T??Le88 B. IIHiiMW S. URIER, EDIL\)li AM) MANAGER. r?8UKl> \VKI>N KSDA V A N : > s VTir K!?A Y *UKS<;Kll?riON' $1 Otf i'KI' YEAH Lancaster S. C July S U?0.r>. Union Meeting Urogramine The Union Meeting, of the \ .. _ i. n . ? . 8 t? ,m.tri.iu, mtpnsc association, win meet with the Antioch Church, Friday, July 28th?30th, 1905. Friday: 10 A. M., Oiganization; 10:30 Devotional exercises, by Moderator; 11, Introductory sermon. Recess. 2. 1'. M., What are sorne of the devices Satan is udng to retard thejChristian's growth: J. R. Hlackmon, 1). A. Williams. Intemperance: What immediate steps are practicable, looking towards its ['overthrow ? T. A. Dabney, K. Ik Dingle. Soul Winning: rhc obligation of it; the need of it; and the reward of it. Rev. Mr. Rice, J. 1-'. M. Hstridge and J. A. l\ Itlackmon. Slate .Missions; The field: its need, ami our responsibility Win. Long. Alex. West, and M. J. Long. The Lord's Supper: An t?L>ligntion to observe it and the attitude of the church toward-* members who wilfully refuse to observe it. J. II. Holdridgc, F. II. Fundcrburk. I he importance of every church having \\". M. S., and children's bands, butler Funderbtirk, W. T. Gregory. Sunday, 10. a. in., SnndaJJ School Mass Meeting, Conducted by K b. 1.ingle; I I., Missionary sermon by Rev T. A. Dabney. Alternate, Rev. J. II. boldridge. COM MITTKE llenis From The lverslirw Kra. ? Mr. L. \V. Bowers, of the Lynches Creek section, had a live rattlesnake on the market Saturday. The snake had 11 rattles. ?Mrs R. K. Tompkins and children, of Rock IIill, are visiting Mrs. Tompkins, parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Kirklev. J -- J ?Tho many friends here of Rev. J. 1\ Denly will be much gratified to learn that he has de?. clined the call tendcrtd him by Old Greenville church in Oconee county, near his old home. Cotton is in Need of Sunshine and cultivation. Washington. July 5.?The weather bureau's weekly bulletin of crop conditions says: While cotton is generally improved and has made good growth throughout the cotton belt, the crop is much in need of sunshine and cultivation in the'ccntral and western A districts, in portions of which too rank growth is reported. Except in the central districts cotton is generally fruiting well. .Boll weevils and other pests arc active in Texas and Louisina. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought "Some folks say," said Chief Howie last Saturday, "that prohibition don't do any pood. Now there have been a good many poo pic in town today and I have tocu only une man whoso demeanor made it impossible to detect that he had had a drink. On a day like tiii- when the dispensary was running we have had to nihke many arrests. It looks liko a blind man might seethe difference The Record of the big crowd on the fourth was even better than Saturday.? Monroe Journal. Forty Lives Lost In Texas Tornado. Many Houses Were Dest :oycd. The Number of Dead and Injured Will Probably Reach Sixty?Reports are incomplete. l'ort Worth, Texas, duly 5- ? A tornado which struck Texas in the upper edge o f Montague county coming from the northeast, an I swinging far to the southeast, this afternoon, cost, it is believed, over 40 lives, injured 1 large number of people, and did untold damage to growing crops and cuttle. Fortunately the tornado missed the small towns in the section through which it swept, but it seemed to take a fiendish delight /.igzaggirg in such a way as to take in the homes of many farmers and stockraisers in the section At Jacksboro the force of the wind was terrific. The Baptist church and 20 other buildings were