dofdaQ lili.4 V'at.iH'i:; In Soil Cot- ( tor at 10 Cents Harvte Jordan, president uf.l Southern Colli>u Association !ih? | isaueel the following: 8 Tho South i?) t<> 1 ?o congialulitt- 8 eJ on the prospects for general j ' prospority during the next eigli- ' teen months I ho loyalty of J * southern furmcrs in standing to-J 11 get her during the first three I ' months of tlie > oar and holding! 1 tlu'ir staple off a depressed cotton f market and following this hy cartailing production for 1905 by I materially reducing the cotton acreage and the use of guano un- ' der cotton is more largely respon ' sihle for the present condition of 11 good prices than all other causes coinhined. Tho loyalty of southern hankers, cotton men, fertilizer com. panics and business men generally wh o have so generously contrihuted funds to thw association, j and the southern press which, I during the hard struggle of the j( farmers for the past six months ' 1 1 |( to whip tho fight they had under- ^ taken, has done such valiant and t effective public service without I price are other highly impoitant ? factors in making poasihiu ex- > istirg conditions. t All of these things coupled v with had seasons following in the j wake of a heavily reduced acreage and an enormous d'-mund for spot 1 cotton hy the spinners of tho world gives to cotton tho strong- * est statistical position it has oc- , copied in many ycare. If crop conditions do not rapidly improve the supply of raw cotton for eonsumption in 11)06 will fall short , of the demand and prices will go 1 f very much higher. Hut ahnor- 1 c mally high prices will he as dan- 1 f t * i ' - ..I lor uie iutnro to the \ producer and spinning us abnor- ! ] mully low prices, and. wo must t endeavor to be conservative and ! consistent. ' ( It will bo the best part of wis- : t doni for all cotton producers to ' j discourage speculative interests ! ( that would tend to drive the price ! of spot cotton above 12 cents per pouml just as it is iniperutivo that j no farmer should ever again sell a pound of middling cotton under 10 cents per pound. Let us not enconruge the growth of the staple in foreign fields. Wo bold a complete monopoly of the cotton industry of the world up to i2 cents per pound and ut that price good profits to the producer can be realized. The recent advance in cotton is * inducing many farmers to sell their crop for delivery in October. This is bad policy and if generally indulged iu will deluge such t,,i vi|.i1 iiiuiio n in u u 111 (11 HUipiO on the market during that month as to break prices and prove injur,, ions to those who have to sell. Learn to market the crop slowly and do not go into speculative propositions. Ry co-operative aetion refuse to sell any cotton cents and so market ttle staple as to keep tho legitimate demand active and heartily at good prices. The Southern cotton association in ita meeting at Memphis, June 28, 1905, endorsed the plans tor immediate construction of ware-* houses under tho plans and specifications of the insurance companies and to be owned and operated by the local communities in which they are built. The rapid development of the cotton warehouse system is absolutely essential to tho best system of marketing cotton for high prices and this matter should be pushed at every cotton point in the South. It is now imperative that the farmers rally in each county and build up the membership of the association. Those counties which have not yet organized should get into lino at once. Those that are >ry anlsed ho pushed by J: ho !>>c>l (.Die ic and the uU'Uibethi (if o ieh rapidly increased uf* or ?h? crops at e laid by We want to he in a strong po- ol ition by September to handle the hi ituatioo next fall and winter. ' jM 'lie cnl!o?lt is most encouraging, th ["he State and bounty otlicers of lie association are to ho congrat- cj dated cm the splendid work tlioy ' ,nvo done and now tliat success q s assured they have redoubled , Q) heirefforts. 