U*;al Matte.: v ~ i rn?*n nmmnnMM??iMM?? < r ?ti ?See Williams-Hughes Co's now adv. ? "May Bargains" at Cloud's. See hi* adv. ? A \>arty of seiners at Cook's J*?nd caught a carp last week which weighed 25 pouuds. ? A soft shell couter, weighing 24 pounds, was caught in Cane Creek Monday. It readily brought $1.00 on this market. - Mr John Hardin of Norfolk, Va., visited his parents, Mr and M rs I* VV Hardin, hero this week, I ? Primus school district voted 27 to 2 in favor of th? special levy of 3 mills for school purposes. \-liev Paul l'ressloy will preach at the county home next Sunday at 4 o'clock p. m. ?Li E Wylio, Esq., is in attendance on the grand lodgo K of P., in session at Beaufort, S. C., this week, us representative of Lancaster Lodge. ?Mrs Iru B Jones and Mrs J B Muckorell are representing Lancaster at the Federation of women's clubs of the State in session at Union t4iis week. ?The Fonder burk Co. has entered the field of competition with some prices on staple goods that will likely astonish you It will pay you to reud their sdv. ? Mr .1 .? Llasseltiue was elected Clerk and Treasurer nf the lown to till the vacancy occasioned by Mr W F Cook's death. It is a good selection Mr llrssel tine will oinke an efficient officer ?Kershaw Lra. ?Heath Springs voted the special levy c f 5 mills for sell ?ol p'.rpoaos, the vote being 20 for and 5 against. ? The Ladies of Lancaster Chapter U. D. C , will servo ice cream and cake on the school house grounds before and after the exercises on Friday evening next. --John Perry was fined, $15. in Magistrate Caskey's court Saturday for assault and battery. He paid the fine in lieu of going to the gang for 30 days. ? Mr Sylvoster Shute of Blackhawk, Mis* , who has been visiting his brother, Mr H H Shute, in this county, returned homo yesV M is Vlutf WHO K?? ?-w a II id f ?CI* ?? UO PIUM I^IHU %fy the reports from his h'?me of tho backwardness of his farm work oil account of continue?! rains ?Capt Amos McMuiiiih' many friends were congratulating him Monday on reaching his 70th birtb lay, which he celebrated that day, and wishing him many more years of happiness and usefulness. ? Mr George Funderbnrk, of the mill town, has a chicken with 4 logs. ? We note from the Rock Hill Herald that Editor J J Hull has returned home ftom Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimoie. The t"eatment given him at the hospital will be continued at his home by local physicians and it will require aoveral raontiSH to effect big recovery. Hia troublo was diagnosed as Sp^dmodic A edema, involving the kidneys, and liver, and stomach. ?The county has certainly had its share of rain, wind and bail within the past two weeks. Nambtra of farmers who failed to finish planting cotton beforo the raine ooi ?rt will rvf/*U.iKl?? *> ?t iniuo bvji i?j| ?? hi |M wifiiUI y Uv#l I ?ny more planted as the season is | getting late, and for the3, A F M i will bo hold Friday night next ^ for the purpose of conferring the M. M. degre" on two F. C's. 1 Past Grand Master Barron of Co- ^ lumhia will be present and confer t he degrof s A full at tendanc ' .. t 1 t 1 in mi moiiiuui's is desired At tho regular communication tomnrrow night tho degree M M will ^ also bo conferred on two F CV ?For Sale! 4,000 bundloa of ' fodder lit $1 50 per hundred A!