_ f ELAPSE a | 1HURL0W S. CARTER, Km rou AN!) M ^ ^ .? sein:|? WKItXKSlJAY AN SVl ''1DAV , ! \V SUBSt;)t!l*ri()N' jioii I KI' YK \1; It Lancaster S. Mav 2U(h, 11 >(>?"?. ' Mi CotmnenccmtMit ?t Wmtln t . u I ne president of W'ii ibi , < !- 113 lege, and also Miss Hannah Mobley of Heath Spring-1, a member of the graduating elus-p have the, *u thanks of the editor and lb- fum-1 ^ llv for invitations to j.tloud the 5,1 1 commencement exciciss which begin Sunday morning June Jill, with a hoi men huf? re the Young Woman's Christian A-secialnm and will close Tuesday night. June 0 Gth, with an address to the gra.l- v ualing class hy lion M F An.-el, of Greenville, S. and the awarding of diplomas and eerliti- * catos The following young ladies of La'e eter Com.'y wi I re- ^ coive diplomas: Mis ? - Marie !i Craig Maude Gregoi y ami Han- p nah Mohley. .< Lightning's Work Acre- The Slate Liiie. _ I. Monroe Journal. w Mr. F. Key Bigg?v> w i by lightning at hi bom*1 in Gooso Creek township i ?-1 Sat > e a i -v . i urauy aiiornoon nuruvj t no C( storm that r?i;?f I jo-' h or. ? sundown Mr. Big/.%ar around. That is what the 1 _ south, manufacrurers as well as *.< growers, desire.? The State, " * Ci: ii"?? C? usnent I' jn'is Use j \oe l 'h- Ut:'aw\ i le Muni iris. dllist '-''sill : ti.i hi v. white hums w. ic uripnttod Orel o I ?u i lu>t \vi ok who ok c t w ith killing ;i ne^?ro. sei'ius luornllv, snto thnt some I ho-e in o wore jjniliv, if nol 1; Init there lesd heen hud wm k ?i:o i;mon?r llie ;or\ neii, soul icn )on know there U n SMitisont anion:; ?<:>" peop'< i - i ii it i. no hnnn 11-! i'l :i u'?rtroi*.*' The w s>? fivilnro of this cum is inl which lot! up o lire Uilliu.;. Lcconliiij; to rumors ih mi c ureni, me of !lie so whit i (?) men hn.l ii n altogether loo fnmili.ir with se negio'- s'ster llo roinoio United. and in l!i" ''fuss" raised V his svmonstrnt ion Iso gut lock I ii{ sii* I lined while the r'li-e i?i men went home to tell ios t ih.eir wives 'Mint night i.. i-' ^ ?? < hu ih'jm i\t'i't noouuro, was a!:"?' fi en the calaboose, terribly neeraicd with knives and sink in o< p wilcr nil i u heavy iron i >i;i)(I to htm. And then some? i"d \ ji (?; , lt>ll:? Mill'.1 in.', faitbsl wife was fore; d t<> go on the .inc.; .'and i?tid swear to tavo a n^hand whn had undoubtedly ecu d v ting a largo part of his lt?ut i- it to the colored girl," hi the wife .-lio'.il I 11nvo reeeivil all his ailedion Social pl > ae rding t ? t'i s' x of the nigger.' nd ;f v\-fiito men m iv kill no noes w.'.h impunil \ ami go tin i-tii- a I. Ih -n .?!' have no right i jMinidi n 'grocs for killing one lot III I . l'.mk Thief Sentenced. Cleveland, Ohio, Mas 1 - L . Oiiliger, ex-president c:f the osed Worehestor t>ank pleaded lilty before Judge Taylor in the Kited States District Court Ibis lernoon to the count in otio inctment, charging him .villi havg issued a draft when there ere no funds in bank to meet it. ulgo Taylor sentenced Obligor eight yens imprisonment in e Ohio penitentiary. Obligor an ex- '.ngres-man, ex-county cisnrer, postmaster at Worehesr during President Cleveland's st administration and collector ; internal reyenue during Mr. levelled'* second idministru011. -??-*> ? oung Man Drinks Half Pint of Whiskey and Dies. A white man about 28 years of je named Charles died very sud:nly at i loS Wayne street bc,'cen 5 and 6 o'clock yesterday tcrnoon. Death is supposed to ive been due to alcohol poisong, as the man was a hard drinkand was seen to drink a half nt of whiskey just before enter g the house where he lived and here his death occurred. He alked into the house and in a w minutes fell in a fit, and bene medical aid could reach him ^ was dead.?The Stale. SHOES .. '' -?5" *:* ? >We are expecting 11 call from you. We now hav* a complete lino of Tan and While (,'unvis Itib i?