* \ I ' ' WpuHAHj j? .m ' -- ? ?- - ? ?-v?^--?>-?? ->- ? < ?_ - l!!??S-,_ \mli t*.?Sa.TffV?I H " > ". . '^. ..?,.. "T^W l9BlBfc0W a OAJrrEX I kB/g^o, ZW ~s ?u-: f^h.r?KD >a ^r**%?fisr.&4fcB8l % 4&&rdBmxr 1TH1 11 fl 1 T*ur?ft>z> Wouan. f 1 .^7.^^:;^gr.rr=raasggga r. -.'- ? ? ..? ? j ' _ ? BJJ!arr3>m-a?j.?T-.t. ..... ?- ?*-? ? ' , ,, \ r r ' I ' C 'P I > . ... % " ? ;\> l WEKKIjY A i\T 4' A > ' Jb L. v. . C.. A L ? L b 1 i-, i.MJu i\ i> 11 ? 1 .1 ' uispcusary rottenness nas Begun to Come Out. Damaging ICvidence Against High and Low Officials of the System. ?Formci Beer dispenser Tells IIow the Thing is run. Hy William Hanks. Special to The rotate. Spartanburg, Aug. 8.?On the witness stand in the court house here today John Henry Mori . i formerly dispenser, testified to w.e fact that he had contributed to a fund to purchase the influence of the Spartanburg Journal in behalf of the dispensary. lie testified further that he had lost his job as beer dispenser because he complained of the miserable quality of beer sold by the Atlanta Brewing company and because he had refused to pay toC. O.Smith, chairman of county board, the amount that Smith demanded. Witness swore further that in making final settlement with Atlanta Brewibg company that concern Jw is irepresented by Cole L. Blcase, who had said, "You boys could have kept from telling so much." Referring to the affidavit which witnesses had given Messrs. Christenscn and Eyon,|Morris also testified that II. 11. Evans had asked him to " chip in" $3000 to the election of legislators in Spartanburg county, promising to refund it. Witness had never been reimbursed although he had spent money on advice of Jess Maluffcy, former member of legislature, who had told Morris that Kvans wasfgood for the amount, as during the session of the legislature Mahaffcy had had $20 bills stuffed into his pockets by Kvans during the campaign incident to Kvans' reelection. Witness declined to testify further, as Mahaffcy was not present and he wanted to say it to Mahaffcy's face. Witness also swore that C. O. Smith, the former chairman of the county board, had told him that he must sell Atlanta beer or none at all when Morris complained that the beer was stale and the customers were quitting liini. He testified that he had seen Smith drunk on several occasions and that once he saw Smith try to cut a man with a meat knife. Morris was the only witness examined, as the hearing did not commcncc*fintil after 5 o'clock. Senator Hay and Mr. Fraser having been delayed, Mr. Lyon stated that he and Mr. Christensen, being members of the sub-cornmittc, would not sit as members of the commission but as prosecuting attorneys. He began by reading a letter from C. II. Henry and his reply to that letter. Henry had asked for permission to reply to statements in an affidavit of whirli 1m had heard. Mr. Lyon had replied that? Henry \rould be given, a free and full hearing. This was approved by the committee and Henry may appear if he choose to do so. On account of the * delay, there were not many people in the court house, but the testimony of Morris made quite a stir. Senator Blease, who was the TWO BOTTLES OUIt ED HI M "1 was troubled with kidney conmlaint for about two voars." i ^ J writes A. H. Davis, of Alt. Storl ing, Ik., "but two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure effected