blown off their foundations and a number of buildings totally destroyed. Mrs. Travis Calhoun was seriously injured and is not expected to live. Travis Calhoun, Mrs. Thomas Hortonand Henry Vessel and family were also injured. At Montague no lives were lost in the town, but in the county there is great loss < f lives reported. Owing to the fact that wires arc down in all directions it isdiflicnlt to get particulars. Ten persons are known tobe dead in tint neighborhood and unconfirmed reports are to the etl'oct that the list of dead will go asjhigh as 40. Most of those killed lived 011 Salt creek along which the tornado swept with terrific fury. At Nacona the tornado passed a few miles to the south and the latest reports givctthc dead at 14 and the injured at 41. Many farm houses were swept entirely away. The Long Branch school house was destroyed, and theBaptist and Methodist churches at Belcher were practically destroyed. A reliable man at Nacona who has been over the scene Bays that reports vere being received of the dead when he left there. He places the loss of life at 60. Owing to the widely separated homes and the fact that in many instances whole families were wiped out, details and names are hard to get. The country through which the the tornado passed is one of the richest farming sections of Texas, lying along the northern border of the State. NO FALSE CLAIMS. The proprietors of Foley's Honey and Tar do not advertise this as a 4'sure cure fcr consumption." Tbey do not claim it will cure this dread complaint in advanced cases, but do positively assert that it will cure in the earlior stages and never fails to give comfort and relief in the worst cases. Foley's Honey and Tar is wimont (ioui>t the greatest inroat and lung remedy. Refuse substitutes. Sold by Funderhurk Pharmacy. (b??l aad Heart Disease No disease ran escape its marvelous action, and it cares where other medicines fail. Get a big f 1.00 bottle from your dealer, or write for free sample. Checker* Medio!no (V>. Wlnston-Salcm. N. C. BAI9M E R a A LVT h# most fcsaling salve in V'? worl<* He Does Not Know How He Lost Money. Dispensary Inspector Brown Finds Large Sum Missing.? It .V a s A Dispensary Shortage. The State 6th Inst. A very peculiar story hecumo known yesterday when it whs discovered that a few days ago dispensary Inspector durance L. Biown mysteriously lost over$l, 600, which he received from a county dispenser to make up a shortage in the man's accounts. Inspector Brown went to Charleston a few days ago, according to his statement, and in the courso of his duties went to tho general dispensary of S. S. Matthews and checked up the hooks Mo found the dispenser $1,648 short in his accounts and asked him for nnv I / ment ot this nmm.nt. Ho was given a chock, and one of Matthews1 clerks went with him to the bunk to get it cashed. The money was obtained at 2 o'clock in tho afternoon and Inspector Brown came to Col imbia on the afternoon train. Dispenser Matthews accom pained him. Mr. Brown wou'd make no statement concerning the roason why the dispenser came, but it is probid le from what can be learned that he held that tho shortage did not ex ist, and so came to -consult with commissioner Tutum. Mr. Brown says that ho patted with Matthews at Branchville, the dispenser going to Columbia and Mr. Brown to Barnwell, his homo Arriving there, he found that his bankbook in which were the greenbacks had disappeared. Net alone had the -money whioh he had collected disappeared, but also about #500, some of which belonged to too dispensary. He came to Columbia the next morning and