Tl'SL^DGEH. UltMllW S. CARTER, KDl l'JU A N D M VN AG Kli. ?i< J : ) ?V 4 -J ? V { V N > 3ATITKI) V Y SUBS' lill'l ION' $. .10 I'KB Y E \ H Ivm raster S (\, June l^'i, 1H05. Main Seho ui>hi|>s for Women in 1 lii5^1 ale. Of the l."? v, !?()] ir-hi;)-? on titd K.. it... C M.I.'. ,1...... i; ) vt??" k.'" u - 11 a lii'itii* i niui ir tion of Women t? Club*, only the fo*lo*viiiare now open : Coll ego for Women, Columbia, S. C : O ie-eholarship for four years' aos.I'Miiic work ;:i col* lege. Greet) ville Fein tie college : ? scholarship (?' free tuition for four year-*. Greenville Cull ?i*>? for Woin-n : Ono schol.-ir*?tii| f free tuition for four yen*. Special rules for mu*ie Chicora College, Greenville, S. C. . One scholarship of free tuition for four years The South Carolina Kindergarten Association Training School, Charleston, S. C : One scholarship of free tuition for two years. Winthrop college, Rock Hill, S. C. : One scholarship of free tuition. Confederate Home college, Charleston, S. C : One echol i\ I 3 I I 1 } ' '/I I 1 I'D I U 11 Uli , Clifford Seminary, Union, S. C. : Oae scholarship of free tuition. The examinations for these scholarships will beheld in each county, July 3rd, All applicants must file their names before Juni 2.1th, with Miss Annadora Basr, Ch'rm Educ. Dept., S. C. F. of W. 0. 10 Bull St. Charleston, S. C. Effort May be Mado to Vote the Dispensaries Out of Colleton Walterboro, Juno 7. ? There is a movement on foot, started by Capt H. D. Padgcli, clerk of Court, to get up petitions to order an election to see if the dispensary cannot be voted out in the county. It is meeting with considerable favor. More will probably be heard from it in a few i days. j mam ? ? j Williamsburg To vote. I a ( Lake City, June 7.?It is very probale that the elector? of Wil- j liamsburg will soon be called tip on to vote upon the question of "dispensrry or no dispensary." Your correspondent bas it upon exacllent authority that the petitions asking that an election be ordered are being framed now and will be in circulation at an early j day. What the result of the clec- j; tion will be is, of course, a prob- v lem but beyond all vuestioe, there is a strong sentiment throughout [ the count.C against whiskey selling. Especially is this case outside of those towns in which dispensaries arc located. Fell 70 feet and Lives. v Special to The Observer. '] Concord, Junc 8.?This evening j. Mr Myrrison Eetzer, son of Mr 1* v B Ect/.cr, the electrical engineer at the Miami Mine, about nine v miles south of here, fell down a j shaft 70 feet deep and is cut and 1/ bruised considerably. It is hoped r that no serious injury is the re- v suit. Dr Young was called and as (j yet has not returned and his real jj condition is at present unknown. The reports say that he is not in jurcd very badly. I'ay your Subscription. $ % Clemson Sends Out 38 Young \ Carolina Graduates. ???? l to Greenville News. J? Cleinson College, June 6.? This was a grouaious day for the \ graduAting class of Clemson Col- ' c lege. Thirty-eight young men t received diplomas. The speakers ! ? representing the senior class were: c A J Spcer, "Revolutionary Kus-, c sia; Rl" Gooding, "Arbitration;") J. L K Roykin, " The Law of Trial ^ by Impeachment." ( l)r Henry N Snyder of Wof- 0 fori! College delivered, perhaps, c tlie finest address ever heard here, c his subject being " The Chivalry f, of Democracy." v Mr 1) 11 Hill of the juniorjclass s won the trustees medal for oratory, ^ Rev R R Turnipseed delivered v the medal. By request of Col R e W Simpson, Maj A T Smith, de- |( livcred the diplomas to the grad- 0 nates, in a very appropriate ad- u dress, y '! he board of trustees elected c Prof Harper, agriculturalist of the 8 Kentucky State college, professor j< of Agriculture and Prof Lewis Newman, a son of Col J S New- a ?i>sutiaic proiessor ot /Vgri- 0 culture. The board also appro- n priated $400 to help the Young n Men's Christian Association employ a resident secretary. Ray j 11 Segate of the University of Arkansas has been employep