TMELgDGEft, MlKLOW S. CARTER, KDIl'.Kt AM) MANAGKK. iVSl'l'.U \Vi:i?NK-.|? V, VNit SA li liDVV si t.> ;;i ; ;o . .. .?i'i. Yi: \! LmS I mo *2 1. 1EM >5. Soaring Rise In Cotton. Kxoitoii Ki-o of Approxiid ?tc* 1 v Fifty Point*?M:irch Pmciio:i'1 \ at Ton-' ,'ont I > isis. Now York, dune 'is ?The local cotton mark' I was excited today ,im ! prices advance 1 approximately ti t \ v points in I lie* various options to Jr.nunrv.? This was it< r list! night's closing quotations and followed an advance of Ihuly points in yesterday's session and a previous advance in the last two or three weeks of nearly a cent a pound. A number of short dealers and ' exporters appear to have held too j heavily ahead in contracting for ! delivery to spinners and were j compelled to buy during to-oay's j excited rise on reports el' hid crop conditions. There was heavy rea i/.in g hv the old bull interests, but the mark et whs s bio nn>l broad and ap- 1 prehondon ovor the now crop sit- : nation was so tense that this 1 i<|iiidiition wu< readily absorbed and prices easily sustained most of tho exceptionally heavy advance, with tii; July option selling up to about 9.50, with August and beptember , going at 9.GO, October to 9.Co, December to 9.75 and March deliveries practically reaching tho ten-cent basis. Sales were estimated at 750,000 bales. The spot markets were equally excited, with spot cotton hero advancing forty points t ) the basis o on _ i < * * 1 WA v.tsv HIH5 il [1(1(111(1 IOT 111 1(1(11lng. i HRONcnrr/s for twenty* Y EARS. Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Dan- j villc, III., writes: "I had btonchitis for twenty yours and never | got relief until 1 used Foley's J Iloney and Tur which is u sure 1 cure1' Sold l> y Funderburk 1* hurmacy. Public Opinion says: "The seriousness of the threatened boy-' cott ol American goods by the merchants of China is recognized by'our cotton manufacturers. The delegation that called upon President Roosevelt protested against the detention of high-class Chinese j by our immigration authorities, and the President wrote to Secretary Mctcalf of the Department of Commerce and Labor asking that ft way he found to stop the present objectionable inspection. Better it is to make it easier for one or two coolies to evade *hc law now and then than to heap indignities on merchants, students and cultured travelers. I'hcic is really something at sDke in this matter." The latest older from President Uosevelt wili doubtless prevent the threatened boycot, as there will he a more liberal interpretation of our laws, by which indignities will not be heaped upon Chinese noblemen, merchants and students. And the same Order may open the doors to our cotton products. b Ami of I'd11 L*ris i:i?>is () i?> i< Ovor'o >ku?l And Anothet M'stakonly L-'t DouJ While O.ber Eigbt ate Shot to I> ih Wutkinsvillo. On , Jane 2lJ.? A null) filtered Ihojnl at Watkin-vi!lc at 2 o'clock this morning ami took th.>refnun ninH prisoners ? i,dn of wli mi wi r ? shot to death, nm! I ho oii-tli |it'll only by being tlioiii-hi d'-iitl l-v tlio mob. l'ltc prisoners taken o;.t and lynched were Leon J. Aycoek, white, charged with the murder of F. M. IL l'irook and wife. Oconee conn ty, and 8' Vi'ti negroes - Rich Robinson, J.ewis Robinson, and Chun! Elder, charged with tho mutdcr *>f the llolbro >k couple; Sam'.y i'rice, a young nogro, charged with uttcnipt'ro killing tin innocent min While the general belief in Oconee county ie that Aycock was nut guilty, still th'.'re are many who did not believe s >. Rich Robinson said it was all right, mi far as ho was concerned, hut that threo more negroes were in I he II dbrook minder. II