: Usal Matters ??n??i ? ? n? i ii i in? i? ? "A'o are moving into tlie Gan son store aud offer the same good bargains that wo have for the last two weeks. Bennett Grocery Co. ?Died, Sunday, 30' h July 1Q05, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs II. 1\ Stogncr of the Autioch section. ? Vlr. George Gamble, o f Wildwnod, Fla., visited relatives in this county this week. ? Mrs. J. C. Edwards is visiting her parents in Chesterfield county. It . 1 * ? n'.iyior s candy fresh from the factory. J B Muckorell. ? Mr?. T. S. Carter and daHghtcr, Miss Kssic Jones, arc visiting relatives at Kershaw and Plesant Plain. ? ?Mr. Crockett McMurray is on a visit to his father, Mr. T. W. McMurray of Jacksonhnm. ?Mr. W. J. Cnnninghatn went over to Rock Hill yesterday to attend the funeral of Mr. J. .1. , Hull. ? Miss Leslie Johnson is visit- ( ing relatives at Asheville, N. C. , ? flower Pots all sizes, shapes and forms, from 5 gallons down to quarts. J B Maekorcll. Mr. Trenholm Ilasscltiuo, of i Florida, iR visiting his sisters, Mrs. E. C. Lanier and Mrs. W. 1 M. Crawford, at this place. < There will bo no preaching at < Union Baptist church the second Sunday in August. ; S. N. Watson, pastor. ?Three lets with dwellings, 1 also vacant lot on Elm Street for 1 sale Apply to l\ S. Carter Agent. 1 ? Mr. and Mrs. L . J. Perry ( have returned from a visit to the , former's daughter ai Bamberg. ?There will not be any Bervi- j ( ces at Unity next Sabbath. The 1 pastor is assisting in a meeting nt ; Back creek, N. C., this week. t ?Rev. .1 H Boldridge, O. D., t will preach a special sermon to t the Jr. O. U. A. M., in the first t Baptist church at II a. m., next ? Sunday. All members of the or. ' der are requested to meet at their ' cull at 10 a. in. sharp. The public is invited. "1 Miss l'earl Fewell went to Lancaster yesterday to spend n tew days with relatives.?Rock / Hill Herald. a ? Miss Rosa Burnett is visit- o ing friends in Lancaster. She t also expected to visit Catawba, t Losslic and li?ath Springs before returning homo.?Rock uill Herald. c Married. ?t this place, Sun- iV day,?July 30th, I905, by Magis- * Irate L* J Berry, Mr. Bunyan v Gregory and Miss Annie Mother- F shed, daughter of Mr. Jas. it. ^ Mothershcd of the Creak section. 1 ?The visitors from Chester 1 fc who came over on the excursion ^ run by tho Springstein band Sat- ii urdny apparently enjoyed them. A selves while here. The music discoursed by the band on the court house lawn wus a fine treat for the large crowd attracted by it. The rI game of ball between the Lancaster and Chester team which prom- 1 ised to bo very interesting was broken up by u ccavy shower of . rain in the third inning. The ox cursionists, numbering about four hundred, returned home at lo p m. e ? Xtr. M arion Stokes, who had a accepted the principalship of the ^ Van Wyck school has resigned on account of ill houlth, and c the school is in need of a teacher. n g Mr Stokes is now undor treatment in Asheville, and it was upou p the advice of his physician that ho his decided not to traeh 1 44 tho present year. OAWTOHIA. 1 . -V Bears tba K'nd You Hevo Always BfiUgH *1'' - ; "r* f ? Lost! Monday night, a pock*, cl hook containing my pass to Jacksonville F.a., trainman's 10 coipts and truveling card. Finder will be rewarded by leaving at Ledger office, or returning to (Jr. T. (luzeltino. ' ?About20o phonos were burned out at the telophono otlico by the electric storm of last Friday night ?For rout oroxclringj! I will soli on easy terms or exchange for good farm near town of Lancaster ono two-story six-room dwelling, situated in good com tminily on Main street, two blocks from centre of town. 