Weather and the Crops ftrM H'togier* In & ;! h Mlrtb'TR U IvOpOltcd. Washington, April 18.-1 ho Weather IWueuu crop report summary today says com planting in the South Atlantic and ICust Gulf States is about finished aod early corn is being cultivated. Cotton planting is much delayed in Mis uissippi iiii Th* ftl>h yf Cfiltott M \h<4 huytrs'Jllrl^g th6idat e!f{ht or letl Weeks raises the question whether the southern farthers have been sincere in maintaining that it costs seven cents per pound to produce it? It invites another question. Are the farmers ingenuous when they ask the sympathy and assistance of their fellow countrymen of the South? Do they really wish that cooperation of interests which will advance the price of cotton to nine or ten cents per pound and maintain it about that level? These arc pertinent questions, because the course of the farmcis during the last ninety days has a / !?? !*? ** ? - * rr> mem pcrtinenr. ine farmers were in better condition January I of this year to make a stand than they have ever been. Thousands declared themselves ready to make a stand; thousands declared there was only starvation ahead with seven cent cotton. The bankers, the manufacturers, the merchants and the press were asked into consultation. All interests unanimously agreed to stand by the farmer, to give him moral and financial support. A course was mapped ,out. It was determined, or rather it seemed to be determined, that as much of the cotton as was on hand should be held for an adYancc in prices and that there should be a reduction in acreage. Public 1 sentiment backed the farmers; in fact everybody appears to have backed the farmers except the J farmers. Day after day, week after week, cotton has been streaming ( to market. It has gone to the buyers by the twenty and the thirty thousand bales a day, only the existence of the association has prevented the bottom dropping out of the market. But the farmers seem to be satisfied with 7 1-2 cent cotton. Instead of a reduction of 25 per cent in acreage we hope for but fifteen; 11 .1 ...Ml I- - 1M.1 - many aiityc una' Will UC illUC Or nothing. What arc the allies of r the farmers to think? Will the t farmers not help themselves? ^ ?The State. OASTOni^L. 1 Boars the /) K'n(1 You Have Always Bou^ i eier ? . ? The Ledger, The Atlanta Journal, Semi weekly, and Tho Southern Cultivator, .ill three one year for $2., but must be paid for inudvance. Mothers can safoly give Foley's < Honey andTar to their children for , o nighs and colds, for it contains | no opiates or other poisons. Sold I?y Funderbtir?c Pharmacy. There's Nothing Lacking That We Know of In our offering of Seasonable Dry Goods. We have been very diligent in your behalf. Wc believe wc have brought together about as complete an assortment .f .1-! r. - i kji limits ior woman s wear as yon could imagine. But we cannot be sure os it until you give it your personal inspection, Will { you favor us to that extent? Printed colored cotton Fabrics of sheer quality, light summer dresses, and ginghams and linens (or " tub" suits, will of course be very popular. We sold several hundred yards of good colored lawn 3 yards for 5 cents last Saturday. Visit our store every day in the week and see what bargains we have. Very respectfully, Williams-Hughes Co. Foley 's Honey and Tar for chltiii rn.snft .sure. No op/ate* ? For rent! 4-roohi cottage. Apply to W P Bennett. 3t gf fi *i? ?