o named Sidney Morris, Jim Taylor, and Wiley Durham as the three implicated. Those negroes had been in jail oeforo on this charge and had been teleased after full investigation by the committu. l'he other ptisoners did n ot open their mouths during their march to their doom. ONE NKOUO WILl, BKCOVKR. After the prisoners had been tied to the fence posts, the mob lined up and lired live volleys into their bodies. All died without, a s*niggle with the exception of Joe Patterson, a negro, who was charged with pointing a gun at Albert Ward. Patterson, was shot *overul times in the body, bat was alivs after the mob left and will recover Ajeoek's hoiiy was rairly rutdied with shot; a great hole was torn through his heart and another through his right breast. Immigration Movemeut. Report of Ellis Island Authoiities As to Nunihor of Recent Amvals. Washington, D. C.,June 28.? In view of the fact that throughout the Southern states great effort is being made to attract setliers through immigration bureaus. It will ho interesting to note the report of the Ellis Island authoiities as to the number of immigrants who have come to the United States within the last few weeks. Since the first day of Juno there have come in and scattered throughout the country 72,000 immigrants. The estimate for the whole monih is Si,000. June, 1904, shows that only 51,000, or 21,0oo less than have already come in this month, came then. Those immigrants are for the most part alien steerage passengeis, and the majority of them locate in either New lork, Philadelphia or some of the other large cities. While a number of tho now citizens are going South, there has not, as vet, begun a steady flow that way, as is expectei soon. In may, 19o4, 7o,417 foreign era came to live in the Uniteei S ates, and for May of this yeai the number is 94,712, or 24,ooc more than came in for the same _ _ ! 11 i tl?? ? - period iasr year. wmio Tor twr or three years past the number oi immigrants is said to have beer almost unprecedented, May is tlu month when the largest number if registered. It is said by the auihoiities o! Ellis Island, that the number ol immigrants is boeoming larger al the time, the total number forthi year will probably amount to 1, 060, 659. As fin evidenco of the hold immigration is taking on in the south it may be mentioned thai Senator Simmons, of N ?rih Cnro linn, when hero yesterday, sait that North Carolina had room foi Go,ooo white iinmi grants am would make a determined ofF??1*I to secure these if possible al once. W. W.Price. 4 .IX* ? The prospect of war bclweei: Germany and France seems to have vanished, and differences wil likely be amicably adjusted tc the end. Hun tods of RiJ'crs Sla- i. Dead probe'lv It'iuch 300 -K?*ui 1.1 rV.c >.oiimor8 mi 1 Great itri-h'Mi-o< Kite I, Kntnilirg L)>h of Mi!liotis., lu te 29 ?Hundreds >'f rioters wete.shot and many ( .ill*?I by troops during last ni ?lil.'s ? titbreak. Maitial 1 i>v litis bun proclaim! d. Fires are still burning at midnight, b it there was ; iu'd in I In disorders tit tha? tun*. Practically the enti'c harbor was gutted l?v the fires started by the mob Inst night AH the ware houses with large (pianihi-s of merchandise as wcil tis four or live Kussinn steamem were burned Probably 3')Q rioters wro killed. Several Cossacks were also si iin. The troops are rapid!v restoring order. The losses are est imated a', many millions of roubles Hie t t?i5innnta of the wharves ni.d v.anhousoH set on fire lust night nro still burning today end tho city* is enveloped in a thick cloud of mnoko. Several explosions ojcured during the night and tierce conflict* to uk place between tloops aid rioteis The dead arc now reckoned in the hundreds. The hospitals are overflowing with wounded persons and the medical aid uvuilable is inadequate, l'ho shops are closed and business and traflic is suspended. The streets are ?