double knee Overalls at 88 cents. Some big barj, goods, colored an Laces, Kmbroidei Don't wait till t cd over. Sale be Yom FUNDEj ?- Forrule! 0?'.c I': >Ul gin juttit, ilibUtiog of 7 b p. A'atertown j lfinc, 00 hiov Wingrttouin, Kecd and condenser, and Lidded hand ress. Apply to J. F. 11 agios, Elgin, fc. C. j| One second hand Co saw /inship Gin, Feeder and Con in et', in good conditin, for ile cheap. Apply to t \V. T. Gregory-. ? For sale! Two 50-saw second at and Gins, Feeders and Conenscrs, in good condition. Also 111 Boss press. Apply to f J A. 1 lyatt, ^ ti. Van Wyck, S. C. S? jns' ^ No. 7S58. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. flicc Comptroller of the Currency Washington, 1 >. C., Aug. 4, 1905. W'llLRl AS by satisfactory m ,'ideiicc preset ted to the under- r gned, it has boon made to ap- ? cur that ''"The First National ank of Lancaster", in the Town ["Lancaster, in the County of I ancastcr and State of South Car ina, has complied with all the rovisions of the Statutes of the nited States, required to be implied with before an associa- I on shall be authorized to com- I icnce the business of Banking; NOWT11LRKFORK I, Thorn- 1 > P. Kane, Deputy, and Acting ' oniptroller of the Currency, do [ :reby certify that "The First atiomd Bank of Lancaster", in I) le Town of Lancaster, in the ounty of J incastcr and State of outh Carolina, is authorized ol nmnciK c the business of Banking p i provided in Section Fifty one indrcd and sixty nine ot' the cviscd Statutes of the United tates. IN TESTIMONY VVIIKRKOF itness my hand and Seal of ofli> thisFourth day ofAugust, iqo5. f j. . T. P. Kane, I Deputy and Acting 1 Comptroller of the Curfency. * 0-io-'o5. LL OUR SUMMER SHOES a in this sale. We would ? liter lose money on them than o t ry them over another year. ^ OU NEED ANOTHER PAIR sforu tho end of the soasou and )w is the time to buy them at q bargain. There are no reseritioris. Our entire stock is (J ,1 1 n n : _ - > ? ti.ii.ru v/..i in uiim are tnem. S ms-Ilu??hos Co. 1A LB. OU o going to soil goods at first coat ^ . . " ~ Wl id carrying over any Summer show yon wo moan business. lu 25c shirts lbc. Ten dozen s $5. $5 Suits $3 75. x f>k ** MM A in 38c to S4., Wo still hiivo u few dozen 5oc. ?;ains in white S v <1 white lawns, or ries, ete. lie host is pickgins now. v rs to Please, C tjjJRK CO ' V I'fML'***.1 u i.ui 1Y PRICES ARE AS CHE Quick Sales, S K(?r Fancy Stall', 1 have the line o the host that nro nuulc. All kinds of Canned (ioods ami id excursions I can supply voar *va Jhina,Crockery; 7 I have a full iitie and can please \\ Collie to see my ounter. He sun est?closes on Ai Y oiu>, J B JVIAC1 IUV fllOni MftH rtJirl 111 lvui f man anu nu The NeW A ^ecause it is the strongest compai era use its policic* protect one m ^ecause it lias over 13JM) million n3 ecause it hasi'Vor d >" nullim 1 ecause it paid in dividends ii< I<*? ecause it is purely niutu.il. 3 ecause its assetts belong to li ecnuso it does ii it invent in -tod ecause its polled; uita .o o:.iv oiniuni " ecause the insuiod loaves to h.- \ a law suit. ^ecause its policies are incontesta Because it paid in lt?04 ecause it is the best estate \o.i ecause it gives you the best pr? for the money. ecause you can't atl'ord to carry aiu best. Call on ,1. K. BLACK MON d lication. III liigli Class We still have a i oods that must go? ny prices on these g i and make us an o re yours. The good 0 not intend carry in ummer goods. Special Price on A beautiful piece of 68 inch lUen ice, 24 cents. One piece all Lint ir price 49 cents. One piece 72 inen worth $1.25, our price 85 cen Drth $1 50, our price 98 cents. W te of doilies to match and the pric< 'wo Specials in B limited quantity Lot 1 ? 12 spreads worth $1.2 Lot 2. ?12 snroarls: worth $ 1 S Great Values in 1 12 I-2C Dotted Swiss, this sale viss, this sale 8 cents. 2 pieces ed stripe, worth 15 cents our price LADIES' VESTSests, would be chea >ur price as long as E. E C AP AS CAN BR MA')K. hori Pi cms I -lilt lor * > l'rescrves ami Jeiiie rickle-, tor Snmmei l'iu sue* nt uid (i'ass Ware >u in |'iice ami ?|inil*ty. ') and iO cents 3 to see my eon 1"' i m * ! ! . a [ Oil. ? I IV \ .'.till, I I . . . I ill c c ".($; ! u; '' i . n' : ot ' i vi?l.) V (if cstillo ; | > ' . :l;! 1^11 ' ti'.ti uml nonforfeitable 000 ? > its p-iliov hoKK rs can .oavo 0 your IV liiy. itcelion tin t invi 'inontoon. .ium Vtlnn^ iilsc lain you cm urn I?. ien- of .! \ v. i ni vour npCJii . "fci.'. wv. '.i... 3) it. .. ,It? ? JB if Frfcffi fiEordta ndise ew more summer we will nol make oods but just come ffei and the goods s must go as we ig over anything in Table Damask. ich Damask, worth .jo cents, our :n, 70 inch wide, worth 75 cents, inch wide I'nhleached and all ts. One piece 72 inch wide e can also show you a beautiful 1 are right. edspreads?only a of these goods. 5, our price 83 cents 0, oir prict $1.10. Curtain Goods. io cents. toe Lace Stiiped of fancy curtain qoo i with colIOC. ?15 dozen Ladies' p at 15 cents each, they last, 3 lor 25 c. LOUD