tua! Mattn s j> -?Mrs. J. 1). VVylie and Mix. ?. L. C. l'ayscur arc visiting tin? hitter's Mrs. J.'G. Poorc, Colum- | bia, S. C. I ?Mrs. W. S. Taylor and child ren visited relatives here this < week. t ?Married op Thursday, April < 20, 1905, by Rev. T. A. Dabney, 1 Mr. Wylic Mchaffcy and Miss ? < Helms, at the home of the ofTiciat- ? ing minister. ' ? Mr John Miller has moved to his father's late residence, and Mr W 1" Cloyd will occupy Mr. Miller's cottage on Main Street. ?A protracted meeting will j begin in the Methodist church ^ next Sunday and will continue ^ through the week. Rev Watson B Duncan, of Rock Mill, will as- s sist the pastor. ^ ?The Methodist church was , very prettily decorated for the , Raster services last Sunday and ( the congregation was unusually j large. ? Mr George Rlackmon went S over to Rock Hill yesterday tc have an operation performed on s one of his feet which has been c giving him considerable trouble t from the effects of his stepping on 1 a nail several years ago. v ?Mrs. Geogc Williams and v f baby, of Lancaster, passed through yesterday morning on s their way to Savannah to visit ^ her relatives. Mr. Williams ac- c companied them to this city and ' returned 011 the next train.? ll Chester Lantern. ?Mr. A. Goodale, a juror, t came to town Monday "broke out" with the small pox. He was very quickly granted "leave / of absence" and he returned home the same day.?Cheraw Chron- ^ iclc. ] ?Providence permitting, there will be preaching at Douglas Pres- 1 byterian church next sabbath r morning at I I o'clock. g ? Messrs. Leroy Springs and ' R. E. Wylie have been elected delegates to represent the Lancas- | ter Lodge K. of P., at the grand lodge meeting at Beaufort, May s 16th. Messrs. Geo. W. Williams | and Hazel Witherspoon were elected alternates. ? Mr. H. IL Shute returned < yesterday from Black Hawk, Miss., where he has been spend- f ing several months with relatives. (. Ilis brother, Mr. Sylvester Shute, ^ accompanied him home and will ^ spend a month or so on the H stamping grounds of his boyhood days, ---The ease of W Alonzo ( Hughes, respondent, vs. Western ^ Union Telegraph (Jo., appellants, t was restored to the d3cket in the t supreme curt, and on 'Thursday H lusl arguments were heard. J H j Marion for appellant, 11 E Wylio t for respondent, and P A Wilcox f in reply. 3 ?'The school at Rich Hill, taught l>y Miss Jerusha Mitchell r of Rock Hill, closed last Friday r afternoon with < xercises bv the t pupils and an address by Prof ? Bank", Supt of the Lancaster ? Graded schools. This is one of \ the most progressive schools in \ |be county. Two years ago the 1 school there was taught in ism ill c one-room frame building, the en- < folimont hardly exceeding 40 i scholars Now the patrons havo erected a nice two story building And (ho enrollment for the session j just closed vvu* morj than 100 ( scholars Mm* Mitchell has born re-elected principal for tho next t ecfiolasiic year of eight months and her assistant will lie elected * later. She spent Saturday and ^ Sudsy here with Mrs J 10 Black- , * *' nion and left for Hock llill Mon- : j ,' day where she will spond the vu cation with her parents. - Col Spffngs Is having the old jw ' WitllCrhpoon"or "Kibler" lions . \ it the conie f Main and Arch * Streets torrt clown preparatory to n jrading the lot'for the magnificent s lotel and storerooms he will ^ lave erected on the square. The ' 'Boyd" house will not be torn x Jown but will be moved later to *' :hc l'oag lot on the square in rear f if where it now stands. lie will 1 lave a x-room cottage erected in his "Heath" lot, 011 Catawba J dreet, out of the building he is * low having torn down. Morrison Lynching to Receive I 1 ( vestt" alien w " C A iininhor f which was that she died of j leart failure. Mrs. Garris was ^ bout 70 years of age and leaves j hree children, all grown, survivng her. Ilcr remains were taken o Taxahavv Sunday for inter- ^ nent. s " II Another Sudden I>?rtli ^ Mr. Jolut Taylor, of the Wild j Tat section, a son of Squire John ^ Taylor, aged about 48 years, died Sunday night last, April 23, 1905. ^ le ate supper as usual and had lot complained up to the time of [oing to bed. During the night le awoke, raised up in the bed, ltd before anything could be lone for hint he fell back dead. n t is thought that he died of ? ome organic heart trouble. His ? . \ emains were buried at the towell grave yard Monday afterloon. # _ 11 >tlier Heaths Mi s Hunt I v, wife of Mr .1 W v luntly of Kershaw, nn estimable " hiHlian hidy, aged about 73 ' ears, died la*t Thursday, April 10, 1905, after a serious illness of 11 ovcral months I<\ ur children 1 lUrvivo her. a ? A special front llnnu.org, S. ^ J , to Tito State, announces the loath of Mrs M E Ferris, wif nf s' _ , t iev JhIm-z Ferris, formerly paeor of I ho Baptist church at Ke?- ' haw. Mrs Ferris died in u hos- * til ill in Philadelphia where she " i.?d been- taken for treatment, w laving been an invali 1 the past 14 ? n -ears a ?Died, at the home vf his o nother, at this place, on Thursday ^ light, April 20, 1905, of consump ^ ion, Mr Quinn Wilson, aged y ibout 30 years. Me leaves a wife wul one child. Mr Wilson's home vas at King's Mountain and he t vas here on a visit to his mother ii loping to be ' benefitted by the " :hangc. Mis body was embalmed ^ ind sent to King's Mountain on j Saturday for burial. v *? ?. a ?For Rent! 4-room cottaee on v Dunlap street. Also 2 3-room :ottages on French street and 3 e J-room cottages on Arch street, s Apply to T. S. Carter, Agt. ( Foley's Honey and Tur contains \ 10 opiates, and will not consti- \ >ato like nearly all other cough ^ nediclnes Refuse Substitutes [ Sold hy Funderhurk Pharmacy. ^ BAWHER a? At. v fc. 1 kit moit ItMlIno iftlvo In t*"? worl<* H uiniher Metiooi for TeAt& jf* Instead of a county summer cliool this year there will be held district summer school at Yorkille loi the teachers of* Chester, Cherokee, l'*airfield, Lancaster mil York counties. The school viil open on Tuesday, June 13th. \rrangcmcnts have been made or board in Yorkville at Si 2. 50 or the school term of 30 days, j The faculty will consist of Prof. [. W. 'Thompson, Rock Hill; hlllt \V. II- Hand ("hpstrr: jupt. I). L. llrainlet, Kershaw, Hid Miss llattie Goldsmith, jreetivillc. A special teacher of 1 rawing will he appointed later or two weeks. Amoral of IVInj II F. Miller. 1 he futiorul of M?.j. 1> F Miller J it the Mcthodi.-t ehu'rh last Sat- j inlay morning v.as ono of the i urgent attended funcruls hero for i ears--the chinch and Sund or eho >1 room being crowded so tint many had to stand in tho isles. Itev K F Tnrnipseed, ho pastor was assisted in tho ij ervice i?y itev .I II Koldridge, I). i| ) , of the H ipti.st church. The ntermenl took place in West side emetery with the honors of tho j| lasonio fruternity of which Maj ! ililhr was a member and an of- < cor lor years. Tho floral olfer- '! wore many and beuulifnl ji spcciail) lloral tributes sent by Jj ho lainoaster Chapter U I) C. i The pull b nrora were Cupt J P j iunter, Maj ,) M Kiddie, Col i| jcroy Springs, Messrs W T i irefill y, .J M Hood and \V McD* j 1 row n ! In connection with ttiis notice ! I inn\ not ho out of place to stuto : liat Maj Miller left two sisters \ iirviving him, instead of only one, [ s \\\.s stated In the notice of Ins out h in Sulurda) 's issue, Mrs. uito McMillan of Jefferson, and lis \j. M. Blair, widow of the lie Dr Isaao Blair, of Monroe, - - + <*> ?i ^ > utii ol'Claude Wilherspoon () ir community was shocked unduy afternoon I ?y V ho an on .cement of the sudden doutli ^ f Mr Claude Vitherspoou, which ccurred at his mother's homo on ( Vhite Street a hour. 4 o'clock ( roni some organic heart trouble. 