1(5 Wo have everything to be a, troud of and must not lot the ' nr oldon opportunity now in reach o still hotter fortify our position tj, or the future, slip by or fail to cr i.ensure up to tho highest stand- w ,rd of our duty one to another. ^ Very truly, ^ lhirvio Jordan, i'res Southern Cotton Asso. A GKIM TH \GKD". s daily enacted, in thousands of lollies, as Death claims, in each se me, another victim of Consumpton or Pneumonia. But when J11 Joughs anil Colds ate propilly treated, the tragedy is averts 5( id. F. G. 1 lunt lev, of Oaklandon, ki nd , wiiles: "My wife hud tho tc lonsumptiou, and three doctor, y java her up. Finally she tookDr, ving's Nor Discovery for Con- ftI aiinption, Coughs and Coldoe V vhtch cured her, and to-day she s well and strong." It kills the terms of all diseases. One dos. y cliftvcs Guaranteed at 50c and >1.00 by Crawford Bros., J. F- 111 dackoy vfc Co Funderburk Phar. n< nacy, druggists. Trial bottle frees Banker Dewey Convicted. ei Kalcigh, N. C., July 8.?Tho- g nas W. Dewey, the defaulting lashior of tho farmers' and mer- \\ ihantV tiank of Ncwhern, was U 'onnd guilty today after the jury n lad been out two days and nights ,r. lie was sentenced to six years in >i :he penitentiary. r The defendant's ?Unrn**? at J _ ... I, juce served notice of an appeal to b he supreme court, which convenes ? n Raleigh in September. A bond ^ of $40,000 wae furnished. ^ oixa v o n i^l. 11 B -ars the ,h8 Kind You Have Always Bougft A *r* g Go to the LANCASTER MARBLE AN I) 1 GRANITE WORKS, For Good Work and Low Prices A. J. McNinch, LANCASTER, S. C ' $5,000 Reward will be paid to any person who can find one atom of opium, chloral, morphine, cocaine, ether or chloroform in any form in any of Dr. Miles' Remedies. This reward is offered because certain unscrupulous persons make false statements about these remedies. It is understood that this reward applies only to goods purchased in thte open market, which have not been tampered with in any way. Dr. Miles' remedies cure by their soothing, nourishing, strengthening and invigorating effects upon the nervous system, and not by paralyzing and weakening the nerves as would be the case if these drugs were used. For this reason Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are universally considered the best pain remedy "I have Buffered for 25 years with , severe pains In my head, heart and bark, and have tried everything I could get and could not find any relief \intil 1 got a box of Dr. Miles' AntlI'aln Pills. I suffered as long as 12 hours at a ttmo with such severe pains that I feared 1 would loso my mind. Tho Antl-Paln Pills gavo me relief In from 10 to 20 minutes. I do I not have to use Morphine any more. ' I wish you would publish this so that other sufferers may find relief." I. A. WALKER. R. F. D. No. fi. Salem, Ind. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills are sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If It falls he will return your money. 25 closes. 2b cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind BAMNER 8 ALVE f most treating salvo In IP'S world ipunese l^eace ifinvoya Sul? Fof | i United States, Yokohama, July 8.?The steam Minnesota, of the Northern line wing on board the Jepanet-e , snce plenipotentiaries,f-niledfrom , lis port for Seattle todsy. The I ivernor of Yokohama and the | vie bodies escorted the plenipo ntiaries to tho pier. The Mar- j lis Ito, Premier Katsnra, the ^ ther members of the cabinet, Mr j riacom, the American minister, < id the staff of the legation were nong IhoMo who accompanied aron Ksmura and his parly to < 10 Minnesota. An enormous owd of Japanese and foreigners itli bands of music assembled at. 10 water front and general enmsiasm was manifested. bin Man Killed Eight To Make ^ Tbero Good Chehalis, Wn., duly 8. ? Aeirting that he had killed eight en to make them good, as all ve m?