Luai Matu& I ? Air W A Clantnn, of-Cnlmu\s u*> ?mi si vi^H Io relatives. | ? Mr K CJ Sec rest left Monday ; afternoon for u stay of several i weeks ut Pule Springs, Tonn. ? Messrs l'-iul Moore mid Benjamin V lyhurn are nl liomo from the S 0 College for llie s imiuur vacation. ? MmTC Hicks returned home Saturdav from Winnsho'-n where she whs culled to IMo bedside of Inn- father, Mr .1 C Mnckorell, lust week. His condition has mnsh improved. Mr. and Mrs Condor and ehiI dren and Mrs Samuel 1thea of C-'itimhia, are visiting Mr and Mrs. L. Z. Welsh, the parents of Mrs Condor and Mrs. Khun. ? VVo regret to learn that Mi . T. (J. Howzo of Fort Lawn has t.\ pin?i?l fever. He was taken lo the Chester snnitortum Saturday for 11 otdment. ? Misses Hattio Miller, Eva and Nora Hough, ot this place, and Miss Daisy Pcaree of Ker shaw, left yesterday for Clems mi College to attend the se-sion of the State 3 tmnier school. ? \t isses Sallie Ussery and Virginia and Hatttie lie her (son of Oakhurst are attending the Fee Dee Summer school at Hui tsville. ?Preliminary steps for the establishment of a national bank at this place were taken Monday. The capital stock is to be $25,ooo. ?Mrs R 11 Riddle ami Miss Minnie Miller will go to Chester today to represent the Lancaster society at the State meeting of the Womans Foreign Missionary Society which will be in session there the remainder of this week. ? dev. ,1. M. While request* us to make the following unounccmen Is: habbath school at Gill* Creek church at 10:30 and preaching at 11 a rn next Sabbath Preaching at Plan-mat Hill at 1 p m. Sabbath school immediately after prcbing. -a meeting of the patrons ofFoi k Hill school will be hold at 8 a. in. Saturday for the \ in pose of recommending trustees for n;>pointmcMt by the county Sept. ?.f Education. Also to elect a toucher. Immediately after the school meeting the W. O W. camp \*ill meet. .las. E. Bowers. ?A corps of surveyors is now engaged in resurveying the old 3 C's railroad through this, eount ?i o I) 1#1 VJ1I11I I iJcll y IAJ IIHJ kJUll llll'l II lowering the grades and straight* cning the road. ?Sheriff Trantham of Camden came up Monday for Mr Frank Honne, who recently shot his brother in-law in the upper edge of Kershaw county, and who surrendered to Sheriff Hunter at tnis place last Friday. Sheriff Trantham carried his prisoner to Camden yesterday. ?About 400 persons went on the excursion last Saturday afternoon, under the auspices of the Lancaster cotton mill band and enjoyed the occasion very much. In tnc match game of base ball the Lancaster cotton mills team were victorious over the Chester mills team?the score being 14 to 9 in Lancaster's favor. ?Friday and Saturday of this v eek will be big days with the Heath-Jones Co., department stores. Read their big announce" inent on our first page and you'll be sure to call on them Friday or Saturday ?The meeting at the A K P church has come to a close. Rev. J II Pressley has done some fine preaching the past ten days. His sermons have impressed the lar *e congregations at every service, and we believe that better living on the part of many who heard him will result from his earnest labors. There were a number of accessions to the church % ! ~ Mr- Harriett Davis, Wife of Kev J C Davis, who was formerly Pastor of the Methodist church at Heath Springs, di<. d .it ('oiiw.i . last Friday, aged about 43 years. Shu leaves a family of eight children, who, with the bereaved husband will have the dcepr-4 sympathy of friends at the. pastorates on which Mr Davis has served. Her remains ueye interred at I)arlington. -- A party of engine- r* struck 'camp at the Catawba fulls Monday and began work ycWlerdav making a survey of the water' power. DrGill \V\lio and .Mr l)nkc spent several da\s at the fulls the past week. 