iv:-tri id Comity Supervisor. K?>f Quartet Kiiilii;?.r .1 uly 31, l{H>f> I it \> I - favor. Niinnof f claim. A ml .1 ri ? \ C i-ok. shy :?* uinliu r :? iio Oo W t' ?'uiitiicn, *ii v :??. in : s ell J I 11 unter, xlry ami j .l< act 111" .'to (i ! ' I'o.vour, umk ??n court lnm-c ">o \V M ami A i' < :u la - ) ^-1 atol ? 1 1 .. . v W M Vick i rnlire \V( rk - 6" \V I'( us key. s'rv ?* iii:?k*1 ,M .J T H untoi*. - os stuliU* lift 44 Heath Kll lot i Mule ? o hire of (cam ' J A Snii ?-?. !i;iiil>cl *\J <1 hiitli*" work flunk ol /.un< aster, ?i?lt-ii*-( on timl* 44 2ft \V M Moore, saliuy ami < ml ">.'15.'? H M Culp, turlal Kxpense > fto K \V Walters, road work 7ft .i T Thnmasson phono rent 1?I 0 > Thompson llrns. tools fo> road ft 7ft j A 11 valt, aalnrv '? v'i W K U rts, < oi at ah 11' K On < i roi'o' \ Hood i IVO Slock Co, ' 11 - lot n:? i !.? ni" I 7ft t. I- I' in - ii", i idjrc Will U 1 fto W t . V . M-. It It ale I "11 \ i-'la t ! 2P 1 i \\ "W Craw fold to ph.V^iciat) a lot post iin ii 11 in ;.!> '>! \\ (. Ii Ii.IC, miaoi let 111 7ft '11 I'l icktinm, a-s s->. r 'J?n ! '. .1 Small, dinner for c..iivi a i Ift W I*' IIiiiImhi, in..^isirate I 17 .i \V r uilivan, hltlf* shop at to home Ufto M < turMiier !?;i :ir $?' > ii.') I W H sliutc, road w ik I < i H < raiir. tt'scssor antl eipiuli/.ii.tf hoard 4 2ft .Vine on Morgan, work court I oust' 2 00 J M f as key, coroner IP r,2 J A Nivon, assessor too I VV , I., i.l... - J m:\ti, I'i'.i ci'?iitit;s in l.uiuicy ft-> .1 1' llutiUi. , %. > iii); lunntir 1!' ??? .1 S XIirCar U'lI, fi"!tlln(? coiivirlH (i li i K D Huikiniin, ? ?nstiil>lt* 7 od W ( ("'million, not ^i11kiti f-ltul <.0 W f' < 'out lien, Court Claims 7M l"i W (' ? stiltIt It Bonds mimI Con I oils 33fti Work 2 2ft 1 .."kll < :?- V I 'ot t o! I 111 i i I \\?>; k I I I<> J i' (irillin, nniyi-t r.Vr I2ft'i ^ i> . i Rftjunli/iiitf it mil 2-Ml ' : > -1 ri' tr-. PI-liiiiviMiicnts in JI S Uoliliory .'57 10 : Wiiiin.ii 11 uylu - t'(>, i';?i p?ting ior I 1!. (>?> 17 <5 V r.iy-niir, IIIidgo work 2 no Ijftlii Hst l' Mi. Co i" illlu etr 2(5 IS M. i . (?:u>1 nor, suii'i' ;5:5 34 I. .1 IVriN ,\i :iL'i-l r.'il.? *? no ' J vV Millixuii Keeping Co home 00 IS .Jno 1< Taylor Bridge work fi So Samuel l.aiicy Km, Wi rk 3 Oo J no a Cook Salary 25 oO \\' i, fVtrh'M. Salaiy 25 oo li M ? lyhurn Assessor 2 00 S V Stover a-.sts.-or 2 00 J T I (littler 1.,'oustuhlo 20 I.S .1 M c.iskey,coroner 11 OS \V M Moore Salary 5o Oo J, J Kerry Holding Impiest In oo Jnol' HuuUr Salary ami jail aoeet 100 20 S (I (jraham Reprg Sanitaiy Cart 0 oo Kohl. S Harper, Bldg cell in jail 20,> oo Mohley ami Maekey Magst ami const 33 0o Bank of Lancaster, Witness pay hills in case state vs, Skipper * 800 00 W B Bruce salary IS 73 J A Hyatt, salary 0 25 J B Connor, fy'onstahle 2o 85 W M King, Shop work 25 J F Gregory, Salary as o'.erk 01 37 Adam Morrison, Work 25 A J Morgan Repra Bridge 0 80 W E Roberts, constable 11 oo J L Caskey big Rock 3 5o J T Hunter Jr conveying convicts ? ?? L T Croxton rial, ?s countable 2 5o W E Hudson, Magst I 16 State singing Fund Com, Tnsurnu ranee 125 co M (1 Gardner Salary 33 33 J w Sullivan, Reprg Door Steps 1 75 I) K Hall S ilary and Hldg Inquest 22 59 < \V Hinron. Lumber ar.d brdjj work IS 00 ; J K Connor, conveying eonviet. 