? ' ""ffSsRxkrw a. ax&mK f ~ ~ \t: 1 rrcb *irx> uaaaosa, i ; ^ - -f- -r * ' ' 9mmm? - . v. * ' . , cn i n ? . .1. iv -mimm mmmrnrn^m ? ? . .. . ? wl?lr.Ivl^Y The 1)33 cf Cotton Should 1)3 Poshed. South Carolina Division of tho Snithom Cotton Association Tak Uo Mr. YVagenor'fl Suggestion. Too State. Tho officers of the South Cmo'in i division of th o Southern Cotton association have taken up tho movement, started by the Southern Who'esale Grocers, to push the use ??f bags or sacks made of cotton Tins matter was per sou tod in detail in The S.at? of Thursday and has attracted at t niton all over the south Th idea is to carry out in a praciicte nv one of tho propositions on which tho Soii'hern Cotton a s> ciation was founded - to incr? u?o tho mat kot foi cotton cnoils n* well as to reduce the acreage usod in production of cotton. sYlnle some want to cicaln a gieater demand for cotton goals in tho orient to cnpplnnt the costly silks, tho practical bu?u.fs? men o expanded right here at home by demanding thai mannfaelui era us > cotton instead of jute and burlap for bagging. Indeed theie h is been sonic t il* of the people of tiio south resorting to the use ot white duck, cottonades and other cotton fahi ics for cloihing in the world that ve prefer wearing apparel made ol otir (mvii he mo staple 1'tis was done per force during tlio War Between the Sec'ions, when ucce*nitv i** v next .summer they will have the people of ti,e smith wiring to use cotton goods to an rxtont unprecedented. While this wearing nppaie' proposition may appear to be some what chiruoricel, yet there imuch foice and logic in tho m ?venient to demand the uso of cotton instead of burlap in marketing grain, in shipping fertilizers, ad in other commeicial uses. This would increase tho consumptu n of cotton by hundreds of thousands of hale*. Mr. K. H. Weston, secretary of tho South Carolina division, has sent to every county organization an earnest appeal to stand by tho movement for tho increased use of cotton in the mlknufacture of bugs and bagering. He has also written to Mr. Geo A Wegener of Charleston commending the movement of which Mr. Wagoner is tho lending spirit. Following is Mr. Weston's letter to the connty organizations: lll am sonding yon under separate cover by today's mail an nrtieln in infomnm. ?i - ' ?..vu I"' HIU (1*15 OT cotlon hags. J consider this one of the most iniportant matters that our association can under lake. You will recall that at ?ho timo th?? association was form* d, it wa* not only to meet tho proBent emergency, but to endeavor to enlarge tho field for cotton g->ods Thoro is no reason in the world why wo should buy article* for our consumption?especially fertilzjrs ?sacked in anything but y " : ! I cotton hue-. I w-ili ; u would read carefully tliL marked mi le'o. unci also !!)?> editorial; and if u siMo ?;e' vcMir county j?:i?>i?i*s co puhliah 't. Later we will ndc tlie count v oroiinixutions of tljo u.sa ? . ciution thronaoui tho t;iIo to adopt resolutions rccjues'in.o t' o fertilizer pnmn?niou .m.l ?.< I - - -I who u?o sack* to '.isc only coMmi sacks; and wo should give pro- ' feronc" i > ihoso fertilize- companies itiul nu rclmnts who uho t sUcks. ' A representative of Lhn Slnt.o ussiciatinn will shorty go to j Charleston for the purpose of conf e! ring wilh thoferlilizar pen- j pie and will ask thorn to use cot ton sacks.'' I ON' I' IK) UNO V I ROUBLE It U u bad habit lo burrow anything, l>ul tIio wnisl ibiug > on can possibly bonosv, is trouble When sick, sore, heavy, weary and worn out by the pains and poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness, Bright'* disease, "any similar in lornal disorders, don't sit down ' and brood over y nil* symptoms, < but 11 y for relief to Elec- , trie Bitters, lino you will lind , sure and permanent forget fulness , of all you?' troubles, and your body will not he bnrdom d by