4 ^ EL OABTKii. j ^ /Ax DTp-cjAy : fbrttc FyvaxjEka* c$G*n ftHWanj -fiatftartnUn. j PBWMb gvj?> 4 m 1 : .... ? I I J _ **?? ^>fsWEKKLY L? A N 0 A > i E I? S. 0.. t M A K C li, 22^ 1905 ^i:s'l abHEEBffBSg* Happenings in the State children weio Imrn. Tho wifol Pnnvi/dArl nf I TK?n. r - ?* ' - As Chronicled by the Alert Correspondents of The Columbia State ami tho Charleston News and Courier. (Special* to The S ale-) Died of Wound. Saluda, March 17.?The negro who was shot a few days ugo in the Clouds Crtek section of this county, by young Prater, died yesterday. The particulars concerning the trageby are unobtainable though it is stated Prater's father and the negro were in a row when the young man fired upon the negro. Pru or is only about 14 years of ago. rhecorouer hus not returned from the inquest. A ml iew Carnegie OlTers A Library to Anderson. Anderson, March 18.?Andrew Carnegie, through his secretary, has written Mayor Sullivan a letter offering to give $10,000 for thci purpose of building a public library in this city if council will agreo to maintain the institution at a cost of not less than $1,000 per year and provide a suitable place for the building. An Unidentified Body. Charleston, March 18 ?The bjdy of the drowned limn found lust night on Morris Island has not been identitied and it is not likely that it will be, since it Iihh beon so badly disfigured by crabs, it io likely that the body is one of the crew of the Norwegian steamship Lief Eriksen, which was wrecked off Bull's Bay a few weeks ago. The inquest will bo held hy the Morris Island tnagis trate. Cleaning a Pistol. Spartanburg, March 18.?Mr Walker Lee, while cleaning a pistol at his home near Cedar Springs yesterday afternoon dis? charged the weapon and the bullet struck hia wife in the left arm, she being near by. The wound is of a painful but not serious nature. Wanted on Charge of Bigamy. Chester, March 10.?So far as known, the first ease involving legal proceedings in a bigamy case in this county was heard heie a few days ago before Magi&taate J J McLure. One Robert C McCarter, alias Rob Carter and Jack Carter, was arrested last week in Orangeburg county on a warrant taken out by his wife here, to whom be was marnod in December, 1900. He was brought here and gave bond for preliminary hearing on the 14th. His wives were: No 1, Susan Rotter of Richland county, from this marriage there were five children. No 2, Mrs Georgiana Wolling of Orangeburg county, a widow with five children; two children wore horn of this marriage; this wife died in Columbia. No 3, Mips Anna Furiickof St Matthew, to whom he was married the day after the funeral of his second wife; from this marriage one child was horn. McCarlcr abandoned her at Bath mill, near Augusta, when they had been married two ? 1...1# ?? ...... .. ...... jrvni o. 1UIH W1IO bit 11 liven ami attended the preliminary - hearing here. No 4, on the 22rd of December, 1900 he married Mis* May Wilson of Chester county. Of this marriage two No 4 won abandoned by McCarte in .Inly of last year. ThU McCarter wiih born am reared near Gadsden, ltichlam county; lived on a farm with lii first wife; ut tho duck mill, Co lumbia, with tho second, and th mill at Bath with the thiid, am at the three mills in Chester will the fourth. Ho was under botu to appear at tho preliminary healing hero on the 14th inst., but 01 Saturday night orecediug h i ''skipped." Ho loft nolo ?w als endorse the petition . The s i wh endorsed the petition dclaro tin tho killing was done clearly in sel defense, and the judge recom mended thit an immediute and ui conditional pardon he granted. Kuropatkin Turns Over Comman to Linevitch. fc>t. 1'eto: sburg, March 18.?i telegram from Gen Kuropatkin t the emperor dated yesterda} says: "Ln accordance with wit the order of your majesty, recoiv ed on March 16, 1 handed over t Gen. Linevitch today command < the lund and sea forces operatin against the .Japanese." Gen. Linevitch telegraphing t the Emperor, tliosmne date, sayt 4kIn pursuance of orders of you majesty of March 16th., I assum ed command today of all our fore os, unitary and naval, operatin against the Japanese." ARE YOU ENGAGED Engaged people should remeni her, Unit, alter marriage, man quarrels can bo avoided, by Ueej ing their digestions in conditio with Electric Bitters. 8. A Brown, of Bennettsvile, 8. C says: 4'For years, my wife sol fered intensely from dyspcpsm complicated with a toi pid livci until she lost her strength an vigor, and became a mere wrec of her former self. Then she tr od Electric Bitters, which helpe her at once, and finally made he entirely well. Shoisnow stron and healthy." Crawford Bros .). F. MacUoy (fe Co., and Fundei bulk Pharmacy druggist, sell and guarentees them, at 50c a bo tlo. i uuiuiuibu ui i;:uu^iaugiiici Ll'iryin Unwell Case Agree Upon r * j a Verdict After Twenty Hours Deliberation. p Special to The State. I Florence, March 18.?The jury ( in the Howell case came to a vorj diet this morning at 1 I o'clock, after being in the room 20 hours I'Uoy came out at 0.30 thin morning and asked the judge to explain I some points ?