Local Mamr? 1,1 I II IIMI II llll II', III IIIII M ?Huylcr's candy fresh from 0 tho factory. J It Mackorcl). a ?C. H. Kvcrall went to Rock b Hill last Saturday. i\ ?A protracted meeting will Bturt at Zion Methodist clinrch t, Saturday Aug. 12th. tl ?FIowji Pot all hi/,os, shapes o and forms, froiu 6 gallons down 1' to flirts. J l^Mackorell. 5 ?Mrs. W. K. Parduc and little n son, llenry, and Misses Minnie l> and Maggie Parduc are visit ing relatives at Fort Lawn. ?Misses Lula and Allic Talbcr (j of Rock Hill visited their sister, M Mrs. J. W. Vick, of Sincerity P last week. a' qi ?Mr. Mart Steolo of the Crook _ section lost a good niulo the oast week?the second ho has had the misfortune to lose this year. al --Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. uarry Foster, August 5th, 1905, a daughter. The little Miss will w lie christened Mary Shaw. m ?For sals! Two 50-saw second p hand Gins, Feeders and Coo- Q1 densers, in good condition. Also M a Boss pres?. Apply to 1Q J. A. Hyatt, a, 4 ti. Van Wyck, S. C. pi ? Mrs. C. E. Williams and Miss Pearl Hammond, of neath Springs, ji are guests of Mrs. E. M. Crux- gt ton ?Mrs. Ghent, aged about 80 hi years, died at the home of her f| son, Mr. Wesly Ghent, at the cot- ftton mill here Sunday night. The Gr burial took place Monday at Tirzah church. , cl ?For sale! One field gin outfit, art consisting of 7 h. p. .Vatortown engine, 60-saw Wingategin, Feeder and condenser, and Liddell hand press. Apply to .1. S. llagins, ac Elgin, S. C. 4 ti. ?One second hand 6o-saw of Winship Gin, Feeder and Con- S(1 denser, in good condition, for sale cheap. Apply to 4t W. T. Gregory. ^ ?A commission was issued ti< Friday to the Mobley Brothers in company of Heath Springs. The hii capital stock will be $6,000. and 01 the business will ho mermnt-il#* In character. The corporators are K. L. Mobley and E. 11. Mobley. j?' ?Lancaster extends a warm at welcome to Mr. G. A. Cowan, of Rock Hill, who will buy cotton here for the firm of Leroy Springs rc & Co. Mr. Cowan will move his 8e family here as soon as he can pro- ra' cure a suitable house. ^ tw ?Mr. Fred Wright, of the an Monetta cotton mill", was found guilty by a jury in Mayor Wyhe's court Friday afternoon for violat- Li ing the town ordinance against Sh enticing labor, and fined $40. An bi: appeal will be taken to the circiut gi court. M S, ? For rent or exchange! 1 will ^ ru.ii i?i" i?ir iii.'h i * i r Atlln11 t. for g iken tlie full four years course tb there. She comes highly recom- hi mended both by the president of tj, the school from which she gradu- t(? ated and the trustees of the school i ? which she has taught since her graduation. D rile \Ya.\1i iw ami Shilch Bible ^ . lOCiety will hold .1 "edit ieetio eight years of age arc invited to 10 Court House grounds at 5 * 'clock Thursday afternoon to a 0 indar Hunt. Admission fee is c cts to bo devoted to the Monuicnt fund. Please conic pompt- 8 r at the hour named. ?Tho Duron lands were sold 1 t public auction Monday by tho lerk of Court and purchased by > Ir. T. M. Polk. Mr. llelk had s roviously h o u g h t all claims i ?ai ist tho property atul conse- v iinnilt* 1? I - ? -? 1 ? ? * 1 " iiomij iii^ pim whh ouiy inuiumu * -$200. \ ? Three 1 of s with dwellings, v. so vacant lot on Elm Street for , 110 Apply to T. S. Carter Agent, j ? Mr. and Mrs. John D. Adams c 111 have a pic-nic at the Adams1 j incral spring, Tuesday, August ^ 5th, omplimentary to Miss Tate, (| F Bridgcwater, N. C., a sister of f Irs. Adams'. The ladies of Shi- * ih Aid Society will sell ice-cream id cake on the occasion. The nblic is invited. c ?Mrs. J. J. Williams and chil s ren of .lacksonvillo Bla., are nests of Mrs. J. S.Wilson. c ?A boll of open cotton was a -ought to this office yesterday? n ?o first of the season. U was ,, om the field of Mr. .1. L. Hunter [ i the Wylio place. ?Two second hand sowing ma- b ifties and a one-horse buggy for 9 le cheap. Conic early. J S. Wilson. r t< ? Mr. J. M. Stewart, who has cepted a position in Camden, ;ent Sunday with his family here. ^ ?Mr. and Mrs, h. N. Clyburn ti ! Atlinta, Ga , are guests of their n, Mr. J. F. Clyburn. Their ,t any friends are glad to see em. si ? Mr. ii. II. James, who rc- n ntly underwent a serious operaon at Camden unihr Drs. BrasJ gton and Clyburn is up with his , mily on a visit to his wife's parits at this place. ?Mrs. F. C. Woodward and uighter, Miss Alma Tillman, of ckory, N. C., are guests of the rmer's sister, Mrs. E. D.Tillman this place. ?Mr. William a Steele turnod yesterday from a visit of VLUIl IU II ICUUd 111 J^IUU" do, Ark. lie was accompanied by 2V. M. F. Little, who will spiiiptro'ler ?