a load of debt disease At. Craw- I ford Bros , ?l. F Mnckoy & Co., | Fun ! m i?url< Pharmacy. Drug , stores Prices 50e. Guaranteed . ..? ^ j Vrrivd Of B II B-?y Saved Sam ^ .tone's Life. Montgomery. Ala, 21?Lev i> i " * >^tui . ii unci ui u 111 o rs v i it p j j Ga.,the wi ll known evangelist and lecturer, had an umisal experience horn yesterday with another minister who threatened his lite. Air. J inns was in Montgomery < enroule to Tuskegca, Ala., where > he tunight delivered n iocture to ?: Booker Washington's school v Sam P Windham, a Methodist proncher, whose home is at Ozark n Ala., accosted him on the streets li and persuaded him to accompany h Windham to the hitler's room in w a hotel. i No sooner were the t.vo in r Windham's room than the pro.u ii- n or turned to Mr dones after p fiivt locking the door and plaeii g it the key thereto in his pocket, and h said: "God has directed me to go w to Demopolis (Ala.) and get mar- t! lied and to take you with mo to perform the ceremony. 1'hon wo ? are to conduct a mooting in Dem- il opid's, after which we will return to Montgomery and conduct a uu e'.ing here. 4llf you don't assent to this, either you or 1 must die." v At this moment a hell boy i -i- i . - ... - ku >cacu ui me iionr >?nil infoimnl ( Mr Jones that he wai wanted at a the telephone. Excusing himself ho manured to leav j the room, ,| and n ,cdlea<* to say did n ?t re- p turn/ lie was /ollowed to tho deppt, however, hy Mr Windham K, who was arrested Ikoro hy Delec- | tive. Payne * jj .? **+ ' C{ NE V CURB" FOR CANCER p / VII. surface cancois are now f> known to hp durable by bncklen's Arnica Salve, .las Walters M of Duffield, Va., writ on: "1 bad a c.tncer on my lip for years, (but 1 seemed incorablo, I ill Bncklon'* V' Arnica Salvo healed it, and now hi it is perfectly well." Guaranteed ci cure for cuts and hums. 25c al Crawford Pros', J K Mackcy & Co'h, and Funderburk Pharmacy. Foley's Kidney Ciiro makes .j, kidne>*aud bladder right. Don't delay taking. Sold by Furrder- nt burk Pharmacy. cl if?'.*' * - . <* . - * -;iL J#S ' % ff - - ?- *~w j ''' ^ FTjis*": Fb-*Z?a i*Fnezzc&^a> t - 'not A Y' nn^ WhitoGivl SpitrhinlitiJV, April' .-?.A ' young infiu named Nftn.ce ami A"A<* Ilk-hop. v !:i men, got into 11 liifliculty tin- 'mng in -Walkc* Row in ?t Kin!. N :iobe ahd :it Hi-Ifop ssnlTmi-s'wl, lieVili ^ >t I nek a small white gir l nnauhy. ; It is sail! that she will not live 1 Hi?hop has I'at arrested tunl ill i \ 'oli < ',*? hit ar king fin* N.ntjfc. ' Ho mo: woie tit inlvitt ; ii is ie i pot tod. ?A An DM'"Negro Iviihal; . Laurens, April 213 ? Aeti'og on information contained in a ot ief ' lite a .o from Magistrate (Jumphell of Wutcr I Sheriff l)uc4?ft'? * leputfie went to tlio vicinity of (Jwiegsville, 14 iiiihs southvVcst 1 if this city, this afternoon tt) in-! vestigate the killing lust igight lit j' ?is home of Abo MclMm^K ft'' worthy negro auttI 00. The oflieors havo not returned at this 1 innr an'I details of th<- affair are 1 ncagro According to reprla ti 1 > u i v of \\ 1111 i:k n went to Me Daniel's k one i'or lb? purpose of 1 i 'ggi'ig c .rtuiii members of his ' family A >o undertook to defend lis people and was killed. 1 Jmpiinl A Slioigun 1 to 11 s Oiyn , Heart. Iv.i, April 21. Mr. Jim Mc-!'' aiiiotigh, u young man about 20 A ?: 27 years of aire, commit lt d1 - ucide lalo ) ostorday afternoon p >y shooting him-rlf in the h..a l k ith n shotgun. it is not known tlj.it ho over .itimntod that he had any mler:i >n oi killi?i?r himself, .oil hough e said so ill o trnui ago that. In rould j'.-t toon he dead a-, altv . !e was suffering Id the time uith| hcumatisni and for sotro time thv , ! *i midy lirtflo has not bt-eri as, li'jisunt us it might have bean and j - " I is thoughtthat for the s-j iwir n-, o committed the rash :?d'. rle|, i\ rent.oul in the yard and played , , j ' . . la ?b gun again* t the garden fence i nd called his brother who was I Cl! orking nearby, and then lir?