'tu ; ISsiIs *' i t 1 . ' , ?Sen aJv "midges to Lot." ^ ?The first cotton hloom this ; season \v??s sent us by Reuben j Barnes of Liberty Hill on the i 19th inst. I ?Missjanic Blncknion, ot Ah- ( hcville, is visiting relatives here 1 and in the county. 1 ? Mrs W 'A MeKorklo of the J Sine 1 ity section had a splendid ^ h irse to (li) Wednesday. I ? Mr and Mrs J C Hilton, of ( Westville; arc visiting their daugh j ter, Mrs J 10 Rut ledge, at this tl place. 1 ?Mrs J T Thomasson and children arc visiting Mrs T's sister, * Mrs R M McCrorey at Greenville. ? ?Mrs R G 10.11 iott and children returned Wednesday from a visit of several weeks to Mrs K's father, ltev R L DufTie, i nd faniily at ^ Dwight. ? All the young people who fj are to take part in the musical are requested to meet at the school auditorium at 5 c'cloclc this after- a noon. ? Mr. Hazel Cunningham spei t this week with relatives m Rock f Hill. t Tho excursion from Westville 5 to Charlotte yesterday was well r patronized The six conches of 1 the train were well filed when j it. passed I his point. ? Mr. i\ G McCorkle, who j whs so badly injured by his horse . kicking him from his buggy in Chester, is reported apparent I y a " little bettor. h ? Rawa'ds of #25, are offered 1 for the capture of two negro con- o viols, Will Talbort and Ike f'ole- f man, who escapeo from theChesti r ^ Clmingang last week. ^ ? Mayor Hull is improving and his friends are hopeful that hib recovery is but a matter of ' time. lie was out yesterday for v a shot t drive and has been sitting h in an invalid s chair in the coo] of 1 the evening without apparent in- J juiious results.? liock Hill lie a cord* 1 ?Some farmers have *ont tn Dr Mell, PreHdent of Clcmson 1 College, a petition for a fanner's instituto to he held in Pleasant | Vallev some time about the 1 at- '' tor part of .July-. ? Miss Ella Heattio of Kershaw ert yustord-iy to attend Iho su?nrnei !-ch"??l at Clem&nn college, ' after a visit to her sistei, Mrs A. C. McKlhaney of this j lace.? f Fort Mill Times. Tenant House^HitrU' ?1 A tenant house on Mr J It Sisv tare's "Gibson place," occupied by )im Porter, col ?red, and his ^ fnnily, was burned early Monday morning. The firo originated in the cook-room. Porter and his ' I family barely awoke in time to ^ escape being burned up. All cf t his household effects except two i bcadsteads were burned. \ ^ 1 rcparhiK to Lay the Corner! * Stone of Kershaw's New School j j A large force of hands is at I work on Kershaw's new $12,000 1 school building, and it is expected i to have it ready for the openihg ' of tin* Hiie frill "Tlin Cf ^ ' ( Kershaw correspondent ssys: The material for the cornerstone is j tho product of the Excelsior Granite company, in which Ker ' sliuw citizens are largely interest- ' ed. It is ut present in the hands of parties at Gastonia, N. C., for proper inscription and when com- i pleted will he laid with appropriate ceremonies. lion M L Smith of Camden has kindly consented to make an address and it goes without saying the people will he entertained. Col L C Hough, Messrs J W Truesdale and T J 1 Gregory are the trustees in whose hands the educational interests will he well cared for as they arc without exception successful business men. 11 \ yule* llttlM: lUrtiVM U At the home of Mrs fane h.u vllVds, the Itiothci >f the bride. >n\veducaday afternoon last, June II, 1905, Mr K (?ilbt*rt La/.enby uul Mrs Nannie l\ Rodde) were initcd in the holy bonds of wedock, Rev R K 1 urnipsecd, pastor )f the Methodist church at this