3 6o J H Hell, Assessor 2 Oo It C Steele, bridge work I 50 .1 M Hilton, lumber and bridge work 7 oo W 1* ?Stogner, road work 1 50 K M Dowry, assessor and equal i/.irg board 7 90 J M Finley, bridge work 5(0 f. T MeCain. lumber 6 00 Thomas Dunlnp, bridge work 1 25 J It Wilson, road work 1 2-5 Walker, Evuiih &'Cogswell Co, hooks for County ollloe 119 77 J F l'e'ry, hire of mule 50 Sam Vaugban, hauling rook 350 1 a! C Gardner 1< It fare nmi stamps 3 47 J 1' Hunter, conveying lunatic 14 (M"? { K li Ma?s/y,work for chain igang 3 85 | .1 K Stewman, proceedings in lunacy n 14 A A Oaskey, bridge work 2 On T A Dabnoy, collecting conuitu tion tax in (hi M n Gardner, salary 33 83 I, .1 IVrry. magistrate 20 83 J W Hulilv.ui, keeping co home 01 Oo J It Connor, constat)!'. 20 S3 J no A Cook, salary 25 oO W ('Canthon, "alary '/5 o() .1 1' I lmit<-r, salary and jail net 100 70 \V M Moure salaty ami stamps 52 50 W H Itreeo, salary is 75 .1 M Williams, making till 12 On /Mam Morrison, work 25 J M Caskey, coroner 11 5S J 1' Hunter, Jr, conslao c and conveying convicts 31 71 W J Crenshaw, constable 15 00 Dr H, It F./zell, post mortem and dissection 15 Oo W F It udsou, 4 10 J VV 11 \Ve?t11' r, damage to horse buggy lo ? (] ' ' tl'-\ , m*i v'.e. i* ::s citon Miii. rei> rmui Ss 1)J I'.ml Moure, i<|i|)initifr 3 (Ml (t I. Moli.My, inssns-or 2 otl *? It !(i: //..'I. hauling rook 4 o(l 1, .1 IViry, magistrate till 83 J J K?>liwrlt*. inngistrate 16 (Mi \V K l!o i'i u, cot stable lo IK J <' Koliti -on, bau'h rock 3 ? < !?J Fundi rl ink. assessor 2IH J T St: pi s, ie| all iug bridge 1 ( < NV L Parker, lore or ititile 5* .1 F Collins, bridge work 8 C( T \V jst**e e, bridge work 27 (M K !l Funderburk, tools 7 5t A \i I. Hulinia". lumber 3 2? \V M Moor*1 salary fio ('< M ('(in dt.i r, salary 83 3S H llr /. bridge wOrk 7 (H J I,i- -key, bridge woik I ??( J l)i riskey, userssor 2(1 M < ( f.ruts, iuuberand hauling 11 6 J W Fullivnn, kpg oo home 64 Oi J II' Vlck, lumber ami wark 6 tl W K Crenshaw, hul on snla y 1 31 I>i?inf? eSnr( ('? Dis'iiteetunts 21 u J no A < ?.?>k. f.nls.ry 2"? u \Y r' \ nut hen, salary 2;*) o M C (I.XUDNKU. W It 111 (I * ' K Co Sunervisor. i :erk. SICK I\N !N(J KIIIYOINC Fl I' of Auntie aliii Malaria, enn l?o to I'.eveil and rilled with Klcelri Hitlers. l'lns i> :i pure, toni imdicinc; of especial benefit ii malaria, for it exerts a true cum ti\e iulluence on the disease, ilriv i11g entirely out of the sy? cm It is much to }? preferred to Quin inc, having none of this drug' tuol jiftcr-ctVcrte. K. S Monday <)c guaranteed. 