*> I You Must Sieep. , If you cannot, it is due td Uti irritated or congested state of the brain, which will soon developc into nervous prostration. Nature demands sleep, and it is as important as food; it is a part of her building and sustaining process. This period of unconsciousness relaxes the mental and physical strain, and allows nature to restore exhausted vitality. Dr. Miles' Nervine brings refreshing sleep, because it soothes the irritation and removes the congestion. It is also a nerve builder; it nourishes and strengthens every nerve in your body, and creates energy in all the organs. Nothing will give strength and vitality as surely and quickly as Dr. Miles' Nervine. "During the past winter I had two attacks of DnGrippe which left mo very weak, and in bad condition. I was so nervous I could not sleep. My wife, after trying different remedies, went for a doctor. The doctor wns out. and a neighbor recommended Dr. Miles" Nervine, and she brought home a bottle. I had not slept for some time, and had terrible pains in my head. After taking a few doses of Nervine the pain was not so severe, and I slept. I am now taking the second bottle, nnd am very much Improved." HENRY M. SMITH. Underbill, Vt Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottlo will benefit. If It fails, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Niece of Andrew Carnegio Wod Mother's Coachman. New York April 1*0. ? It be came known today that Andre* Carnegie's niece, Nancy, wit secretly married about a year ag< to a riding master named Heaver whom she met at Newport. Th< jtory was continued by Mr. Car acgie. ,4My niece was uiarriec to Mr. Ileaver in New Yorl i I to tit a year ago," he said Mr. Heaver was a riding teach 3r in the family. The family hai io objection to the mutch Mr. [louver is an honest, upright man. [ would rather Nancy bad raarri ;d a poor, honest man than t vorlhless duke. We want nc ich man in the family." Mr. Carnegie said that Mr. and Vlrs. Heaver wont to Europ itnnediatoy after their mar inge. They returned a few dayi igo and are now on a visit to New England Mr. lleaver was formerly loachman for his wifo's mother, Vlrs. Thomas M. Carnegie, ir Pittsburg and at her winter hom< it Fernandina, Fla Ho was i ividower with two small childien ? Pay for The Ledger. .Notice to the Public. 1 will hold all inquests in th< county. Phono to my resulenci it Pleasant Hill for mo whei needed. ,J. Montgomery Caskey, opt. 20?tf Dnuta VVe have just gottcn'in our new lino of Oxfords and are now ready to to sell you anything you want. The most up-to-date shnpes just out. We have tho nicest in lown; prices to suit everybody. Would ho glad to show you through any time k'nMHWMfeMBIIMMMMKS CHERRY & CO. t i l K'V I II11L l'/.i itllli \ S! 'iCUIV. 1 car*. ^VV? ? * - ^ to.utt ft}l i ,J_\ u?ti? flg **D jbT" i\"' ty?-, *ua" W #*,??. 5* ? (j y4s f 3s * itttf. i ?" ^Prompt- I arru- tl'v r*^t2 ?-rV u In cation ju ? | inqinit, boilcn% qinninq mac hi n* i CRT. bavv MILt ANO woodworking H machinery. shinglc and lath ij machinery, corn MllLtt, h rick making machin* m buy, kinorco lines h GBBtS MACHINERY COMPANY. I Columbia, S. G. S A fm mmmmm '" u * mmwm1 ^? Dispute as to Flag GtOigU Claims ttmhtew Which \V HS Sc'it tO ? I *?rs SiJtlo' Spt'cial to (jrconviilc News; Columbia, April 18.?According to a letter receiver! from the Governor of Georgia, mention <>f which was made yesterday, there is a decided mix-up in the battle flags of the two States. The letter states that a fl?ig