a permanent cure." Sold by Funderburk Pharmacy. _ aumor ot tiie resolution looking to the dispensary investigation, was jeferred to very pointedly by the witness but lie did not cross exain inc him. There were several present who are interested in the local fight to vote out the dispensary and they seem to think that the testimony j today will have its weight in that' issue, for the witness is said to be j a reliable man. lie testified that he is a butcher and has an iruei r ?.i a grocery sb> . He was a w iliing witness ..:vi : rot hesitate to declare himself. lie had been elected beer dispenser in April, 1904, and was not reelected at the end of the year. He had spent $80 to get the Job, including the attorney's fee. It h id cost him between $700 and ?i5oo to fix tip his place. THE MORRIS AFFIDAVIT. After further arguments Mr. Lyon proceeded with the reading of the affidavit of Morris given last April It road: " I did not know positively what C. O. Smith meant, but supposed it mean tthat I would have to pay the county boa. r control something for/.n\ i L tion. I inferreu thi ; bee. lleer Disponser i?. L. :.V i told men that he had to ,vv v. .). Smith $275 for his electio the beer and whiskey he / a. In addition to this \V. i told me that J. 1*. i'hackslv a i d to pay about $ I-50 for his be t privilege to C. O. Smith, chairman of county board. (Objec i >n by Mr Sims.) Tolad and Lanjore. told me that the $275 mentiont \ above was deposited in the -a'-.of J. W. Iluscmau, beer dispe..ser here. These are a few of reasons 1 had for supposing 'hat I would have to pay some of the members of county board for my privilege to sell beer. Later upon asking for a book of instruction for running my dispensary, Mr. Smith said, 'Don't mind instructions, make every dollar you can, you will need it for your next election.' About the middle of March last, shortly before |my time for reelection, C. O. Smith came to my place of business, and asked me if I wished to be reelected. I said I did. He said I Hati; better gel busy and go to Atlanta with him and make a trade with Jeff Dunwoody. If I did not, the other fellow would. Dunwoody is thejgentleman who represents the Atlanta Brewing company. DUNWOODY COMES IN. "In August, or previous to that, in July, 1 received ti ear of stale beer, and bad a lot ol it sent back on me, and a lot of my customers quit mo, and i told Charlie Smith, and he said 1 would have to handle it or none. He said, 'You know Jeff Dunwoody gave you $125 to help you build your ice box.' I said, 'I will just pay him $125 and buy from somebody else, I i cant sell that.' Smith say?, 'You can sell that or nothing1 That was previous to March in August or July. I preferred to go, that if n uiun uiui in gui me Deer in. pM> | ary I did nir beor." Q. "That wus that stale bcorf" A "Yes sir, wlu-n I obligate myself I would have to ha.idle anything thoy put on me." Mr. Lyon, eou i .u;- alliv. - 1 vit: "\\Y it:nn o?,d.)i had been toid that ;; I were re-j J elected brer oisp nser that tie ; ? would hnvi to come i Spartan-ji burg a d get bu-v if any of l.'