'V \\ iiloVtftl * \\ ni l j A K>*m' U1 tlul'l S\ t l' . ( \ Oil till , .ugh (I. . . ;' ,i -ta. C;l ???t" a ?luy in t i.. in i.> l >i.. section brought t. - . > .? with him, ?. vr . 1\ a < .Journal. 'Sovcr.nl \< u -> a long ?!t v * j oil in < i- . i i. A u' tl.o i< 'II I I Olio ot 111'.' Ill 1 The ?1 i- ? u?>n!u; ? ?>it V n ! ; ! ' her t Icttvo tlx Inirying grant ' ! fool |?i*i?it-- ' -j.VMn I. ! i . v el W:is i! in . | I ' i i< . ' sill i?;<; lull) .!><: < !' , r ni.-inn ; !> ?j?t ' > ' : i - sky. 1 K: Itit u ,, I iii \ ! u. ii 11; . . rain,' in s I, I a- n! iii'i not hitit' n. < Iy. *' i ii> < ii > i .t !, i tIn1 crop' 1 h ; t ". i . . 1' 1 ?itlt ci'. J'-. . ;i 1 -: .w iiii ir, ' hi'' - Mi - * i?li i.? i . Jill svVfv! s S \ tiil it I . i> \Y 11\ ti ' : \ asUcil. ' 'Hi' ' ! > v. is -.vi '; ! i '' show in' jn'ojs, r i . j>r, ' t i ais lit t w ifit i i utfirrv liOfon tux 11 U in 1 1. ^1 1 Yl\ Ml I I - V. -lil'd ' ' . I > : li ? >!1 ' W ! I it Mi l ' II till' I uill. i 1 I II ' . ! !' Il'l \ weeks (ion ! 1 n\l, ,t in ill ; : m '! writ oil the weather f-icvei."' l\)l?OUed b\ .* ; 111 -: . \V' i 1 The fjuuil y (i' Mr V li .in [Down, near t 'ih.vo; t (' t'o iii'll, met wiili i straiii*o idvvnt ;i re y osUm i . v t int c im < u i r? lilting in the dent!i n I S members. Snort!y .-Jo i i everybody who had brim ,.t t! i table became deathly sick wit! nausea, accompanini by vomit iti?. Nobody seemed to kuovi what the trouble was. Dr. W (1. White was telephoned I i n ?\ < 1 * .. f i . 1 ' * * a Li \j suuiu)' uiiL'i" IJIH arrival e a. eluded that posion had be. n ministered in some way and at once bogan to adminiter nnti dotes. It developed that Mr. Walker Frown, who snlier front asthma, had been induce*, to inhale the smoke of jitnsoi weed at a remedy, and ho hat undertaken to prcparo tho wet < by grinding it in thocolleo null The mill was afterward u.od fo grinding colloe for dinner, ant in this way tho members of th family got a dose of the prison ous wood in their colle t. For i time it IjokocI as ;i iivu mom bera of the family might iii" but sinco thou all have rocovi r erl and aro out of danger.? VorKvillo Enquire. IN)X'l' BORROW l'KOl'BLK It is u bad hut)it to borrow ;:n\ thing, but tho wi i;: stores Prices ."iOc. (iuaranteed I ' . ' > amnion in I itie. At u special sendee in :i Lull more church a few weekyouny lady \v.i> le ring t Aro They Doing in Heaven day? ' The niemhiT-. of . !i mittco having in char. . rii.t ing of t he pioginm w i not fa miliar with the exu t Iiii i f tin piece, and in the lii-t copy pi" pared for tin- piinth they had il ' Anything l).?n _r in JI-ivu Tonight!''?Uultinioi e 8mi. ?l'ay for The Ledger. Heart Tea&ness. Dr. ? ' Heart Cure has ; i 1. ir'r. will alter h e 1 een pronounced !. ' . 11 In - c : ;| l-.'i?'!_? t ii hi . ami u ill a!; ' , , u i arouml u, lluiU i .'r. i Miiotlicnm; . , ; ttot be iiccjlectccl. i J )r. ' Heart l itre ' see h?> ijtii you will i relieved. i"1' ' !:e a new heart, v a sic!: one by tlie 1 .ii nerve* i n .i win.. the i i : . ami restoritiff i - . ! 