ii-- i in / t-A... ? , . f. ; - ?*? \to I UM|rAi(ngH|Mr: f*rr{?g jtormteGa?e?13tojP\fclcK ?&a3a\ ^rtuBjCttra hinwiwirf | '32E8i5b^6& si | '" : l*. .i\;. \ r A V K U J| A r K I J, 2 ?, IU05 ' "~ KS'i'ABUSbKD1^"' Tip I!p 1 f r.nttnn fshnnlii Vp cotton !>? :-. 1 w>h < u would v.'Ki 04n*? iMb ? v *.? vi v a vviivn u'ii< l J \J Pushed. S nit?i Ovr. diiia Division of tho Smthurii 0 ?ttt?n A~i(Kai'ihon Tak's Up Mr. Wii^enor'a Sn^rgiist ion. Too Stale. The oiticers of the Sooth Ctuotin i division of tin Soot horn Cotton association have taken up tho moveniont, started by Uic Southern Who'esnle Cirocors, to posh I lit* use of hugs or sacks iuado of o )tto-i This matter vas pit f> on tod in detail in The Slab of riniisdny and litis ultracted at t uition all over tho sooth i li ido.i is tb carry out in a practieie way otto of llio propositions on wliieh tint Sou'hern Cotton ti s> ciation was founded ? to inor? m-o the mat hot foi cotton goods, ih well as to reduce the acreage usod in production of cotton. vVhile sonic want to ciouto a gteater demand for cotton goals in tho orient to topplnnt the costly silks, the practical business men of iho wholesale grocers' asa iciation have Been- an opportunity to declare that the market can lie expanded right here at home by demunding thai niuntifadui crs am cotton instead of jute end burlap for bagging. Indeed theie h is been some talk of the people of tiio south resorting to the use ot white duck, cottonaduH and other cotton fabrics for clothing in the world that ve prafor wearing apparel made ot our own Ik me staple Piis was done per force during the V\ ur Between the Sec-ions, when nccosuitv required the southern pec p!f to live very, very ec>uoini<.Ml]y. To h()ij>4 Ihio might appear to carrying the "movement'' to an extreme approaching fanaticism, l>ut. the earnest leaders in the ctfort to pet cotton into the control ot the producers think that l?v next summer they viill have the people of l!?e south wiring to use cotton goods to an extent unprecedented. While this wearing appaie' proposition may appear to bu s?nmowhat chiraoricel. yet there imuch foice and logic in tho m ?veinont to demand the uso of cotton inuf ntwl r\f Knol.irv I- ?i? Ii.^v /f?< " "HI |II|I III III HI" K t'll II g grain, in shipping fertilizer.*, n>'d in other commeicinl uses. This would increase tho consumpth n of cotton hy hundreds of thousands of hates. Mr. F. H. Weston, secretary of tho South Carolina division, has sent to every county organization an earnest appeal to stand hy 1 ho movement for tho increased use of cotton in the manufacture of bags and bagging. He has also written to Mr. Geo A Wageuer of Charleston commending the movement of which Mr. W?genetis tho lending spirit Following is Mr Weston's letter to the eonnty organizations: 4,1 am sonding you under separate cover hy today's mail an ~ o. ... -1 niuviti IX lOIUIOIIUU l" U)() llHO OT | cotlon bags. J contddor thia one I of the moat important matters 8 that our association can under lako. You will recall that nt 1I19 5 timo the association svas formal, Sg it wa^ not only to moot tho proh. fiont emergency, hut to endeavor fl to enlarge tho field for cotton * g >oda Th?ro is no rtaeon in the f* world why wo should buy articles M for our consumption?especially Ss fertilz^rs?sicko l in anything but j rem} carefully thi-? marked urtio'cs land also !!