lace, officiating. Only a few "datives of the bride were present, immediately alter the ceremony he happy groom and bride were 1 riven to the L &C depot, taking he afternoon train for Bedford 'ity, Ya., the home of the grooms parents, where they will spend ibout two weeks before returning tome. Mr La/.cnby is an assistant in he offices of the 1j M Co., and is 111 t% VP^I 11? II f trrvllnrr r?ian II ? .? IIV y 411(111. * I I 1 >ridc is n must estimable lady, ioth are popular, ami have nany friends here who wish for hem many long years of connu)ial bliss. Flie First N itional Hank of Lancaster, S C. ' Has been duly organized and ipproved by the Comptroller of < the Currency. Mr Chas 1) iones returned home yesterday rom Washington where he went o secure its charter. The capital tock is $25,000; the board of directors, C 1) Jones, Ira 15 Jones, { E Wylic, T S Carter, R C Mcdanns and J 1) Eundcrburk. The (fficers elected arc Chns 1) Jones 'resident, R K Wylie Vfice l'resdent and E Manly Croxton Caslier. 1 he new bank contemplates " laving everything in readiness fct usiness by August first. It will ( ipen up in the Catawba building, j ourth room from the corner of 1 Jain and GayStrecls, fronting 011 ' lain Street. ' It is generally predicted that his new onterpriso for Lancaster rill be most successful. It will lave strong financial backing and s well officered. Mr Chas I) i ones, the president, justly ranks , lS one of the finest business men > 11 the State. Mr E M Croxton, i lie cashier, is well qualific 1 by :xperience in the banking busiicss, being at present teller in the lank of Lancaster, and is wi ll cnown throughout the county as l young man of the highest incgrity. V Pieasaut Picnic 'J'he Methodist Sunday School )ic-nic last Thursday was a deightfnl occasion. It could not lave been otherwise at the liospiable home of Mr John D Adams, | vhich is an idval place for a piciic, located on a high elevation ind surrounded by a beautiful jrove, with a well of fine water 011 he premises and a mineral spring, mcqualed in this section, only a I ew hundred yards away. A wenty minutes ride landed the nic-nickcrs at the grounds and it ,vas not long before they were engaged in the various games and nlays which furnished amusement :or old, middle-aged and young throughout the day. Everybody regardless of age, entered into he amusements with spirit and at no time was there a cessation of fun and enjoyment. At the dinner hour a table of the choicest things was spread and for half an hour or more the picnickers liogered therein a vain etTort to ievour its contents, hut much of the good things had to be returned to the baskets. For an hour or so after dinner tho cr owd rested anil Ih.oi the fun boy an again. Hope jumping, drop the handkerchief, floating cloud, marbles, swinging, flinch, etc., etc ', was kept up until the setting of the sun drove them home. It was certainly a day pleasantly spent and everyone and especially >be committee, which consisted of Maj Riddle, Mr. Lj. C. Lazonby and this editor, feels under lasting abligation to Mr. Adams and his estimable family for the privilege of picnicking at their beautiful homo. i ?lea ta ?i|- WoUiulNi I ft Nt; i'hmuntvi Gibbet, ttlio \vas i i\ si, I in .1 1 { ?. ul's with hi tuother-in !.i\v, Mr 1 rani: '> me, at 11 the 1 atters home, ?>n the West ^ Plantation just across the line in Kershaw i. unity, aloiil two weeks nj*o, died from the elCet of his wouiul in his side. Hoonc siir- ' rendered to sheiifl Hunter ?it this '' place an ' was turned over to u .sherifl Trautham of Kershaw county and lodged in jail at Camden last Tuesday. Accident To A I a! lie Viirl. ff Tin.