Lysi Mattirs ? wntur ruTM *r anrin?.?ja>?'agBM8a^?^l ? for dale! ivlng'P, litiprdvfcd botlon Seed. Apply io Ollnliingham, Lancaster! S. C. ?Cull ill L M. (Jo'8 and get Floridora cott n i-eed. T W. McMurruv. 8 good milk rows for sale. R. .). & .1. 1) Glenn, R F D No 1 Lancaster S. C. ? Mrs N A Moore of Heath Spring, was too guest of Mrs D B Si over this week. ?The Heath Jones Co announce their millinery opening for next Wednesday, April 5th. See adv. ? For rent ! 4 room cottage. Apply to W P Bennett. 3t ?The Bethel school, taught by Mies Daisy Iiorton, will close next Wednesday night, April 5tb, with exercises by the pupils The public is cordially invited to be present. ? On Tuesday afternoon last the little 3-yeur old son of Mr Ernest Can then, who lives in the mill district, met with a painful accident, getting one of his thigh bones broken by a box, about which tho little fellow was playing overturning on him. Dr Boo^ey set the broken limb and tho little fellow is doing well ? Mairied Wednesday evening at the homo of tho bride's sister, Mrs Henry Collins, on Laurel street. Mr M P Hutto and Miss Arabella Usckham, both of Rock llill, Rev W B Dudchii officiating. ? Rock Hill Record. ? Rev ,1 M Purdue w;ll prouch at the Crenshaw school house Saturday night, 8th inst , and Sunday, 9lh inst. ? Every farmer who fuils to reduce his acreage is a valient soldier in a campaign for 5-cetit cotton next winter. ?Mnriied, at this place, by D A Williams, Et-q., in Wednesday March 29, 1905, Mr H H .lames, formerly of Union, 8 C, and Miss Lena Aunler, daughter i f Mr.Joel Hunter ?'I on thousand cabbage plants were set out in one day last ?>eek at the Waxhaw truck farm just south of to-vn. The plants woie shipped here from Charleston and there wore ubont ten bushels of them. ? Waxbaw Enterprise ?The spring term of Tirzub - school will close April 7tb and 8th. On Friday night of the 7lh there will be a contest for debater's medal . On Saturday the 8th, at 10 am, there will be con ! tests for declaimed and reciter's I medals Af 1.30 p in, Rev G H < Atkinson, or Monroe, will deliver ! the annual address. 1 ? What CMiie near being a 1 seriou- rnnawny occurred here ^ Tuecday afternoon. Wnen about 1 opposite the A R 1* church Mr 1 Eli Lungley's mule took fright j and run off. Mr J H Caskev 1 wiii with him and the spring sent ' of the w a if "i on which thev were ' Bi 1 i *?/ gave way. When tho 1 innle 111 ?do a strop tu n ??t il??? ' c II ll'T a .hi.lye .Jones' ltl"\ we ! bi?tj> pi'r'od ii nf the wag ?* j ' and M* i.-iiio'ey was draj?g".l a ' short distance by 'h" lines Mr|* Cu*k??v landed on bis.-h ulderand: was \ aii fully but net seriously j mm. wniM Mr ?*'?/1' ? h?ad v:?(j li -1 ?o striku l?t* ground ft'd ^ ho ivu* fuil only tinc'insoiMiiH for a 'ino t:m but I'tC'-JMil aevuial ' ? e l ?< IIIkiiii IIis Smno l>idie-< t.earhv r?ri t.i 'hem and * with Mr 0..8k?*y rend< red all the 1 assistance to Mr Langley tliey could tinti' Dr Brown arrived c Mr Langljy waa able to bo taken t on to bin home, about aix miles ,] east of town, that aftornoon in a ? buggy. r -Court of common pleas adjourn ? ed yesterday morning c _ * "-ibtttlt'i reuwnlog uneilletl fai> at thij pM&iw at ihl? pim fBr editing April Idti 11)065 MisSC^ MelliU E ^erlder, Lattbli OlOek (2), ijilliv* WMaori, Lett Mobley, EistSy Ealy, Cloo Pim, Louise Barr, Williri Uedfern, Miistlniucs Emly McCui'lOr, Clura Adgera, W E Owens, U situs 'Stogner, Luther 1 Wilson, Mauds White, Messrs Gurlun Stradfino, r E Murray, U E Shane, Lock Box 216, Robert Beang, W C Coot, M E Kenedy, Branurd McLnro, VV G F Stewart, L S