> ? editorial; nud if p sible get vculr county papers to publish 'f. Later wo will ask the countv organizations of the nss >. rial ion tliroiiooiu tlio Statu to adopt resolutions requesting the fertilizer companies and others who 11 -.0 sack* to use ( uly colt n sacks; tu;d we should give pre ferouc i > (hose fertilize* cnmpanics and merchants who use cott<>ii sucks. l,.V representative of the Stu'.o iisa lciati'in will short, y go to Charleston for the purpose of conferring with the ferlilizar penpie ami will ask them to use cot toll sacks.'' ion'r tioitho .v i rouble ll i~ a bad hatiil to borrow unytlong, lull the wnist thing \ on can possibly bortow, is trouble. When sick, sore, heavy, weary ami worn-out by the pains and poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness, Bright'* disease, "any similar inlernal disorders, don't ait. down and 11rood over your symptoms, but 11 v for relief to Electric Bitters. Hero you will tint sure and permanent forget fulness of all yoio* troubles, and your body will not he burdom d by a I load of debt disease At. ('rawford Itros , ,1. F Mnolycy <>c Oo., Fiind'iburU Pharmacy. Drug stores Prices 50c. Guaranteed Vi rival Of H II Hoy Saved Sam il(.nu'b Life. Montgomery, Alii, 21?ltev Sam P. clones of (J u tersvillf, Gu.,the wtill known evangelist mid lecturer, hud an unusal experience here yesterday with another minister who threiUencd his life. Mr. I inns was in Montgoniyry enroute to Vuskogoe, Ala., where he tonight delivered a iocture to Booker Washington's school Sam P Windham, a MoUiodlet preacher, whose homo is at '.Ozark A lit nnofiul a> -v* mm ii'- r??i ivanuil in the telephone. Excu*in?? himself he managed to leav ? the room, h ft < 1 n null eft- to say Jid n >t re turn/ tjo wn-i 7ollowed to tho depyt, however, l?y Mr VVindham who was arrested there by Detective Payne NE V CURE KOR CANCER v VII. surface cancels are now known to he Curable by Rneklen's Arnica Salvo. ,Jns Walters of Dutlield, Va., writes: "1 bad a cancer on my lip for years, that seemed incurable, till llucklon'Aruica Salve healed if, and now it 16 perfectly well." Guaranteed euro for cuts and (turns. 25c nl Crawford Bros', .J F Mnckcy vfc Co'h, and Fnnderlturk Pharmacy. \ Foley's Kidnoy (hire makes kidno>? and bladder fight. Don't delay taking. Sold by Funderburk Pharmacy. :: in uiu oiuiu. 1 ~"TT " ' / *. - ? V i limn id ' y ill.- AN-It (lt?r I; -poudunt.s of i lit" ('o!uinl?i:i* Slate ami tin; 1'hai h'stnn News iir.il ( i nrier. .-J . > i . - *r~ . *3 r-; ' v to T'? S. to-) 1 .' hut A Y un^ White Girl j Sparlnnlm.r^ April i}^. ? A \o.injyr 111:115 M'.mieil NaKofe ami Afs j I?ishoj>, v. I:i; uii'ii, t into n I diflieuliy t! 11 ^ v- wn^ in Wiilkcs i Row );i Wcet Km!. Manor nh >t | # i :it ni^Toip Vifi'l miIm*' (!, lint tin? trill shuck ti small white ?irI noucliv. Il is stiiish n Iris .It 'i-n n rested and lii are tir? !ti:i?j for N .tioo. / !M I .1 . I IU 1HC t' (II HI K HI r It I . 10 |H?I to.'. ir. * r An (Vd"7\<-g i .i !vii!<-?k Laurens, April 23 - \cding on information contained in n niicf from AJ agist rule (JaiupO' II i?i Waterloo,Sheriff Ducljift'y deputiu went to the vicinity ,of Ovviirgsvilie. 14 ihihs southwest uf this city, this afternoon, ti) in-! vestigate the kiiiing lust tpght ut j tiis homo of Alio MelMmOK ft worthy negro aged .(50; The N?ftieors Imve not ri turned at this hour an I (let:!ils of the alfatr arc meagre According to rep rls u party of \\ liit*- na n went to Me Daniel's I. one ior th? purpose of ti 'gging c.;ttu'n^ members of lit* family A >0 undertook to defend his people and was killed. j Kuiptud A Shotgun Into II 8 Own 11 eu 11. Iva, April 21. -Mr. Jim Me- ' Cuijough, u young nun about 2d j4 or 27 years of age, committed j. MlcidvJ late yesterday afternoon j by shooting him-olf in the li,;i I with n shotgun. it is not known that h'o rvei , intimated that lie had any intro:-' lion of killing himself, \ |(dt hough j he said some tWno ago tihit Ii< I . r . ? P would ?tt Mion ho dead ?: > ??11v*t*. ! IP was Mili'vu iug at the time a ip i ' rheumatism ami for some timothy family 1 troli- tins ifot hi on usj nlfii-.int us it might have bo.maudj ' ,1 it is thought that for tin so reason-? [I ho committed tho rash :?C. Hot. wont c,t in the.yard ami pl.u -d |, the gun ngain-t the garden fence j ^ jandralhd his hrfcthfer who was' v.orUtug nearby, mid thin lirod tho fatal shot. Ktinners of Ciroenvilio Will lie- ( iluce 9$ For Cent. { Granville,- April 23.? A cm- > vass tnftdo hy Mr W. N Blakely i of this city umoiig_.the iirmors of \ (irociivillo county to the ( amount of l iTxl I hay Will plant in ( rtttftll lli'.