- only thinjj to mar the pleasure of the Methodist Sunday school picnic Thursday was the accident which b fell little Fran- M cina Milling. While she and other children were playing on the very Cl steep hillside Ivist oi Mr Adams' ^ residence she accidentally fell, m i ngui arm striking against a ,rJ rock, both bones of the arm being t;l broken just above the wn-t. She wa* brought home at once and tlio limb t rv.??? ? t cl Uo ton Itlooms. jj W e have received cotton blooms from almost every section of the sj county thi/. week: Walter McDow j. sent a bloom trotn the Kitzpatrick place on the 2oth instant, Mr G F Kerzuson ofKlgin one on the 21st in?l from the following persons yesterday, 23d, Mr W \V Parks, * Craigsville; T L Sow ell, Cedar j Creek; J \V Stogncr, Creek; John :c 1 linker, Dry Creek. j c| MrKcrguson writesithat cropsare 1 . . ... 1 to not very promising 111 his section, ho corn cropi s no good and but 111 ittle planted yet. Cotton looks cl eery well but is three weeks late rt ind it will be impossible to make jj, a full crop. SPECIAL,' Kit the next 110 days vc will otrei ind Ladies' Oxfords, Prices rango f gnu * at 98 cents. Men's ?3.50 fino s shoes at !?1.98. Hoy's and children' a big lot of shoes and they must go. PANTS We have Men's Pants from 40 con while they last Also a lot of remna HARDWARE At A big lot of plow st'.elc to go at 4. a iok stoves to go at ?9 95. Molasses from 18cis ncr vnllon 111 i o "t Tobaccos : Sweet Mash, Ulch i M rut, Natural Leaf, and almost any I tobacco at 25 cents per pound. Wo also carry a full line of Staple 2V*v;" When in need ov anything in CARNES CAS Big Reduction ii AT FUNDERI 1,000 yards 10c and 12c Lawns 7 (Job) 5c; 2,500 yards good 5c Sea L Plaid lUo; 1,500 yards 10c and 12c J ust received 5,500 yards Vulonti to match 7^ to 10c quality 5c: Pants to Fit ?5.00 ones reduced to ?3 50; $3.5 ones to $2 25; $?.00 ones to $1.50; 50c; 50o ones to 3So. 300 pairs (lot ut 39 cents. Mens', Wo in on 8* and Children*' I gnrdless of Cost: ?1 00 ones at 75c; at $3.00. fa One Dollar You Can Cop pn Hlonah, -1 pond stiirts, 2 pooi pood pants cloth, and a hundred othi mantion. You FUNDEI tHeUen Will) Mrfrttljr*^ We regret * "? 'fafn that KoV -)| ' ''autuc, of l.ho /ioii bhurch | ciyhhorhood, was stricken with aruhsia Thursday morning. Dr L (i Flliott was summoned and is steiuling him. lie was thought *o 'doing very well Thursday afm noon hut yesterday afternoon is condition was considered orse. The whole of Ins left side affected. wo 1>. ntlis in Ono "ousohohl. The deepest sympathy is felt" >r Mr and Mrs \V D Fleming, of .lain, in their sad bereavement of ist Wednesday. About I a. ill., ic Death Angel bore away the vcct spirit of their little daugh:r, Lula, aged about C years, and re her little body had been laid ) rest that afternoon in St Luke lu'rchyard, their little son,James, *od about six months, was aiso ikon from them. Both children icd of dysentery, which seems to 0 epidemic in the neighborhood id is quite fatal among children, lr and Mrs J It Harper having ccntly lost two children of the imc disease. The interment of rtlc James took place Thursday St Luke churchyard by the ilc of his little sister buried the ly 1 afore. hlld Died ol" Hums. The 6-year old son of Minerva cllwain, colored, who lives in ie suburbs of town, died Thursty from the effects of burns reived last M onday evening. The lild went to a neighboring house 