returned to this State listed as belonging to the SuinterFlving Artillery,should have gone to Georgia, where there was such a battalion, and that the war department made a mistake in confusing it with the Sumter Heavy Artillery of this State. Governor Hey ward will endeavor to straighten the matter out and has written the war department for further information. Ilcnry Planter has beenrc-ar-j hv T~)#>niit\/ mirriff Pntli. cart, charged with the murder of his wife, Rebecca Planter, whose body was found in lhoad liver. The tag tax receipts continue to grow. So far this year the receipts at the State treasurer's office amount to $i 10,136.96. For the year 1904 the receipts were $100,380.1 5 to the same date and the total for last year was $118,! w 000. S Mil ?.'? _ a Chronic Bronchitis Cur. <1 > "For ten years 1 had chronic 0 bronchi''- so bad that ?tl times I could m . p'-ak above a u hi-per," j writes Mr. Joseph Coffniun, of ( t Montuiorcnci, Ind 1 tried all remedies available, but with no success. Fortunately my employ-' * or suggested that 1 try Foley's 3 Honey and Tar. Its effect was' almost miraculous, and I am now cured of the disease On my 10coinmendation many people lmv used Foley's Honey and far and 1 always with satisfaction ." $uhl 1 by FunderbnrU Pharmacy. I Throe Prisoners Attemp- to ICscapo by Firing tin* .Jail at Pontehatoula, Li., New Orleans, April 19.?In en attempt to escape from jail three r prisoners today set fire to the , parish jail at Pontchatonla, Ln. 1 Two of the men were cremated J and the third badly burned The ? d?.ad: Henry Taylor. Vino Mount. . Ala ; James Reilloy, Philadelphia. Fatally burned: Lucion George de Las, Lsfuyetle, La. The men were arrested last night for disordorlj conduct ; C.A.?VO UP*. X A 3 * Bjara tho ^ You llavs Always BOUfitt ' rr O T& i /):<; ; ) KIDNEYS it/urrrny's Blicliu Gin ami Jwn iper is presoi i!:?*?! ami ? by eniiuent piiy?J?.l?ti.x. If euros when a'l els DuG I'jevents I Kidney di*? ases. Dropsy,brif?hls disease, et ot all (linguist* $1 OO A BOTTLK Or Direct From? Murray Drug Co, Columbia, S C Application for Final Discharge. Ns AiliniiiUtraior ol I In* ? lale of Jno A 1 lir.trlilite. deceased hi it J F, Mewiuhii, Probata Judge at hi.-* otlh-e and apnlv for leiters illMiiil.t?ory an such Admii.i-tratnr. W Marcus Estiidgc. Apt il 12. 1005?1m Notice to Road Overseers All overseers of tho public roads of Lancaster County who have not worked their section of road will please warn out their hands and work same at once, as tho roads have now diiid i 11' so thov can be properly worked. If there is any section that has not an overseer, please report samo to me at once and I wtll appoint one, M C Gardner, 4t. Co Supervisor. The Kind You Have Always Bought, a iu use for over 30 years, has born and has been n SiZnet All Counterfeits, Imitations and "On Experiments tliat tri?lo with and end Infants and Children?Expcrionco aj What is CASH Cnstoria is a harmless substitute fo gorie, I>rops and Soothing Syrups, contains neither Opium, Morphine i substance. Its ago is its guarantee, and allays Fovcrishness. It cures D Colic. It. rcliM'PI Tunfliitx* Ti.nnl.lop . ?? JL > and Flatulency. It assimilates the 1 Stomach and liowels, giving' healthy The Children's l'anacca?Tho Mother I GENUINE CASTOR tho Signatu: The Kind foil Have Ai In Use For Over 3( THC OCNTtUK COMPANY, TT MURRAY STRUCT. I | I >?* 1 % tf a tCliiot I , j F I IjMie islej-, S. (1. lii'ai l ni*' phone No IS". Otllce, J avis lluiliti'ii;. earner Mala and Iiut-|.