-: vmif .. a"-s* i v:wui|i'iri'U Will) ] the previous your rev< :\U some interesting fuctnl , Forty-thrV? humors wore con , suited. Thirty-five of tliis nijrn- \ l ?w gave ?Yut the uiformrilion tlint 1 theyj.woiikl plant loss acreage in cotton this yenr; seven . would ( plai t '.he srtinc, and one colored ) farmer said h? would plant more. I | H.o total'ne-rcnjjw of those, com ( j suited for the y?nr T!>fM wits 1 2,713 acres, while for thov.proscnt ^ year the anno fnrmeia v\ ill pKrJt t only 1,717 n civ's in c >Mon, a do- f cronse in acreage of 1>G per c-nt. n | Th) fact that this information P Wim ff(i1l?rtf?'l '?" ,l ? i & \m i inn moK re 11 Iftblo f-irnifi's ?>f tho coufctv, and living.us tboy dt ' lacrenio in Mils o.'nVnty ' can liu 1 [closely determined. j.ntn must answer to recrrai l (ioverraent. I, Bimn iiyvr Ivinjjj Has Closed and (ioiic 'n Savannah but is Iv\peetcd to Return. f v I he S>ate. W. SI. Soll? is llio tar-fumed , htind kin?r, will he arrested ^ bench warrant issued l>y the j Cniud Si. .w . of the I'nitod States in i i?l . r>L iiul ab-tting in the transport!:- ( ft ni of i!l;cii whiskey and in ^ i: i it ' ri _ 1 . % . i .. 1.. I . -I ' .. _ ...... . <. i ?> 111 ui;> 1113 W l'< 11*1 ii ( tcla'dc:' license. The amount oa , tks b -n.l ..a* lix:I?y the court . :>4 $1,('t )i), a:. I the ciso will t?< . it ?d Sti the next term of court. , lie is prepared to give bond i nd \vi!l he ready for trial when the ease is called. ' At r.iosont Hellers hs in Havan1 a rah. He left hero at 1 o'clock ( Tbnrsla* night His place on ( th vais sit t?t i> closed and has v hot n since his departure. ( ..'re niaxitnutn penalty for aid in? and shotting in illicit trunsp Si ition of whiskey is live years' f iiu iisonment and :i linoof?5 000. , The penalty for wholesaling . under a retailer's licence is much lei* severe. v Pneumonia, is Kohhcd o'its Ter- h rors } )\ Foley's iiohey ami Far. It 1 ops the lucking cough and and n i.:ih and strengthens .the lungs. r li tjil.cn in.t:mo it will prevent an , . tack of pneumonia. Ucftisc . 1 i>titut'cSold try Funderourk " ' nrlnaey. Marion Pun's Insurance) Paid. (1 . l' .Marion Parr's insurance bus; ^ u6n puitl. The agent of the , i'irgitiin Life Insurance coinpun) ^ fcStenlay rct-oivcd :i cluck from { ^ 11:1 ho'trto office for the full j tjnfnnl carried by the man who o vua recently hunted ? $213. | ihe policy was made pawiblo to he'wifo of Marion Pair, Mrs. r s lUPurr, and, acting under the ^ ,i , in fitieh eases the insurance vni paid to lier. It will be rumlleil llial I'm r made a will in vliicn ho left the policy to his n >iher, "but as tho face of the jnlicy was not changed it was derided that thy money would hftvo ^ o bo paid the honcliciary. It ,vaa biiid that Mrs. Parr, the j not her, had signed a release so 'ar as the will was concerned. -- j, Jolumbia Record. ! ; i id, OP ruAop, M!& iMf NO i I iro thcso linos from ,1. II. Sun- n non*, |'f Casey, In. Think what s night hnvo resulted from his tor- v ;il?!d cough if ho hud not taken he rirtdicine about which ho writes 4I hud a fearful cough, that dis- {l uqtyed fny night's rot. 1 tried jveiytlfing, but nothing would reicvtrn, until 1 took Dr. King's S'ew Difecuvory for Consumption, " '?b?fltOjfelancI Colds, which coin- j cured.mo." Instantly reicvo'tfaftd'pormancntly euro; all fcr$if5tnd lung diseases; prevent* rti pminmoniu At Craw-1 viiil ltytts;, J. F. Miickey & Co., ind Fonderburk Pharmacy. drtig;c^t; guarantcetl; 50c and $1.00. < Trial bottlo .free, , ?Onci'l'liousand bushels slight- ? y damaged corn meal at 50 cents ' jcr bushel. 