reported tho loss. in spector Brown is a bonded officer and when his triends learned of his predicament they made up the amount lacking and it was paid in to the dispensary's funds, pending further investigation. SICKENING SHIVERING Fir*, of Augue and Malaria, can he relieved and cured with Electric Bitters. This is a pure, tonic medicine; of especial benefit in malaria, for it exerts a true curative influence on the disease, driving it entirely nut of the sys em. It is much to be preferred to Quinine, having none of this drug'* bad after-effects. E. S. Munday, of Henrietta, Tex.? writes: "My brother was very low with malarial fevsr and jaundice, till he took Electric Bitters, which saved hie life. At Crawford Bros , J. F Mackey & Co. and Funderhurk Pharmacy drug stores; price 50c, guaranteed. Killed By Lightning. Special to News and Courier. Donald's July 5.?During a terrific rainjand electric storm below here this afternoon lightning struck and killed Mr James M< ore. a whito farmer, about sixty years old. lie was killed instantly. His death is greatly deplored. H. C. B. GREATLY IN DEMAND Nothing is more in demand than a medicine which meets modern requirements for a blood and system cleanser, such as Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are just what you need to cure stomach and liver troubles. Try them. At Crawford Bros', J F Mackey I .V- 1 Vi1 j nml !?' ii nil <> 111 i r I.- I'll ni'imwiv I ~ ? .... J , drug store, 25e,guaranteed. Citizens of Saluda county aro circulating petitions to vote out the dispensary. Citizens of Horry county aro also circulating potions to vote out liquor. Laurens, regarded as one of ll e strongest dispensary counties in the Stale, also has out petitions for an oloction. South Carolina News. . (Specials to I hu Sinto ) South- ra Will Probably Make Im provemcnts Near Kershaw. Kershaw, July 4. ? In conver sation with a corps < f survey is stopping at the Benton hotel, your correspondent was informe'1 thut the|Southen was having the roadbed surv eyed thrugl this section with the intention o straightening out the curves anil reducing the grades so as to pul more curs, make better time anc render more safety to the public In the event this project goe> through the road would run some hing like one mile west of Ker shaw, and would necessitate putt ing on a buss line and fioigh wagons It would be a gooc thing for Kershaw in some re spect", and in others would cans some inconvenience. As it is tin road runs through the centre o the place. Pie* enB I)ispcn>nry Case (iocs t? Suprc.nn Court. Newberry, July 5. ? Chief Justice Y. .1, Pope grunted a henrit j on the dispensary question thi morning in the court liouso. W Boyd Evans and I j I) Melton rep repenting tho relator und J. P Carey, and C E It >binson repre M ining the respondents or mend gers of the dispensary in Pic'ton* Messrs. Evans and Melton signed that less than the nicessto onc-four'.h voters o f Pirken county had signed the nctitioi calling for an election, and bring ing out a charge of fraud in ill election. Attorney Carey on the ethe side contended that even if ther wore irregularities in the proceed in^s that the election decided upon and the tcstimnn and facts in the case arc to b brought out by Mr. Boggs. After tbo testimony is (trough out by tho referee the case will b carried before tho supreme court the time to be agreed upon by th attorney* but his honor stated thn all testimony should at least h taken before the 2nd Monday i September. Accidentally Shot by His Brothei Marion, Itily 4 ?Mr. Jacksor Powors, the 17-year-o!d s >n o Mr. Joseph