*n nro had, Hez^kiah Hall 5 years old, said to tie familiarly aown in Lee county, Va., as Hike Hull," was arrested today < mrged with killing John Gruhh id with other serious offenses in irginin. Hall says he killed Grubh in df defense He tohl Sheriff rquhart that he had kdled eight >en, remarking that men wore aver good until they were dead id that he hud "run up against" ght men whom he found it noejsary to make good. ICKENiNG SHIVERING F1 rsj f Augue and Muluria, can ho re-i evod and cured with Electric , ittcrs. This is a pure, tonic ledicine; of especial benclit in lalaria, for it exerts a true curove influence on the disease, driv- < ig it entirely out of the sys em. t is much to be preferred to Quin- j ae, having none of this drug's; ud after-effects. E. S. Muoday, f Henrietta, Tex., writes: "My rother was very low with muluri1 fever and jaundice, till ho took ( Ilectric Bitters, which saved his if?. At Crawford Bros , J. F , lackey & Co. ami Funderburk ] 'harmacy drug stores; price 50c, uurauteed. ] 9 -Clubbing Payable Strict!; THE LEDGER (twice a w< JOURNAL (twice a week) c s'A - v r THE LEDGER (twice a we TON NEWS and COURIF year for THE LEDGER and The S< TOR one year for THE LEDGER, The ATL, SOUTHERN CULTIVATC THE LEDGER (twice a we CONSTITUTION (three tir THE LEDGER (twice a we # * WORLD (three times a wee THE LEDGER, ATLANT and FARM, one year for Positively Canno Theodora U I'rice Made n Forluuo. New Y?'rk, .Itilv 4. Theodore 11. r, is again ikking?>f cotton," iiiti iu*iiny he is luted iim u miliumnilo, tm having paid* ff every cent f hit* dehln which cnci'iupussed tiiin live yearn ago, ind lined hi* pockets w i111 fortune. The foriuno was inudo Ms'erday svlmn [ii ices jninpei. ahead with leaps and hounds, a Imndrod points during the day. His profits yestorday are said to liavc been ?750,000 or 00.000 miles. Sound kidneys are safeguard* nf life. Make ttie kidneys hoalihy with Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold by Fundertuirk Pharmacy. l'ay your subscription. MURRA Y'S IRON MIX?U E No in (lit* t in- to take a spring tonic. By fm tlu? in at thing tot.kota Murray'* Iron M xture It makes |,urv l? ?> Oe A IIOTTLH ().' Di.ect l?Y m The Murray Drug On, i oluml.ia, -i (; - SHOES Wo tire expecting ti cull front yon. We now have a complete lino of Tan anil White Cauvis Ribhot) Ties, just the thing for summer any price front #1.00 up Wo cal. special attention to our High Grade lino of DBESSY low cuts. .Edwin (Jlapp for men Lu* Franco for women. CHERRYs' CO. PROFESSIONAL < ARI> Da M P CKAWI'OKI) 1)K It C JUoiVVN CRAWFORD A BHOWN, Pliyaiciana and Surgeon-, I Hiicaater, S. ('. Treatment of t tie eye. i ne year for $ i .7 ek) knd THE CHARLES CR (twice a week) one $1.75 3UTHERN CULT1VA $i.75 ANTA JOURNAL and )R, all three one year for $2.oc ck) and The ATLANTA ncs a week) one year for S2.OC ek) and The NEW?ORK k) one year for $2.oc A JOURNAL and HOME $2,OC t Send on Credit. T. S. CARTER, ; Pub. Ledger. ?^ III?I IWJJ r? . . v*?? ,A-W. *- r>. ' ^ ^ { AVfcgefable PrcporationforAs- ., slmUatingtticFoodandRegula- S 1 Img the Stomachs andBovvels<>r 0. K feu 1 Promotes Digcstion.ChccrPul- > ness and Rest.Contains neither ?? I Opium,Morpliine nor Mineral, m mot t<.viic otic . . , f*eVKQfOl*lDrSMl?EL[?rCM[i J% Asjutw Seal' v Alx.Smrui * I ? G~kAUSMi~ | I Anise .Seed * t , A Att*mwt6 - ? til |\ fit CariKVtaM- ( ? t | ness and Loss of Sleep. \ / j Facsimile Signature of t EXACT CC9Y OF WRAPPER. *? -?'f *T j >t* i< a- l^iiiot i, | j Lancaster, S. C. Residence phone No ts7. Office, Davis building. corner Main and Duulup street.