as secretary of the association. The commencement hop took place tonight. j, Two Drug Stoics in Gafthey t Fined. r t Gaffney, June 5 -?The city an- i thorihes hud all three drug stores n before Mayor Pro Tem W. W. p Gaffncy this morning, charged v with selling Jamaica ginger and r malt as a'.bcverage. Mayor Gaff- t ney said he was not eligible to j sit on the case, as he is counected j with one of the firms. The vcr- 3 diet was not guilty as to S. B. c Crawley & Co, guilty with a fine e of $20 each for the Cherokee I Drug compano and the Gaflfney i Drug Company. The defendants t given notice of an appeal. Boo/.e I is scsrcc in Gaflney these day*. u r. c 190,000. h (Erom the N?w York Sun) C. Tokio, June 3 ?The Japanese Govci nment has taken measu.'e for groatly expanding the numer- a ical capacity of the active forces ^ by means of an Imperial ordinance 11 lealing with the rtservers. ^ What Japan is really capable of a n the way of putting m3n in the tl ield is not fully realized l?y for- c; Mgnors. An eminent German auhority affirmed recently that it ^ vas physically impossible for Ja- ? >an to put in the ficl \ more than tc i5Q,ooo men of all arms. It is ^ rue ihat prior to I896 the stand- rc ng army in Japan was 80,000 Oil 01 11 time of peace and 270,000 on a Ju rar footing. a* \ud a boy $1.00 to Drown Her Child. ipecial to The State. Chester, June 8.?A grue-? ome tind was made near Crosby- m illo a few morning* ago. The ?ody of a negio child was found. 'lie child had been drowned in nf Iroad Kiver, then taken from the P' niter and buried. Coroner W. U1 ! Leckie held an inquest at rhich a negro bov testified that a* ane Mayfield, lumber of the ^ hild, paid him $i to put it in the ^ 1 iver. The verdict of the Jury M ma that the child came to its 811 eath at the hands of jane May- efl eld. A warrant f??r her arrest as been i?Mied. _____ , . ? . nr P? coIey's Honey and Tar or children,safr.sure. No opiate? e A'ilmingtou Woman Crazed Over Arrest Of Her Way ware Son. special to The Obsever. Wilmington, June 8.?Crazed vitli grief and mortification bettuse her only son. Willie Gurliire, 18 years old, with whom he lived at 42i3 Queen street, this ity, had been locked up on a barge of highway robbery, Mrs 'annie E Guthire. a widow, attempted to throw herself into 'ape bear River for the purpose f ending her life late yesterday vening. She was rent rained from arrying out her puipose by riends who ran after her and t?ere forced to use physicial trength in carrying her back tome, two blocks distant. The wayward boy is one of three othr young white men of this city Dcked up this week on charges f having figured in several lvldps on the road to middle S >und .:?_i : it ' r mum me past icw wccics. I lie viden:e is regarded as concluive and the heart broken woman ?said to have preferred death to eing culled upon to prove tin libi for her son. The boy is an nly ton and the case has excited ot a little sympathy in the community. ) 1 Wylie is Looking for a Place to Build Another Power Plant The Catawba Power company i lo< kidg about for another water lower. The demand is greater han the supply. The present >lmit on the Catawba will soon >e taxed to the limit if business ncreases. It is a fact that engiicers, under the leadership of dr. W. A. Leland, are now at cork surveying on the Waterce iver, near Camden S. C., with he hope of locating a suitable >lacc to develop a power plant. :he graet Falls property, located (O miles below the present plant >n the Catawba, is being consid:red also. It is not known what )r. Wylie is going to do but he s after more power. At this inie he is supplying power for lock Hill, Fort Mill, Pineville ,nd Charlotte, with contacts for "lover and Yorkville. 'I'llo point 5 capable of funiehing but 10,000 , lorse power.?Charlotte Observer 'aleb Powers Case Comes Up. i Maysville , Ky., June 8.