-f law* for the second j( time, which ho did They stood (j at that time six for acquittal and e six for manslaughter. They went hack at 10 and at 1 1 the foreman announced that they had agreed on y a verdict. The court ro.om was pretty well tilled and the audience wus sui prise as well as was the defendant, for j tlie general opinion at that time was that the result, would lie a o - mistrial. The verdict was guilty n of mans'aughter, with recommend I y at inn to mercy. The defendant , took the verdict calmly, and did not scent nt nil TUm .1 ? - .... I I1U UC|H . Ji\ (j fenjscs gave notices of motion for (1 now trial and the motion was at once argued. Judge Klugh overruled motion for new tiiul in the Howell cuse as lie said there was not suliieient ground. The grounds for motion, - briefly, weio that verdict was not n iu accord with evidonco und that , jury had lioen tampered with durd ing the progress of the trial by is one of the constables. An nffii. n- davit was produced iti support of i- this. AUo that the judge's charge d was erroneous in ipiahfying the d statement that words do not juso tify a blow, )et by sa>ing that if a man by his words showed that e he was not showing the proper g duty to his follow man ho would e hejustitiel. Fourth, that the o judge admitted improper testU o mnny by allowing Howell's pre0 vious condition us to diunkenness d etc., to ho brought up. Uowell was arraigned at S. 15 l* and the sentence of the csurt pass ed. It was that he be contined in the State penitentiary or on the county roads for live years. Howell vas perfectly composed when sentence was passed. Only the members of the bar and a few 1 iriends were present. The judge ? granted bail in the sum of $5,000 ' and Howell was immediately released. I)r Wm Ilderton and Senator S G Mayfield going on his '' bond. The ease will bo carried to the supreme court. ft m _ o Mothers can safely give Foley's Honey andTar to their children for '* coughs and colds, for it contains l" no opiates or other poisons. Sold y Funderbur* Pharmaoy. g Notico to the Public. 1 will hold all inquests in tJic county. Phono to ray residence at Pleasant Hill for mo when needed. f. Montgomery Caskey, ,/f opt. 20?tf Coroner Li. (). >n ~ OVERWOKKED f'. KIDNEYS I, ,tr.. ' > oiuMinv H jxicny. Uin ami Jim iper I* pre^oiibud ami (-mlor-a <1 {| by ? miTiriit pliy^i. iiiiit*. Tt cures , when ail eln?- fail* I'rcvuils 'v Kiuncy .. - - - ? uiiiiiuHitt is uoDoca or its T rors by Foley's Honey and Tar. tops the racking cough and t heals and strengthens the lun If tiiken in time it will prevent attack of pneumonia. Kef substitutes. Sold by Funderbi Pharmacy. ^ Where Christ is not the rock ages Ho is always a stone stumbling. Russia's prestige will have wait awhile longer for that '< decisive victory." It is said Russia is prepnr for a conflict with Great Britn In that case, she will have to h row what is left of their army fi the .lapaneso. ? For letterheads, notehea oumoaas, circulars and all kii of printing neatly and quid printed, send your work to t office. Hoy S Strait. MURRliA Y'S IRON MIXIUFE No is the time to take a spring tonic. By far the heat thing to take is Murray's Iron Mixture. it makes pure blood and .. gels rlji of that tired feeling. At all drug store-. BOc A BOTTLE * ^ Or Direct From '/'h? Murray Drug Co, | 5 Columbia, H O I ^ Former Preacher (*ct^ KourYear^ in Penitentiary. New Itrunswiek, N. .1., March ' 19.?J. F. Cordova, the deposed Methodist minister, was sentenced this morning to four year in the ^ stale prison?one year for abandon in?r his wife, and three for assaulthe , . in<4 Urowne, with of whom bo twice eloped, was not 8 in court. Her father and brother to . were, Uarilova took his sentence without a tremor. I lis counsel immediately filed a writ of error, which stays judgment until the u - . i writ is arguod. 