>c cupied by troops. M my residents are leaving Odessa. Sailors At Siban Mutiny. Fierce Fighting Against Cossacks at Russia's Great Naval Arsenal on the 11 iltic. Libttu, Government of Courtland, Russia, June, 21). ?Tho Russian sailors hero mutir.itd last 1 night, attukced the govcrnnun stores, seized the arms and fired 1 into tho ollicers' quarters Inf.m1 try, artillery and Cossacks w< re brought to tho scene of the lighting, hut the result is not known. Intense excitement prevails hero. CREW OF TRANSPORT .IO.N THE MU TINKERS Odessa, dune 20. ? I'he crow of 1 a government transport which arrived hero today from Niokoliefft ' mutinied stziod their officers end joined the crew of the battleship ICniaz Potemkino, to whom they 5 turned over the captain and other I officer# of the transport It is reported that the foreign consuls have nppli d to their reI spective governments to send warships to Odesoi hattlkship fires on city. ) London, Juno 30 ?The Odessa ' correspordenl of the Daily Tele} graph, in h dispatch tiled at 11:20 o'clock Thursday night, says that ' theKniuz Potemkino is tiring on 5 the city and that Admiral Kru4 ger's squadron is not in sight. j .-FOILED HER BEAUTYI Harriot Howard, o( 2<>D \V 341 h St,. Now York, at one time had * her beauty spoiled with r! in ' trouble. She writes: <41 had Salt liheum or Epz? nin for years, but , nothing would euro it, until I used Bnckhm's Arnica Salve." \ quick and sire healer- f-w cuts, burns " and no res *it>c at Crawford !tr >* , .1. F Macl1 r.d I Fonderhnrk Pharmacy, <1 r ii g store. I Out iu California a member of ^ tile stute legislature lias framcl a law which, if adopted, will make it neccossary for a man and a woman to swear when they apply i for a marriage license that thev itre not crazy. W'* su-pect that I the author of the bill has been trying to support a $50,000 a ( year wife on a salary of $50 a month.?Chicago Record-Herald. (mlaa?lv 'v* ' ?*!? lisdi'ns Ki! Mei A' ;1 Woisis'. fn , ( <; !i:!.lif\ V 11 ii i I) ? 11 d ; < i s II . 1 }> !' It. ' sic-o >. A r /. n;i. Ammo *27. T?v. !v. r i.i-'.fi ^ nin!vi?-i\I i-!i i! : r.-n !i:v >i * i r.!i at i! r i o. i! S . n o > i?i.) a ii i \ ? mi , ? ! I ; ?. td y i ! \ hum i?'i:n mi -ttit ? nan, !? = ?I ! t ? Jo*-1' I i Ii.iVm ?;? ii" iii1 lu i'I'M"I ill" Hill' I i U i; I *? I Hllfho' *"r? in o ni m i's i r??? 1 M Ian InDi Krii'tk l% i.i-vu t iv1111 lias rc i -I -r of t ' r pi tee. his > brother I'h ail ! - n I, ni t (/ ranez j propriet of m - !j 'i ii'i ^ ? i ?oh ! and st'v r,V oth li' i. h ors died from ? o'lii :n received ] ? the (i If. ' Dr. !'< u"> fit' i.i'e >' . d Cm i i n: za, ' ? s In* ? ? t in' o l,.t chuin.-i!a. ? iiiimdo t m ?r ! wlieiOthc fight took place 1? ) sieged Mexicans took rofinje in u ranch house and fou jht from tin windows and roof It is thought I hut fill I \ twuuly Indian* v.- re killed ulih u^li tho number o n on!) bo estimated as ihe savages carried oil iho dea l mid woiradod when I hey ret in d. Tho nearest. armed force is stationed at Ures and whan Dr. | Touissunt left i!? rmoaillo the\ hud been sent to the sc. no of !!:?. ontrago I? v Yaquis take t just outside of Lac nuiuta am! h< u: 't t's llonev a > I To. is wdttiolit doubt the greatest throat an 1 lung remedy. li'dus- Siiih siitutes. Sol I by Kundei I.urU Pn armac v. Collect On l)i,-p,?n?er'K Roml. Amingemeulc k< : ig nuida for the co'lc" torn of :?' ?.u| "s2,-U!o on the ni'inl oi 11 K. Buzzard*, the comity d.spMi-er wh > wasdhcuj in his ncc Mints ?i Foit M -lie. ; Today h prosen(lit1 vj a of ttto American surely company mi diltnrnoys for Unzzn.'dt call? <1 upon (Jomnii sinner fiitum and arranged for making goo I tili shortage. 