1 In was not foaling as well as ' siial, hu* was up, and at the J linn lie was stricken was in con ersation with Dr It C Brown, bo had dropped in to see him < lis death was very Midden and a real shock to his many friends ml tilings special grief to his ged mother, his devoted sister lid two surviving brothers. Mr Withorspoon was a son of lie lute Hon Goo MeC Witliorpoon and was horn July t>, 1S55. le .vas a prominent planter in lie Western section of the conny ar.d was highly esteemed as a inn of business integrity, and all Mil testify to the sterling quality f bis character. tie was also a lan of fine intellect and of liter- ( ry taste, unci was well informed < n all subject# A polished gen- < Ionian, a good citizens, esteemed * y all who knew him, Claude ( VilLerspoon will he greatly miss.1 in our community. t His remains were interred in < be family plot in the Presbyter111 church yard Monday after- < oon uf or funeral services, con- j 11 - led by Uov Or Eraser of the t *i osbyterian church, with Mason- I a honors, of which fraternity he < fas fiu enthusiastic member. The total tributes were many and 1 cry pretty, especially one?ado- s ign of the masonic emblems the I quare and compass being of vergteen and tho letter G of mall white flowers. The pall bearers were: Active- J il Crawford, -It b Crawford, iV M Crawford, 11 E W'ylio, MS V bhei spoon, Hazel 'Vitherspoon; lonorury M P Crawford, VV Mel) 1 frown, .1 E Stewman, H Cunninglam, VV II Ueevcp, T K Cunninjfiam, ,? P C Caskoy, .las P Allion. 1 M ^ - . - gggggwif ITHH SHIRT jj | WAIST GIRL I | Is More Popular ? J |Jhan Ever And| | With Reason. 11 1 THE NEW I * I SPRING STYLES | 1 i & as shown here, are so dainty, W | so attractive, it is no won- j| | ^ dor women like to wear ^ | them and men like to sec ^ !them. Come and sec A the very latest crca- pj I A I tions in shirt waist S i K??d' i i | We know you will enjoy g 1 ji the visit. Especially as Q a 8 W 1 our prices will enable ? J you to have a lot more ft I? changes than you 59 8 i thought you could ^ Jj afford. | J | Williams=-Hughes Co. | j ! I6 s |: ssssasasaaasasQsssasQsasas Notice of Election. An election will be held at Ueuth Springs, Lancaster county, in Tuesday, May 9th, 1905, for ho purpose of determining the pi est ion of increasing the spocial vy of that school district from 1 mills to 5 mills. All voters i.ust present registration certitijates and last tux receipt Robt B Mac hey, Chr Boar 1 of Trustees. April 2G, 1905. Notice of Election. Whereas one third of the Free lolders and one-third of the '.lectors, residing in Dixie School District No 17, in Lancaster coun y, State of South Carolina, have petitioned the County Board of Education to order an election in laid school district to decide vhether or not a special tax of our (4) mills shall be levied on ill real and personal property in =aid Dixie School District, No 17 'or school purposes. Notice is hereby given that an election be held, by the trustees pf said school district on Satur Jay, May I o, 1905, at Dixie school house in the said school district, they giving at least two iveeks notice in a county newspaper and by posting notices at hrce public places in said school listrict. At which election only such :lectors as return real or personal property and who exhibit their tax receipts and registration certificates as required in the general election should be allowed to vote. Within ten days after said election is held, the board of trustees shall notify the County Auditor of the result of same. W. M Moore, H K Coffey, Members Co Hoard ICd. April 22. 1905. ?Floridora Cotton Seed, 75 cts [vr bushel. H M Culp, R. F. L). No. 4, Lancaster. 3t ?For rent 1 4 room cottage. Apply to W I* Bennett. 3t 1 PL A THE 25 PE IfiliH-linii til' fill In the very best ket grown seed 6 E TOES, Red Ti White Miss, Peer! hickrricc, so that just leaves the hat is your price. w? vv DTiliiN fr mts. 3.00 Serge Coat our cy last, 1.75. : last, r .48. :y last, 1.25. c arc making a noise on m r thing in this line, as our 1 have to say, put it in a box, sss?s2sss?sss:{& lOUD j gg