i <&-JRaabi$w JKxfftruapt^ : Asyflj AmcCIn <^51* ?&rfts^ ?wflpg JheawfiS .*'? .- .>? / *** Mj?ifc j Dbmimi M Ai'vj; J? '-- h* "' "*' * , - _JL*-- -i > -i< in i ??? -?~~ r ^ ' ^^^^" ^^3n^^r*^^*7rT5jw*^rrTT "'i^n"r]yj i""*" *? "?* ^-?-<*--+~m ?. . ,?. ?. -??, ? . j. r E m hWEKKLY L A N 'J A S i' E K S. O.. JULY 26, 1905 ~ I :- V A I, llsH T P s>2 fillNROAT W&FfV vii i cn resembled achnrnnl hon*#? I r?t i?__t n ??j? mmereia! wharf, everthing in readiness for the departure when tho starboard boiler exploded with a deafening roar. The explosion was terrific. People on tha shore saw a huge cloud of steam lise above the Bennington. Columns of water were forced high in the air. A dozen or fifteen 4 men were blown overboard by the force of the explosion. Captain Wentworlb, who was looking at the Bennington when the explosion occurred. s.iys he saw humnn bodies hurled over one hun? dred feet upward. The scene on the Bennington was terrible. The force of the oxplosion tore a great hole in the starboard side and the .....1 1 ?.~ it-. * -- IYcnoci iic^nu lu use. i\ section of the upper deck was carried away fro n stem to stern. Blood and wreckage was distributed oxer the entire ship, the after cabin and the part of the ship Adjacent to the exploded boiler San Diego, Cal., .hily 22.?T< night's summary of casualties dm to tliH boiler explosion yesterday aboard the gun boat Hetiningtor in San Diego Hay gives a total o] 67 dead and 54 severely injured, total 110. A number of men are elil I mi*aing, some of these may bi dead and probably a dozen of th< injured will die of their wound* SICK EN INU SU IVEItJ NUFl lof Augue and Malaria, can be re? lieved and cured with Electn? Hitters. This is a pure, toni< medicine; of especial benefit ir niHiana, ior it exerts 11 true cuia tive influence on the disease, driv tng it entirely out of the sys em It is much to be preferred to Quin iue, having none of this drug' had after-effects. E. S Monday, of Henrietta, Tex., writes: <4M> brother was very low with uialuri al fever and jaundice, till ho tooli Electric Hitters, which saved hii life. At Crawford Bros , J. F MrtCkey & Co. and Fonderhurh Pharmacy drug stores; price 50c, guaranteed. To He Sold At Auction. Cor., of The Observer. Rock Hill, S. C., July 20?Tin Chicora Mill property will be sok at auction in New York luiy 25U This mill, and tour others locatec in different parts of South, composed the Southern Textile Company, with a bonded indebtednesi of $6,000,Ooo, which- is in tnc hands of receivers The Chicor; Mill was one 1 owned bv the Co hens, of Charleston, and San Fricdheim, of this city. Tin building and plant wus recent!) ft'ted with new machinery anc had a new equipment ofloomi The product was woven g?.ods and yarn The mill kscif wai built nianv tf/>aro nrm 1-. ?r - -- - J (rvui J gu w jr II J J IU neer in the cotton industry of th< south. About 1880 Col. A. II Hutchinson erected the building and put the mill in operation, It was one the first to turn oui woven goods of this kind in tin South The plant now stand upon eight acres of land in tin heart of the town and hus 24 ten ement houses erected on the premises. Win Early Shot His Wife Think ing Her a Burglar. Birmingham, Ala., July 21.? William Early, checkweigher o the Sloss-Sheftield Steel and Iron company at Coalburg, shot am fatully wounded his wife las night, thinking her a burglar ! VI I'D Kiarlv Ilnil nnno ?? 4. U ~ * 1 ...... ?... j u?.. iw inn uauh porch to get the baby somi water. A a she returned, M Early thought a burglar was * 11 toring, and reached for his pistol firing tho fatal shot half awake. oAsnconz/t.. Be*r? th? /) ?>8 Kind You Have Always Boi-J' ? Will build Ware House. Special to News and Courier. Rock Hill, July 19 ?It> is al most a certainly that a cottoi ware house will tie built here b; the timo the crop begins to coin in. The farmers Association o ! tk<.> u*<. *.? i? ii- ? kiiio PGtuuu nun hid iimner in con sin Personal Account. Special to !!?? Hta' e. Greenville. July 22 ?The mo-t startling disclosure yet made by the c immission investigating tho supervisor'* office was made public this aft . moon when it was stated that Ex-Supervisor J. 1-.. Speegic received $1,200 from the Paris Mountain Water company in l?JO} for an itiunen-u Job of work done by tic convict tang on the reserv ii on Parimountain, which he dep> nted v his personal account in < ne v>t the hanks nf the city and subsequently made personal draft on ihh amount. j The cashier of the bank has 'testified to tho fuel.and the vouch er received by the water c unpuny from Spcegle as supcrvisot has been i? reived hy Mr Patton from General manager D.iwes office tu Philadelphia. I here have ai so been several pai 1 s of mules told besides other county pro pertyof which there is no record of payment having been made in the reyid* of tWoft-.ce. j; SPOILED l\TAi BKAl/rYHar iot I low aid, of 200 W^ddth St,. New York, at one time bad her beauty spoiled with shin trouble. She writes: "J had Salt Rheum or Eczema for years, but nothing would euro it, until I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve.'" A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 'Joe at Crawford Bros,, ,J. F. Mackoy & Co's, and Fundevburk Pharmacy, drug store. 'WSt OT_? Htilntes. Sold l>y Fundcrburk Pharmacy. # No woman who is true to her sex is afraid of the man -lie is ' ma trie ! to But few meii ever live long enough to realize thei: own un im porta nee. Some men d 1 g? > 1 dee is for publicati >n and :u ' as a guaranty ^ ! of good faith I ! Probably more men would f drink sod.i water if it weren't for h the nnme of the -tuff. It is usually the man who doos! n't know the secret of success . who is willing to impart it to ^ i others. 9