>f trio Curio ?cy in I is issue. R jncasier County Reunion. The committee appointed by ixie Camp No. 1175, to name e time of holdiug the County bunion met Monday with the 11 Atui nrt m o no l\ot?n rvnooAnf \it I nun iu^ iuuiuuci 3 ^icaruv vv ? , A. Porter, J. C. Foster, I). pies, J. B. Sbehane, Geo. W. ui toes, W. T. Vanlandingham, g< id J. E. Stewman. The following resolution was issed : Resolved, That the reunion to i held at Hopewell church )ixie) be held ou the 24th and ith of August. Judge Ira B. >nes has been invited to deliv- ^ an address on the results of ''' ie war; Mr. Barrett Joucs on le Confederate Veteran, and ongressman I). E. Finley ou ? ducation. An address of wel- j me will be inade by Comman ir W. G. A. Porter. Ono of1 i6 ooramiit?e, Mr. J. B? She' / ine, was appointed to request j v ie Heath Springs band to at- j nd the eocampment. All Confederate Veterans and i aughtere of the Confederacy ' t + re cordially .nvitud -i? ? .11 h ho p^'o'.ic '.iiv, a. h i<'( rei blind basnets. I.jio v iterans j nil bo furnished badges bonrug the words, "Dixie lleuuion 5. V., Aug. 21, '05." Veterans ,ro requested also to wear thoir l osses of honor (lapt. J. C. Foster requests hut ul the surviving members f liis old command meet hiiu n this occasion. [ Monroe Enquirer and Kerhuw Era please publish. | Jontb of tlrs. .1. it. CI.yImi: n. A telegram to Mr. J. F. Clyburn csterday afternoon brought the ad news cf the death of his sister ii- law, Mrs. Fright (Jlvhurn, vidow of the iatc J. It. Clyburn, vhich occurred at her homo at Vaxhaw of heart failure. Mrs. 'lyburn was a daughter of Mr. amuc! Plythc and was about 24 'curs of age. .She is the* 1 as t of e family, her husband having lied about live months ago and heir only child about two months atcr. The interment will take dace at Waxhaw at 10 a. in. to- | lay. Mr. ] F. Clybun and! utnily left this morning t-> attend he funeral and burial ? Mr. Louis II. llamel, a broth i r of Cnpt. J. W. Hanicl of Kei haw, died at his homo at Moristown, Tenn., on Sunday mornng after a protracted illness of, onsumption. Surviving him are wife and onedaughter. ins ro. 1 nains were interred at Charlotte esterday with the honors of tho ied Men of w hich organization ho ad long been a prominent momK*r. uon. J VV. Hamel, of Kertmw, went up to Chailotto Sunay to supervise the funesul arangement*. tie will return home aduy. ?About 800 votes were cast iu 10 election for cotton weigher at lis place yesterday. Mr. d. F. [istx-r was reelected by a major- ^ y of 83. j A woman's memory L usua'ly trongest on the point <>f other onion's old clothes. Photographers make a specialty f negatives, but seldom say "no" hen asked to take something. mmmt ? ? Willi ?u)', Wiimtoii-n?l -in, N. C. HHHHHI COST * Id order to reduce our stock we t itil further notice. Wo don't int >ods. We mention h few items t< $1 Shirts 75c, 50 cents shirts 3* en's 50c shirts? job-^-at 25c. #10 Suits $7 50. #7 50 Sn MEN'S That cost us f'r ou can pick Ihom at these prices, uiblo Uneo Overalls at 38 cents. Sonic big bar oods, colored ai Laces, Embroidc Don't wait till ;d over. Sale 1m Yo FUNDE 0 * * * ' I . t\ > 1 Rally aril Wood>.i v Van Wock Aug. i'v!i. The following speakers aic I expected to give talks on that occasion: Hon. 1). K. Finlcy, Supt. \V. 11. llund, and lion. J. W. llatncl. The public is cordially requested to be present and bring well-tilled baskets. We hope to have other speeches besides the ones mentioned, and to arouse jiu interest in education and woodcraft. Remember the date, Wednesday, Aug. i6th. R. E. Sharp, J. M. Yodcr, J. A. Hyatt, (I. L. Vaughan, L. R. Thompson, Committee c/L8 v o n. x a . B >ar? tbe >he Kind Ynu Have Always Bought "tr vSt an n a ajr- t-mr? ?a?m No. 7858. | TREASURY DEPARTMENT. ( Office ( omptroller of the Currency j Washington, D. C\, Aug. 4, 1905. | WIIKR1CAS, by satisfactory j evidence presented to the underj signed, it lias been made to appear that "The First