*; phone No7 J. Will practice in b >tii town and county of Lancaster. Allea'L# either DOU< day ni nighwill rreeive prompt attaution jfc*-1 J"'" 1;"r' Uoli "^NOTICE. ' The hoard of county commi?:~ jioneiH in their meeting Monday hull passedn risolution 10 ihe effect j'lPl that hereafter no tu'igislrale in tr. ff Lauca-tor conn! v w i!! he paid for 'l holding in iiixuest unless it is tin 1 possible to get the coroner, and J# then the magistrate must comply with the hiv\ by seem tog affidavits < from three eitiz-ng of the. immediate community that it i- important that an inquest bo held >o lthe particular case under consider1 ew-* s ation. M C Gardner. County Snpei visor. 1 p , 1 Notice. My regular nffi e days \v i; be Snt t on urdays and Itrst Moud:i\s. vtl other ^ days you will Hud n.? at my office othe near Ii&(' depot iVill keep school VJinl books at l> th oil! -es all ' wi'l h gbt I ,or to waiton you aiij day in the week iV-ivu \V M .Mo ire po!S| Co Blip' f r'.'du ?li >i; .. Jan 10, 1009. MM TO tOil"'a" I have made arrangement wi. H? I lenders of money in New York *. , ft with whom lam aire to negoth.teloans q^L securtd by lirst mor'.page on improve ! cotton farms, at 7 per c- est Inter st - fife repayable in annual installment* of flvejears No broke-'age or commie : sion charged On y r> n> >-o:eu>h-. m ? charge ft.r .its! i . 'it! , g It K WYt IK. f| Aug 31?lini, Aihuiiey i?i Lew Wlntbrop College Scbo^ship j and Entrance Examination, i n?r Kk T..c ex.tmin lion f r'V'i" C* O | ' ' I wi t I 1 1 L ' I I I ' j I V '11 lei??? and ff r the udinimlo'i o{ now hiu deniH will lie h. Id yt the <; Applicants r ii'il be'osa t'in:i li' ? teen j ea:s of apt*. When snhotarahiiia ate vacated afu i Jaly 7tli. Uiey W}JJ bo awarded t nrtkin^ the i?igvi e*t HvePt?>je l Hi s ex vuiion'ion pro lr s.dio!?. Lv I arables obo'.iid wrie In I'roaidt ;it Lv 1 1 Johnson byfo e tie ex ?ro inilon f r Ar < ?eli >la hbip ? xaminrt' 'on bum I:s. Ar i Holiolarsln; :? are \vo:ih >00 and Ar ( ft i e tuition 'lit* nex *e*s i >n will open H?pl: ni t-r 20 1003 For fnri> ? r . , information a ol c* alogii" addrraa }' ] I're I) I! Johnson, , i Ko'li 11 i.l, !S V. Yl | IjV i w.ffy''.'trnvcjaac* im nwon [jV ] Notice to the Public. Lv ] 1 will hold all inquest* in tlw* Ar county. Phone to my rcaukmce { (.j at Pleasant IJ i i 1 for me wheni i:?r< needed. Li \. Montgomery Cnwkoy, opt. 20?tf Lpj r Infants and Children. 'II r win >ijrt i r> i r i ii ?^ mi a i ?mum 2 Kind You Have Always Boughs lars tne A . \ jnaturo ' tB' in yr Use r ror Over y Years Hk CCNTfcUn tOKIUNT. HI?W? VOKH 01TT. E. Rl'TLEBGE, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. forking on credit doesn't pay, my terms from this time eforrti arc sti icily cash. ea :oaabLj Prices* i Filling $1.50 Amalgam Filling 75 cts. Cement F'lling 75 ct KUUIIKlt l'l.ATK, upper sot of tooth $12.00 >cr and lower set $25 50 ?V Those prices are strictly ' ash. No work done except cash or good security. s;. RUi'LEDSE, Dentist. /. UAUfty FOSTER. rlltorney at La.iv, DA NO ASTER, S. C. !**" "<>!< Mori'* up laity 23d u nation LY8 LAUGE DIVIDENDS ! t>U a , t i ll ?at lc.iaitn>MH oil>r Uy'ler adU<.s. Enter now an-l prepare i lucrative posiM n. OiTr giaduatea ti demand. hci us smsint you wb i assisto| hundreds?Uiey are in lions. We offer special rat oh icfeit'sS. (J. Bu siness College Columbia, S C. !. 20, 1004?tf. -~^-^==== rthe most fatal of all disILErSKSfKAj' money refunded. Contains recognized by ami) dK'^-?a ^1%a h? * * j OA CHESTER F'.AlUVV. oOnlulc in eiTft'i '.slay 2ft, 19:.ft. IDally c7cej I hunds.>. ) ,V EST BOUND. I .?? in-jw.te 1, 0 30 ft irj 3 4ft p in Fori i>u *v i"i . fc 49 ii m 4 lft p m Basennvillo ft ftW a in 4 30 p in Rlehburg, 7 oft a m 4 4? p in J healer, 7 30 h in 6 15 p m IJhar'otie, So K '?5ft a in 7 00 p m Tolombla, Ho IvlO 15 h in &AHTUN L. 'oloinhia, So li ft Oft ii tu 3 10 p m I'hurlotte, So 11 ft 05 a?n 0 i,0 pm ( Ih'hU i, 9 00a in 8 lft p in Richhurg, '-'4o am h 39 p ru Basc-nnv ilie, 950 a ni 8 4ft p m Fori I-aw 11 10 00 a in 8 56 p m Lancaster, 10 30 am 9 lft p m CONNECTIONS, jester?Southern, Seaboard and % )iuih<* .Northwestern railway*, mciwter?Southern Hallway. A I*. A/cLUHlfi, A sat Traffic mgr iOYHPHI^OH. y?t uii-t i'fulll Manager. ? . *