- ^ so 200 bushels of corn at 80 cents ^ per bushel YV M Hqvp, O. K, S. (\ 8' ? During tho thunder storm which prevailed last Wednesday night lightning struck tho sor- ^ vant's house on Mr .1 M Kirkley'a lot, damaging it considerably and U shocking tho inmates, none of ? ir whom were hurt seriously, however. Two families were living r rj in the house.?Kershaw Era It ? Miss Sullio Nisbot, of tho y .lacknonham section. who vas p stricken with piralysia several weeks ago, died Monday, May t< 15, 1905, at tho homo of her brother Mr JotT Nishet. She was p a daughter of the late J 1) Nishet, u was about 55 years of age, and a p consistent member of the Unity f( A R 1* church. lior remains jj, were interred at Unity Yostciday. ft, ?Mr* Emily M Jones, widow n of the late Hilton Jones, . died at *1 Kershaw last Saturday, May 13, '' 1905, of paralysis. She was in her 90th year and leaves the fol- ? lowing children surviving her: n Messrs 11. N, B. F., Geo W., ? VVm., L. C., and 11. D. Jones, and Mrs T C Stover and Mrs J 11 Magill. Her remains were interred at Sandhill Baptist church of which she was a member, 00 1 Sunday after funeral services by T"> * - - mx is.ice. The Ilest Horses Brought 11 ere In Five Years Quite u number of fanciers of horse flesh wore at the GregoryHood Stables yesterday admiring a c?r load at 8.30, an entertainment will bo given by () the pupils of school No. 2?under charge of Miss Grace Whis I nr. onant and Misses Hattie Miller and Eunice Beaty. On Thursday evening in the n Qraded School Auditorium, there will be declamation exercises by boys of the 7th and 8th grades, and a Cantata, "A Dream of Fairy Laud," by girls of all grades. Fridav at 10 a. m ?A debate bv members of the Hampton Litorary Society. Subject of debate: "Resolved, That woman has done more for the de- 11 velopment of the human race . than man." 1 Fridav evening, 8.30 : Address I by Rev J. Lse Oatus of Hickory, J S. C., graduating exercises, awarding of certificates, etc. The public is cordially invited to attend the various exercises. ?Pay yo.ir Subscription. !*- 4 v>- uceci leretttfOi) -halt' \*< Mi C Adams of the liailo rod M too section, who runs six* 'lt slews with hired labor 1ms reduc ,U) <1 hi^ ncreiigo in cotton from 70 ?>< ores lust year to 30 acres this on ear, and where bo used S tons of l) :nano lust year will only u-o 4A oils this ) ear. He is considerably in' ncronsincr his nerenee in earn nod th xpcct-* to sow lit least 25 in peas ^ ehere he now has a moet promis- w_' pg small grain crop. lie hua 3 ^ cres in Spanish peanuts and is ^ tversifying gencrnll)*. - Mr mc tdams teli* us that ho has 225 ex 'ouog chickens in his \ ard Ho as ten bales of his last year's 1 1 % tit otton crop which ho is holding op or ten cents. thi i I Jig Hull Storm I' A disastrows" bail storm 'visited lie Eastern section of this county ist Saturday afternoon It ex?nded from the Creek section, by )ivie, (4ills Creek church, Flint Lid go on down through Flat pR Ireek. It was severest in the qq. Voter neighborhood where hail pa tones or rather lumps of ice aro m itfl to have fallen that could not < i put into a quart cup. In that UR nmediato section considerable 80| umago was done to crop?, gardens ur( etc ruined, orchards and vineiikU badlv injured, glass broken R9 i window sash, shingles split kn roni roofs of buildings, ? etc. g0( 'hose who suffered the greatest p)e iss are Messrs W (i A Porter, ?J a ^ V A Porter, J E Porter, W J | lunter, H F Adams and others. plft] 7hero cotton had been chopped on, > a stand these men will liavo to [Jl4 lant over hut where it had not iut1 ?cn chopped out the damage was ]tifi ot so g-eat. At Mr VV G A brtcr's mud was splashed ten GO jc< high on his dwelling by the 1 ail whon it struck the ground oui no! hobs where it. had fallen icatiiring 4x5 inches were loft in io yard after the hail had molted. ] ortunntely these very large cot ones fell over but a small at rea. lti nlher sections along the noe ath of the storm the stones wcie f medium size. of c ' " glas CII/ W i Ilia 111 s? 1111 <^lie yioney Saved is We Want to call your atten an save money by trading wi We mention a few items arid prices svn conclusions. We curry the celebrated For hush cu inking a speciul cut on theso?