W. Powero, livin about four miles above Marion is lying at tho point of death will a pistol bull in his brain, bavin; been accidentally shot by hi brother at about 8.30 o'cloc! last night. The accidentocenre on the back piazza of their father' home while the young man's old tr brother, Urewery rowers, w.i trying to reptdr a pistol, prepare tory 'o a Fourth of July shootin match. i)rowry had opened il? pistol, throwing t!u bullets out as ho ill flight, but one rem lined and *hon ho closed the pistol, was dichnrged, passing throng his own hand before lodging ii the brnin vir?_? ' t > h . i1 1 5 ,.i ' I Mil i i (.! ? > ln0 It' itini ? X11. t t ll'C 1?i; !e T' i o V ill-*- Kil ed. i ;i , J !) 5 A t ;t nr^r c\ !? hr.tlion mi le from C'isj l^ir.! niinj killed ihr ? miles at" oil" flash, ;iml as Un ix ua- em i.hii able liiihtoioo u.ftn\ i f the s i'jjmif os were di!y fri.h'ctied :? ?:! as I soon as the clnml passed ?i rush 1 was made for their homes. ?.SV? U I? Am way, p.. m n t> ever us . afraid of Ins aifA n> she is n! tin' 0(i. k. A }d'l lot Isi la* i. i nvinjj 'ie?ni \ . to eon e up t > who >ho th M . \ : -? : i:i ;r i s* the ?iv I i" tK M i. ; i :i !, Will i'l N < ( (>|'C pi* 1 Ihi' itt ?I i-;i> in- t ; unit : I |wrs->r-? i i I. !?! l i . - i.iJ <- 1.- wit run i in ! ! ji?\ a i e O t s o i. /. I y. Ju'.y ( w>v .v<11. i i: Ir . i-i Notice to Debtors and Creditors (if J. A. Wilier. DfiiVfl All , r* 1 J* I? *vI y . I om? n :< 1 n^ the c-^i- i Mi < i- ;t" it Wi I t I x t {?i . i op | > t M t ? tin- hi . 'o It-plate lOu .iiMMM r Gra !uu e, I -aw, cdlcl't4 Pharmacy. |. iiirv (voitai s 13 1 ii I V Immh? f.'ew wii'i r vv--ik-< . !ii- ii ? hinil In i?i";r -ii'm o w il.iT'i i oiIi * irymii'-iMi -i V. M ?\. "h i: t:i a, (ifiiT Srri)T-.N1> ?)?{ INSTKl'CYOltS. Till! Fa"I ' rin n 15 ept. I ; 19'Yi ,'\ij r "H ' Frani-is 1*. VcnaMe. lVo-u-lont, n i chai'i l h n.i., n. c. t State of South Carolina. COUNI'Y OF I.\NCI AS I Kit, UY J K -h-w ii a E q Prohtie .. jtldite W H ERE AS, if Himx lvi| made e "-ii't to me, to t rant him letter-, of nil minMrat'o j of tin- e-ta'.o of and i f feet* of Rob n D mean t THEsE ARE Til Eh E OR to che and a" moolah nil iud joiitfu'ar thr e kindred and ere-lhorH of find Rnl in Dune-ui ile *e sed, timt they li?nnd up pea* before ino, in the * nun of Pro e hate, to be held at l.oi-as.-r f'on Friday, July 14 h next after | uti i lication tiier of, at II o'e ock i-t the /"ore mon, to aV w e u-t, it iny tin > have, ?li\ na d admit intra'ion nhontd " not he granted. Given nndi-r my Hand :hi :;Oth day of June Ann.- D< mini. 1!0"> J Fi Stewma i. Prohate J inlpe l ? ?S,OGO i Reward will be paid to any 1 person who can find one atom i, of opium, chloral, morphine, a cocaine, ether or chloroform l in any form in any of Dr. i t m > n 1 i ics lvemccues. (' This reward is offered because h certain unscrupulous perrons make false statements about these remedies. It is understood that this reward applies only to go6ds purchased in the a open market, which have not been tampered with in any way. Dr. Miles' remedies cure by their soothing, nourishing, , strengthening and itivigoratjj ing effects upon the nervous system, and not by paralyzing and weakening the nerves as n would be the case if these drugs were used. For this reason Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are universally f considered the 1>est pain remedy "I hnvo unfit r">' hMuJ, h< rt and bark, nnd liavo vrlod < v> :i! iajv I' 0 could if< t and c> mid r t f;:> 1 ' . i !' f until 1 pat a I < of T)r. M l \-1i ih mm x'liis. x Buitcrcfl as Jong as l hours nt a thuo v.it'.i i-i -'i . vo;o It p.