'I h"\' aie largely interested in the propel ty and the rumor is that, they will begin its development at once. Tin; present survey it is understood, is for the purpose of lncu ting the dam. ? The picnic of the Methodist Sunday school will coino off tomor row in the heuntiful tri-nvn wir. - ? * * ' loutiding lli? rc*i 'curt; of Mr Jno I) Adams about two miles Northeast of town. The -ot??? Death ol lllrs Couch. Mrs. Cuithcuiu Couch, wife of Mr. Frank Coi. eh of the Rich i I ill section and a'laughter of Mr. Wm A Marshall of Pleasant Hill, died Monday, Juno 10, 1005. She was about o7 \oars of ago and leaves u husband and seven children surviving Iter, the youngest, a Hit 1*; daughter bom tin da\ her mother d ed Mrs Coium was a highly < sleemed lad\ in her community, ti member of Fork Hill BaptFt church and a good ehri-tian woman. Her remains wiomUrrd in Fork 11 ill church yard yraterdav morning after funorai services by her pastor, Rev. tv J Blackinoc. Siiiuluy Night Union Services A ain Adopted. For s v l'ttl fumuieis pass the churches here l ave united in a union service < n Sunday nights doling duly, August and September. I bis pi in has again been agreod up n fur this bummer, and the iuiiiiil service fur this season will he beld in the Methodist church tin iliii tirst Sunday uiebl in July. Uev Dr Tracer will preach These services will he held at t'.ie Prt sbvterian church the second Sunday night in July. li v DrBoldri?I??e to do the preaching Oa ttie third Sunday night they will lie hold at the \ li T church, with Rev R E Turnipsel preach* ing, and on tic fuurlh Suiiduv night at '.In' First Baptist ihunfi R v Paul Presshy preaching. ' O* ^ Items from Kersliaw Kra. Mcsais Ross Blacknion and Copcland Masscy, of South Carolina College, are at h una to spend the summer vacation. ? Messrs S YV Heath and E L Blak ncy were in Pittsburg, Pa., last week on business connected with their large granite quarry a 110:1 tli Spring. ? Miss Christine Mcllwain, o Lancaster, is visiting Mrs J K W llailo. ? Mr yiuirlie Beckham, wh< has tnen living in Hurt-vilie fo some tiinhas returned In Ker ttlmw ? Mr Vnrnie Cook rulurnei lust week from the South Caro lina Cvllogo to spend tin sunnno vacation. lie whs awarded on of the scholarships usually ; ive to the tour linking the hightu j average in their studies Lvc Graduate -n ! the G. G. Goli Tho Oolurnb i State of lust 1 l bul imy cont uneil per' its oi , ; I ..? 11 ! i : Ci is of !.' O.H;? l ^ C iru'iua Cu'.h g.? il?t \e..r, \\ uh t i u bri' i tch of ? oh. A moo 5. ^ tilt* grudu st?" urn foui* \ ? n ; j men if this county, Mee-is:t' U tip 1 K Foster, ( t L incastor ; \ F.innk G. Potts; of Pleasant r Valley ; W. Prossly Robinson, ^ of ti l* vicinity, and George \V. Vaughn, of Kershaw ; the two first u ?i.I'vl of the collegiate tie- P parttnem' and 1 10 t vo last named ti of the law department. Oc these A young men Tho State b lya : Ralph Ke'.ney Foster, of Lancu?tert is president of the class, y Ho lnts played varsity right cud for three years .ami was acting capt ain this year. He has been president- of -the Germ ?n club, die Euphrudian society, and 'c managed the baseball team this year Ho lias been active in all lines of college werlt. Frank Glenn Potts. A. B , is 0 from Lancaster county. IJe has taken >1 high s1 md in languages and is regarded as one of the b ?st interim d men in college.? IT0 has been on The Caroliuiau t n(V ^ .* A 1. ... -J I ' ^tou iiuu iim'j sHi vi'u ins society faithfully us a member and an j( literary critic William Pressl-y V -binsonof Lancaster county, is >? graduate of Krskine, where ho won the ? essay medal of his society. lie has been prominent in the moot Is court and has been a j a ripe therein. f< G-orgo Wells Vaughn, president nf the senior law class, is li from Kershaw. Ho was at Wofford three years and then came to Carolina While here, he has J been engaged in work in the office of the superintendent of educition. He organized the \ movorni n for increiisod attendance ntid worked faithfully for p its success. He has been prominent and enthusiastic in all that ho I a* ur.dt rtasten. si 1" st anv tobacco at 25 cc is p-r Mound. Wc also earn a fuii line of Slaplo I >,\P When io nc d o tnylhing it CARNES CAS Riir Rfthirtiftn ii S.liWV)lWW&'3 VMM A J , AT FUNDER1 1,000 yards 10c and 12c L.uwns 1 ' (.Io!>) 5e; 2,5<>0 yards pood 5c Sea I Plaid OAe; 1,500 yards 10c and 12c > Jnst received 5,500 yards V'alenti , l<> match '7A to 10c quality 5c: [ Pants to Fit ?5.00 ones reduced to ?3.50; ?3.j f ones to ?2 25; ?$ 00 ones to ?1.50; j 50c; 50c ones to 38c. 300 pairs do at 39 can Is. Mods', Womon*' and Childrens' ? o;nrdlc8s of Cost: ?1 00 ones at 75c: i . at ?3.00. - i r a n it *i i tor line Dollar too Un .1 Cogmn Blonoh, 4 pond shirts, 2 go( good pants cloth, and a hundred ?