Tf'e t*D6?B. iflUKLOW S. CARTER, KIM I'JK AND MAN AO UK . rS8l7Kl> WKOS IM?AY AND SATIIKIiAY SUliSUJtll'l' ION $1 ae I'KI' YK \ K liMTuaister En. (J July 1U 11MI5. Farmer* a iciik's al Fljjhi and Pleasant Valley l'lic tanners all over the canity should attend the Farmers' Insti111 t?ss u? Pleasant Valley duly 2isl and at Kl^in July 25th. They are l\i'/ki\a I n '? n t I . 1 ? ? 1 A' - ' - in vi'iii III^ i?I iiii-.II pmvoi 101 nig picnics on lh i oeea-ions Through the olforti of Mr Joe Bailee at former pin-.*, and Mr. Geo, F. Ferguson at the latter, both progressive young f ifincru, the so institute- have been invultiuhlo to the farmer- who attended thotn. Kvorv farmer should attend tliom. Curry well filled basket The War. ri:o fighting in the Fist during the past week has apparently boon eonfimd to the Island of Sakhalin, the Japanese being engaged in driving the Russian soldiers from point to point, with u view, apparently, of taking posaea-nin of the ontite inland. The occupancy of this island is colli sidered .?f importance, vs being the only Russian territory that Jo >in h i- taken News from the .Fapme.-e ai iny in Manchuria is to the i.ll'eot that General Line vitrh s rep' rtod intention to attack (>yuma's* forces ha* appar? ently boon abandoned, and that th Ku< a matter of course, this money was taken out of the quality of the liquor. If this form of graft has been conducted in the broad opan daylight, so to speak, think of what probably has been done in the dark hours and in "executive so.ssit?ns." I'.iy your subscription. Keivliaw Ki a. ? Mariiod, Sunday, July iG, l'J05, l?y J. W. Hanicl, notary puMic. Mr. K J Si in to Miss. Sarah 11 l:is. n. hoth of Fork 11 ill 1 socti >11. ? Mr. \V. N ?rm tu i 1 iiton tin.1 daughter, Miss Sara, ate visitiu-r a son of Mi Hilton near I'ale;-t lli', l\ A.IS. ? Mi?b Stella It ? Idvy, of tho Lanra-tet telephone cuntrai ollici', spent all of 1 a-t w ?rk in Ivors haw with her si.Our, M's-i lt.'ssjc R ?ddey. ? Miss Annio Jenkins, a tminc 1 norse from It ok Hill, is nur-itio the chiMran of Mr. A. '.Jell' (ircj?or\, who ait' -iek with typhoitl t'ewr. Mrs. 10. Brasington anil little daupdi'cr Annio left Saturday for n stay at I'inJmout and Clove land Spiin^a. - t he Hanoin^ R nk Sunday School will observe Children'-day next Sat iird.ov- oorttl iiwr ?'' ' will have a pic-nic in connect ion. ?Mr..I. C Cook of Kershaw, was married at Taxihaw sundny to Miss Mattie Masscv, daughter ot Mi 11. 15 Masf-ey, Rev. R J I'lnckmon, officiating j ?C> -4 I ? Albert Miller, tlie negro who I shot his wife near Rock Hill Thursday was captured at Lexington. N C\, Sunday. o? rj v? ?That strange varmint, which whs last week reported at large in the Price's Mill neighborhood, has sines been ciptu'ed, together with its brood of y-umg varmint*. Old hunters say thit it is undoubtedly u wolf, while others contend that it is only a stray shepherd <1 ?g -Waxha-v Enterprise. The Raleigh dispensary, the great moral institution the church established in that city for the furtherance of the temperance cause, reaped only fourteen thousand dollars profits from the side of liquors during the past quarter. That is temperance with a hig T.?Waxhaw Enterprise. ? Quite a large catch of rata happened at the C. 6L N.