Lual jftattci . ?Horn, to Mr and Mrs J P (1 King, Saturday, J une 24, 1905. a j daughter. ?Mrs R B Mat-key and won, s Master LcContc, are visiting at J Mr L i J Lazenby's. ? Mr W II Recti came over s from Union Saturday and spent w Sundty with his family who are r' visiting at MajJ M Riddle's. - -The patrons ot Carmel school ^ will meet next Saturday at 4 p. ^ m., u> recommend three trustees f??r appointment by county Superniendent ot Education. J1 0j ? lMr li G Mcllwain and family moved to Rock Hill yesterday. Lancaster regrets to lose Mr. McI Uwain an 1 his excellent family. { ?J. E. McDonald, Esq , of P Winnsboio, was lure yesterday J oh professional business. ?Mrs Josie Durant and daugh- ^ \ t?r, Miss Willie Durant, of CliarI lotto, and Miss White of Graham, ^ % N. ('., are guests of Mrs Lei'oy 1 ?Go to the ice-cream festival ^ at Antioch school house July 4th, ? " 2 o'clock p. m. Public invited. ^ ..?? Proceeds for new school building which the trustees will erect. n m'?Mr A M Gansun, of New si M: JffiYork City, is the guest of Dr J F Mackey. His many friends here is arc pi ased to sec him looking so f die Gnnfed- t eraey will give no en timet, t <] Thursday night, in the nuiitnr v iutn. for tlie benefit of the mi mu, 111 Dient fund. 'I he pnbliu is cor dially iuvit'd to attend. Ad- * mission, adults, 20iits ; children, * 10 is No resMi ved seats Per- ii fivm i?'i!ii begins promptly at h 8 .'30 o'clock, ,x Til" ljin??rty Hill llifl -r. h v a ted an inv.r. extend'" j( them bv th;? town council id |( He..; i Springs to hold their f ft'll'il i . ii'Ulil If, f!l if I I n'H ft ! ' I" Jul 1 i r-> ? ? will prob.tM J bn u :: i iV' "l h is > It si!, public t [ 8(>o ik; and ot or f?'.iuir?s to r ini* st visitors. ? ? M.. O cm Adams is at home from th'-> South Carolina col- \. lego to spend his snmmei va- n catiou. s _ j i ? Mr J h Gregory spent Si I'tv with his parents at Taxuhu ? Mr B N Craig and dangh if Hock Hill are visiting relalr n this county. ? Mr VV K Swat ingen has igned his position us Deputy I rlarshul. ?Carmel, Heath Springs, K haw and Tradesville secti*. .'erc visited by good showers ain Monday night. ? The Lancaster and Richbi aseball teams will play a mat amo of ball at Richburg this srnoon. ?See I ho adv of the Ilea ones Co., on first page: "Wm d.M ?The Lancaster Chapter ) will have an ico cream fete? th of duly and will have a d lay of fire works 011 court I101 rounds. ?The Kershaw Oil Mill sh ed t^o hnndred and twenty-f?i ins of cotton sood meal to Liv>. ool, England, last week.? Iv< law Era. - A little 2-year old son of J ad Mrs J C Howling got hold bottle of I an dam 1111 Saturd venitig and drank a su(licit mount to have proved fatal I ir the timely arrival of Drs 1 ey and Fundorhui k whoso etro ived i's life. -- The prospect for a corn cr 1 undoubtedly as poor as I irnr tin in 1/ inurn fit I \% I -> here me lots of farmers \v uvo not yet planted bottom lam t is claimed, however, that tin i yet plenty of time in which L'plunt and make good crops orkville Enquirer. There will ho Children's 1) xercises at, the Cimp Cre taptist church on the loth iilv, houinning ahout 10 lock in the morning. Dr. Bo id tie is expected to deliver ddr?'ss. The public is cordia nvited to attend. ?The Woman's Foreign M Ionary Society of the Method hurch of South Carolina finish s session Saturday afternoj lecting the form?r officers. exc< lint Miss Kate Glenn of Clies ras elected treasurer in place 1 r \xr n . c / ' It 1 3 J VV VJl LA,HC I'I UlUCIIWUi /ho declined reelection. 'I ociety will meet in Marion n< ear. ?As Dr McDovv was drivi i>wn the hill at Turkey Quar Urcok last Sunday afternoon t ireeebing of his harness br< nosing the buggy to run agai its horse and the horse to run. 'J )oetor bad his little daughtct ho buggy with him and while 1 niggy was uja-et,< ioither the Doctor nor his lit laughter were hurt. ? Mr S W Birmingham, Charlotte, who has contrac vith Col Springs for tlie rerun if the two dwellings from tlin >11 which Col Springs is hav irected his hotel and block >rick store rooms began w< Saturday and already has 'Boyd house" well on the v o the lot adjacent t opposite the j.iil and will ittcd up for an up-to-date boa ng house. These buildings o be moved to make room he erection of an elegant colot esiclenc-i on th?? site of < prings' present home. Occsoin dly a bachelor kissc ahy girl becnu - lie hasn't lerve to tackle one nearer hisent to exteud D- congratulations to the doctor ? and his charming wife, and to partako of the delicious refresh1) ments which were set ved. en Dr. Bohlridge, who is pastor is- of tho First Baptist Church, was isc born and raised ia Virginia, was graduated with distinction from f?!in f?f t li ? f. Ktiil.u'.i lii.iliuul itiofi IJ 7- ~ ?