< ?> i ie*, ju^t the tiling for summer any price from *1.00 up Wo on! 1 special nttc ntion to our H i.! 1 i Ormlo lion of D'lK-.SY low cuts IvJ win 1'inpp for men I/iFianco for women. ^mTST ?V vv*. -r.V:lii.%r:;<, 1JZZLzt L'X.LJuL^Lii ^ lvl Of msi? h aling salvo lr> ?o^ worin * Happenings in the State. e<" tin \s Chronicled hy the Alert Correspondents of Hie Columbia Statu and tho Charleston 'la News mid Coiiriur. . (SprctalK ?*? The Stale ) Barn and Contents Burned. pii Chester, May 14. ? About 2 N o'clock yesterday pi or ping Mr S M B Stroud, an industrious and successful young, farmer who livet six miles southeast of Chester, had the misfortune to lose by fire his barn and stables with their an contents?two fine mules, a new buggy, all of his meat, 250 bush- Wl els of corn and all of his fodder St and sbout 50 bushels of peas. lie is not sure whether the lire was Oi the work of incendiarism or orig- ha inatcd from lightning. He pre- *h fers to believe the latter. There was but a small amount of insurance 011 the property destroyed. Pr _ G< Murder Casus in Anderson a u Anderson, May 18. -In the an sis-inn* eotitt this morning Frank w] Ltohertson, a nopry his wife, and t>ix sons and roe daughter. M (r-pedal to Mews and Coiuhr. Poisoned Fifty Dogs. Kasley, May 16.?About 50 ^ dogs were poisoned in Easley 0,1 Saturday night. Several very fine bird dogs were among the number. co h? Tribute to Col James A Hoyt. Kansas City, Mo., May 15-"In the presence of more than 13,000 people in the Convention Mall this afternoon, the memory ^ of Col James A Hoyt ot Greenville was honored at the Memorial services of the Southern Hap- 1 tist Convention. Col Hoyt was formerly vice M president of the Convention, and one of its wisest leaders. The ^ Kcv A J S Thomas read a sketch of his life, and spoke of his work. a hire Near Latta. ^ k i Lat!;:, May 14.?The gin house ^ of Mr C G Bass, who lives about one mile below Latta, was burned last night. There wa* 100 bales I l of cotton stored away in it, and it is all a total loss, as there was no insurance either cn the building or cotton. '[l All the cotton belonged to Mr Bass. It is not known whatcaus WMMSMMMOtnT' '^aMMHraBUnnMi ihc fire. Thcrj hid been .i jnder storm early in the night, t the house did not take fire unaftcr i i o'clock, and it was rdly caused by lightning. toosevelt's Southern Tour ie President Will Pass Through fine Southern States and Will Stop at Atlanta and Possibly Other Cities. ieeial to Nev\s and Courier. Washington, May iy. - Atlanta d Little Rock will he two of s principal stops the President 11 make on his proposed trip >uth, which he intends to take iring the firs* two weeks next :tobcr. The details of the trip ve not been completed, and cy may not bo until the time r starling is near at hand. The jp at Atlanta is to enable the csident to make a short visit to ?orgia's State Capitol, and incipallv to enable him to keep i engagement with Senator Clay d visit the home of his mother, lieh is not far from Atlanta. It is probable that other stops ay be made, for it is now the tention of giving about two ?eks to the trip. In talking er the subject today with formSenator James K Jones, of ikansas, the President remarked at his journey would take in the Mowing States: Virginia, North irolina, South Carolina, Geora, Florida, Alabama, Mississip, Louisiana and Arkansas. He 11 then, as President of thcUni1 States, have visited every ate and Territory, during his ministration. The President s promised Senator Simons that will try to make a stop at larlotte, and some other points North Can lina and similar proiional promises have been made Senators and Representatives )m other States through which will pass. R M L ' run?? DON'T BORROW TROUBLE It is a bad habit to borrow anying, but tho worst thing you n possibly bortow, is trouble, hen sick, sore, heavy, weary d worn-out by the pains and >isons of dvspep?ii\, biliousness, ight's disease, any similar inrn il disorders, don't sit down (I brood over your symptoms, it 11 y for relief to Eleeic Bitters. Here you will find re and permanent forget fulness all )ou?