1 ' ' r Bennett Grocery Co. I1 siganiy unav^o Against fliliani i Alan Wlm (tot in Sou'li Carolina Must Ansv.rr to 11 u\ s of Hi is Stnt< . -'peoiul to trreenvido News. Columbia, April 21 That sorn!lo hat town from St Georges. Dr milliard, who is from Iruiat :i;.o is, \mi-miriiel yivtc day to Mi-, rdlio Kenyon i f St Georp . iiul tho rotsm for his a.r -t i h?t ho has an thcr wife from v bo in ho will separated by a ilo iroo of tho divorce court. lie lenouncid Ids arrest as being \ holly wring and malicious mil intimated that he would 11alto a hot tight in the jor.rt . As llicj story rmi-, Mia< K?mi on 8!i>v tlio nnmo ! he newspaper simiu months ago md tit lieving that Ik whs roi i ivo of her family wrote to him, ocoiving a prompt icply. i ! of' van a quick friendship between ho two. They mot in St. Louis luring the World's Fa r n ' tinit ho t- (tny Dr. .Millard enne boo o claim the young woman for his n itle. I'ho couplo h'.d some dificulty at lir-t in having the ceronony perfoimed; Ini thev tinalh vent to ttio Bapti-l parsonage vhere they were united in the louds of wedlock by tho Itev 10. d. Dightfoot, a L5a.ptist divine n a card published today tho tit ister declared he would ot have ollicl i'. 'd had h ; kt < Wn li.d .Millard was divoiced or that nolhei preacher hud sefu* d to nvc anything to do with the hap* y pr< coedmg. 1'nder the South (' ovinia laws ivorcv-s cannot bo granted and :my arc uot recognised by the tatfl court Friends of Dr. A!i 1 ltd, however, contend that on iimrncMiweuith euni?t override nothor, and thoy say that nine liing is liable to happen in view f the arrest torfa '. Tho wedding is already attracted cousidcrahle itonuty, and in view of this later hnpler to day it may be mom incresting nhll before. everybody is itisficd. ?n. Sold by Fnnderburk 'hut ?n?Qy. MM REWARD?*" A reward of SI 00, will bo paid ortboaireht and conviction il be party or pari it who -at lire o and turned m\ barn and stable bout three miles Noi th ?*f Vi n Vyck, oji VVcdrji^dnv afternoon Vpril 12,1903. J. 1) Nisbet, tpril 20, 1905-2t. ? Minors (1 !:?(. Nan Patterson (hiso. .'nno I, IJM'4 ? (Visar Voting, u bookitiuker, while riding in a T Imnso 11 cub with Nan Patterson, acinous girl, was mysteriously shot to death with a pistol at the corner of West Broadway and Franklin streets at 8.30 a m. Nan ib.th . son was arrested, charged who murder, ard committed to ihu Tom is without hail. \ N vcmbcr 15, 1001 -iler lirst trial began before dustico Vernon I M Davis in the supremo court ? Assistant Lb !i: t Attorney Hand for tho po pie, Abraham Levy j and Panic! O'lveillv for the do. fense Alter the trial had progressed for ten days one of the nror was taken ill and, on November 20, the jury was dismissed and tho trial postponed until another jtirv could b\ impaneled. Decembers, 1904 -Nan Patterson's second trial was begun before du-tice Davis in the same court, it continued to December 23, when the jury, after a long u liberation, disagreed- 1 bey wciosaid to stund G to G. April 10, 190.1?Man Patterson was milcd for trial for third time in the sumo court. At tho request of the district attorney it was postponed, as .1 Morgan Smith a:-.d his wife, Nan Patterson's si>ler, who had been nought for as witnesses by the State, had been found in Cincinnati and wero to ho brought to New YorkApril 1 1 ?.1 Morgan Smith and iii> wife were charged with conpiracy to extort money from tho lend man, Young, and committed in default of hail. April 17 ? Nan Patterson's trias \va.? postponed until next day, awaiting decision of court on Smith's letters. April 18 ?Nan Patterson'1 third trial begun. -