1 he Crops in The Field. Washington, .Inly 11.?Tin weather bureau's weekly cioj lutllctin says: In the Carolinns, Georgia aiu M< rida, over the greater part ol Alabama and Mississippi, cottoi has generally done well. Goo< growth is reported from the cen tral and western districts, bu much of crop hassutlcrcd deterio ration, largely from lack of cul tivation, due to continuous heav; ruins. In Tennessee, Northcri Mississippi and to Louisiana field have been abandoned to grass Too rank growth is more or les reported in all districts, excep the Carolinas and Florida. We weather in Texas has favored th iiu^rpnQP rtf lw?11 ifootMlj - V- - MOf tVIULi are also causing damage in Louh iana. ? I ? $5,000 Reward will be paid to any person who can find one atom of opium, chloral, morphine, cocaine, ether or chloroform in any form in any of Dr. Miles' Remedies. This reward is offered because certain unscrupulous persons make false statements about these remedies. It is understood that this reward applies only to goods purchased in the open market, which have not been tampered with iu any way. Dr. Miles' remedies cure by their soothing, nourishing, strengthening and invigorating effects upon the nervous system, and not by paralyzing and weakening the nerves as would be the case if these drugs were used. For this reason Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Tills are universally considered the best pain remedy "I have suffered for 25 years with severe pains In my head, heart and back, and have tried everything' I rould get and could not And any relief until I got a box of Dr. Miles AntlI'aln Pills. I suffered aa long ns 12 hours at a time with such severe pains that I feared I would loso my mind. The Anti-Pain Pills gave mo relief In from 10 to 20 minutes. I do not have to use Morphine any more. 1 wish you would publish this so that other sufferers may find relief." X. A. WALKER, R. P. P. No. 6. Salem, Ind. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills are sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If It fails he will return your money. 25 clQsec, 25 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind -mtj* -fi car bv nhout i72, 0 >0 acres, or 20 per cent, and the condition on .Inly I, 88, against 88.2 one \oar ago. ' | The acronge of tobacco is less than that of last year by about 54,000,000 acres, <>r 0.7 percent. I The average con li:ion on July 1 j was SO.4 aguinst 85 3 one vear ; ? / ago. I ^ General lmpiovcmont In Condition Of Cotton In South 1 Carolina. c I 11 Following is the crop report as < l* compiled I?y Section Director Bauer. The week ending S a. in. of | , the 10th, had a mean temperature* , slightly in excess of the normal, | y although there was some com* plaint o'' too cool nights near the c close of th j week, from the 8 western p o r t i o ti of the 1 state. The extremes for the j week were a maximum of 100 degrees at Columbia on the 3d, and a minimum of degrcesjat Greenville on the 8th. There were destructive highwinds in the western 2 and central counties aecompanvi iiig tnunderstorms, hvit the damng? was confined to small areas. 