- -The ( ttempt to have the case of Caleb 'owers, charged with complicity , i the murder of Governor Goecl, taken from the State courts , nd brought within the jurisdic- ( on of the United States courts, ( amc up before .Judge Cochran ere^to-day. Former Governor ( ates, of Illinois, headed the list . ( f attorneys for Powers, while at- j irncy General Hays was assisted j y Former Solicitor General Law- t ;ncc Maxwell and others. In ( -/ >u\.i LW ui 1UJ? n p vuo IJUCHllOn OI risdiction the Commonwealth torney moved to transfer the tsc to the Federal Court. Carnegie Offer Declined. Jackson, Miss., Juuo 7?Gov UD68 K Vardamun last night ade the statement thut the board ; trustees of the State university id declined the offer of Mr Car gio to give the trustees #25,000 ovided a like amount was put j by tho State for him in the shape of handkerchiefs at ten cents each Think of it? Twenty-five handkerchiefs can be made from that pound of cotton and they are worth ?2.50. What we want to find out is, who gets that $2.50 and why. A bale of cotton you are selling today for about $45. when turned into handkershiefs, is worth about ?2,. 50O. Who gets the rest of it? Can it be possible that the l .bor af the mill operative and the mill president and the expense of maintaining the machinery, all together is worth so many times more than the labor and intelligence of the man who makes the article out af the ground. ''The trouble is in our sy.-tem if marketing. The farmer has ibsolutcly no voice in fixing the :>rice. He sells it and the other "ellow grades the staple and fixes he price, and when the times :omes for the farmer to purchase lis clothing the other fellow docs he measuring and again fixes lie price. Where does the farner come in, anyway?" "Nowhere," a voice shouted in :he audience. ' 'That is just it, my friend,' .aid President Jordan. "The farner is nowhere, but with the help if some of these 16,000,000 coton planters we hope to make a >lace for the man that cultivates he most valuable agricultural >roduct in the world. A product, oo, for which the demand is tcadily increasing. When you hink that the short crop of 1903 vas sold for $600,000,000 and hat when manufactured it brought norc than two billions of dollars, 'ou can form some idea of what otton means to the South and t<> he world." As a means of checking the ra\agefTof speculation, which not >nly injured the cotton planters, ?ut played havoc with the mills. President Jordau declared himself in favor of the warehouse system.* i Then, he s lid, the farim i*m would s wait foi u 11 icuts or higher piicc t! t here should be such a budding g in every county, an' 't must be i owned i d c?:ttml;cd by tin.- far u niei ' The !< ink and financial t. sti- * stutions have stoo l !>\* lb i no iliers,'' said preidw." i > d a, o snd many of the n have inconveu- P ienccd their stockholders to h lp in, and we appreciate it, bat t e best financial friend ail e farmt r can have is a will filled c >rn n ib and a sninkolious i well slocked, n 1.1 so two tilings will do more to tide yon over l crisis t i l l a ic other." Continuing, Mr. Jordan advised a distribution of thejborrowing ., system so that all debto would not fall due in October Ins' when cotton had t > he sold if they w re &: to i'c paid. Pai ments may b ' made to extend over the gieater part oflthe fall and winter and then the poor w uld be abl-i to hold his cotto i 1 uiger. When i' came to organization, the farm.irs must s'art at home, Mr. Jordan scid. if he expected to sueoced. Mr. Jordan referred to the cotton jy holding c nnp.uiy recently org in- i ized in New Orleans with a cap-J ital of $lo,o 'O. O a id ( ii i ilia ()| the slock h id beeii place I at ?1 s a share and hoped every far- ai mcr in the county would take an ll interest in it, for the company would be one af the greatest instruments for raisinr* the value of is cotton and should not be a bad c investment, either. I Referring to the association on the reduction of acreage and this c< issued by tin* government, Mr. n\ Jordan said lie had a ked Stat is- d< tician 11 \ d. for a fuM report, so that the difference could be tr eked out. It is now up to the government to prove that the associ ition is in error