-W. depot in a peculiar manner last Tueaduy and Wednesday nights. During Wednesday afternoon the agent noticed somo rats in some traps that had been consigned the Yorkville Hardware company, and which had broken loose from flie crates in which they had been shipped. Taking the hint front circumstances, other traps were placed so the rats could got into them, and on Wednesday morning it was found that the various traps contained fortv-thtoo rats ? | Yorkville Enquirer. A woman liken to have u nun tell her thai he thinks her feet are at least two sizes smaller than he thinks they are. 13 Children in 17 Years. Cleveland Lender. By the arrival of twins at the homo of Mr. ami Mrs. Michael Killer, in Lima, tho roof now shelters a family modeled in eon- 1 formity to President Roosevelt's 1 molt radical ideas of true Americanism. Though imwricd hut seventeen years Mrs. Killer is the 1 mother of thirteen children, '.he ages of the offspnng ranging from j two days to sixteen years. \ r\ x? a r o . The proprietors o i Foloy's ^ Honey nr.d i ar cU? not advertise this as a "-.lire cure for consumption." Tliev do not claim it will ' cure this iiicad complaint in ad? t vanced cu.-es, hut do positively j assort that il. will euro in tlio car- j lier stub's and never fails to give comfort and relief in the wor.-t cases. Foley's llonoy and Tar is 1 without d uiht the proatost Ihroat ' and lung remedy. Refuse suh- ( stitntes. S>>1 I l>y Fundcrhuik , Pharmacy. j j COTTON CAtfT BE RAISED FOR LESS THAN TEN CENTS. Mr. II. S. Lipscomb and Mr. Ilarvia Jordmi 1)ikou?*h the o >or Price. I n Hi j DMitni- ?>1'Tlio Slate: Dear sit: Kudosed herewith please tind a correspondence bo twoeii myself and Hon. Harvie Jnr?|on, president of the Southern Cotton association, which please print and jiroitly oblige, Yours truly, 11. S. Lipscomb. Trough, July 1 f?. Mr. Lipscomb's Letter. Trough, S. C., July 10, 1005. Hon. 11 irvie lordun, president, Atlanta, (la. P.uir Si;: I hog to eull to yonr sittcntion that 1 see in the mwspupcrs that No.v York auihoriles on cotton claim that yonr ndviping tlie farmers to n*?l 1 at ten c uits caused a break in the market . 1 am re re tin* nice resolution intr >du?.vd hy me in our county convention the 3rd in?t., expressing our gratitude to yai and other officers, both State and national, for the wise and patriotic way in vhieh the interest of lh* entire county litis been served,- should -!i >\v to you th it I am not a fault folder, hot to congratulate y? u, inyst 11" and the c nmtry tit largo that, with your leadership, wo have met and vanquished the foe ou' set tit liberty their eapitives i I slaves, the southerfcpcopln i May I tisk did it- ever occur to voti that we cannot grojr cotton at > 10 cents per pound and. pay over 50 cots a day for labor? In your good judgment is not 75 to $1 cheap for a day's work and the man * board himbcif? At these prices for labor, cotton cannot be grown for less than 15 to 20 cents per pound. If you remember, so high authority as A. Britton, president of the New Orleans cotton exchange, and Col. Ilohson of Merrimac fame ? the latter knowing China, India and the islands of tho seas as you kco v gran ' old Cieoegia? both