>tI mnntion. v? : FUNDI Viusical Friday Nifht. A very delightful programme j ins beni) arranged for a musical 0 bo bnld at the residence of dr. W. C. Thomson 011 Chosor field avenue on Friday night. lost of the inusicai talent of the own has been engaged and Prof. Vni. T 'ylor, of Now York, will ondor sovoral selections. Prof. 'aylor is a musician of marked bi'.ity and nil music lovers are 111 romisod a treat. The pror ai ram mo will commence at 8 :80. idraissiou ten cents. ? Tart I. Piano Solo?\Ti?s Nannie IT ill 1 ooro. Instrumental Duet?Mrs Bar- \ on, Miss Johnsott. Piano Solo?Prof. Wnu Tny- ^ t Vocal Solo ? Mrs. Pressloy. Piano Solo ? Miss McCardoll. Piano Solo?Miss May mo Gregrv. Piano Solo?Miss Maud Moore. Vocal?Mrs. J. F. Boswel). Reading?Mr. W. C. Hough. U Part If. ' ? Piano Solo?Prof. \Vm. Tay>r. Vocal?Miss Johnson. Raiding?Miss Lillian Grog- ? Piano Solo m?ss Clarice : night. | Piano Solo?miss Ivy Craw- fa ord. 1 Piano Solo?Mrs. Geo. B. Gatng. I Vocal Solo?Mrs. (Bias. Jones. I Piano Solo?Miss Corrinne ones. pi Reading?Mrs. Jas. E. Poore, Piano Solo Miss Margarot ir more. I Piano Solo?Miss Etta Skip- I er. Vocal Duet?Misses Johnson. Delicious refreshments will be crved on the lawn. sale-!' a 6ome good hurguins in shoos p from G5 cents up. Men's Bro- . ihoe at $2 05. Men's $2.50 lino 's Shoes at a cut price. J have PANTS ! its up, so c imo and gei a pair E ints of Cloth to go at eo>t. '10 STOVES I \ cents per pound. Ten No. * !' and Waxy, Brown Mule, Red kind you .vant. Good chewing y; Groceries at t'.iu lowest prices. i our lino give us a call. th Yours for business, u ;H STORE. 4< n Merchandise iJURK CO'S. : T2c; 500 yards 10c figured Lawn slund 3^e; 1,500 yards good 5c Embroidery,ithis sale 7A. in Laces and Inserting* to match o Anybody. 50 ones reduced to $2.75; $3.0o $1.25 ones to 85c; 75c ones to able 'mee overalls to close out Low Cut shoes t.i clean unro-l ; $2.00 ones at $1.50; $-1.00 ones t Nil yards gonuino Cannon ? Cloth, 13 yards Andros ^ mi M?ecl rrd umbrellas, 8 yardsT ler things wo havent timo to } urs to Please, RBURK CO V SPECIAL* \\ PRICES ARE AS CHEAI Quick Sales, SSi For Fancy Stall, ! b iv V i o the best th:*.l sire in ;> million e ell Because it has over 0 in lii >ns Uose ecauso it paid in dividend- in l'JOl i ccause it is purely mnlual. Ii h i i Because its us setts l> Ion; to ti.i ; !i ccause it does liot invo in . a ecuusu its policies covdr'n only a remium " ccause \ lie insut e l lc iv Ba law suit, ecauso its policies are in .?. >. Because it paid in 1004 '* 0,0 0cause it is the Lk -I e ' .te y. l can ocauso it gives you tin? b l . i for the money. ccause you can't alTub't. . t my best. Call on ,f. i:. in, \ >>, > : llication. . --T:x VI ID-SUM ME Great reduction in price-in my . at a bargain at CI.1 i case of 5c (Colored Lawn in i . p irds for 25c. Only 1 Dress pattern to > 1 case 8c and ioc Lawns g in , this sa! All our 12 ^jc, 15c and 20,: colored !.. lis sale at 10c. Wc have only a lint id ioc Ginghams that v.e have I)eon :n ic yard. Letter coin quiet: lief n th 500 yards 40-tnch White l.uvn ; bug 5-Whitc Lawn, would be clieap 15c. Wc have about 10 piec s <.l \ oiie in 5c. that we arc closing out . 10: the y See our counter of 1 >c white go id-. ould be cheap at 15 and 2oe. Your < 10 yard. No. 40 T.uY t i Ribbon i ? rice ioc. NEW SI ill1 f lCmbroidcrics and Lica , ; ? i> 10 yards Andrew S: ia , IV; , h d 9 yams Lansrtale C ihi'm I- ;Vji .jG. MILjI'JIM \V>. > Great reelection in this l..a ' >uu . j^Lny thing stiitv you make r. ; mice ai E E. 01 NOTIO P AS CANBEMAD E. ort Profits! : t .' l'i o.-vrve an 1 Jirltios :<>i Sumner IMc-nic. 0 c OR ELL 9 Sbuld insure' hilt )rk Life. > ii the s\Di l i. >n in ni!ie?. t'V'O 1. over >>5,000,Ooo. " 10 capital -lock ? y holders. :: i in oKsn i i! >oowMtios io con,lit; ci "payment of i jf i y and not aid i) >; . orfeitablo. i > its policy holders, io. I i your tV"ii!y. '..i 1 . ostniciit combined ' o.i you in got the ' ; an _ iv:: him your ap :-:r. !2f^-?T?c2B R SALE u : meat. 1 .vetythinc going OUD'S. itt ins going ut this sale io each customer. io ;>t 5c per yard. uvns and Organdies going ited quantity of those SO aking such a run on at 5c y are all gone. thir, -ale io;. 500 yards - nr price 1 I ceilings, worth 12^ and ards. Many things on this counter choice on tho counter at 1 oc Color -, wor 12 JjC, our >m ent ; lit your pocket book, nncstics for 7