0f? " -4 ' I . . V yt " ; ' * '* "t. .'J \ .*? J ' I?i delay taking. Sold by Fundtr- sn burk Pharmacy. or Education In This State.. J . ,T tatc Superintendent Martin Tells How and Why our Schools arc Kxtending and Succeeding in South Carolina. Special to the News and Courier, Columbia, May 20.? Supcrinendent O. H. Martin has prearcd a most interesting and conenscd statement of what South Carolina is doing in an education1 way.lie Writes.thus: TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, DCPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. Columbia, May 20, iQOfL?The 1 oil W. 11. Mcrritt, State school Commissioner, Atlanta, Ga My )car Sir: In reply to your lcter of recent date asking for a iricf repoit of educational process and prospects in Sonth Cardina, 1 wish to quote a few Staistics from recent report to the ;encral Assembly. During the ast five years, our public School nrolment has increased from 26975 to 290,115; the average atendance from 194,419 to 214,133 xpenditures from $725,770 to >1,161,962; average sulary of /hite teachers from $152 49 to >126 92; receipts from local taxs from $93,088 to $185,541; exicnditures per child from $2 69 to >4 05; rural libraries to 520)ur Legislature taxed the dogs occnts each last year for ttyc] enefit of the schools. A^e :?t 'money forU education also /ith a tag tax on fertilizers, and rom the sale of liquors in dispell- 1 arics. We spend a quarter of a , liliion dollars on colleg education | 'his is a great increase over the ( pproprintions of a few years ago. )ur girls' normal school gets 1 , f this amount. We expend \ bout $9,000 a year in summer | chools for teachers take to advan , age of the opportunities thus of- | :red. So much for what we have t one and arc doing. ( You ask what wc propose to j o. That would take too much , oace. However, wc propose to ush our library law until it will c generally recognized that no chool is adequate without a li rary. Our library law, which as passed in 1905, provides for le rasing of $10 by private sub:ription, $10 from the county, , 4 a:./-, c. n.. . r , itu ^ i v ii u111 U1C OUUC IllllClS, he county's $10 purchases a nice olished oak book case, with a lass door. This law has helped ur work, greatly because a new brary leads to other imprcvelents, just like when you buy a sw hat, you have to buy a new air of shoes, a new suit etc., in lc interest of harmony. Our lirary law led to the passage of jr school building law at the st session of the General Assemly. This act sets aside 5 per :nt of the entire school fund of /ery county to encourage the ection of adequate school builngs. Whenever a district raises oncy by subscription, by local xation, issuing bonds, sale of lj d buildings or otherwise, ' ie county appropriates $50 for ( ich $100 thus raised. No a hool can get more than $300 of ^ d.The buildings must be erected i ;cording to designs approved by C is office and must also be ^ spected and received by the ^ >unty superintendent of cducaDn. Preference is to be given to n immunities which consolidate p nail schools and build larger n ics. Many communities are al- S ready moving under this encouragement, and, I believe this law is going to cause a general building revival. We arc very much interested in your efforts in Georgia to build high schools. We arc watching your "model schools." The absence of public high schools mark the weak point in our system of education. We hope to develop a system of State aid and encouragement to township and county high schools with industrial features. We are working for improvements in school equipment, for the beautifping of school grounds, for better salaries for teachers, for better supervision and for a general development of educational sentiment. I believe that the next few years will progress in educational and industrial work in the palmetto State. Sincerely yonrs, O B Martin. State Superintendent of Education. Floods in Graysou County Tex Twenty Thousand Acres of Rich Cotton Lands Overflowed ? Losses Estimated at $25,000. Dallas, Tex., May fO.?A special to the News from Sherman, Texas, aays: Tremendous rises m tho creeks of Grayson county, from a five.' inch ramfall in seven hours last **'d thia morning, hare caused the flooding of 25,000 acres of rieh bottom cotton lands all undor cultivation, and the destruction of much stock. Tkr Memorial Hospital heroyesterluy. Dr. Turlington came to Wilmington sovmal days ago to loll somo land. Ho bed been kinking rather heavily for severil days and had to be sent to the lospitul. A violent type of alchol8in developod in his case and the ind came qutckly. The body wai mibalmed and sent to his home this norning for interment. NEW CURE FOR CANCER All surface cancers are now mown to be curable by Bucken's Arnica Salve, .fas Walters ?f Dnffield, Va., writos: "I bad ) cancer on my lip for years, that oemed incurable, till Bucklen's triuca Salve healed it, and now t is perfectly well." Guaranteed ure for cuts and burns. 25o at Crawford Bros', J F Mackoy & 2o's, and Funderburk Pharmacy. Foley's Honey and Tar contains o opiates, and will not consti?ate like nearly all other cough ledicines. Refuse Substitutes] old by Funderburk Pharmacy. Happenings in the State. As Chronicled bv tho Alert Cor- 1 respondents of The Columbia Statcyrud tho Charleston News and Courier. (Specials to The State.) Jury Awards Five Thousand Dol- ! lars Damage. Yorkville, May 20.