Or that its representatives have made a mistake. "You must not let politics creep L into your association," said .Mr. IV Jordan. Rusiue^s men will ? have nothing to do wi'h such a soci stitution On;-y sterdav 1 diseovcred that a high officer in a Sla'e association held a pubiic office, and ! immediately requested his resignation. ,< Declaring that he knew the far- ai mers of South Carolina could he w depended upon to do their share. ^ President Jordan, after saying a good word 'or the Piedmont Pair Association, thanked the audience t for th" attention h- had received and eioscd his address amaid much applause. - .'C.B0 DON'T BOttiU) V TROUBLE It is u bu-i habit to borrow nn\thing, hut lb" worst Ihir.g \nn can possihi\ hollow, is tiouhle. When sick, sore, h vivv, weary and worn out hv the paiit* and poisons of d\ spep-i:i, Mm -u-i e- -, Wright's disease, ?n\ sim.l u- M torn d disonlois, ?h n'l si: down and brood ?'vi r your s\ nipionH, hut 11 y for relief to Fine trie 15iM? ?--?. Here v"1 v>ii! find Mire and permanent forgotfulness of all \ou?' troubles and your body will not tie burdened by a 4 load of debt disease At Craw- v ford Bros , J. F. Muckoy & Co., Funderhnrk Pharmacy. Drujj atoms Prices 50c. Guaranteed. ! i I'L\NM()a/v RICH uro often frustrated by Midd-n 1 breakdown, dun to dyspepsia or constipation Brace up and take Dr Kino's New Life Hiils. I'lc y takeout the materials which uro .; ( lojjoino y? nr energies, and iri vo i- r>?I ?i n n ti* til .n l ' 'tiiii... 1 1 m j i .? u% ? o iii # v iii t*n m'ViciItches and (hzz'irss ton. At Crnwfotd Bros', J F Muckoy & ii frmu the petitions askii; lor i election on the ditpen- , i*.y question ate to the effect 1 u they .ire being signed very ei;? i;i l\-. in the county, especi 'y, to peopl mo practically u iii: hi on .?YoikviMe Knquirer. ; - !i - '. (!*; r. The Atlanta .>ii. ; , .11 v < ' I\. snd I'ho out lo t > u;t i v i , .1 t hi oe ? i i ! v.J . I> .t must ho x I "t i I l. .?1 v a?: . at ie?- 'i':? T echoes i'ho S iai : r --eh oi f ?r while jachers w iii ?u i ? i ! ?i Yer-viHo . C . c .inn 11ci11e 'line 1 k2, 1905 \v ?' i" 11 ? vm v while tench r ;:i }: r ii't. \ \\ ii i e ill possi: . ? s . ii r. t -I i I v. ill nsk If ..ii alio iXiXM-l III IItil'111) 111 . . ' i 111 i ill" " iiii'i 11 1:1111 1 may II IIIIJI* Dll I :(l;i I I. . ( \V. M. Moore, {' ;i 'y Suj t. ?-f Kduc.ilinn-. ' 'V' V m to You Eat Meat ? ,iy Sliced 11 .mi, Nice Beef?Roast r S i nk, Breakfast Strips, Pork tusage in pickled vinegar. We e headquarters for everything in ie meat line. VHtlKTABLKS. Vegetables for dinner. Our's the place to get them fresh eery day. IK AW AND IANCV CROCK It I KS. We are receiving a full and :>:?l>lete -took of he.ivy and fancy rocerie?. Canned goods of every inscription. Kv*ryihi:ig new and csh. ... I IIOUSK KKKPKUS. Your worry a *otit what to have it* breakfast or what to have for inner can be overcome by calling I our market or phoning to LUOTT,HEATH SWAINS [ay 19, 1905. lotice to Debtors and Creditors of C ii I/-;than All persons having claims gainst the estate of Cltarles larvey l.athan, deceased, will lesent them properly proven to 10 undesigned for payment, and 1 persons indebted to said estate ill make immediate pvament to in .tiiine. J hn 1 Green, [ay 12, 1900-1 m. Kxccutor. s ho Err Z'l T. / vi'/.'SuSHI We -il r OXju c i:: j a cull from s mi. Wu slow l.sivo n rvnrpU'tf inn- of r?o ami 'A hii< i.)anvis Rib on I i ju?f t!w \hinjr for summer any prico f:om $1.00 ii]) Wo on!. Kj.M.-i.i) m-ti-ntio'.i ) our High (Iriulo lino of V low outs. IC?.Jwin ? "iapp for men In Kr. "co for women. CHERRY & Co! -i-i\ In i h yi v a."'' I SIV/ LANCASTER MARBLE A IN* 5 > GRANITE WORKS, >v Ooo?l Work tirwl l ow Prices \ ? ;v sni^h l.ANC\S! Pi{, S V jjg&MU-:cr-. - z*r snvvu..aMcmncm Pit OPINION \ i ; Ml'; It "! I' ft; wvtoiti) I > ?: K < lilii'WN ( it . \ r(>' l) \ l OW N, Pli\ iriur.fc :ii:?1 S;i' n* e >U r, H. < i'reulnte- I of ilu> < V" ? ?l r?u m i jicci Uv. Putin pivmp ly >in*weroh. ;u?c Store. Piiomo : ()(t\ ;e, N ? 170; It MtMtucx is 11 antl 30.