??? - m rnmtm mmttmmmk urnXotnumtir^ t ^ iTdl1 Silk*I Ring*? ittiprovM I Cotton Soed. Apply to It. Clin- , ningbam, Lancaster, S. C. j ? Cull at L. M. Co'8 and get ' Floridorn eott mi teed. ' T \V. MuMurray. ? S good in 1)k 1.0W8 for bale. ' K. .1. & I) Glenn, It F L) No 1 J Lancaster S. C. ? Mrs \j C Payscur is upending ( a few days with her daughter, Mrs ,) E l\>ore, in Columbia. < ? The county received a chock , Monday for $5,000, which has j been borrowed from the State j Sinking fund to meet the current t county expenses. ] ? Our merchauts have signed i.o. ........... r-.. ?-i - ' -iiu ugi vouicih iui euriy Closing ; of the stores, and beginning next c Monday the stores will be closed * at 6:30 p til., except on Satur- 1 days, until Sept 1st, next. c ? I lie Spring millinery open- ( ing of the L M Co., will come off 1 April 4tb and 5th. See adv in ' this issue. 1 ? At a recent meeting of the j county board of control the sals anes of the dispensers in this county wore raised from $65 to ^ $75 each por month, and the salaries of their clerks from $35 to $40 each. v .?State Constable Henry McMantis moved his family from c this place to Charleston this ^ week. Mr McManus has been ?I 8 * assigned to that division of the ^ constabulary. ?Tho residence of Dr F C rlin ? son at Primus cume near being q burned Monday supposedly from f sparks alighting on the roof. A c huge hole was burned in the roof a and ceding before tho lire was a extinguished J ?Married, March 23, 1905, a at the Unity munse, by Rev J M 1 .Vhito, Mr 11 M McCain and Miss ? Maggie Wallace, all of the Unity t flection. I ? Married, March 2(5, 1905, 8 by Rev Tbos liluckmon, Mr Win Holly and Miss Lily Morgan, 1 daughter of Mr A .J Morgun, all of Fiat Creek towmbip. f ?The pay of the keeper of the .? County Home has been raised by t tho county board of commissioners [ from $5.50 to about $7 per a month per inn.ate for the keeping t of tho county's paupers. t ? A reward of $50 has been offered ior tho arrest and convic- v '.ion of the party who stole $20 f from a trunk at Mr Wesley Htir- 8 ter's, a coat and vest from Mr i n i k \jiuiinim i' uuiioi kj\ii iv a} ? i;uui UIJU v vest from Mr Ransom Hunter's and a suit of clothes from Mr < John (James', all in the Tabernacle section, on the 17ih instant. ? Mr Jus 11 Stevens, who has been spending sometime at Abbeville, N C, is at home for a short tune. His many friends here arc glad to see him looking so well.? Chora n Chronicle. Tha V tae Ore Remedies. I have accepted the agency for the famou* Vitae Ore remedies * and will he uleoiseii t.j loriiinh t them to any oiid dosiring to try fl tbem. They may he found at any time at the store of Mr. A. H , W. Chance, in Lancaster I will B a'ao be in town on every Si?tur- ? day, with additiocal ?tipf>li* s of i the packages. The remedies will cure rheumatism, heart trouble, bladder affections, grippe, liver and kid- S n ?v ailments, stomach disorders and general debility. By writing meat Elgin, 8 O , I will deliver the remedies in ^ any part of the county. ; The virtues of Vitae Ore have been fully tested aod are truly . wonderful, as the many testimonials I have will show. Call on or address ! John M. Hagins, Elgin, 8. C. 2t Death* Mr Milton Walkerj voung^t m r?f Mt j I) wHiker : f thi< dulan died ai his homo al Ubalukth Vsi., oil Friday lust, tiilli [list, of consumption. Ho wus ibout 22 years of ago ami leaves 1 widow turvivmg him. ? Miss Anna Cuuthon, daugh ter ot Mr JLewis Cauthen of the Pleasant Hill section, diod on Friday eveniug Inst, March 24, 1903, from the elTeets of measles She was about 21 years of ago, a member of Fork Hill liaptist jkurch, and an excellent young woman. Ile.r remains wcro otorred at Salem ceinetory Satuiday afternoon, the burial lorvico being conducted by ltev David Hacks. ? His old comrades of the 4th > C cavalry will regret to learn * " 1 >1 mo vietiMi ui i>jr namuei u stogncr, which occurred at bis 01110 in the Flint Ridge section, >n Sunday last, March '24, 1905, >? pneumonia. He was about 68 I'eai h of age and leaves a largo amity surviving him, several of lis children residing in Texas, le was a man of kind and friendy disposition and made a gallant oldier in tho war. Ifouiig Woman Burned to Death Miss Ceny Williams, a young von)an on Mr J B Meals plantalon in Flat Creek township, was 0 soveroly burned from her dress latching afire while burning off he side of a terntce luut Thursday ifternoon 111 it she died that night rom the effects uf her hums just ! 1 short time after Dr K C Bra ! ington, who had been summoned, ' ,rrivcd ut her bedside. Every , lurticle of tlio young woman's lothing were burned off of her ind almost her entire b&< ly was , terrible blister. Llor sieierr Mist I1DII ? - vuuiu vv imams, wno was with her ,t the lure, hud her hand.