* troubles, and your >dy will not ho burdened by a ad of debt disease. At Crawrd Bros , J. F. Mackoy & Co., inderburk Pharmacy. Drug ">res Prices 50o. Guaranteed oro Outlaw Killed by Troops Manila, May 18. ?News has sen received here that Paia, the itlaw Moro chief who has hi cn irsued for tho last two weeks on e island of Juki hv trnnns m?d?r mm ind of General Wood, lias ion killed. His few surviving Unworn are being trailed by oops. Union Farmer Killed. or. Charlotte Observer. Monroe. M .y 15 ?During the cevore electrical storm that Conipanied the ed conantly across I lie sky. - The Ledger, The Atlanta nirnal, S?in: w f ' he din- | pun-nry it Lutealor C II, sirH ; tli" r ginning.1 nly Id 1905. A ppkoiitions for these pn-i| If III II -i til- til"* I With H'ti" board tit Irit^t tWeot\ (!'\"S lll'foro I (Mi of .lunn 1905. 1 >1 1C VV 1 !hil?\ < C#In* Uoiml of Co Control I' C. : M iy ?, 1905 ? 1 mi . ; ?Limiani' iminj-j.--ueBr:wn: Notice to Debtors and ! Creditors of C H Latlian All persons having claims against the estate of Charles i Harvey Lathan, deceased, will | present them properly proven to the undersigned for payment, and all persons indebted to said estate j j will make immediate pyament to | the same. John T Green, May 12, 1900-1 m. Executor. NOTICE. The board of county (omtnissioneih in their mooting Monday ptifsoil :t resolution to tho ctTeet that hereafter no m agist rate in I j mcastor count v will l?o paid for holding it'i ioxuo>? miles- it is ill) possible to got iho eoronor, and .Inn th inagistra'o must comply with tho law by securing nllidaviie from threo cihzjns of tho iinmodiiif n nAinmnntfu t lin 1 il i a i?ii portunt that tin inquest bo held in the particular cuse under considerntion. M C Gardner. County Supervisor. tsrr*.isni6 'SVKBW rwrrrwr-iKcvianrxrii nrwrMi Notice of Election for an Alderman. Whereas, John A Miller, lately one of the Aldermen of the town ofLancaster, has departed this life leaving a vacancy in said ofuce, Resolved by the Mayor and : Aldermen of the Town of Lancaster in council assembled and by . the authority of the same, that an election is hereby ordered to fill saidfvacancy, said election to be hekLon Monday the 5th day of June, 1905, the polls to be opened from 8 o'clock a. m., until 4 o'clock p. m., and that J C Foster, Amos McManus and J M Warwick be appointed managers to hold said election. Ratified this 6th day of May, 1905. (Signed) R. K. WYLIE, Attested by: Mayor. C. D. Jones, Clerk and Trcas. How Is Your Heart? Is your pulse weak, too slow, too fast, or does it skip a beat? Do you have shortness of breath, weak or hungry spells, fainting,smothering or choking spells, palpitation, fluttering, , pains around the heart, in side and shoulder; or hurt when lying on left side? If you have any of these symptoms your heart is weak or diseased, and cannot get better without assistance. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure strengthens weak hearts, and rarely ever fails to cure heart disease. Try it, and see how | quickly you will find relief. "About January 1st, 1902, I took down with weakness and dropsy, and gradually grew worse. I was told by my family physician that my enso was boneless. My neighboiu and family had given mo up to die. My limbs and body were swollen to onethird larger than normal slzo, and water had collected around my heart. For at least three months I bad to sit propped up In bed to keep from smothering. 