1 There was more than the usual f amounts of cloudiness, especially ^ during the afternoons, with mor1 nings and nights generally clear. The average precipitation was ! t somewhat in excess of the normal - with, however, many places in - the cast, central and northern y counties that had httU or no rain l und where the drought was in s tensilield and is now vory datri mental to ull growing crops. In s Oconee, Anderson, and parts of t Pickens and central Snvunnuh valt ley counties there were very heae vy rains that washed lands, t Hooded bottom lands and retard -Clubbing Payable Strictl THE LEDGER (twice a w JOURNAL (twice a week) ? THE LEDGER (twice a we TON NEWS and COURI1 year for THE LEDGER and The S TOR one year for THE LEDGER, The ATL SOUTHERN CULT!VAT illl% I.IUHjKK (twice a we CONSTITUTION (three tii TIIK LKDGKR (twice a we WORLD (three times a wee m THK LKDGKR, ATLANT and FARM, one year for Positively Canno I it! cultivation; over tbo greater tortion of the state 1ruinMI m.s wholly bcncfiei .1. t i i)_ 11 ; it ft rot-1 y sufficient ft>! the j c d* t.f i irons. i . .is*, o ? a i u general isiip:>v.n?i>t in Iho condition of cotton, ongocd 1 rgely to clivev soi-, j vll'lo on sa uly land* thorn w mpioveniont in spot* only. ire; daiits have grown tt?o r.i'i in t!.*? | Vustortt colonies, and sin* soicnily iindersiz-d ol*t win re. 1 !i n.?h! leulihy. Kust h .s appeared in, \mli'i'rtoii county, noil 'hlo-lt j oft" in ClmQiitloj). Sharp--! o n ! 1 I ?rs have done consider.i' |a d mui- i *o in Anderaon and Pick ric nn- ' lIhh. In sections where the ruin- j Fall lias been deficient, mi l n e j plants are in cnnseipienc ? -on 1 1 they aro blooming to th- tops j Inmost placi'8 the plants sirm i Fruiting not in illy The rauis came too 1 ?t.* to ben lit old corn, which is poor in jvery part ??f the State, .vhiio young corn h?is b?oo no vury promising, except on !>i ttom j lands, in a few c ninth***, whine i I what is 1 f:. lifter thj tl oil become very grassy. - SHOES Wo are expecting a cull from you. We now have a complete line of Tan and White Cunvis Rib hon lies, just the thing for summer any price from SI.00 up We cal. special attention to our High Gra?lo line ot DRESSY low cuts. ICd win t.'lapp for men La France for women. ?, UKSW. 1CHERRY & CO. i PROFESSION A L < A R:; bit .\f P ('itAwr >UD l)u R r itunw \ CKaWFORD & llliOWN, Physicians and Surgeon I :incMbtt?r, S (', Treatment of the eye, i 17S; !t i lencca ' Noa. 11 and 3ft i ; Rates. y in Advance. s i I I cck) and the ATLANTA J one year for $1.7 :ek) and THE CHARLES KR (twice a week) one $1.75 OUTHERN CULT1VA *175 : A NT A JOURNAL and 31\, all throe one year for $2.00 ok) and The ATLANTA inc.* a week) one year for ?2.00 ck) and The NLAV YORK k) one year for $2.00 I A JOURNAL ami IIOMK $2.00 t Send on ("rodit. T. S. CARTLR, Pub. Ledger mmSOHMBmiz *: W-. ANfcgctable Pre para I ion For As - : * slinilaling the Food andRcgula 1 ling ihc Stomachs and Dowels of imbi,! ( ? B i, Promotes Digcstion.Cheerfulncss and Rest .Contains neither OpiunuMorpliino nor Mineral. >1 Not "N ait c otic . ;! /*tyrtXrMJJ*-&iKl21!Y7WaXi f\. ixfj, o i Susd . I sfix Xr+tut * I V1- H * ? l?Uioi * s I i!?tutus!i r, S. 0. iicv pli n. N \ : ami v l county of [jiri'Ms'n. a I ? i her Uay <>! ii!nix\ v."i'" r ? I-. ; t >m t tuntioii Jan. 10, I;} )"> if. NOTIGE. i lie hoard .if \ ( ( nulls? %ioner? in ibeii meeting Monday passed a i ?-s? lu'ti< a \ ?h . ? t!i11 herc i lt<-i' n u ': si . it Lancaster eouiiiy wiii ;>> i .id i?.x* holding tin iu.