?Rev. Dr. Boldridge wil preach at Camp Creek church to morrow at 3: 30 p. m. ?Memorial day will be ob served h e r e as usual nex Wednesday. He v. R. K. Turnip seed will deliver the address The program will appear in on next issue. ? I will exchange a good pluj mule f >r a mule or horse colt. C L McManus, 2t Lancaster, R 1" D No 2. ? i re irirniH ot Mr. VV 1* J'or ry, who has been quite ill the pus week, will he glad to know lio i able to ho up some again.? dies ") tor Lantern. ?The lust section of ths chih labor law, passed by the Legislu lure of 1003, went into effect Won dny. It is now unlawful for ani child under I2 years of age to woi l in any mine, factory or niiinufuc luring establishment. ? Cupt. B .1 Witherspoon am Miss Constunce witherspoon, o Lancaster, S C., are visiting n the homo of Di. 13 J VVitherspooi ?Charlotte Observer. ?Relatives of the late Dr Bartlett Jones, who was buriie< 7*1 years ago on one of the lot on which Col. Springs will crec store rooms, will move his re mains to the Presbyterian churcl yard here. At the time of hii death Dr. Jones owned, and hac his office on the lot where hi: remains were interred, and it was his request before death to be buried there. ?Miss Bessie Mackey, o: lleuth Springs, is visiting friend! hero. ?Mr and Mrs John Crawford aro at home after a most enjoyable bridal tour spent in Northern cities, v ? The Daughters of the Confederacy, Lancaster Chapter, will deliver crosses of honor, at tin court honso on the tenth of May at 4 o'clock, to all veterans win; have made out certificates an t have not received crosses. Please oe on time. I 1,^ * i t \ ?,1 VJ DICUOIIHKI, 1\iS<] , 4?l Winnsboro, spent several day* hero 111is week on professional business. ?Mi8 Geo W Williams has returned home from u vieit ol several weeks to relatives in Savannah, Ga. ? Remember the school exhibition and pic .nic at Pleasant Valley May 12th. You are cordially invited to lie present. Music will be furnished by the Harrison band. ?'Ihe governor has commissioned the county hoards of education. The members of the hoard for this county are II K Coffey of This, place and K A. Dobsou ?>1 Kershuw. ?The friends nt thin place ?f Editor ,1 ,J Hull of tho Rock Hill Herald, will he glad to learn that the speifeditts at Johns-Hopkins hospital in Baltimore, where he is undergoing treatment, speak very encouraging of his condition and if he con! innos to improve as in the past few days he will ho able to return to Rock Hill in a few more weeks feeling like a now man. - H B Howie, the detective who made the arrest of citizens of Lancaster on tho charge of being implicated in a lynching, was in the city today for tho purpose of conferring with tho governor. It is understood that Solicitor Heorv will file a report in a few days ot tho proceedings, merely as a matter of information. Mr. Howie would not state whether there would do further arrests or developments. ? Columbia Cor. News and Courier 4th inatant. OA8TORIi&.. Sea/i tho Ji -'8 Kind You Have Always Ba^? r i I 1 "Notice to Farmers" Our Nitrate of Soda has arrive and wo shall ho pleased to fill you ^ \vnnte. Also Imvo on band acid ind nil Kinds of Soluble Ouuti for corn. Lancaster Mer C ?. 1 Jni!cd for Arson Charley MeKuddon, col., \*n I committed to iad hy Magistrat D K Hall oi' Indian Land, bu Wodnesday charged witli arsonthe burning of tbo barn an 1 sii . hies of Di" J D Nishyt three nult North of Van Wye . on iho attoi s noon ot April J2th, !a..t* Th evidence at Iho preliminary \va st.r?.!iiyr, several nouroes restifvio; j that MeFnddcn iiad told ?hoi ho had sot tiro lo the hnrn. I aeetus that Mr Nishcl had si trouhlo with MeFuddcti souk c years ago and that the lion a grudge against him Deaths 1 Poovey, the 14 year old son o f Mr and Mrs ICIi T Thompson o f Cedar Cromk township, dice i last Tuesday afternoon, May 2 1905, after,a short illness. Poo voy was a good hoy and an nhed lent won. His remains were in 1 terred at Nswhope ehurch Wed s needay, Dr Roldridgo conduetinj t the funeral services. ? Died, Thursday afternoon 1 May 4, 1905, of dysentery, tin 1 little son of Mr and Mrs J F Da via of the cotton mill district aged about d years. The remaim were interred in Westside ccmi levy yesterday afternoon. ^ ?Died, at