declared before the New Orleans cotton convention that cotton as an article of clothing to the world is cheap at 20 cents per pound. Yours very truly, II. 8. Lipscomb. Mr. Jordan's Kepi v. Atlanta, Gu., .Inly 12,1005. Mr. II. S. Lipscomb. Trough, S. C. Dear Sir: 1 am today in receipt of your favor of tho 10th inst., and in reply bog to say thut the article which I wrote emphasizing a minimum price of 10 cents to ho followed by a slow movement of the crop during the next two months was in accord, tince with a resolution passed while the association was in session at Memphis. If wo should make an ii.OOO.OoO bale crop, th?n I do think i2 cents per pound would be a high price for cotton. If we do not make over 10,000,000 bales, then it is rather difficult to 4ay just how high the price of JOtton will go. I feel assured from present bad crop prospects that if the farmers do not become :imid an 1 soil their cotton for fu;urc delivery at prosont priocs, they will nil receive much righer prices during tho fall than obtain it tho present time. I desire to thank you very much for your kind expressions n regard to tho work of the asso;iation, and for tho resolution which you have introduced and passed in your county cotton con * > man, was sentenced to rT-nrr Vt! '.tii>11 i'n July 8 d. It is highly iniportnt t that t' y munbetahip uf the assoei ?n fehnuld now buitd tip as rapidly : s p.ienihiu in ordci that we iivv bo aula I > present >i s'tv.;^ m. i a >liil front on the iir^t ? f S< ptciuhcr wlion tho new crop begin-* to nii>ve. Votil's v>*I y truly, 1 lai vie Jin il in, l*i i-sidcut. South Carolina News. (Specials to rint Slate | 1). F. 11 tlen Fell dead W bib' Conducting a prayer Meeting Service. Spartaiibui g, July 17.-Just its he hud concluded ? talk i > the |>'ayermccting at Green Street tist church tonight, and had callid on some one to lead in prayer 13. F. ll.ilvn was fatally wounded and suddenlyexi?iicd. Ilisdeull occured as *hc evening service was being concluded. He was 49 years old and hi* wife and four children survive him He catne to Spartaub ng eight years ago and worked in the clot 1 room of tin* *4nnt-r 1...;u . VUIIUUI^ 1111112 I until his health gava away twn I years back. He was a zealous I m cm bet' of the Green Street Ichurch and active in all religion? I efforts. Another Arrest Made in New Sumter Case. Sumter, July 17. ? ]esso wilson, another negro, was arrested I at y'o'clock this morning in I connection with the attempted cii I minul assault on a young lady at New Sumter yesterdayi Ho was caught tho niglit before breaking I into a house near Muyesvillc. I lie escaped from the Clurcndon county chaingang about two I weeks ago. lie had served 15 I months of u four years' sentence I for assault and battery with in I tent to kill I Ilis ciotliiug, cap and ri d-atripeI tided to having seen him in that I neighborhood 011 Sunday. Four Negros Wounded at li n. beeuo in Cherokee. I Jonosville, ,Juiy 17 ?Saturday I at a negro barbecue near Grindiil I in Cherokee c maty a slio ding ufI fair ocucrred in which four negroes I weio wounded. Two of ilium I came here Satui day night for iiumII Iuitl aid. None of the wounded I is aerions. J One woeli ago within I two millh of the 9'une p'acc at a I negro church where services were I being held, a similar affair took I place in which three negroes were I wounded, one fatally. 