'n* ShorilT Saves Negro, rul Lt? Orangeburg. Muie'i 17. ? Av ?1' 2 30 this afternoon a corrospon dent of The Evening News wired tC(^ from Bowman stating that ShorilV Dukes had arrived and had taken 'n" in custody William .Johnson, !en charged with assaulting a little ion w|)it0 airl at VVhetsell's. Shentr Dukes is expected to arrive in ,l* this city with his prisoner at al most any time this afternoon. Sensational leports huvo heen 3V' in circulation all tho morning brought about by the knowledge ll'c^ that the sheriff hud left tho city before day, little hoping to arrive ?as on tho spot in time to save the no lor gro from the mob which was said 101 to have gathered. ?r- Chronic ltronehitis Cutvd. lc- 11 For ten years 1 had chronic i p brouchitis so had that at times 1 CS8 could not speak above a whisper," lud wr^ea ^r* J?8eldi Cotl'mnn, of Montmorenci, lnd. 1 tried all remedies available, but with no ted success. Fortunately my eir ployate er suggested that l try Foley's He Honey and Tar. Its olTcct was rcj almost miraculous, and 1 am now cured of the disease. On my tecomniondation many peoplo have ?}y used Foley's Honey and Tar and always with satisfaction." Sold he by Fundorburk IMiarmacy. the One Boy Kills Another. or m- Greenville News. for While out hunting in Glassy Mountain township in the upper section of the county Thursday cr" morning, Dudley liuntor shot And killed Put tick Davis. Both are hoys between 12 and 11 years gj, of ago. The killing is said to an have been accidental. Hunter use was brought to the tit) yesterday ,rk morning and turned over to sheriff Gilreath. Ilo was at onto plae. oh in jail, of J _ ?f The murried man can hardly restrain his elation when ho (lis- i to covers that the milliner's con. me vention is going to bo held in another tovn. ing From the way Oyama bucks ,iD. the center and makes gains around or- the end, lie has cinched a job us om football coach as soon as ho finishos his present engagement. ds, ??' LIKE FINDING MONEY |{]y Finding health is like finding money?so think those who are sick. When you liavo a cough, cold, sore throat, or chest irrita~ tion better act promptly like W. C. Barber, of Sandy Level, Ya. He says: "Iliad a terrible chest trouble, caused by smoko and coal dust on my lungs; but, after tind: ing no relief in otlior remedies, I was cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumptio, Coughs and Colds," Greatest salo of any cough or lung Miediciuo in the world. At Crawford Bros., .1. F. Mackcy & Co., and Funderburk Pharmacy drug stores f>0c and $1.00; guaranteed. Trial bot tlo froe. I'hirtv Thousand Dollar Bonfire of Gambling Devices. New Voik, March 18.?Tko final bteps in the many gambling house raids by District Attorney .Jerome's men in recent months. under the Dowling law, was taken today, when over $.40,000 worth of gambling paruphotnulia was taken from the Criminal Court building and burned. It took live double-team truck loads to remove the gambling implements. There woro between liftV and sixty rouletto wheels, ranging in price from $150 to $400. There were nearly a million chips, from the commonest composition to the finest ivory and inlaid pearl. Besides, there were hundreds and oven thousands of packs of cards, numor ous faro lay-outs, red and black games in quantities, Klondyko games in profusion, dice for shooting craps and every other conceivable device used by gamb* lei's. Fell Into a Boiling Vat. Charleston Bust, 17th inst. The coroner will hold an inquest tomorrow over the remains of Norman Brown, who fell into a vut of boiling water yesterday at the Charleston Basket and Voneor Manufacturing Comnanv's lactory anil was scalded so badly that ho died last night in the hos pital from tho effects of his injnrics. Allen G Thurmao died poor, Ki-.-ooo Conkling died poor, LjQ C Lamar died poor, George F Hoar died poor, Matt II Carpenter died poor, John II Keagan [died poor. These were statesmen whose hands were clean and hearts pure; men who refused to represent special interests while servants of tho people?statesmen who wero without money and without price. ? Dallas Timesilerald. O !>!..? ft- " * * roiuy s nonoy ana lar contains no opiates, ami will not constipate like nearly all other cough nieduines. Refuso Substitutes. Sold by Fnnderburk Pharmacy. Most women woulil rattier bo loved that trustod. Blessings come in by an optnI ing 110 larger than that by which gifts go out. Women insist upon equal privileges with men, but they balk at shoveling snow, chopping wood and hangings. It is highly probable that when the Russians dine in Tokio they will not have tho ordering of the menu. Manchuria has never boen considered a mining country, but the ^ Russians have lately discovered some tine lead deposits there. CASVOniA. n-arstho /> 11)8 K'n(l Y?u Have Always Bought %:r Hotch is tired of being in jail. The institution has no proper facilities enabling a prisoner to mar ry a widow with money. ? The Ledger, The Atlanta .Journal, Scini weekly, and Tho Southern Cultivator, ill three i\r\f\ vfini' tiiv Unf tv.naf l\n I paid for inadvanco. Mrs Cody, wife of 4'Buffalo Bill," whom he is suing for diivorce, was the principal witness i and denied that sho had tried to | administer poison and love potions.