? 4* m . ?. _ ' ' Iff'" . . * i- ' ? I 5w { A A'spvpxy 3 : ^yfl; ^ycv^rgga j'faafloe^ AirBg& ^pPfc^^aNB^HfcMMwttaMhawqaCU ^ ?;5?UYVEKKLY L A N0 A ! E K. S. U.. .1 U L Y 15, 1906 ?? Jr L fj I * jar |L Your c] |W^ first cost, |> No we i |;? we may i |& ItV, eat F prices or |L vite you i ||| what we I ROBERT KEITH DARGAN TOOK HIS OWN LIFE. Darlington Financier Swallowed Carbolic Acid.?He Lefl a Written Statement. Special to The State, Darlington, July 11. ?Mr. 1? t A ir *.i ^ ivoucri iveirn uargan, formerly i president of the Independent Oil company and of the Darlington Trust company, committed ani- ( eide between 8 and 9 o'clock to- 1 night by taking carbolic acid. I Mr. Durgnn was on the street; Ihh afternoon and appeared in his ' usual manner. He had been re- i ticent 3ineo the recent troubles of ' the largo concerns of which ho ' had been the head, and this after- , I noon ho hud made appointments ( to meet several gentlemen later in | < the evening, one of these being1. J Mr. VV. F. Dargan, who state* 1 that. Mr. K. K. Dargan told him j that he would go to Mr. W. F. } D.irgan'a office within an hour i from the time they were talking, i According to the statement of J Dr. Edwards, Mr. Durgan nwul- j lowed four ounces of carbolic acid. . When he drank the acid ho was in i !.EAT CL W * i-jaLja^a ^a ?Oi FOR THE hoice of any trin less the freight, are making this educe our stuck t't begin to emi. to describe the ; O call Oil Hiss J; Delight liave in the way ? lis father,s law office, llis I?roth- j ir was with him whon he (lied. Physicians were summoned hut it vas impossible to save his life. Mr. Dargan left a statement that io had taken his lifo of his own j iccofd. His friends think bo had loped to straighten out his affairs ind had expected that the oil cominny would be reorgnizod but aft>r the action in cho federal court le lost hope and became nolicoibly despondent Mr. Dargan was about 35 yours if age. He was married to Miss, lormain of North Carolina. They lave two children. ? A OKIVI TRAGEDY. ? daily enacted, in thousands of lomea, as Death claims, in each >ne, another victim of Consump:ion or Pneumonia. Rut when 'Joughs and Colds are prop jily treated, tho tragedy u avert - ; id F. G. Huntley, of Oaklandon, 1 I Ind , writes: "My wife had the consumption, and throe doctor, j javo her up. Finally she tookDr, j King's New Discuvory for ('on mmption, Coughs and Cold>e ; which cured her, and to-day she is well and strong." It kills ths Terms of all diseases. Ono dos. relieves Guaranteed at 50c and fcl.00 by Crawford Bros., J. FMuckey & Co. Funderbark Thar, fiiacy, druggists. Trial bottle freos 'si* : Tt ?. T"' I'-rm.: * Vc V - .' mA V 'S? *w ,i> ^ . Ivy* ,OSJNG 0 LJa_?_ja_? ti L a r, a M & a b n a ) ! ' M1LL1NKBY, NEXT TEf lined or untrinini and some much 1< positively spleiid to make i*ordan. who will ta in Showi .? real bargains. fangs ms'iffm e -*c 4. ii g Y ou a should not hang. When tho crowd was coming own the court house steps Mr. . C. Ra.iifield, who was highly rought up over Mr. Cantey's tack on Capt. Well's character, isaultod him by kicking him. lr. Cantey did not resist it, and 10 aceident ended. J. Colcough Stukes, negro, aged 5, stabbed and slashed Capt. /ells all over the hoad, face and ody on May 1st in his house bout 1 o'clock in tho day. He as immediately captured and >dged in jail. The citizens made o threat of lynching. Stukes and his wife occupied ne end of Capt. Wells house, he negro woman cooked and 3pt house for Wells. Stakes as working out a debt to Wells >r having paid him off the chainang. He had become careless id lazy about his work and Wells :routened to return him to the iningang then tho murder. On the other had, Stakes aimed that Capt Wells assault A his wife and she appcalod to im for protection. Cftpt. David E. Weels was a rosporotis farmer?one of the ir gest in the county. I A ti NE~R~ ~&A LVt moat Hoallng salvo in ti)? world* 'jl 4' 1 |7i If Hi r% ! ft 4? . Ji. 1 : r M 1 igf , /rx f: *$ %..i a J. : J1 1 tors at ^ ' if V-' , ir> a si' that lino. eu and will in. h %? f. | ' > if? i-'CA: i w .f-'M i.