~ I..OW ur tuitions of learning, m well as from the Louisville, (Ivy ) 83mtioiry, h nd is lecognized us one of the most scholarly isvm in the South. Mrs. B ddridgo, i< lady , of rn 10 culture, varied accomplishments and most pleasing ^ personality, was before her m tr)Ut Cage Miss Moon, of Tennessee. She is a sister of Congressman , Moon, of that State. Both she rt8 and her husband nave made manv warm friends in this comop muuity, irrespective of danotnin \ttonal lines. y it _ _ *l() ?A very painful accident be^s fell Miss Frances Mnssey yester3,6 day afternoon. Her sister, Miss to .Mary M - shoes at ?1.98. Boy's and ehildri list 51 big lot of shoos and they must g< % PASTS ^ We luivo Men's Pants from 40 c t(_l while they last Also a lot of reti] ,,r t HARDWARE A :xt A big lot of plow sUelo to go at , e >ok stoves to go at $9 95. jcr Molasjcs from 1 Sets per gallon he Tobaccos : Sweet Mash, lltch >ke Meal, Natural Loaf, and almos' at tobacco at 25 cents per pound. M?0 Wo also carry a full lino of Star in the When in need ??' anything : CARNES CA ? Big Reduction i '? AT FENDER /ay ^ I,o()0 Mods 10.? and 12c Lawns (fo>) 5c; 2,500 yards good 5c Sea lt,y Pliiiil 34c; 1,500 yards 10c and 12 J list received 5,500 yards Vtiler ,l" to match 7.1 to 10c quality 5c: " 115 i'd- Pants to Fit ;nt \vn ?1HM ?*?? 1 iitrtMl to #3 50; . ones tle Groceries at the lowest prices, in our line give us a call. Yours for business, Sit STORE. in Merchandise BURK GO'S. i 72c; 500 yards 10c figured Lawn Island 3?c; 1,500 yards good 5c c Embroidery,ithis sale 7?. itin Laces and Inscrtings to match t Anybody. 1.50 ones reduced to $2.75; $3.0o ); $1.25 ones to 85c; 75c ones to iouble 'tnee oveialls to close out ' Low Cut shoes to clenn up rec; $2 00 ones at $1.50; $4.00 ones D.m 11 yards genuine Cannon Oil" Cloth, 13 yards Andros lod s'eel rrd umbrellas, 8 yards ther things we havent time to ours to Please, ERBURK CO ( SPECIAL M PRICES ARE AS CHI Quick Sales, S For Fancy StulT, 1 Imvo the lino are the best that are made. All kinds of Cat.nod Goods and and excursions I can supply your wa China, Crockery t 7 %J 1 nave a full iino and can please yc Come to see inv counter, lie sur< test?closes on At Yours, J B MAC) WHY Every Man anil Wo The NeW 1 Because it is tho strongest compai eranse its policies protect one 111 ecause it has over 390 million a> Because it lias over 380 millions I ecu use it paid iu dividends in 19 ecuuso it is purely mutual. It L Because its as setts belong to tho ecause it does not invest in stocl ecause its policies contain only premium " ecause the insuied leaves to his v Ba law suit, ecause its policies are incontestal Becauso it paid in 1904 ?40,000, ecause it is tho best estate you < ecause it gives you tho best pre for the money. Because you can't afford to carry nn> best. Gallon .1. 11. BLAClvMON of 1 plication. MID-SUMM Great rcduction'in prices in every < at a bargain at i case of 5c Colored Lawns in nca yards for 25c. Only 1 Dress pattern 1 ease 8c and 10c Lawns going thi All our I2j/c, 15c and 20c colore* this sale at 10c. We have only a and ioc Ginghams that we have bee the yard. Better come quick before 500 yards 40-inch White Lawn go 40-Whitc Lawn, would be cheap at VVc have about 10 pieces of Voiies 15c, that we are closing out at 10c th Sec our counter of 10c white good: would be cheap at 1 5 and 20c. Yc the yard. No. 40 Taffeta Ribbon in price 1 Oc. NEW SHJ of Embroideries and Laces, and pric 10 yards Andrew Scogging Blcacl 9 yarns Lansdale Cambric for$i.< MILI.IT reelection in this line. Con if any thing suits you make us a m ic E E. 01 I ' " ( NOTC EAP AS CANBEAD i ihort Profits! | i? Killer's Proscrvos und Jollies : 1 TJ Pickle*, for Summer Pic nics at "i tz uul ( j lass Ware in both la price and quality. > and 10 cents 3 to see my coil .i i g 2 t. (ORELL. mini CI, nu U f haiiha 3 an intui oiiuuiu iilbuic | III fork L and ic yards. 5. Many things on this counter >ur choice on the counter at 10c all Colors, wor \2y.c, our lPMENT cs to suit your pocket book. 1 domestics for 79c. DO. ? JLl MX,X ? ic and look through this line and c and it is yours. jOUO.