1 ".ft < i ?if t. ~nvt i ! ! i 'I I I not i ' .ra . i i r: . I 1 to ley . i t.. . Mv V' n.ltl t I I :liv Im ; 1 a < .. iMt.i | . i ' i | : If to ? I ? . : > i>r: 1 ' t |v -I,;.. ?;-! ! ..1 It. l?! ft .' ;t it i-!'l tl. , v ! ' i . i >: !.?. . It f.illl j i 1'i .. i C: 1 llfiriiirfc I.id ? >\n iti-t where* their < 1 whether they are ' 1 - el pi eeaulion regardP i !i i Im'v c !t i*t fur t S ci r - at I < ining-, This is in! i i! I > i '!." s > j i;l v ? of I en sr en ; children willking along tlie r .. i looks 'ii 11 nlher dnngeri'"i? pi res l'i vide'.ie must in , .etch 11v< r ih little one-, 1- . s ii sonic of theni would I ! i-i e |! ;- h:t\ ; been Killed or . 111.it;i * 1 lnr !iie. Another pi itet'e c u mm am- og ll.o ell ldien of Rock liiii is Unit of dodging : cross the 're r- in front of np) r -aching \ !tie! s. Tins is done in the spirit of adventure and tile \ onn gators vie with oaoli other m seeing which cm get tti ios- at the greatest risk. It may lx-a i nai'ly be expcelod that one ^ i f them will full or calculate incut rectly and be injured in eonso(pit nee, f. r the driver cannot a' wii ) s stop oi suppose that the child is not going to get out of the i Jt . way, so common is tins prnctic. \ -aid to lie. liick Hill Record. TLANSTOG/.r RICH I 1 are.oft on lpi-lrutcd by suddei , i 11 ikdowo, due to dyspepsia oi I constipation. Braco up an'l tui? 1 !>.- k ' v . .. i sr.. ra! . ru~ . ?' ' ? ' ^ ? 1J 111/ 1 1 i 1 . 1 III' \ t ike i i.r the materials which art i iZfrin y< iir energies, and givt , \ t"j a new start. Cures head. ;.c. ami ?hz;'.imvvs loo. Al aid to ho easy to yet ir ' debt, 'lit ilio man who is basted doesn't nlways (ind it so. Another 1 -sson we enn learn from the honeybee h to keep sweet. . -r-,*. - .? ' s ? ?*"** r .v>^1 . 1, f The Hatching Seasbd. I lie- furhatchtri^ chlbhbni iiitiy I?f, atrietlv npeukinii, sd?l id I hi from l-Yhru wy to June, an.1 then ayuin for a ?^1???rt pbiio.l in August. The carl v chic.(tins l each 1 markctnhle size 'luring the spring, win n prices nre high, while those lull, ht A in A lit; n A nre i?iul\ for the I?.I* full inaikcts, hefi-ro lurke\> ami oaiuu cotno in l'nlh t*. hatched during Fnhenry and Mart It mature during the anni 111 1 r and I.coin to lay in Septeillhcr, while those hutched late rarely hey in Icfore (Ihri.stntus, or po-siblt h.ler i IO-ii i \ chicks arc invariably the stionoc-t and grow rapidly, dis ease seldom appearing among them. Tho hitter hatches are lacking in vie or and often havo gapes ami various k-ituls of "diseases. 1 lie Inn Htiti seems to seriously I e ffect young chirks, unit only in j rare ruses are they in any way j satisfactory or proli'uhle. Stop the hitching season now and devote all your spare lime to tho ' Hocks tha\ \ on have. 7oiii ./-t.. ponrr, ti,c /}1 '..8 Kind Ycj limn Always R:,l; ? I It is mighty hard for a man ! not to like the i irh father of a gtr' as mm h as he likes her. MURRAY'S IRON J M1X I IT1 E No is the tone to take a spring ! lonie. Ity lai the best thing j io lake is Murray's Iron M x- j lure It makes pure b'ooil ami gels rid of that liru'l feeling. At I :tl I 1: ug store". r?Oe A ItOTTLK Ot Dired Froin The Murray Drug Co, Columbia, S (I Go to the I LANCASTER MARBLE AND .! GRANITE WORKS, : For Goisl Work uud Low Prices j A. J. McNinch.i LANCASTER, S. C * >j -Clubbing i : I'ayablo JStrictl ? / THE LEDGER (twice a w JOURNAL (twice a week) TllK LEDGER (twice a w< TON NEWS and COURI year for ( ! THE LEDGER and The S TOR one year for THE LEDGER, Tiic ATI SOUTHERN CULTIVAT i ^ i Till-; LEDGER (twice a w i CONSTITUTION (three ti TIIK LEDGER (twice a w WORLD (three times a we TIIK LEDGER, ATLAN1 and FARM, one year for i 1 Positively Cannc I ) Worra lu Ooiton! , , v. 7* .V ' <5- *j.11 v ' m>'iin?i*-I'ii ! l, Ij\ Price fouiul i worm i i ins r 11 !i ii ;hn j-Ih) hij? the v i v misc.hic f Ho does hot r.Uito iMI?