.sjl beer were sold bete* Dtinv^ody 11 told mo that 1 wi ui l have to give f if I a keg go I would satisfy the i hoy. i There was more of thY kind of * evidence in the Mlidnvit, all going * to show that Morri , while difpen so r, was told that (' (). Smith ' was master of the situation in Spartanburg county, ?r'?l that a member of the Sti o hoard l ad ' told J. if J? inv - dy that Smith * would ' emahi on t' c eour.iv board 1 until at'ei the rlec'i n of bcerdis- ' pen sere. The affidavit continues: ''The t result of ! :o v. h V matter v.-as i that 1 lost my po- tjin: J attribn'e t: 'a to v :'??f ?il to fo! w ( Dor v 's ; f f':u ' ad vi no. \ Nn f'::-:' "v u-. p1 ' cd r.gni.i-t I ( nip, "vt: I c I'" *' tu.i'.tc- to ji lie "1 vi o' *?v. M. H. Evnnsn Mn i lett&i' wbicli I bod v ' 0. P.j? t . i", -i. 1 ' vo:i ; n v >r i t r** d " spouse f ?? n , | ! A I i' i m 1 i m ' r. ! ; VJpr, s tt II. !I Evans i , I of ? ? 1. V < ' ? | , ago! si lii i re ' t cat ; [It- ? -' * ' 'v to I / 1 v. Irompva! ' :ed a of foil*I J I pll?\ . T I : !?V t 1 O Sited 1 ? L I received^ no reply. There w?h i nr V i *> 'r 1 tar, ? v\ "IV-: i ;n : cir. hi : 'r t >; pur- a p ?k ? ? .nr < < ! w, on v | t' O J 'PIT \V hnn I he j i' . ? ' ',M t was eirenl ito-.l V? . llnrninn, t dispenser, tam.> to o d M t that The Kvoning J nirn 1 v. i:'?l take up our li^hi i >r h"? and ' that my parr ot' th w ! , that I 'tin \ woody woui 1 giv\; $50 for this c purpose, an,i that Joe llnsemau I hud collected from voprust ntutivos t of whiskey houses In Columbia 1 about $285, ufter II tsonian's ex- r iponsos had been il.cn out, and a I 4!,?? U* i. .. a IUUV u\ , i_mii , il !T(;e.lVC'l II I' I cbec'i from K' >io -liuum for $25.'' 1 j Q. "Did C. (). Smith rcpro- a sent Fleisehman ?!* Co. as welling ji amenta at that time?". v I A. "I thiuk Mr. Smith rep- j resented them at that time; I . j won't ho jv .i'.ivc. Pro Fifthly Mr. M'.'C! . !'< i I * * n all jJvin't that, ' \jus? 'ii' t.iiol to net las M S i . )' v?;o s"cretary 1 air' t'..?.'' ' 1 ?!'. (. : afudnvii: ^ ' ! v i r . ; , i \,as pnya!?'i > ' 'So Mo mi lit ( ?*. jrrf.au?r~r7a 13 ro> i ' 11- k< v -.V l;nty YSA ( Mrs. M ! \ : V, nf n?i>. v;"<\ t 1.. ' it. ( I I.:? (it-;... ' : .?!: cv ( j U'ol ri 1 o .* l' '> ] I. .wy ii <1 : Is il Mi i' Ciiro'' t > >1 b v : m! rim. If i'lmrmacy. A! o ( (; j' yd, i? r- 0 Hil.'iW, ^ 0 i'.iy yom sub cripiion i b'.< ehoc ; wus i > go to Dispenser in Wc^otfd v, part ot the money to bi >o paid to Tho Journal." Si Witness: "As lor Mr. Henry, pi I never saw him in my life as I ly mow of, and whether it was to go iirocttto biin or not, I don't know, hi I paid it tt Mr. Harmon. I told uf liin $85_whh all 1 would give and il'tor Mr Harmon told mo that 44 P25 would lie enough, Hwsoman as md iieibling, beer dispensors, th ame down and said Mr. Henry ca laid wo hail belter give more." fr Q "What was the object in w .riving The Journal this money?" sa TKJ'.V ALL CAMK ACROSS. ar A. "Thoy said all tho rest of le hem wevo giving them money to i?>ht the prohibition movcaient be nut wanttd me to come across and 1 told them 1 would." 44 Q 44You did not have any 1? lgreement to put in any advertisng matter in Tho Journal?" 'K A. 44N \ 1 don't know wheth- ^ ;r it went to Tho .fournal or not, 01 ?nt when I asked thorn why they i, i?>t f mm... ii i-i' ? ? rc ..tn i. ? <1 ikiiiki ? ininienco, 'mt Mr. Henry hud been fighting h * dinpcosirv along, and they 'O *0 > m'l got Tho Herald,' ?f tad doubted i* they emid got t nry, bnl if 1 would give it, 1 *' vould lie elected agnin." 1,1 Mr. Lyon ntinuing ritli?l ivit: to / n i v-'iott'y j" or 1 agreed to Mr. i\ I riiK?r.'