'Apply to J J Bluckmon. lm. ?The annual basket picnic of Cedar camp, VV. O. W., will come oft at tho r hall at Van Wyck August iGth. All neighboring camps their families and friends are cor diully invited. At tho sanio time and place an educational rally wiil take place. State Su.pt. of Educatiou Martin, Hon. 1). E. Finloy nnd Hon. J. \V Hamcl arc oxpq^ted to make addresses on education and several speakers have been invited to make addressoaon wooncraft. Everybody is expected to bring well tilled baskets. Serious Accident M iss Minnie Scttlemyre, daugh ter of Mr H G Scttlemyre, of the cotton mill, met with a serious accident last Saturday night.? She with a number of others was accompanying some ol the Chester excursionists to the depot that night when she and the young man accompanying her, thinking they were followiug the railroad track to the depot, walked off at the end of the coal chute of the L & C railroad, falling a distance of about ten feet. Both were i nurcd but the young man's injures were not serious, and he was , ible to go on to bis home in Chcs er, but the young lady had to be . aken home in a buggy and yes- ( erday was taken to Chester to ?. he sanitarium for treatment. Her ; pine seems to have been badly njured by the fall and the attendn 'oils assessed 1905 3792 " 1904 3309 Notice of Election. 1'nnmant to an act of the Legislature un lection will be held at tho following laces, viz: Laucuster C. H., Heath Springs <1 nd Kershaw on the second Tuesday in LUgnst, 1905, for tho purpose of electing a ottor. weigher for each of the above named ilacet Polls open at 8 o'clock a. in, and 4 ioHo at 4 o'clock p. in. All qualified voters t re entitled to vote. The foil .wing mrum- j ers are appointed; Lancaster. O. 11 ?J BCoutir, It J liar ier. W II Canthou. lleath Springs?D \V Hendrix, M I. ( leckham J 11 CreighloD Kershaw?11 F Hilton, \V T Illackmon, lenry Horton. By order ot Board of County Commis* rs. m. o. Gardner, Co. Supervisor. m Disastrous Hail Storm A very destructive hail stroi l'lio Lancaster Capitalist Denies s hia Responsibility for Certain 1 Statements Mmlo About v Him. 1 Special lo News and Courier. ? Line i-stcr, July 29. ? it was tinted in the Uennetlsvillo correspondence of The News an d Courier this week that Col Lcroy 1 Springs, of Lancaster, is thought I to he the party with whom "the ' Pages are negotiating for the sale of the Chester field and Lan caster Railroad, which extends I from Chcraw to Ruby," Accor : ding to the same authority Col 1 Springs is credited with having ' made tho statement that ho would * build a million Dollar-cotton mill at Chcraw in the event a boat - line should be put on the Pce-Dec ; up to that point. W neu asked about these reports Co! Springs informed your cor1 re-p indent that he know nothing ' whatever about thorn, cxcopt what lie had seen in tho papers. It appears, therefore, that tho Beuuctsvillo writer has been niisirtfn?'IMl>/l " r-. P.... ? '1- ' * ..v-u, ovy uti uo v>wi opriDg'B connection with the ponding rail; rond deal, and the proposition i to build a mill at Chcravr is con , cernetd. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought I FOR COTTON WEIGHER. I hereby announce myself a can didatc for reelection to the office of public cotton weigher at Lancaster, SC. " J F Nisbet. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Public Cotton weigher at Lancaster C II. A J Baily. FOR COTTON WEIGHER AT HEATH SPRINGS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for tho ollico of Public Cotton Weigher at Heath Springs, S. O. A L Mobloy. IT'S A GOOD SIGN and tells where wo aro located. ] It caught the oyo of this young miss and pleases hor. She is 1 already on hor way to our place to purchase i A 1)111CSS PATTERN OR TWO. It's our dull season and things J aro cheaper than usual. Specill drives all along the line in dry goods is unloading our big ^ stock. Buy something and get a benefit. ( iams-IIuglies Co. SALE! ! r V. are going