1 Warrants have boon lssiu-d but I no nrrestshave hern made. Negro Church Burned, j Laurens, July 17. ? Mt Zion, lone of the Inrgo^t colored Baptist I churches in the county, located I about six miles west of the city, I wmh totally destroyed by lira la'e I 5 ouKiiun^ infill. It is understood that the m i; hers have tit en wra^hi o over the business mara^'inent of the chmc' 1 f??r soma time at.d the belief seems to have t-con strong in the vicinity that the fire was of incendiary origin and that on? or ilio other of tho factions in tl-e church is responsible for the up p'ieatiou of the tor eh. ? K B Mol?ley, a young whi'c ftts&6'uf aos of R( !; . - ^ i i At f. ?.l . c.i mifl iit.!?. lion j1 .-i .1 i- < I. N - 53. A. !?\ ' \l., '" i i. it i '? - i ,) .!l I ' . of Juuf, 15)05. Mi*' ? ?i!'>uii' roso-5 1i ]' 111 . t s \ ! ;; r ri j: i 11 111 I , ; 111 t I ; f BKN* i \ i>; K '?ILUCK, : . 11 ? \ .' -Ih it r \| :^ iii mid ; en., i ' t v | i's* t M h ; ! v, i , ! i Ml I * ' > t? *11 ( . ' i |j |) C.?||!?1 V , ] 'i? t:, S- ?i''. > i i tiit"! ?i i'is j 111 iill' ' ? I 't" I >l v r, iif I. MHO'S tiff i <" i!i- 21 ? : (i iiiii i . th : .'uiihto of t ^ M in proved Inib i i ii ".* ;! . 1 . ili r:i? ?11 1 rcpl'Om . l.i vO . i . > i. i i r 'Jlf'l I : i* :i I ; II .. !.? : I ti ! : ?'?? of it is n? ! . ' >' ( - * ii t rl''oil 1 i? It. th?';if"ii . iv?"lv ri, tl) it 1 t*11- 1 j f ,o\ ml -1 ul i '.i.o vtl ' litoUs "li t: \ " ?f - 1 nIe 1 Broth* i 15 i j 'iiin ! " M>:ii.-r,l ? i! t"isr*h.M tiifit, .'S a h I token the family if the dec-used I CLAUDE \VI 1 HERSPOON, ( ( a hi?.! 111 v e.steoir< d Master X! ^on and n ui.'tnli.'i' of this Radge, departed tins life on ''io >1 bay , of April, li)05. Br ther Withr tirsp'ion '-va? an u-.ri ?hi m ?; ri'irn md a true ur.ri ( faithful md ftii ti 1 nod broth;r < and hy hi- d. at.h ihis common' ' < ity li is sustained a soriou- lw>i ) Therefore, be i*. resolved, that . in tljH dc; th of 1 >r?>t :t t With6r.-[,o>m tin* Lodge ha:? lufct a ' valii?-d m-tiibcr, ivIiom; death, we ^ all deplore. l< sulvnd further, that, as a 1 ' ^ J ur-minuto of res pi rf , a blank , i page of our iiiiiri' b> dvdicat- , ?'d to hi? memory ami that the ? Sm'-ielary trau-nut I ? his family ( . i copy of this Preamble and , these Resolutions. JOHN A \1IlLER. I was raised to thu sublime, do. grre of a Master M-e-.n in this c l Rodt?e nil the 17th d 1} of A |>l li, 1 1002 He his alliiiatid as a ^ member i:i good standing from 0 that time until the flit of his l death, \vl ieh oeenuud on the a 2.10 day of YJ ?v, 10 jo lie died f, in the prime ->i Ine nail hy his fellow citizens. 15 it, t her<-f nic-, . v ! Mi at j this Rouge has Iny.i-.l of the death of Br i Jim \. Millar j with deep m>:io-v ni d lh .t it has lost a useful mein'ifr. e Resolved, bp Mo r, that a blank pago o' rh.? mtnu "s be " devoto 1 tihii hi mi ii'v ? !<) tiui sj a copy of t!?is P ream I le and these Resolutions be sent to his widow. c JOHN E. WELSH, 1 )I3t%TINrI\ I .nnciiNter S. f. Z P/" Of lice in tear ?-l Fundmhnrk Pharmacy. July 1, 11)05. 