National Hunk of Lancaster' , in the Town of Lancaster, in the County of Lancaster and State of South Carolina, has complied with all the provisions of the Statutes of the United States, required to be complied with before an association shall be authorized to commence the business of Banking; NOW THEREFORE I, Thomas 1\ Kane, Deputy and Acting ( Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "The First j National Hank of Lancaster", in I the Town of Lancaster, in the j County s a Keen Appetite Will Make You Art-rt-tiincy Sl.OOevorywhero /inytning Sample l*>ttlo froo sle r wo going to well goods at first coat end carrying over any Summer n show you wo mean business, ic, 25c shirts 19c. Ten dozen lits $5. $5 Suits $3 75. t 6m 38c to 84., Q Wo still have a few dozen 5oc. gains in white nd white lawns, ivies, etc. the best is pioksgins now. urs to Please, RBURK GO lCJT>*T?nT & T." ** j tyj* ?*&>*JJ rM MY PRICES ARE AS CHEAP AS Quick Sales, Slior! i' " A For Fancy StulV, 1 have? the line Kitlcr are the bent that are made. All kinds of Canned Goods ami 1\ kit s, and excursions lean supply your wants. China,Crockery and ( 7 %/ 1 have a full iinc and can please you both i Come to see my 5 am counter. Be sure to 4 4. " wjsi-cioses on Aug- v. Yours, J B JWACKO) WHY Event Man ani Wctiaa The NeW York Bp cause it is the strongest eompanv in the crause its policies protect one million tan ecauso it has over 300 million ns-clG Because it has over 380 millions Reserve 1ecauso it paid in dividends in 100 1 over j ecauso it is purely mutual. It lno m. raj Becauso its assotts belong to the \ olicv no ecauso it does not invest in stoch m l i ecauso its policios contain only premium ecauso the insuiod loaves to his >vi.; > Ba law suit. ecauso its policies are incoulocVu ?lo Because it paid in 1904 #40,000,000 i<> it ocause it is the best estate you cm ie - u ecauso it gives you the be pr- (i 1 for tho money.. Docause you can't allord to carrv anvtbo.tiest. Gall 011 J. K. 11LA.GKMON of Lanca tci plication. SATURDAY AM) T On Saturday and Mond dollar's worth you buy fro refund you 10c of the amo words, if you buy $1.00 w you 90c; if you buy $5.00, $4.50 and so on. In additi eral discount, we will mat closest prices ever made ir Good io_ colored lawns, for Satur 1 ? .* u. 1 .I< Good 15 and 20c colored lawns, for itut J.iy 20c 40 inch white lawn for Saturday an J Monc Good fast colored Calicoes, for Saturday and A Good 8c curtain Scrim, for Saturday and Mon< Good 9c Bleach, for Saturday and Monday 0 7 Good 8c Bedtick, for Saturday anil Monday 4 Full 3 yard lace Curtains, worth $1.50, for Satui Full 2 1-2 yard lace Curtains, sold for 89:, " Good 8c apron ginghams, for Saturday and M? 36 inch white Homespun, for Saturday and Mi Good 6 1-2 checked Homespun, for Saturday ; Good 60c shirt for Saturday and Monday 39c. Good 50c shirt, for Saturday and Monday, 29; Good $1.50 l'arosol, for Saturday and Monday ft n f CO Ignore (nr nrul M.manF Ladies' ioc Hose, Saturday and Monday yc. Full size ladies' petticoat, sold for $i.oc, Sit i Boys 25c straw bats, Saturday and Monday 1: Bovs 15c straw hats Saturday and Monday \ Good 75c Corsets, Saturday and Monda y, 48c. Good 50c Corsets, Saturday and Monday, Good 5c Pearl Buttons, Saturday and M nnd.i\ Men's iOc elastic seam Drawers, Saturday a This is only a few of gains that we are offering i days. Be sure and be on h forget to ask for your libei E. E CLO / ?* s ? 1* " ,r^i a.S * . . CAN BE MADE. ! Profits ! '.s I'rosorve*. and Jellies lei Summer rio nit* lass Ware 11 juice and ijualilv. [\ 3 0 cents see inv com 1 7. RE) I sieiii insure j is ; Lii'e, A wnrltl. nl !os. ? iid. r ->00,000. 'ital stock Iclnrs. dustriul ^ocuntics ? nditi.n "paymont of it" a I(.*ur?i^:\* unknot u nforffjitutjic. h policy holders, to your ft/ i,. y. ? l i?p os> -nciit combiner villi.i yuii o ?>i aol tho :i;U fpvc aim your ap- . 3ST.Skr.Tt VI ON DAY. ay, for every in us we will unt. In other orth, it costs it costs you on to this libvc some of the i Lancaster. nJay, 4 :-2 unl M >nday <_ 1-40. lay, (j 1-2 c. Monday, 4 c. lay?4 i-2e. -So. 3-4C. Jay an J Mon lay $1.10 1 " " 50c. onday only 4 1-2 c. ?nday, 4 3-40. ind Monday. 4 i-2c \ 98c. [5i.iO. rday an i Monday, 6jc 1 c >0. V '> Monday, 41c the good barfoi these two and, a ad don't al discount. >UD