Stewart, .las Henry, Cunch Barnes, J It ltobinson .Jus M Stow art, P. A!. Attention Ladies ! Every Lady in tho town and county is cordially invited and solicitod to attend our big inillinory opening Wednesday, April 5th. All tho latest novelties and styles of tho season will bo on exhibition. Miss Garrison itnd her corps of assistants will take pleasure in showiog you all the latest novelties in head gear. Very respectfully, Heath-Jones Co. Hum Money for tlio Schools The Comptroller General has distributed tho dispensary money among the schools. Lancaster county's pro rata of the fund is , $3,004.56?$2,264 76 being for the geuorai school fund and $73980 tor the deficiency fund. By the deficiency fund is meant the ( amount required to make up tho deficiency where any school fails 1 to receive, as much as $75 per annum from the school tax. The j report shows tho enrollment of . pupils in this county to be 6,529. To tho Toachors of Lancaster Co j It is proposed by the State | superintendent thot >i District | Summer school he held this year j at either Lancaster, Chester or I Yorkvillo In case it is held at Chester or Yorkvillo please inform mo if you will attend, and say which of the two places you prefer. A full response from every white teacher in the county is desired. Must have the information by April 5th. YV M Moore, Oo Sup* Education. Hi or Fertilizer Trade. Columbia cor News and Courier. Tho privilege tax has reached high water mark. Last year on March 29, the aggregate receipts for the privilege tax aggregated $98,613.90. On tho same day of this ye ir, with half a day's receipts unreported, the iund stands $105,528.68. Last year, the privilege tax reached its highest mark and with the recipts already $7,000 more than they were on * :ha same day last year, this will ? tie a record breaker. Tho fund *nes to Clemson College and durng tho General Assembly when ?n eff.ut was trade to divert, part ?f it to Wiiithrnp College, it wa-. irgod tl? it lie fund this jcir t; ?o'tl I?U:!I $7*?,000 f-?n! y. r , iu,)t i:"M are usll > li ?v r>. frn?|?* is g-niinj heir a i. ?Iif t -ijr-i. riiti *|)' iril is ?? -1 > i: v o ? the f?ri iz i - used i-i th" V't do. ? mm ? It in Niii I that Japan asks an 58<>?),000,')*>!>ni !< mnity of Russia In u rottoi.j MiTrav in Rock Hill 1'iii'sflav 4tiiii*niUif 'J W Mail's, a tiuicle r?*|n?ir?,r, w i? h* r???n-ly t>ibbal t?v Kd^-ir Ki'iibill lie s j)f bttlli tho Mexican Hhii the wai bet weed ihe Slates, died at his hoiilo hero lttiit .Vcdncsday night, March 29, 1905, aged SI years, 1 month and 4 days, after a short illness of pneumonia. Ho was a son of the lato David and Martha Adams, was horn in this county and lived in the countv all his life except during the years ho served his country in war. Ho was among the first volunteers for service in the war with Mexico, enlisting in Co I., of the gallant Palmetto Regim nt. At tho outbreak of the civil war ho nguio tendered his services [and. went to the front. seivin AND W MISS COPPED< the latest styles << SPRING We ill so hve on exhibition in colors for Spring, silt for shirt -vaist suits, 5 ning gaits, Pino-Crepi In our shoe department \ ?!ack, miiiiiary, French and . OUR CLOTH IN< HLPAUTM b) IS AS USU DON'T OvERLOi Lancasi in Co ft 22d S C Regt. In both j wars he served ?vith gallantry and ? faithfulness to duty. In fighting around Petersburg ho was severely wounded, being shot through iho leg and left on me nuuieuoia ior dead. llo remained ulono on the battlefield all night, an> i?the popular j, in any color, street or evefords*"both tan and and blacks. LL OF nEW RING LES