eel vo prompt at- hapcoforl tantion Jan. 10, 1005.?if. J&?553.5 I'ltOKESslON \ l,( \Hl>. A tun 1>r M 1* Citwvr >Hi) I>K 11 f P.xown I it N t\ FOU1) vM 1'.HOW N. Pi.jsieh, , , d K.siv- Kui! upp< i ! r.flf.S i upper jii Trc*?! m?e ! or I he eye, nose at d til o i P| eel lllv. - | ('ails promptly nnaverel d?y or ol J1" n'sjht Oiii over ?'iawf?rd 11:on, '('l Cash 1 | Drug S ojp, i ys v I Phoney: OiTl N* < 170; !t i lencss ** 1 | N'-8 11 end :10. | I . I ?9 Business Education | ^ i PAYS LAKOI& DIVIDENDS ! j ' . LA YOU \:i 1 Courses of g'utly < tidorsM as being !Iih . .. _ j in ?at'ral; li.ey have nosiiperh) s . ? Instruction iriven is tirsl idasa. No IrA i I other bualneaa college* ???t lor n iucrutive << *1 ; n. Our rsclu.ites I LANG/ I aroi'i demand 1. t us yon. wo ' hnvp huiid-iboy ??' ?? 'm | positioi m. Wo oll'or special rato.-s Macfeit'sS. (J. linmiiossCollege Colombia, S 0. i.v , Aug. 29. 1091 -,i. l"" (""" j _ :i Fi iONEY TO LOW ' "* 1 1;hv?* u:r;d.- i^enum' v.m4 i i lei-dem i?o'n-y ! M? w Y rsc *' , ' Wi ll W'lt"111 I :?m a'ne lo Ht'Uoi 1 I* ! ! serllitd Ity li hI ni.n tyiuyr on imp nved j ' ">' !i" 1 | COl 'on f.J ills, ill 7 | el' i! ill < !< : si ? ! .11 J -s MiK I repayable In annual i'>!'i !:.n lit- < \ nti \ j live 1 I'-jrw No I'r- '.i' muc o: runiitiit ! ( ^ ( i hion i*l>nrg ?l Om'v h ic,it>on;ililr> j ; elintye (> r .dim met i?? bonus n? b It V. WYM1C, In wait mi Ante Ml ? (iiii. Attorney ?t _ l . I 19 are* the most fatal of all diseases. (i. Fill PHE! CME '*> < b ULC a o Guaranteed Remedy ; < ; ? < # leV h^CO' or money refunded. Contains A r ' "hi Mt< remedies recognized by emi- 'J ) nent physicians as the best for y Kidney and Bladder troubles. . PRiril CSl, Cf Aft wu. .uu /I /. M I Mi P * V- I f */ > ^T ''v At lull' "lUlvlwi* il?()?*i ) v lit>'M II ? ( i (Ht'lT M X U P< I v York v i>v (Jofum N'> s the I ill to ( Kk<> i? Murrny'rt Iron M'x- ? v 7?ii:lii'! A HOTTLIC | Or Direet From , l'lio Murray Drop < ' Years. sew vork crrv. iUTLEDOE, Dentist, liicaster, S. C. ng on credit doesn't pay, terms from 1 his ii :u o sti icily cash. onablo Fric *3 rj i ing ?1.50 ilgum Killing 75 els. Cement Killing 75 ct Kirnnm lm.atk, r s-t of ivoih ?12.00 mi lower set, ?25 50 hi t; i prices are strictly No work dotie except or good security. cDTLIiDGE, Dentist. T J w>twi UiRr FOSTER. I or net/ at Law, NCA.STEK, S. C. ;'?* v sp 0' lall.y :<> the vSTEK MARBLE \ IV X > GRANITE WORKS, 1 Work an. I Low Prices ; < i a *;: a ^ ^4 ' p ? ^ ;ft LA NO A STEP, S 0 ? MnttrtA IVJllOC. < rn ft (Ky>- w 1: Et? ?Ht 1 lirst *vm .-ll oilier v.t- It ii |'M ' V :il 1 11 ji so ">ol t'i oin.TM i v :'l !> tflri'l ;,uu Hoy (lay in tl.o \vj?U W M ISToore, Co Rupt M' &luo >i!on. 05. isr-j f ? "> iy.lU- r*v/?oi * - - - - I Ml'! I \ i i i', til i, 7 15 n m H K~> i> in ,M tvii, 7 31 a l:i 4 1") p mi i\ !?!*-, 7 4 1 % hi 4 tt'l p in III {*, 7 fin i\ l-.i 4 47 p in v, 8 15 a in 5 ! > p in it-.-, So R H .75 h in 7 It) p in l?;;i So It i I 30 ? 111 I 05 II 111 '/ &n w 9 43 .i in nu <' * w |o jig a |,i o it, r '2 12 |? > :i k :i i, r 4 55 p mi . i H-. I; 1-7 11. h, 8'h i, r 1 do p ni , it i? , So li 0 15 '.in i, lo no n in 8 16 p in n"4, 10 4u a in 0 09 p m nvit:o, 10*0 a in 0 15pm awn 11 09 n in 0 29 p in r er, 111 0 a in 0 i* p in t;onni'/; i ions. - Soul! i'm, ' ettlh.artl hml i Norlliwivlor. railway*, in -- hiinihei ' ivii.'Aay. l/ci.l'uh, /i t i iullic i? |^r rhln'is. tl Tmlllo mhiiukit ^ 4