>d j iie fatal s! .>1. m pi b ai mers of G roenvilio Will lie- (.j dace 3d Per Cent. tl Gr^tdi'villo,- April 23.?A can- w ass made by Mr W. N. Blakely m f this city anioiigJ.hu I'g, rdy 1,71'7 notvs in c ttlon, a do- f,A ease in acreage of 3G per c-nt. at Th * fact that this information ?c as gathered from the most reli- '' jle farmers of tho county, and ving as they d ? in p.l) touts ofrt-: j V ' ' I * I , , ?o ?t?u ty, !. : diiol.ioii ' -J 9%w-w .? i^Cv\i% J$p!&S9C&C :-;^3a .?*Cter5?*-r. ,^-2TOS?3^TC5aroC3G ieiievs Musi Answer to Federal tiivermeni. 1 *i: i i'> r Kit:*; tins Cl*?sts?l :;??! (??.no to Snvunnnl* hut is K\pi'ctctl to Return. I'lio Si nt<\ W II. Flcili is. iho fur-fumed h'io 1 |t.i : K:f?r, will ho attested hittcii w.in tnl issued hy ibo I nilcd St.t'ts cotirl n*. (irectiv!! 1" is u>n :.* h' ret in tin t.? (\ilnmhin -m ?avnnnah. I'o i> charged' will' vi.dati -'g vh': internal revenue I law of the 1 *i: !im| ?t ites in aid fit. and abdling in '.he t ranspnrtai n ff illicit whiskey and in a j w lri-k y at wholesale under a C'lsiilei' license. The amount oa he bond d by the court v< S 1,000, and the ease will lie i aid to hot*. It will bo rodlod that Purr made a will in hien ho left th.o policy to Ins >lho'r, but as tho face of tho licy was not changed it was deled that the money would have , > he paid tho boncticiary. It as said that Mrs. Parr, the tother, had signed a release so ir as tho will was concerned. - , olnnvbia Record. UhL OP rRAG 10 M Id v N f NO v ihebo linos from ,1. 11. Sim- '< ioijs^ of Casey, la. Think what . light have resulted from his tor- , b'q cough if he had not taken ic medicine ahout w bicli lie writes 1 had a fearful cough, thai dis- 1 iqtyed frny night's rest. I tried erytliing, hut nothing would reiVbn, until 1 1?m k I)r. King's ew Dijpcovovy for Conrnmptioii, tiil^^slnncl Colds, which cotitbrcty cured mo. *' Instantly rejvC"? and permanently run e all : ouiflild lung disbgsesj prevents pneumonia At Craw-J rd P. Mkckoy & Co., id Ftindcurburk Pharmacy. drug(st; guaranteed; 50c and $1.00. t rial bottlo free, , j ?One Thousand bushels slight - !l damaged corn meal at 50 cents rr bushel. Bennett Grocery Co. ^ c (fhi "id : l... .. ,4 vir1 ?4J? ?c? J?clt5gss2& [Bigamy Charge Against Rillard 1 i I ?7 j Indiana Mun VVh > Got in Smith i , Cnf lin;i Must Ahhwit to I Ll\VS of i'hi i ^tulO. 1 li special to Greenville New.*. Columbia, April '21 - That so- <_ culled Orangeburg romance took n I i ?onou* turn today wb 'ii I) K< i; . 1 you ?V Millri'd v. . r.m 1. 1 fo" v bigamy, oti information s ;-t ' \ that town from St George-;. l)r ; Millard, who is from !;,ui u a;. > ' ; lis, was married yorte day to M - > ?? 11 J V ' I I i k I VI 'Olgt . { mill tbo roism fur hi- urr st i | f tii-t ho Las anothci \vi?\? from n whom ho was -epuraied by u do }' orco of the divorce c url . lie <; denounced his an-si as being u wholly. wn Hi and malicious y and intimated tint ho would o make n Imt light in tho nmrt . a As tho story runs, Mi.-;; KonVon saw the d.c'or'.- nnmo i1 h tho newspaper sumo months ng" ' and believing thut In was a rein- c live of her fiunily wrolc to him, receiving a prompt iep!y. i'hor< d was a ijuicli friendship between n iho two. I'hey met in Bt.Louis during the World's Fair and the w other day Dr. Millard came lu re it to claim tho young woman for his o hiide. rho couple had some dlf Jm tieully at lirsl in having the cere- a: tnony perfonued; but thev tinally si went to the Bapti-t parsonage w where they were united in the ft bonds of wedlock by the Rev E. tc M. Eightfoot, a Baptist divine In a card published today the iii minister declared that ho would sj not have oilici tied had h > known < dc tii J .Millard was y proceeduig. av L'ndor the South (hirolina laws Si livorocs cannot bo granted and they are not recognised