\U"?t uah -- i i.i. posaihU' In jet ii?e t .int. r, . ' llual tin ti iji.ilit<( :utt-? eotnpii with llu- hit- us se iind u- e< iim to; ation. M < Miardm r. , i County v*mpei visoi. Notice. My regular otlke dayn w lit- r ut 'j urdaya and first Monda\?. \!l uti.; - , days you will find me at my u; I near L<&<7 drpat Will keep action: ' hooks at li tit "111 hit nil Ii-* gi.i . v j to wait on \?i:t any 'lay the w? t*k \V M Moore ? V II .iupt ! /'.Mil 5 . . I J.lll l'i I 'M . -r.ur.. ^x4t? ' .mv ' * 7 r*c-xr - h*r\MONKT TO LOP ' I l'.ave * : 11! Ill'.'-Iiidf.!'. .1 url. - leinlera ?>r v X.w V rt 1* , \vi Si wlmiD I am ul/o in tu goU i<- i? i vcurnl hy llrst t>: Ij u> mi iili|> ovi.l . cotiou firms, ir 7 ?t i:t ii'tort-af ? repayable in am . .. mm!' n! . fi v : . itge * run mis aion I'huriT'si it . v a rex. .sith . charge for at 'rn<-f ' ?i1S U K WYI.IH, Anif.il?ftm, Attorney at 1 .a'-v Winthrop College Scbolarship j < and Entrance I'xsTnisialion. ' I 'I i-xi'Diiit lion f.?r liio awsiil oi vara Ml srlio ?ih'i I;' Wi >>\i i n|? i'ol j lege Mini I- r llie s tit is io ? 1 111* v ! lionta wilt It ! ! n l!i<< i (Mo-1 v f'ourt j J Hoiimmmi 1'' i >y July 7'.!i n- i? n m. 1 A | j?11 (- v tjtfi n't If v t' iti (i | tec-l! \ V H I .m ( .7. t Wlii'ii s.loi .usiltpa ! aie van.iti it nl . : Ju \ 7 11. lie y will' I)*' i?v.*; r !i ! I I os< ill-will;; lis* li'g * e t a t r <;;( lilt ? i.i t. i ' ' * ! ] 4 In I 111 y III eel 1 i* e..? (.: m o*. .' >\ I | lit' III' (l\\ |f I O ( JS ,,r .< I,,,. : 11 s I I . . i > . I < ' ' 1' ; ' . , ; ; . . ... , j .J. >h .M>l| t t? t , lie : \ i til11?:> . lOii ! r > .ell i it sl ip t x ? ?' = 1 .1 j4uholar>iMi Mo k li> !, N r. i J 7 s-.xr^. JI wawm iWTmMMawa IS ? : ico .t.lii I'tj'i' 1 will tiol.l all iuix crciiit i-.?Orf?i't puy, a?! ?.?y ; nns from thisti.no "ii .frlli ;i 1 o sti icily c.ish. y . :\io..ol-3 Prices. h. .'. Filling $1.50 nai :tni Filling 75 ets. ('I'iiU'ti! F'lling 75 ct Unill'r'K 1M.ATK, - ! of tooth $12.00 \-or s. i $25 50 price.- nro strictly work iloin: except ; "i ' - i >|i i:i -jv i' r.y v r. . i?CTtxr-r > iw? E? u " i t s r1 v s ]G va c -5.?>. ion I'AVS 1, \ IUtK I >1V i DION 1)8 ! VOl' iiwl I i I"; ! i *! 1| ?->! ' <'il U'.nlii-u >Vi 'i.i'i-i- - 1 ?'"tf 1 '< !?. 1 iv 1: 1 rjc- :: l> ???t* iii<: li - >1 j?? .J< tl ul, I u> 11 1 11? v 1 s |j i< s [p.kI; .i tion nU'. u ts Hot No iUxh' Iuwi letre'It y l?*r xilrant vjt a K ter now .si..I prepare 1 r h v? (?:' ':i t!. <):r 141 i?l nates ire in .n:i.ii r.itos .M l-'l'tj ll * < S ' 1 : ; . r.;iS 0o t\-' rt'.iin oMV x*.:.y OH. 1 (l)ui'.y ( "ifci . . i V'v Jtf -VJL i ',() \. i? i.. I iV 1 .!l ;; ?' '? > Ill .'! }') J! tn ijv r >> v vi i't in \ I ft p in [jV H i' ft ? in 1:i p m t.V ! 11 Vit ' " " 111 1 4 ft P III j r ( i-f.' i. -5 '? in 5 I ft p in r ? . :n '< ' ' ft"? * 7 Oil p in \r ?'c? i? * i< I ' lft i oi ll->;. . i ? R 0 oft't :11 !o t> m i ' ' ? . , IS tl.l p in l 1:1 15 p in , , :l4 " i lit h ,;i) p III > 0 ' l!l * I > p III -.5 i .5. * . SO -ni ; in 1 ")(> > m ! ? i ' sj 15 p m i ?v.%: I i . "S i! / . . i u . ?l , i . .aid it'id ;ii" !*:i . u' I. i" riiii'.vu.ya. . .. . < i v ay. A I'. ftAll.v'ltlS, i'rtillc nur fiEttOY 1/-M . I'C'u an . Vrutll .ft n i ,< i. 4