1 get sumo fire and while return g with it accidentally got, its othing afire. Before help could a~h it, the child was so badly irned that death was inevitable. SALE ! r some good bargains in snooa rom Go cents up. Men's Brohoe at $2.95. Men's $2.50 fine s Shoes at a cut price. J have PANTS t ts up, so cjtno and gCi a pair nts of Cloth to go at cost. tin STOUES 1 \ cents per pound. Ten No. 8 >. ind Waxy, Brown Mule, Red kind you ivunt. Good chewing Groceries at the lowest prices, our line give us a call. Yours for business, ;H STORE. i Merchandise iURK CO S. 2c; 500 yards 10c figured Lawn t'.and 31c; 1,500 yards good 5c Embroidery,.this sale 7^. n Lacos and Insertings to match Anybody. I) nnnn rnilnrArl tr. 40 7K- I VV# I'M* I ?/ } ?flf J . VW $1.25 onos to 85c; 75c ones to iblo 'tnee oveialls to close out jow Cut shoes to cleun up re$2.00 ones at $1.50; $4.00 ones Rlltl 1 ^ yards genuine Cannon Dill Cloth, 13 yards Andros il hi eel rrd umbrellas, 8 yards si- things wo havont timo to irs to Please, RBURK CO v ' ;^f>* SPECIAL tlV PRICES ARE AS CHE/ Quick Sales, SI For Fancy Stuff, 1 have 1 he line aro the bent that arc m ule. All kinds of Cai.nod Goods and 1 and excursions I can supply your want China, Crockery ai 1 have a full iine and can please you Come to see my 5 counter. Be sure test?closes on Auj You rs, J B MACK WHY Ever) Man and Ita The NeW Y Because it is the strongest company enitiso its policic protect one mill ecause it has over 300 million usso Because it lias over 3S0 millions Bo"cause it paid in dividends in 1001 ccnuso it is purely mutual. It has Because its assotts belong to the po ecause it does not invest in stocks ecause its policies contain only < premium ecause the itisuiod loaves to li;s wi ! Ba law suit, ecause its policies are incontestable Because it paid in 1001 $10,000,0( oeause it is the best estate you cai ecause it gives you tho best prote for tho money. Because you can't afford to carry anvtl best. Call on J. LO. BLACKMON of La plication. MID-8UMME Great recluction*in prices in every dej at a bargain at CI i case of 5c Colored Lawns in neat yards for 25c. Only 1 Dress pattern tc 1 case 8c and 10c Lawns going this s All our 12 i jC, 15c and 20c colored I this sale at 10c. We have only a Hi and ioc Ginghams that we have been tho ?f otol lL"*f f nt? /"? /-? ?-? << /^l - h/kT.\ f IIIV? ^ HIU, J^uv.1 UVJl&IV^ l|UILI\. UCIUIV. I 500 yards 40-inch White Lawn goiiij 40-White Lawn, would be cheap at 151 Wc have about 10 pieces of Yoiies ai 15c, that wc are closing out at 10c the See our counter of 1 oc white goods, would be cheap at 15 and 20c. Youi theyard. No. 40 Taffeta Ribbon in f price ioc. NEW SHI] of Embroideries and Laces, and prices 10 yards Andrew Sccgging Bleach c 9 yarns Lansdale Cambric for $1.00 MILiLIN Great reelection in this line. Conic if any thing suit* you make us a m ice ; E E. 0] N0TC \l? ASCANBEMADE. iort Profits! -Kilter's Preserves and Jellios 'ickles, lor Summer Pic-mc* id (?lass Ware both in price and tpmlily. and 10 cents to see my eon ? 2 i. ORELL. an Sheuld Insure j in ork L(ife. ^ in the world, ion families. "J Its. u?rve Ft.nd. over s?r>,iHio,oiu?. no capital stock I icy holders. and industrial securities.# me condition "payment of 1 ?-" or est at a a legacy an 1 not s and nonforfeitable. )0 to its policy holders. 1 leave to your f*~ii!y. etion an each customer. .ilc at 5c per yard. ,awns and Organdies going nited quantity of those 8)/, making such a run on at 5c hey aro all gone, g this sale ioc. 500 yards c, our price 12 1