^ p.. ,)os:tion to pay Tho n* uuni.l r-300, Mo Reibling and XN M i! oii'uu, boor dispensers, oanie > me and said, 'Let's get Henry, v he uowspaper man of Tho Even- ^ h r .T nrrtal; that ho would take I tight for ?500.' I asked !U >n of tlivj increase, as Mr. irn : ad just said that ?300 rice. They said that in .on; ; Is- 1 gone up. that he had ro nod ?300 was not enough, us ho vc vould h>?e subscribers to his pap- <)! >r in ! ids influence, as he had th ;r;i :i ;ht;ug oil the other side." Ml iVitoi's said that was what they old him. Bl Mr. Eyon continuing affidavit: ti? '11 a. in.v.) and Reibling told mo a ny part would bo ?50, hut 1 de- fo lined to give this much. Mr. all 1 armon came hack and said ?25 vas enough for me to pay. That CI hey would try and get balance he nun whiskey houses. co "K id lvoibliiig each for their privi> gos.'1 Witness: "The uumo ni'in w Id stale beer to inc. Mr. Lyon continuing aflidavit Ho tbon mid to u>. ruuge luoinui r with Dunwoody; to lot bin uirgo $1 extra on ouch bun-el oi >.er and pay it over t?? bun (C. . Smith) us tho beer \7n> onhv I. I refused to do tbiu.'1 Q. "Ate tliCfC state : 1 iv; ctT' A. "Yes, sir, correct.'' Mr. Lyon then read u ; lct'.ors from Dunw o lack wood, id or: is a . t?o tirst letter to Mr. March of lu-'l year the establishment spensury for which Mo U r wauls elected diaper.-. oody toid that te woo! orris to get the joo ir ti e ! i mild use Dumvooiy's beer. lack wood is a former member o o legislature and appoared tod , one of C. O. Smith to: A latku AI i: At the conc!u g of these i.tto; , i ad to I lie witness . : tn several weeks after te. What happened b e lime of tho giving of t lidavits related to the tin.', recn Morrison ami Si lease, tho auth u of the i s.? u >n causing tho investigation to i member of tho cotniuision. 1 Mowing are extracts from that fidavit. Q. "Mr. Morris, siuce Mr. iristenson and myself wo . re the last time, were you nsulted about tho diapras-iry nation by senatoi lilea o c owberry i" A. "Yes, sir. Ho came to n mn Alinnt a >inH]i>niiini 1...: .. 0 Atlanta Browing com pun y d myself." Q. "Who did Senator B'oaso present?'' A. "1 thought the Atlanta rowing company, from the way 1 talked. Ho did not say who i represented, but from the start took it that be represented the tlanta Brewing Co. or i)unr>ody." Q. "Did lie have a hill?" A. "No,ho did nothavo a hi!' had the bill and ho asked me f i M MR. ?!I,i:a*e COMK8 ra.j The witness then staled ii t' lidavit that ho gave h's hi'! i lease, who carried t 0\ 6r rgylo hotel l :anyarno Wilson. Ac r the prosenco of "r. V. id JVlr. Howard < i ilivd , i. \ ndercd #1 :> to Morris in p. ent of tho $ 13 35. Tho jJucpobQ ol' this Uolunon as to show t'.at Ser.at.v IVf month after havipu: hecn W ' < ; n - . r . V> I-/ -o i ' v;!i i '?it . ' ' > t > : M . o tit i,d - . .1 ' s i < I M i- : v l >. , V!- I'.'" (.'O' ' ! 1 h i>. ! S a ' . . 1,1 '0: t ... I i r ' i tur > > f (> n . v i 1 won' ' ;<< . II t < f -1 ; . .... :. v. \ r ? i c s r, l:o . : o if In . v 1 { \ \ 11 W |u ' I I , v . w n. i of th< " V I r in ' .VI 1? : . v : I' ' v! !< mi 1' "V r : ) i > in' ( ' - > O. . ; I : ] | a. ' 1 ! ; c\ :> i * ' I * i v '> * ^ * , * ") . \ * V * A. : lo ? J jo i a 1 \v >* \ ct i \v . ; Xvrtu* ' i ; ' V nu ; v. *s to !>. . . i .i i o ' ' v i : > w. >,v V . ' M 1A i J ' * x! f' | 'i % * m * '