-'; *k jiS M M <1$ i Shot Sister's Assaulter While on The Way to Prison I Jackson, Miss., July 1 Davis Collins, a negro who was convicted of attempted cri:u.aal assault, on Miss. Ilogg tit :i >; eia: term of tho Copia county art to-day and sentenced to ten \ ars in the penitentiary, was ki led on the way to prison by Mr. Dickoy, a brother-in-law of "diss i ^?gg* i'he killing occurred tit ( Crystal Springs. Mr. l)i key! boarded the train at Uazeihurst. ( When it stopped at Cry tui Springs Dickey walked into the I coach where Sergeant Doilds was sitting with the prisoner mil | rlrntuintf aI ICnl-rt. vu ui^ i* i mi. ivr * v. i throe shots into the rs ? body. Death was instai:' Dickey surrendered GREATLY" IN DM Nothing is more io dema a medicine which meets t. requirements for a blow i system cleanser, such a King's New Life Pills. Tl. just what you need to cure .1aeh and liver troubles. Try t n. | At Crawford Bros', J F M i y ' & Co's and Funderhurk Phuru y, drug store, 25c,guaranteed Foley's Money and 1 for children,smfc,sure. A'o opiV ;vf>j/ .'-v i. YOMBED THE MEN. )no Hundred uiul 1'wonty-tivc , I).i> Welsh Disaster ?Fifty! nine !' tdies iccovc fc-it < iii 11. - An xpl? ?si?m of *i . dump in No. 2 >i! i'i the I '.'U i National Colin y truti ji.u. ,'nttstown in lie ivh m . ! i .t:i , t >?' center of ue "rout \\ .. tu tieids, this? iior.iimr, liicV'.u fo have reulted int. - s > t' ?>* leant 1 '20 i ve>?. rhv < \ % -..( ii wl4- followed im> - . lately iiv th* 1 riiino f eioiuln if .smoke tin' do from the pit halt, m wl.iv.ii lr.o nieu were vutk.iiL'. T..e frieo of iho nv dosi >n wrocke 1 the machinery at he mouth oi the pit. Ml comLttinitMlion with the ?!n< med men n thin direct'. ii ompUiteiy cut N? ' Aiif* id; ,ir..tig. litis . . L.. 'iition M. v> i t; in No. ' - 1 ! 1? 111 A i> i fccenihd. out impeded ' ii" fulling ; >. *l' . h t lie .1 i . . t 1J1 n< ie ij ... . .. t;v. .tombed men, bu m lit the absence otl ul sou c interior of the rn.,i.. t.i: ,111 ml of the v ' , . . m place r*l; * . .? t; is', J. v ce t oi ? x plosion ' ; .; ' an '. : undrods of ' l : i; iron und tlfbu. ....f I thy baud t;;o l-.. .. mation were crowded al the afternoon) and w-' e u: ... . ^ of people i- -i . nl t the mine i. -on . . thf pitiful sjenes. Eil'ortrv ut I'uMiuc A'eio still in progression at midnight and currents of fresh air wcro beiug .rivet: t!nn j h t.i -im: , hut the rescuers arc not working without hope of reduciug the list of fatalities. BRONCHIT/5S FOR TWENTY YEARS. Mrs. Minerva iSn ith, of Danville, III., writ ' ! had bronchitis fm twenty years and never got relief until I used Foloy'e lloiiO) and la whi h is a sure cure" Sold b v Fundorburk. IM'y'.ina' * ADo C O Floyd, Kei SLiutv. Shooting in Wallaceville. Special to News and Courier Columbia, July I..?A. M. Wallace, ot Columbia, w is shot by John M. Glenn this afternoon k Wa'laceville, a fev; mil-.; north of Columbia. G! n., . t po-o ;sti i a ul c .0 ,i..... .1 in a J V , \ V J ?.? ?1 i 1 . retio ... . .ic ball cntcied the I1.., on i.iri'owly no ?jd i : ' V' ? 0 11 ' i? ' i t i L i. il : Mi-. ; . . with kidney .i i/ it 'vo years,'' writ II. Davit, of Mt. Start iii,,. . it I . i bottles of I* >L,- ? !; i'uM ctVoctcd n ; 01 p.anc. . oo ' S >M by FnriI'L : .'A .,.ii V., y & ^ JL? 3TS. X ./*.. f ' the xr'.i t 1 I!...- *ays BeiiV.lt 51