- so bud. y burned in her efforts to extinjuidi her sister's hiiriiingclolhing but it is probable one of them at east will be deformed if she hould recover the use of it. Do Kxpeiim lit With Soils, A speeiul to News and Courier tout Lancaster da ed March '23 hjs: An important experiment is o ho mado in this vicinity by the juiled S ates bureau of soils. >nd Mr Fiederick F Bosteel, of hat department, is now here for hat purpobO. It seems that tho department vants to do some experimental arming on lands with yellow clay ubs ills a character of soil which s found in abundance in the eastirn portion of Lancaster county. Accompanied by Judge lru B. [ones Mr Bostoel on >osterday nude u personal examination of he.lodge's farms east of this )luce; and found exactly the liud of soil he was looking or. tie selected two acres, one icre about a mile from town, and he other about two milos distant, vliich are to be cultivated under he direction of the National Gov* >rnment Five hundred pounds >f the soil will he dug up and hipped at once to Washington or analysis, .lust as soon as the ina'ysis is made the Gov M oment i iiithorities will determine what ; hall be planted on the two acres, ; nd the quantity and kind of for- | il'Z us to he used Ti.... : * s.i - 1 i iih i'a|>ei ininni win no watched ! vith much interest i?y the intolli ;ent fanners of Lancaster. AT AUCTION Tho effects of tho Commercial Jlub, consisting of Billiard lat>lo, :*ool table, Chairs, Tables, Bookcase, Pictures and other furnishngs, will be sold at ,?ublic ouc,ion at the clut> rooms on Friday, March 31st 1S05, at 12 o'clock ra. j dy ordor of the Board of Malingers. Mar. 17, 1905.?td; | Homicide in CUiflate" ! W !>' I'nty, mi npevahv^j ihot atui iM^tnntly killed tiingtlHli li I)Ot /. pocket and renewed the trouble, addressing an insulting remark at Boozer. Boozer was unarmed, and told Ferry he was a coward or ho would not carry a |1ivtol, where upon he drew his weapon and, saving, "I'll show you whether 1 am a coward or not," tired twico it: rapid succession. His victim fell dead in his tracks in the store door? He at once took to the woods and made good his c-cape. Prcgram Moriah Union. Tim Moriah Baptist Union wiil convene with theTaxahaw Bap listchurch on Friday, April 28th, 1905 \ Friday 11 a m Introductory Birmon. O rg a n i z?t i o n. Friday afternoon Discussion ? |1 ho revivals oar churches need, and how they may bo secured Y I Rev. T. A Dabnoy, 10 . B. Lin* I ulfl Does G .a'* word leavo us in doubt as to the proportion of our means wo are duo for the support of the (iospe! ? Rev. J ?1. Boldridpe, J. F. M. Hstridge. Saturday morning. To whom, and for what purpose has the Ho'y spirit been vnt? ? Rev. Rico, W. L Croxton. The faults that hinder spiritual growth and usefulness in christians?Rev R.J. Blsckaion, M. 0. Gardner. . ' Saturday afternoou. The great commission (a) What is embodied. (b) The apostolic method. ? W. C Hough, Rev. Rice. Parental responsibility ? Butler Fuuderburk, followed b? geuersi discussion Sunday morning ? Sunday school mass meeting, conducted by 10. B. Lingle. 11a. uo. Mis-i sionary sermon, by Rev. 1 Rice; alternate, Dr. J. H Bold-j ridge. I com mittek i WE WANT Vfl &T j i>ext i b. AND V I MISS COPPED the latest styles e, for shirt waists, ask to see them we have some very pretty n< Medium heel. Nice line Ch Ok THE DATE rer Merc sy i?*- V. - "u -u^ PL A THE 25 PE llnlmiii of b In the very besl ket grown seed II TOES, Red T While Bliss, Peer Hebron and other ces, Onion Sets an at MACKO WHY Every Man ani Won The Ne-W Y( Becauso it is the strongest company ecause its policies protect one mil ecause it bas over 390 million ass Because it lias over 380 millions ll< ecause it paid in dividends in 190ecausa it is purely mutual. It tia Becauso its ussetts belong to the p< ecause it does not invest in stocks ecause its policies contain only iremiutn Because the insuied leaves to Ins wi a law suit, ecause its policies are incontestab Because it paid in 1904 $40,000,0 ecause it is the best estate you ca ecause it gives you the best prot for the money. because you can't afford to carry anyt best. Call on J. E. BLACKMON of L dication. ) DUB MILLINER light, Apri AY, APRI "tli for some time, MER HEAD( Mohairs in ail shades of blue and gr< ?very pretty goods, Mohair Lusti s, Nub Voila?make very pretty flol sure, they are swell. 5w spring styles in Ladies ( ildren's Oxfords, also in tan: Tuesday Night, Apiil 4th ani Wednesday, April 5th. antile Co *' - Y4wiiii m mm NT R CENT lion taagf. t selected marRISH POTAi'iumpli Bliss, less Beauty of s at lowest priid Garden seed RELL'S. 1911 ^hmilil Incurs in mn UIIUIIIU IIIOUIU III )rk kite. , y in the world, lion families, etts. jservo Fund. 1 over #5,900,000. 8 no capital stock. olicy holders. i and industrial securities. one condition "payment of idow or estate a legacy and not le and nonforfeitable. 00 to its policy holders, in leave to your fariily. ection and investment combined hing else ?vben yon ean get the ancestor and give him your af* IY OPENING ii 4th, X, 5th ?4 and she hasall SEAR ! ^ ien?the popular res, in aBy color, ly street or eveOxfords?both tan aid ?and blacks. LJLL OF NEW bTb Airt rniiitr iTLES I MPANY.