--The case of Waverly Fairman against the] Seaboard railroad occupied four j and a half days of the court. ItJ was a suit for $20.000 damages on 1 account of injuries in the wreck ' near the Catawba river last fall. Attorneys on both sides made able arguments and the charge of Judge Gage was a fine one. The jury returned a verdict this afternoon for $5,000 in favor of plain* tiff. Motion for a new trial was made. (-'peetul to News ami Courier. Recovered Iler Stolen Money by Means of a Dream. Spartanburg, May 20. ? |A strange revelation was made to Mrs Curtis Wall, of this city, in dreams. A few nights ago Mrs Wall dreamed that a little negro had stolen from the place she had concealed some money, three bills, a 10, 5 and 1. The dream was re peated. She recognized a small negro boy as the one who had taken the money. When she arose next morning she looked for her money and the^bills named abov^ were missing. With her husband she went to a ncgroc's house, some distance away, and saw the little negro, whose features were impressed on her in the dreams. lie was only about 8 years old. She notified the older people that she had come for her money, and after little waiting they brought out the three bills. The little negro confessed, but said he fonnd the bills in the roud. He said he had gone to the house to buy milk, and no one was at home. It is supposed he got the monoy then. Shocking Death of a Young Lady in Marion. Marion. May 19. ? MissClennie Smith was accidentally shot and killed this afternoon by an Italian boy. Miss Smith was standing upon her father's piazza when the hoy aimed a supposedly unloaded gun at her and playfully said that he meant to shoot her. Throwing up hor her hands she replied, in a ipirit of fun, "Don't shoot, I surrender." Tho boy pulled the trigger and the ontiie load entered Miss Smith's right breast, from tho effects of which sho died 1 l- A luuigni. Miss Smith was 17 years of ago and was a daughter of Mr N P Smith. Sho was a member of the Baptist church and possessed of a sweet disposition and noble character. L. B. An Unfortunate Affair. Choraw, May 20. ? Last night an unfortunato affair happened, when Cash Watts accidentally , shot a negro naniod Myers. Watts was riding horseback lato last evening to tho Cash plantation, whero he is in iho stock raising business. Ho firod his pistol in tho road and tho negro was accidontally shot. Tho bullet took effect in tho negro's leg, which will necessitate amputation. Doctors in attendance pronouueo tho nogro in a critical -condition. Cash Watts is tho eldest sou of Judge K C Watts. The negro accidentally shot by M. -roxtoti on Monday night is improving uud will live. j. 11. a. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of C H Lathan All persons having claims against the estate of Charles Harvey Lathan, deceased, will present them properly proven to the undersigned for payment, and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate pyanient to the same. John T Green, i May 12, iQOS-im. Executor. ~~ NOTICE! The L5ourd of Control for Lancaster County will meet at Lancaster C. 11., S. C., on Tuesday, Juno lith, 1005, for the purpose of electing dispensers for the dispensary at Lancaster C. 11., and the dispensary at Kershaw for the ensuing vonr l>nnin?n>'? - r> J ..v^.uu.u^ HUl) lbl 1905. Applications for thoHe positions must bo tiled with side board ut least twenty days beforo said Gtli of ,J uno 1905. J E VV llaile. CJlir Board of Co Control L C. May 5, 1906 ? lm. Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given that by order of the County Board of Education of Lancaster county, State of S. C., an election will bo held at Tradesvillo on Tuesday the 30th day of May, 1905 to determine whether or not a special tax or four (4) mills shall bo levied on all real and personal property Jin Tradesvillo School District No. 12 for school purposes. At which election only such electors as return real or personal property for itaxatioo and who exhibit their tax receipt and registration certificate us required in Gencial Elections shall be allowed to vote. II A1 Polk, ,1 B Funderburk, V AFuuberburk, Board of Trustees. Notice of Election for an Alderman. Whereas, John A Miller, lately one of the Aldermen of the town ofLancastcr, has departed this life leaving a vacancy in said ofuce, Resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Lancaster in council assembled and by the authority of the same, that an election is hereby ordered to fill saidjvacancy, said election to be hcld^on Mouday the 5th day of June, 1905, the polls to be opened from 8 o'clock a. m., until 4 o'clock p. m., and that J C Foster, Amos McManus and J M Warwick be nnnninto/1 -I'i to hold said election. Ratified this 6th day of May, 190 5. ??i (Signed) R. K. WYLIK, Attested by: Mayor. C. D. JONLS, CD Clerk and Treas. Bridge to Let. 1 will let out a contract to build a new bridge over Twelve Milo creek on the Steele Creek road, near Osceola, to the lowest responsible bidder on Tuesday, the Gth day of Juno, 1905, at 10 o'clock a 111. Also one to build u new or repair the old ono over Six Milo creek, nearby, the same day, just after 1 got through with the above ono. Also ono over Hear Crook on tho Potter road, near Mr liuseol Barton's 011 Friday tho 9th follow inir at 9 o'clock a m. The unpei. Hcations of nil to bo mado known at timo of letting, reserving tbo right to reject nny nn