-.lns tiint T f- irod 1 w- ell 1 my ml ml. TJio Antl-1'aln Pli! r. vo in r U?-f In from 1" to ?'? rain . I do ' not hnvo lo uj<> M il?i?? ; ./ movo. (i I w|;ih you v.oulil put I. h tV - .-<> is.at other pufier i.t i:- 1 r-f." I. A. WAI Ki.lt. R. P. D. No. ft. *:il ,n. Ind. Dr. Miles' An* -Pain Pill', cj sold hy your drsKf ' t. v>iio will guarantee that I the ti.-'it cukipe will bene t. If it fslls I n will loturn your money. 23 dooes, rents. Nfevor sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind ti Stir-1 !)< ' >in V* nJers An. Int? L i; I * c i i.ui. Cohim ia Record, Slli inst. The supreme court today rendered; an interevting decision to the rai road. The suit i that of J >h i B. M ick >rell agaiutd the Lancaster and hcsier railroad. It appears that Mr. Maikoreli sued the railroad for $1.15. This wj)s a claim for nine pounds . f candy at 12 cents per poun 4 > ml for ilie freight on 'lr* same I he claim was for the nine pouiuL of candy out of a lot of 100 ponnds, ?i 08, and the freight on the sin r was included at 7 cents, making the total claim $1.15. The case appears to have been tried and the jury awarded a verdict of $1 i5 to Mackorcll. v. t (In same time it appears M,u I.- n il claimed a penalty of $50 bee use the railaoad did not pay the claim within j. .ascertain time, and he claimed that under the stance the road was liable to I he penalty because it did not settle the claim within a cert tin prescribed time. 'I he circuit court granted a nonsuit on the ground that the railroad is not liable for a penalty, !?\ reason that a charge for freight as included in the claim as filed. The court sustains the lower court in granting the non-suit, and does not go further into the case. Mr. Mackore'l is evidently hav ing a lot of fun with his claim ) for nine pounds of candy, and he may continue to try the case if it has not outlived his limitation. JOHN""R V ELSH , 3 >:<:>; t i r^rB\ 1 i5i!e;i.-tei\ S. I ' Ofliee in ie.il' of Fiinderlu.rk I'nnmi'icv. -July 1, 1905 . . - v. PI r;. sn gc^ex.?- Xd-AVaaHflKW ,WMil? NOTICE. Wo will let to the lowest bidder the repairing f Taxahaw school ; t-uildinu at 3 j? 111 on July 8th. The contract will be h t at j the school building' at d specifications will be made known that day. R R Gregory, H 11 Massey. J V 1 Iilton, ! June 27?td Trustees. A..:. 1. m i! Hiuni anuivcr>> i Low Prims, and extra Quality i of Good* i.re winning m trade. Look Hero ! Kioo 5 cents per quart. Ik'.-'t (it anointed Sugar 15 lbs. for ?1 (Vllee, 15, go ami 25 cents. (Vnned Potichi * -Lost quality 25 cent*; u' wi ?]**-* 1 ity 15 rents. Ki'i-noli Sard icq*?Yn\v! Club, i 2C cent-; Milan ' Fobaceos and (ligars- ? a j full line, ( nmc to in for a good chew or ounko. Van Kol Mrtni *) i uv tut! i ai uicai i Sliced Hani, Nice Reef?Roast or Steak, Rreakfast Strips, l'ork sausage in pickled vinegar. We are headquarters for everything in the meat line. ; V KCil-.TA 1U.KS. Vegetables for dinner. Our's is the place to get them fresh every day. ELLIOTT, HEATH & WATKINf; Bridges To Let. : will ht tli?* cm! met to build. ii n<".v I rii'go <>v< i Liillo Lyruhpn eititU ot> ho l'Vrkhi'l nwl Kor i! aw lOii l, ooiir -Ji me? K Hlinkiu* l" '1 " low .A i's hin l.v'i!' i v oil 11uh m,> > 4 ho O't h <1h\ t .itih , lit l<> ? . !11. ii|mi i i o \ i i ??j? . t r ( m i*' j. ? ci'K in l|i? N'm i nt I!." ( m.4; ,1(1 null , 1 .( <'(?:? i t i :.m \ , 7 it (Icy ill ,I illy i t l! iC iii .v K III I ci MiH hliil r |iO (. I ic i?iil>, 'ii h(? I !.()" I) lit I ho 1*0': :i ' ;'liiCO > III t* 1 t.iI!II. Jui'r 'ill, r.M'.S . \1. ('. Oaiilner, Co fc>i?pot via >r.