to sell goods at first cost 1 itond carrying over any Summer I to show you we mean business. ^ 8c, 25c shirts 10c. Ton dozen 3 nits $5. #5 Suits $3 75. PANTS, I oin 88c to 84., } Wo still have a few dozen 5oc. ^ C rgains in white 1 lid wliitc lawns, erics, etc. the best is pick- ? oirins nrtw c w i*n * -KJL \/ f f f >urs to Please, SBBUBK CO SPECIAL 1 JIY PRICES ARE AS CHEAP I Quick Sales, Sho; r-VFor Fancy Stuff, 1 have the lino Kill arc the best that are made. All kinds of Canned Goods and Field and excursions lean supply your wiui-? China, Crockery and 1 have a full iino and can please you boll Come to sec my 5 ai %/ counter. He sure t< test?closes on Aug- ! Yours, J B JWACKO WHY Everir Man anil Wiman The NeW Yoi Becuuse it is tho strongest company in t orauso its policies protect ono million I ectinso it litis over 300 million usscUs. Because it has over 3S0 millions Lloscrvt ecauso it paid in dividends in 100 1 ovc ecnuse it is purely mutual. It lias no Because its assotts belong to the policy ccauso it does not invest in stocks and ecause its policies contain only one premium " ecauso tho insuicd leaves to hi- \vi 1 i . Ba law suit, ecauso its policies are incontestable an Because it paid in 1004 #40,000,000 to ocuuse it is tho best estate you can lea ecauso it gives you tho best protectioi for the money. Because you can't afford to carry anything best. Call on .J. 10. BLACK MON of Lancis plication. EBtsr;: ss*:- 7*1 z&zscis. tc; : SATURDAY AND On Saturday and Mon dollar's worth you buy fi refund you 10c of the am words, if you buy $1.00 1 pou 90c; if you buy $5.00 |>4.50 and so on. In addi ;ral discount, we will mt ;losest prices ever made i xood ioc colored lawns, for Saturday and !\ iood 15 and 20c colored lawns, for Saturda oc 40 inch white lawn for Saturday .and Mo rood fast colored Calicoes, for Saturday and iood 8c curtain Scrim, for Saturday an i Mr iood 9c Bleach, for Saturday and Monday ( iood 8c Bedtick, for Saturday and Monday 'ull 3 yard lace Curtains, worth $1.50, for S u 'ull 2 1-2 yard lace Curtains, sold for 89c, iood 8c apron ginghams, for Saturday and 6 inch white Homespun, for Saturday and 1 iood 6 1-2 checked Homespun, for Saturda - ??,1 i.:_, c c.? 1? 1 ** - - 1 iuuu sinri lur oaiurudy ana lUOnaay 39 iood 50c shirt, for Saturday and Monday, ; iood $1.50 Parosol, for Saturday and Mond iood $1.50 Rugs, for Saturday and Monday ,adies' 10c Hose, Saturday and Monday 7c, 'ull size ladies' petticoat, sold for $1.00, Sa loys 25c straw hats, Saturday and Monday 5ovs 15c straw hats Saturday and Monday iood 75c Corsets, Saturday and Monday, 4: iood 50c Corsets, Saturday and Monday, 2j iood 5c Pearl Buttons, Saturday and Mond len's 50c elastic seam Drawers, Saturday a This is only a few of jains that we are offering lays. Be sure and be on i orget to ask for your libe E. E CLC rOTICE IS CAN BE MADE. rt Profits! r'-i IVo.-erves and Jollies es, for Summer ric-ntcGlass Ware 1 in price and quality. lid 10 cents > see my eon >7 C ? ' ' U $*xi? S llm* Should Insure in iv L4fe. lio world, families. 3 Fund, if ^5,1)00,000. capital stock holders. industrial securities.? condition "payment of or ostato a legacy an I not <1 nonforfeitable. its policy holders, vo to your iV"iily. 1 and investment combined else >vhon you can ?ret the ter and ^ive him your ap:czsl" isr ar A; usams. MONDAY. .day, for every om us we will Lcunt. In other worth, it costs if isnnin - , 1L Lo )'UU tion to this libike some cf the in Lancaster. Ionday, 4 \-2 c. y and Monday 9 1-4C. nday, 9 1-2 c. 1 Monday, 4 c. mday, 4 1-22. i 7-8c. 4 3"4C? :ur 1 ty an 1 Mon lay $1.10 50C. Monday only 4 1 -2 c. Vic nday. 4 3-4C. y and Monday, 4 1-20 !QC.ny, 98c. , $1.10. turday ami Monday, 69c. 15c. 1 oc. Sc. )C. ay 3c. n 1 Monday, 42c. the good barfor these two land, and don't :ral discount. )UD *