2 -? - ' *l r I I I ' 'III II?1? Slate of South Carolina. " c<)t; N rv (>v L \ NoAS l ER, , 1 .1 K s(t'\v>i)>i i, ! * *| l'roh k?? ' r * NVHKUKaS, c, < I.auenty mi K i\ HI' TMKttK O!'.' oj Ci'l n J i I a 111 ?l.: ! t .f M Mt ?'m i i l'rotiute Judgri i'J ?? ~ . ?' ^ "'"ON \\'M ill*-1 ?-fticW * >' public . t'li-, wvi^isv fll t.aiv roster, S ( I I* NisbO. 1 i ere by .iMii 'iinco myself a indiil.ite for tin office of Public toll ?m i:;! ci .it I. iy^ a?t?'i C II. "a J llaily. Mice to Debtors an-l Creditors of L'?. F. Miliar. Deceased. ! i * 'i * vl.? u til ?i 'h! : i ,i! ' ;; V M i' ! :i .<>1 . ? ! Ii?r I-II *?> ! t ; It; 111 111! - ?!:? . ,n;? l?r? I t> - l it wil l v iixin ili'i'i' p ly n n< i < i. t iy, i y t> " v .s :111 \ \1 illi-r, (, j ; I rt tit ! fu'ln ll HjH'I'i | ?> ? I II I > iii? 11mil r?i;.'lit ti ft.i" ; u< in in ; din! nil t s ill.! Moil to Mini Stall Will . iljd'i j? IV I'ill i?f I III1 Millie ii. i . i/ /. ni'.v, ! . * 'i .'i\v . A tl hi i >i is" i t?*?>.r uniyewSty Of- !;o;v ' GAIUMU I r"! lnouliOiia: S Hi til, u : i' a it T m i: n t s. lifl'i'i ill*. I 'll iilltVPIIL', * I?rtt-iu ? ?*. !is\v, V < liic'it.i I'lnii inuvy, [4 ? f" t \ i'if .(i?i - J.'t 00 i Volumes. ,\.-H iViin r \V?lkH i l? r I L. ileitis, ciM.'.r::. I o:i* i . g s.sloni N. w ?! r? .i ml-s. gymnasium, V, M. <.*. miltling, ir.T si'UDKN' l - (ifj INSTItCCTOJIS. Tim ! ?'kk.i: or Tin-: ohmkmsN / W\ i.O vlti) OK VISITOR--. \ I V n: \ui i?: ion. s . jiji.yo. i?or> ' One Y:iiMt:rv lii a tS'-.Ht- l'.i ii" ll-'iary .< . I J.saip iif llllfil l?y ?. "I.Alius f ;i I 111- I 111 "O < I' '..i ('-SO \ ii DKN aini-ii,' har oitoii, S a' i r *r**tn Ii ' ?>u* y >upu?i- u- ?i* 11' <( KJu ti,;(! . 'I llJH' KjlJl'IO.t-i >llM, till> ti l'-il mi.-ii be in h? ti .ii'i-i ??f ihe i li?irti in mi J u v ;?l, ;u <> tie in it cm ve^ o. t itlerMiiou Sign-V) f S u UI.SUUN, Oh'Ann x i 1> iurii cf V il.ois. I niy 10 \ Notice of Election. I'm: iM'it l?i in u*l o!" III ? I.-i; s! e ui i-mi lefti 'ii will \> Ii. : 1 . Ii.* following .r.iWH, viz: ! i.tiit--iMln. '! II , !Icit!| Spring* lii! lv?. r liaw oa tV* ronton I I tt t:in in ingn-.t , I', for t'ue purpose of itie.'uiig a Ottoi. wt'iglii'i' tor t-U'-h of t!it? nhovi- niiilipil il.ico . oIIh open ut 8 o'olo.ik a in itmV ose at -i o'o!oiv< |i iii. A.i ([ii.i-iititi! v<> t-rs <-iitiiI?'?l in vote i"n? to'.l iwing ni.-tniior? aril nj)j-ii'i't>'-l; I .all On I -r t' I '.niiir i< .1 ilur a r, \Y Hi' .at to . Il.'atij Jifiil ;s () \\ Ii lull i x ]t ici-kli mi i It ;'iT'ii KmsIiiv,- t. P llilti. . \V I l! i cKiiiom, lenry llovton. Hy oi-'l ' ! lion i. t>l ("iiiii \ * 'i. hi ni in* is M. (' (i XM'NFK, Co . u, i! \ i>or. vtssmaraesssr r; or, Uuick Delivery, Low Priens, and extra (Quality if (in1 -!- i re w inning us trade. Look I lore ! Hiey 5 cents per quui >. H si (jMituilu1 od Sugar 15 Ib.?. Ul $ 1. Ct (tee, 15, 2u and 25 cents. Ccnnod Peaches Post quality 5 cent.-; good quality 15 cents. ' French Wan lino#?Yawl Dlub, F ei nts: Milan & Cio, 15 ronts. 13^ Tobaccos and CigarR--fi ill line. ' 'nine to us f ?r a good tcw or smoke. lo You Bat i^cat ? Sliced Hani, Nice- Beef?Roast r Steak, Breakfast Strips, Pork uisag- in pickled vinegar. We e headqu irt us for everything in . ic meat line. V KCrCTAltr.KS. Voget ihlcs f<