1 he bonding company, while perfectly willing t pay, wishes ti postpone a settlement until arrangements are made for a suit again>t Buzzardt It is not known , ;11 i ? i . ~ * v. v i i v. v 11 v, i inn ? iJi lit" c^I'L'CU IU, ?Columbia Record. jk W I ^ cal toHt,^Chee&era is f to contain any Alcohol or Opium, Cocaine, or any other <1 girfectly harmless and only con' runtfo Wine and imported O properties of tho formulary a Cod Liver Oil (Which it contn weakest stomach. Checkerscur Blood Diseases, Catarrh, Brow Rheumatism, Ija Grippe, Henri and Fevor, Nervousness and Gei and is a frood medicino for nil 1 lnr^o dollar bottles to-day, disease will obtain more sway' i Checkers Medicine' wv>, .>.v -.f ?.?. v?w*r. 'a-.mwwwo? (0,000 Reward will be paid to any person who can find one atom of opium, chloral, morphine, cocaine, ether or chloroform in any form in any of Dr. Miles' Remedies. This reward is offered because certain unscrupulous persons make false statements about these remedies. It is undcr:> 1 ththis reward applies on!> > p. ? h> purchased in the apt :i market, which have not 1 .-I'll tampered with in any way. Dr. Miles' remedies cure by their soothing, nourishing, strengthening and invigorating effects upon the nervous system, and not by paralyzing and weakening the nerves as would be the case if these drugs were used. For this reason Dr. i Anti-Pain Pills arc universally considered tlie best pain remedy "I I'iivo ruflVivd for 23 years with Hovrro )> 'iii.: in my head, li> ivl and 1ki< !c. muI lisve tried everything I c ':3 .I f nnd ' " ;U1 n- t find any relief tin n I r< t a 1" of Dr. Miles Antil'a'n rid:;. I : ored ns lonff lis 12 lin es nt it tin;.! tvilh such n< voro ! ji lias Hint I f and 1 would lose my ::.'nd. Mho Anli-l'ain I'ills Rave* no relief In from 10 to 20 minutes. I do not le vo to use Morphine any more. I tki it yen would publish this so that otla r sniffe? .s in v fnd relief." J. A. WALKICU. R. 1*\ T">. No. :* Palom, Ind. n-. Mi if 5/ An'.l-Paln PIlis are colli by your IV , 15, 'J'i muI 25 cents. ci.M ?i P aches - liest quality 25 c id-; >?>d quality 15 cents. rdinc -Y iwl ( Mub, 'J1/ c- it viii n Lie, 15 rents. j " Tubtceo- and f'icivs-?n i full lino, (,'ome. <> u - f.u u good ' cjx \V or 'OIK 1;0. :L5;) You Eat Meat ? ! Slice ! llam, Nice Heef?Roast j or Steak, Breakfast Strips, l'ork S'utage in pickled vinegar. We are headtpt irters'for verything in the meat line. V KC.K I'Atil.KS. Vegetables for dinner. Onr's i is the place to get them fresh ! every day. | ELLIOTT, HEATH & WA'KINS Bridges To Lc'. i will i< t tlx* j ...... I. . ^ . 1 lllli . 'l.l1 , 1 11U 'till jlliV I'l .1 ul> , ill l!l it. Ml. III Si i O!: C j over upper t^ump creek on ilie ! N'.nMiui i'-m 1 al l!ie Cruis* olil mill j j.l i' o h? Ui.o-m al llio the time plnees of Icltin#. June y?>, 1005. M. 1 '. Gar I nor. i o Snj ut visor. ^1000 l in Reward i onnd KSSs1^: . -. .?,. ??ky:sw?SW I tho minutest particle of Morphine, langerous nareotio drug. Checkers in tains sufficient concentrated California lK>rto Port to preserve the medicinal nd render tho scientifically prepared ins,) palatable and agreeable to the esStomnch, Liver, Kidney, Nerve and shitis, Coughs and Colds, Neuralgia, t Disease, Indigestion, Malaria, Chills neralDebility. JtchecksConsumption '.1 Femalo Complaints. Got ono of tho * vou may forget it to-morrow, and tho by delay. Sample free?if you write. C'o., Winsfcon-Hal?m, N. O.