by tbc tli ?tute court. Friends of Dr. Aliilard, however, contend that one nun in-a wealth cinn-d owrridi II' mother, and they say 'hat one- c> Ihing is liable to happen in view "" ?f the arrest toda '. Tho wedding J l is already attracted considerable i.itonuty, and in view of Ibislatei jbnptcr to day it may he more in.cresting still before everybody imtisrtcd. PI Murdered and Tied to Tiee. ni 11 untiuglon', \V. Va , A (nil 22. wi Bound band and foot and tied a I l,? .. I I I--. I-- 1 - ' - O 1 - hi 11 nci , mi' ihjuy m a win-uress 111 3,1 man war, found today near I?i1 1 I VI y with a knife blado thru-t pa through his lu ai l. Hi -j throat hi: had 1) u cut from car to oar, and it is I clievc 1 that ha was murderrd before l',o v ns lict) to tho tree. I'inneh to the coat of the man was i piece of papar bearing the in- ? scription: "Von will bother us no ' more.'' The body has not been ideali- ' led. Voiey's Honey and Tin is host sr eioilp and whooping cough ,v iniains no opiates, and cures piick ly < hi re ful mothers keep it lio h\uiso. Sold by Fondcrhurk 'hai'UHQy. ^ $109" mwarbT* si 1 A reward of ijU 00, will l>o pnitl tjt< or tho at rest niid conviction oi lie party or parties who set fire 0 and Inpmed ro> barn and sluMes tbnul tliri e milca Nm I'n of Vr n ]), A'yck, oh Wednesday afternoon Vpnl 12,1 DOS. J. I) Nisbet, 3' Vprii 20, 1905-2t. A] * ? ITij. *"*^* 1*1\ ^Sfp * T "^s^r^.'-si11 \&' J Z^jjvr133 IteCT^gf) K.B4ABL18HKb.***? ' 1:-4? i s i f the Nan Patterson (hlflO. .'n\i(> 4, llM-4? Dcnsar Young, bookmaker, while riding m a inr.tso li cab with Nan Patterson, . choi us girl, was mysteriously hot to death with a pistol at tho orncr of West Broadway and '"rnnkiin streets at ?..*>0 am. Nan '.it'i ;-son was arrested, charged i; 'i nurder, art! committed to ho I'om 14 ' .11 I .vuui 11V Y lv'lilU or the po< pie, Abraham Levy in! Daniel O'Ueilly for the doenso Alter the trial hud pro-' yo.sed for ten days one of the it u was taken ill and, on Noember 20, the jury was dismissd and the trial postponed until :? ther jury c mid b\ impaneled. December 5, 1904 -Nan Patarson's second trial was begun efore Justice Davis in tlie same nurt. It continued to December '3, when the jury, after a long (liberation, disagree 1- They erosaid to stand 0 to 0. April lb, 1905 ? N'an Patterson as railed for trial for third time i the same court. At tho request !' the district attorney it was oslpoi.cd, as .1 Morgan Smith ad his wif>, Nan Patterson's -tor, who had been sought for as itnesses by the State, had been >und in Cincinnati and wero ) bo brought to New YorkApril 11 -.J Morgan Smith and > wife were charged with conir.cy to extort money fiom tho :ad man, Young, and committed default of bail. April 17 ? Nan Patterson's trias i? postponed until next day, /ailing decision of court on nith's letters. April 18 -N'an Patterson'1 ird trial begun. - -*-ua? ?? - M thers can safely uive Foley's oney and Tar to their children for nglis and colds, for it contains i opiates or other poisons. Sold ' Fun lor bur.? Pharmacy. Senator O 11 Piatt Dead. Washington, Conn., Aptil 21. United Stales Senator O 11 att of Connecticut died hero togbt. The immediate cause of his death ,s 1 lio breaking of an abscess, lich had formed in the right tig. Strangulation followed. io sonator was conscious and npuently without pain until tho st moment. -?+.39 or* CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. he Kind Y :: Have Always Bought ? I loridornCotton Seed, 75 eta r bushel. 11 M Ctilp, 11. F.L). o. 1, L'inea?der. 3t ? For rent ! 4-room coltnge, .1.. W 1> 1? " , '1 'I 1 IW ? ? I IJt.'IJ [ll'l I . > t Buy your ICuslor Shoos from Big lot new sty les. Tan ppcrs f,?r men, Indies find chilcn just in. \Y ill hum-! Inches Co. ?l4or Rent! 4-room cottage on unl.ip street. Also 2 3-room tinges on French street and 3 room cottages on Arch street, aply to T. S. Carter, Agt.