Fairlield, Texas, o s lieart failure, on Saturday, Apri 29, 1905, Mr W H liobiuson, ^ eldest son of Rev D. P., and Mar saret Robinson, latent Cruigville th's county. Deceased was 5i years, one month and 1<5 days o age, was butted in the Elmwooi cemetery at ids homo in Palestine Texas. Mr Robinson leaves i wife, ft children, 2 brothers n.d i r, sister, together with a host o ' friends to mourn his loss ? Air. A .1 Nelson of dacksot ? lo.vnship died hist Wednesday it f his 73d year. lie was a mcmhoi , of the Methodist church and i I well known man of his section ? His wife died about two year* ago and he bus not hcon i:i good . health since. He served in tin war as a member of Cnpt. With orspoon'x company On the 20tli of October, 18(i(>, he was married to Alisx K E McCain, Six children were born to them, live of whom survive. They aro Air. ' B B Nelson, and Mcsdatncs W T Stewart, M. .1 Starnes, J M Starnes,.nnd H C Nisbet. Kev. \V W Raich ford preached the funeral ' on Thursday. ?Monroe Journal. . ?In our Inst issue we noted the . death of Mr Wilson Griffin. The Monroe correspondent of the Charlotte Observer gives the sad circumstances of his death as follows: As mentioned in this correspondence a row days ago, Mr 1 Griffin accidentally foil from his ' buggy, which the pony ho was driving pulled up against the sides of a cut., and in the full his leg was broken. Medical aid was soon given to him and ho was remouod to the hospital. Later such complications arose that it was found necessary to amputate ' the injured limb and Air Griffin nover recovered from the shock. Ho was a popular young man and the church could not hold the large congregation that assembled at his funeral today. A special conveyance had to ho provided to c.*rry the floral offerings sent by friends. They were beautiful 1 and I have never seen so many flowers at a funeral before One feature that adds to tlio many sad 1 things about this death is that it occurred oil the see ?nd anniversary of his man age to iMiss Ktta Williamson, who survives him i with a little daughter only a few months old. MNMHMWPMP'Im\mm i ?i1 -? ? . ? Found 7>oad In Hod, Mr WiNon Hough, on nged prul J (c-. eeted cilktn of the Woxhaw r auction, about twelve mill's north s of this place, was found dead in I bed > osterdav morning. Hj ate ( I ' P u hourly supper thu Might before and had not complained of feeling unwell. lie was nhout GO years of age and leaves a wido v and i.? several grown children surviving ?. Ijiiuj The Heath Spring Robbers, will Probably be Tried in the Federal Court. 8 ! r- i . x , . j j Special l?> News and Courier. I.ancsstcr, May 2. ? Governor s ! i Glenn. rf North Carolina, has if again changed the time for the n . hearing by him of the requisition j papers issued by (Governor IleyI ward for Fisher and O'D.iy, the I alleged safe-ctackers held at Wadcsboro. The hearing has been postponed from to-dy^ until the 5th instant. .. Lancaster is not as keen as she j. was to get possession of the men , to try tliem for the I loath Springs robbery. It seems that whoever 1. receives them from the Wades * I boro authorities will have to pay * l a big expense account, amounting to several hundred dollars, for guarding, surgical operations medical attention, etc, It is, ' therefore, thought best to let the 0 National Government take the pris ' oners and try them on the charge ' it has against them of robbing * postoffices. Then, when Uncle ' Sam gets through with them, the Lancaster authorities would like f to have the men turned over to 1 them. It is not known here what cvi) . deuce the North Carolina authorities have against tho parties in , connection with the McAdcnsville f robbery. If the evidence be I strong Governor Glenn may decide to hold the men for trial in j his own State. j Under an Act of the Legislaj ture of South Carolina, passed in 1902, a burglary where explosives are used is punishable with ( life impi isonmcnt, unless there be a recommendation to mercy by the jury. It is not likely, therefore, that if the subjects are first tried and convicted in Lancaster I they will ever be called upon to answer to criminal charges in any other Stato SHOE S i 1 fctitiessaBBBHu i Wo are exporting a cull 1 from you. Wo now have , a