* >11 tilii *i- i t ; IIU'IIi t is , > > III f< I t it'll' :?11 : I I; 1 iollj'. Ml I '.??*. 1 t?;\IV "I .'ll J I, !? ' file in-n-t oi-i :?f wild. u*i'k lnu 11: ii ?s i ' IO" Ii-*!') I'o i icK | j?. hii.i to ' I'M it' <1 h!o mi u ? . j ali'MIt ? nil) :?1)(! f >ll'l I i 'i .! lhr<-tii>ii the (|'i () t ?i !?11i_* it to |)ioo"n il).? ami in ilr.it ji' i' out 1**ii* I!i i in VMst.j.futimi .in. v Oil t!i ;i t v. i \ !>ti i ill 11-t 11 v |.'i 'it'i'.l, ?;:i< lhe/drup|>'Cilui.'ii of th*> worm wis found?VI on roe J oil r o ?!. r *** <: des along, as they mijlil hold ilia're sin^ i lint delude v.ith some i t his glli'.-M 8 "shoes rx^dE^*^e?&stfi^jzraEei^ea3f*5f!5s5?K 3 Wu urn ex peeling a call ft mil yon. Wo now have a complete line of Tan and White Cunvis Ribbon Ties, jlist the thing for simimer any price from $1.00 up Wo cal. j special attention to our I; High tirade line ot DBKSSY low cuts. MCd- ic win Ciapp for men La- ';?> Franco for women. .,! CHERRY &~C0~ I I'ROFKSSlONAli C A HO s Dk M P Ckawi'dhd Pit 11 C Hkown p OKAWFOUI) A HIvOWN, t Physicians ami Surgeons, 1 I ancauter, 8. j, Treat inert of the t ye sow a il tlirou u specialty. Calls prnmp'ly answered day or * night. Oflhie over Crawford Bros, v Drug Btore, f Phones: OlTlee, N" > 170; it i Pmhum Nns. 11 and 30 I " t I ' ft ; Ratesy in Advance. ]\ ii ii i' eek) and the ATLANTA J one year for $ 1 7 " cck) and THE CHARLES KR (twice a week) one $1.75 ; I H iOUTIIKRN CULTIVA$* 75 .A NT A JOURNAL and ^ OR, all three one year for $2.00 \ 1 m,l Tlw. ATT A MT A I ?,,v- 4 *4 141 imcs a week) one year fur $2.-00 ? 1 t eek) and The NKYV YORK J ek) one year for $2.00 'A JOURNAL and HOME i $2.00 1 it Send on Credit. ( ?i T. S. CARTER, r Pub. Ledger. MBflfi: H AVegctablc PrcpnralionForAs - J sTmila ti ng Ihe Food and Reg ula - i* ling Ihe Stomachs awl Bowels of i^ j Jj ?? ' s ' Promotes Digcslion.CheeuuF- . i ness and Rcst.Conlainr> neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. | ^ not "n ah c otic. Mrt'/r of Old DrSAKUELPtTC/IKR j-j Steel' v dlx.Srnnn * 1 A.orAelle Set/li ~ 3 einite Steel * 1 ' ** MinpScU- 1 t,\ \ Ctwfifl&ionr I t- *i iOl'iot i , Lancaster, S. C. lleshh nee phono Nn is". Olll c, n\is 1 it:il 11; t; conn r Mai i an I 111 i? I? sins I ; i>h'iLr N >7-. Will practice i ! b >th town and 111 unit of i.alienator. Alloal)*, either h* itv or nifich . will r eeivc prompt atnuion J Jan. 10, IW>"1.?tf. (1 4 J". .Jt/OJi*.. ? NOTICE. 1 lie hoard of county commis? ionoi s in limit meeting N1'>nscd n risolution to the cft'oci Mli:il hoi oaf lor no i si rut o i n j janou-lcr county will In: paid for I |l olding an inxuest unless il is un j ms-dhlo to oct iho coioiicr, and , lien iIm magistrate mu-l comply! litli the law I?v smaii ii??jr affidavits rom three citi/.ms of tho imnedinle community thai it i? intlorhint Unit mi iiMjuost ho laid in ho particular ease under considerlion. M C Gardn: r. y County Supervisor. Notice. i My regular Co Sup' I" / ' Im: . !< n Ull h>, l:oiv ioHITfoW' I have mad-' arrangement wh i i endera of money in Now Yor.