1 sent for five bottles of Dr. Kfllna' TIr.nr.fr r>,,r-n ?../I K.. ~ 11 r had taken them all I was entirely cured. I feel better than I liavo for twenty yeara, and I am able to do any kind of work on my farm. My attending physician told mo that if it hadn't been for Dr. Miles' ITeart C'ure 1 would now bo in my prnvo." I,. T. CUR?>, "Wllmoro, Ky. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure le eold by I your druggist, who will guarantee th t the first Dottle will benefit. If It fail* he will refund your money. f Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Large Cotton Fire, Oldham, Eng., May n ?Five thousand bales of c >tton were burned i i the Lancashire and Yorkshire company's warehouse here this morning. Notice 10 the Public. 1 will buhl nil imprsts in the . vMMity. Phone to my residence it 1 Men* apt Hill for me when nviL (I. J. Monti'omoi v Cankey, opt. 2?>?If . ? i>a jobv?wcs.,n'S!w .'T^tssmwihmd Notice of Election. Noi'co is heicby i?iven that by inter of tin.* t V.unty Board of Indication of liiiiK'antor county, Stato >f S. an election will ho held it I'radesvill ? on Tuesday tho rjuth day of May, 11)05 to determine wlioiher or not a special tux ix four (4) mills shall tie levied an all real and personal property in Tvadesvillo Sltln ol District No. 12 for school purposes. At which election only such ulect'Os us return real or personal property for tuxUion and who exhibit their tax ivcuipt an??nn?ii.i jwh?? Wintlirop College Scholarship and Entrance Examination. The examination for -1 lie award of vacant - H-o :11s ops til Wlnthrop College si it >1 f.-r the uoniissioo of new ?tu Ihioh will t-e h Id at t lie eonti ty i 'ourt -loose <>ii Fi t ay, Jo'y 7tti at. 0 a. m. A pplieints n:ust not lie less than 11 f-? teen > eats of age. Wlien scholarships are vacated alo r July 7th. they will be awarded to those malum; the high e.-t average tl (Ins examination provided they meet the conditions govern-, tn t tie award, Ap| licants for se.hol? nrshlos shoui t write to PresidentJohnson liefo e tne examination for schnln ship i-xamiiintion blanks. Scholarships are woith $100 and free tuition. The next sessi >n will open Sept m er 20 Il)0> For further infoi niidion ami eatalogun address Pre I). 15. Johnson, Ilo?k Hill, S. C. OS, W. J. CUNNINGHAM, W. T. (iltFCfOUY, T. s. (JAUTKIt, till AH T. CONNORS. Trustees Lancaster School District. CSS : s tf a State of South Carolina. : COUNTY OF LANCASTER, Y J K Srtwmau, 15q, Probate J lldii f WHKItlSVS, ' V I?*z *nhy mad" Miit to nie, to vr.uit liim letters of ad ministration of tt>" estate of and ef fects of John \ JfiUer THK*E A HE TH Kit E OR ir. to eiie and aonionish all .ml singular th? Uindred aud crL'di.oiH of said John a. Miller, dece soil, that limy be and ap pea before mo, i.1 iho Dourt. of Pro bate, to be held -?t I jam as.er. rt (> on Wednesday, M ?y 24th next after pub lieation titer of, at 11 o'clock in the /orenoon, to sltnw e int., it any they have, why said administration should n >t be granted, (liven under my If ami t hi ? Oth day of May, Anuo Domini, 1905 J E Htowraa t. ' Probate Judge Bridge to Let. 1 will let out u contract to build a new bridge over Twelve Mile creek on the Steele Creek road, near C.-ceola, to the lowest re sponsible bidder on I'm slay, the Gth day of dune, 1905, at 10 o'clock a in. Also one to build a new or repair the old one over Six Mile creek, nearby, the same day, just after 1 pot through with the abovo one Also one over Bear Creek on the Potter road, near Mr Kus?el Barton's on Friday the 9th follow ing at 9 o'clock a m. Tho speci Acations of nil to ho made known # at time of letting, reserving the right to reject any and all bids. * * M C Gardner, * Co Supervisor. May 15, 1905.