$5 one 3.50 ones to $2.75 and on down to 9 Wo havo a big stock ot Ladies' and ?gardlc6s of price. CFF THF^F* s "it' to 8 OL1L1 I HliJln (1.50 up t rwuiC Si'KUlAL.S IN 10 v?*rck Iliil the little hnbe died. ic parents will have the deepest mpathy of < very one in the sad nth of their little one. ?tior to B. J. Witherspoon. Lancaster, S. G. HH Dear Sir: The way to buy HI int is to go by the name, tero is a name never on sham int or weak paint or ehortlasuro paint; Devoe. There are a hundred different F" mes in paint. Some are sham ; J* me weak ; some short-measa; and some all three. ^ If there is auother such paint Devoe lead aod zinc, we don't ow it. There are a few fairly ^ od paints; a few ; only one voe. A gallon Devoe is worth rallon-and-a-half of those few. Pre Mr. Aaron Higgins, of PlainId, N J, always used 15 gal- jP a of mixed paint for his house. J* st spring he bought 15 gal19 of Devoe aud had 4 gallons | ? r Yours truly, J. F. W. DkvokA Co. nec Laucaster Mercantile Co. sell r paint. Notice to the Public. P^c [ will hold all inquests in the inty. Pbone to my residence Pleasant Hill for mo when ided. >1. Montgomery Caskoy, >t. 20?tf ALL STYLES otton and lisle thread undcrr that are correct for this seaarc here. We have the most .plete and comprehensive stock 1)1 KS' nnn Samples. Some good things Underwear, Hosiery, etc., etc. ;ed over. They ure gcing like roar pocket book. Posi= charged at these prices. s to Please, IBURK CO P L A THE 25 PI idiicin iif 111 In the very lies et grown seed I ?OES. Red 1 Yhite BlissPeei lebron and othei es, Onion Sets ai at MACKC All tverf Mm and War The NeW 1 t e cause it i? the strongest com pan %ot aosc its policies protect one nil ^ecauso it bas over 3U0 million asi localise it has over 3S0 millions K Jecause it paid in dividends in 100 ^ecause it is purely mutual. It In fc ecauso its assetts belong to the ? %ecauso it does not invest in stock because its policies contain only miutn " ccauso tlio insuiod loaves to his w ) a law suit. ^ecai. its policies are incontestab ecauso it paid in 11)01 $40,000, ( J ecauso it is the best estate you ci ^ecause it gives you the best pro! ^for the money. jause you can't afford to carry anyl best. Call on J. L. BL.VCKMON of L mtion. vex. t %-wfwiiVa IAY BAB /e expect to make this month a re s we been better prepared to make 000 yards of Madras Ginghams in bad places, but tlio clean goods, c per yard. 000 yards of Colored Lawns andC) iker, 5c per yard. [) Doz Ladies Gauze vests, a great 5 Doz Ladies' Gauze vests, a great 0 Doz Ladies' soanless tine black 00 Misses and Children fans worth 1 Men and Ladie: oe our lino of Ladies and men's C) action in prices We have too ini it bo sold regnrdl?s9 of the price. Cloth: )ur Clothing business has been a r o the price on thoso goods in reach is guaranteed. When in need ol :cd. Millir Our Millinery isgrowi styles and low prices ai this Fact. E- E. < NT ER CENT in km t selected marRISH POTAYiumpli Bliss, idess Beauty of i'S at lowest pri1141 iT ?/! u \nai uCEi WCCII RELL'S. mn Should losore'J iln k>rk L(ife. y in tho world, llion families, setts. esorvo Fi.nd. >4 over ?5,000,000. \s no Cfipitnl strode ?olicy holders, s and industrial securities.* ono condition "payment of idow or ostato a legacy and not lo and nonforfeitable. 300 to its policy holders, in ieavo to your fs uily. taction and investment combined thing olse ovhen you can got tho lancaster and givo him your api:-vv. ~t GAINS. w ? cord breaker. Never buforo low price?. t full bolts, no short longths Worth SAc, our rocord break rgnndio worth SAe, our record bargain at 5c. ; bargain at 10c or 3 for 25c. hoso at 7c per pair. 10c going in this sale at 5 cts s' Oxfords. xfords. Wo aro making a great iny of these goods and they ing. ecoi'd breaker this aeason Wo i of everybody. And tho qual' u fitting suit call on us and bo iery. ng fast. Correct re the evidence of OLOUD.