< ' iy, I vi h whom lam me to ergotl t'dn-iiis I eeu ?I l ! i!) ' Inil imj) ??% * : c 0 on f i dm. ti 7 er i No iii' kv' n^i' or i??;.iiir g ion r'ii>i|; <1 "ii v ? -n i;iM' hnrge ( r ?? :? i -of " i: t u .. \\ v 11& A< u ;?I?Cm Alio no. a | Hfinthrop College Scholarship ? and Entrance Examination. I i '1' o ex niin lion for tlio award of /a* unt ?c?lio arships iu NViiithrop i 'ol ejje and for the admission of new s!u Ion's will I o In Id ? r the county uurt *House on P> i ; y. JtPy 7th ill it a. m. Applicants n-iiri not no less than III"-, ecu i iris of n,;e. Wheiimihmnisliips j ue v:.o n pro i- j I. fed lii> y ineel il;e c >o<|.tion ? gnve n- 1 I. mr I lie award. Apnlh nils or miini 1. 11h 11i>>h sliouid writi) lo Ple-id-nt I 1 oh neon hefo e He rxioilll u ion f ; A cli i a .-! ip i X tiiiioii'ion hlaoUs. A Seholaoliip- aio wo 111 $ no and A i*e tuition I h- oex' ve^st >n will j >pe)i Sept. in or 20 100) Koi furilu , ' ilfoinnU on a .d e.ivnlogii" addiess Pre I> It Johnson, Uoek Hid, sr. | * Notice '? l!?o Public I will hold ?li inquests in tlic j unity. Phone to my residence ! it Pleasant Hill for me whon { c lecihd. J. Montgomery Cn^koy, opt. 20?tf lt 'or Infants and Children. ie Kind You Have Always Bought lears me / \ + /Mm ignatare f A IT * if \ a tr \ 'n kjh Use Y lor Over Thirty 'fears THE CZNTAUn NNNNT. BIW *OH* CITY. I. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. Working mi credit doesn't j>;iy, nl my terms from this ti.no moefortti uresltietly cash. Joasonabl * Prices* old Killing $ 1.50 \malgain Killing 75 cts. Cement KM ling 75 et KL'ltllKlt I'IjATIC, nil tippet' set of teeth $12.00 ppcr and lower sH $25 50 ^ W 1 he?e prices are strictly >r cash. No work done except >r cash or'good security. J. E. RlliLEDGE, Dentist. J. HAllR)' POST Hit. , l//oruc:j al La/u, LANCASTER, S. C. t'nl e -li ?n ?t sp c iitl \ iti'iiia iu?s JStltio.itioa KAYS LAROE DIVIDENDS ! YOU i.ri'-t :i , I'l it *.i! i. mtiiM.s ?*it I'.illi li c, . nu li'.iiili < M.i'|Hln*a loll, ourses of stuily mi !* ?! us t)?iii}? 'lie i s' pr i-ti.-al; ev li?vt> im viiporio s i - ri li hi >:iv*Mi s lirsL i-liisH No I til. 1" I'll i.ll'n < II; ;.f- '1 | i II ItT !lll ? ants; h M iter now Hint prepare t a liiiM;.tivp siu ii. {)ar intimites I" i I item 1 <1 ?{ \H \ \ ,i ymi we ?ve lesislot liumlre !s?ttioy are in iiim s. We oiler special rates Mivcfeil's 4. (3. iVi .inosi ('ollego Columbia, S. C. lUg. 20, 1004?tf. jlh ?* ' . j. m imhittm m KIDNEY DISEASES '? "? - ' " Tt nc the most fatal of all dis* sases. Cfll CV'C KinNEY CURE It II rU LE I d Guaranteed Rioedj >r money refunded. Contains emcdics recognized by emllent physicians as the best for kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. aad JA.00. i b i - AS I ii ' A A K'li IvS I i R U A 11 . I t .Iu'h inctt.cl .%i?y 2S. Ul.ft. (i>n: iy t::cei l ;-?.*.???.> > .YRS'liiOUN l>. ,v I .jiMPftstci, 0 II > a in .'I |. m ,v F.u i .a*vn, <> 40 a in I lo p m ,v IVi en ivi'ie ft fto a m 1 p rn v Klulilni'K. "> lift a in 4 1> p m r ( I I'lp-r. .10 a in ? i.i ? ?** ,r v i in .?H<*. K 0 55 a in 7 00 p m i ('iiliimliia Ho HID 15 a in K A A t ? % Uis ,v (*?> ?i ii\iia, * < ! s. it, 10 HO a m 0 15 pin CONNI-X HONS. ' In *tor? Southern, "eftlinanl ami nioliiiaife Norlliwi'htern railways. Luncaater?Hnulhein ltaiiway. A r. .VoMJltK. -Iaat Truffle inKc KKOY seiVJ INOIS. Front ami Truffle Mainiuflr