complete line of Tan i and White Can vis Kibl?on 'l ies, just the thing for summer any price from $1.00 up. Wo call special attention to our High Grade line of D15ESSY low cuts. Edwin Clapp for men La Franco for women, s, ?rTrmr-r?rCHERRY & CO. An Estray Cow Stravcd. from mv Ttonr ltranrli . J ' / - ' ? .. w.. , place, about three weeks ago, one f 1 small,fbriiKlle, horned cow, about ; 4 years old, will find calf soon. < Any information of her where- ( abouts will be appreciated. H. N. So well. ( May 2, 1905?2t ( NOTICE. ; < 1 1 ho board of county commis- 1 sioneis in their meeting Monday 1 pa>sed a resolution 10 tho etTect ' 1 ( that hereafter no magistrate in Lancaster county will bo paid for < holding in inxuest unless it is 1111- ? possible to get iho coroner, and 1 then llo magistrate must comply 1 with tho law hy securing atlidaviis from three citizens of tho im- t mediate community that it is im- s portant that an inquest ho held in * the particular case under consideration. M 0 Gardner. County Supervisor. j A Becoming Hat is u woman's pride and perplexity It is her pride to vvorr it, her per- i plexity to select It. It is our uitn 1 to mercaso her pride and decrease her perplexity. Our millinery is All Becoming. \ There isn't a hat in our collect tion that you could call homely. < And there isn't one that you ^ wonldn't tvear with pride. You may thiuk all this beauty must be I expensive. Come and see how mistaken you are in that idea. Woaid school district to decide vhethcr or not a special tax of "our (4) mills shall be levied on ill real and personal property in =aid Dixie School District, No 17 "or school purposes. Notice is hereby given that an election be held, by the trustees :>f said school district on Satur Jay, May 16, 1905, at Dixie >chool house in the said school district, they giving at least two weeks notice in a county newspaper and by posting notices at :hrcc public places in said school district. At which election only such . lectors as return real or personil property and who exhibit their ax receipts and registration cerificates as required.in the general ilection should be allowed to vote. Within ten days after said clec- 1 ion is held, the board of trustees .hall notify the County Auditor of he result of same. W. M Moore, H E Coffey, Members Co Hoard Kd. * \pril 22. 1905. PI fl - THE 25 PE iinliirlimi of Col In the very best ket grown seed IR TOES. Red Ti While Bliss, Peerl Hebron and others ces, Onion Sets am J at MACKOI KIH Ever) Man and Wnma The NeW Y( Because it is the strongest com puny i ecause its policiou protect one millii ecause it has over 390 million assctl Becauso it has over 380 millions lies* ecause it paid in dividends in 1904 i ecause it is purely mutual. It has i Because its assetts belong to the poli eeauso it does not invest in stocks a ecause its policies contain only or iremiutn " ecause the iosuted loaves to his vvido Ba law suit, ecause its policies are incontestable Because it paid in 1904 #40,000,00C ecause it is the best estate you can ecause it gives you the best protect for the money. |ecause you can't afford to carry anythu best. Call on J. 10. BL.\ClvMON of Lam ilication. ^3sas^as^^asasasas^?F?rk Ltife. \ u the world, m families. ts. >rve Fund, nver $5,900,000. 10 capita! stock cy holders. nil industrial securities. 10 condition "payment of vv or estate a legacy and not and nonforfeitable. I to its policy holders, leave to your f*~iily. lion and investment combined ig else when you can get the master and give him your apsggagagagasKagaaaagg MAINS at our store. We have at \vc only handle first make the price a little :ncc of this fact is the in>t square dealing to all. SPECIALS ur price per yard 25c. fard pieces Worth 20c great bargains, at the great bargains, at the hort length 10c. White with at 5c per yard. sy&WH ccs this week. Our line DU will be surprised to /e them from 2c. the yard re beauties and the price ft 5 rts that arc beauties and ice, so that just leaves the it is your price. Til T *^lT pg nSHtt ts. 3.00 Serge Coat our 7 last, 1.75. ast, 1.48. last, 1.25. are making a noise on RY thing in this line, as our lave to say, put it in a box, I IMH ? ,oud i r ?tfTffl 'M Ti 1> i> "XfTfBTT II CsS5S2SKSS2K5$2BKSE2^CSK^kSik W