Hester's Weekly Statement. For Ton Days of March an Increase Over Last Year of 142, 000 Bales is Shown. New Orleans, March 10.?Secretary Hester's weekly cotton statement bsutd today shows for the 10 days of March an increase rfver last )oar of 142,000 and an ncrease over the same period year boforo last of 05,000. For the 1 rt ..t 11.? 1 a utiyn ui iui5 mm ikiy t elapsed tho aggregate is iliead ol tho same days of last year 1,018,000 and ahead of tho samo days year before last 842,000. The amount brought into sight tho past week has to.n 220,082 bales against 114,150 for tl c samo soven days last year and 1S4,147 yen?- before lust. Tho movement since Sept. l.-t shows receipt at all United States ports to be 7,314,805 against 6,521,035 last year. Overland across the Mississippi, Ohio and l'otomac rivers to northern mills Canada 787,OSS against 821,780 last year; interior stock in excess of those held at the close of the commercial year 509,99!) ag linst 281,988 last year; southern mills takings 1,361,000 against 1,280, 860 last year. Tho total movement since Sept. 1st is 9,923,713 against 8,905,063 last year. Foreign e\| oris for the week have been 131,029 against 12,051 last year, making tho talal thus far for tho season 5,887,071 against 5,033,100 last year. ThoJJtotnl takings of American mills, north, south ami Canada, thus far for tho season have bten 2,952,128 against 3,129,970 last year. Stocks at tho seaboard and tho 29 leading southern interior centres have decreased during tho woek 10,092 bales against a decrease during tho corresponding period Inst season of 21,T5G. Including stocks left over at ports and interior towns from the last crop and tho number bales brought into sight thus far from 1 1 me now crop me supply to (lute it 19,085,720 ugainst 9,073,462 for the ^me period lust year. T TIT I? !?!\TriTXTn uamtv ljirvLid r in vi a*v/ii A Finding health is like finding monoy?so think those who arc sick. When you have a cough, cold, sore throat, or chest irritation better act promptly like W. C. Barber, of Sandy Level, Va. He says: ,4Ihad a terrible ohest trouble, caused by smoke and coal dust on my lungs; but, after finding no relief in other remedies, I was cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumptio, Coughi and Colds," Greatest sale of any cough or lung medicine in the world. At Crawford Bros., J. F. Mackey & Co., and Funderbur't Pharmacy drug stores; 50c and $ 1.00; guaranteed. Trial I ottie free. OA.SVOXIIA. Bjart th? lh8 KM Y?u Have Always Bought - The Ledger, The Atlanta Journal, Semi weekly, and The Southern Cultivator, 21 three ono year for $2., but must be paid for inadvanco. NOTICE! Notice in hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing heween Heatii Hanking and Mercnntih Company. VV T Witherspoon and W B Culp, partners doing buaineas undt the Aim name of W B Culp A Co. haa tills day been dis>olved by n.utua consent, and the aaid \V It Cnlp liav log purchased tlie entiie intrust o the undersigned and asaum*d all tin liabilities of said partnership, he wlI conduct audi business in his uwi Mae. Heath Banking A Mercantl'e Co By H W Heath Secy and Treaa W T Wllberapoon. Feb 24 1906,?\v2 : Husband and Wife Shot Dead j in Their Home Denver Teamster Killed Couple and Burned Their Home. ? Wus Himself Shot to Doath. Denver, Col., Marco 12. ? Mad with rugo because of his defeat in ' a 1 iwsuit in which K Fill, tho 1 man whom ho pronounced his bitterest enemy, had beon victoi ious ? and swearing vengeance agutnst i him and his family, George Schts lera teamster,armed himself w ilh a . rifle today anil started out to do , murder. As a result of the affray three persons are dead, one is missing and three others are wounded, two at least dangerous. I*. The dead: K Fill, Mrs K Fill, George Schistler. Missing: A child of the Fills. Wounded: Dr ! Frank Dulin, police surgeon, Cnpt Win Iiohonan, chief of police, wounded in leg; Mike Kelly, I slightly. The wife of George Schistler is prostra'ed over the affair and may , dio from the shock. , Schistler had brooded over his troubles with the Fill family, who , | were immediate neighbors, and announced today that he would ! even up matters. lakittg a rifle of improved pattorn, and buckling on a belt of smokeless cartridges, he started for the Fill home. Fill saw Schistler apI # ' I 1 pronching and heard him make ' threats. Ho tried to avoid him by | entering the house, but Schistler sent a bullet into his brain and ! Fill fell dead. Mrs Fill rushed to her husband's | sido and received a bullet from Rchistler's rifle, she too fell dead j beside the lifeless body of her husband. Schistler then set fire to the Fill homo, which was destroyed. I A son of the Fills is missing and is supposed to have perished j in the flames. Satisfying himself that the flames would perform their mission, Schistler returned to his home and barricaded himself. In the meantime neighbo-s appeared on the scene, but quickly retreated when bullets from Schlatter's riflle began falling noar them. A telephone message was bent to police headquarters and an nrnbu; lance with Police Surgeon Dulin, 1 Capt Bohannan and three oflicers hurried to the scene. Upon the arrival of the officers and beforo they could leave the ambulance a rain of bullets fell I about them. Dulin and Rohan; nan fell to the floor of the ambulance wounded. The condition of ( the former is critical. The driv er reined his horses when another i shot from Schistler dropped one of the animals to the ground. With the assistance of spectators the wounded men were removed from the scene. A strong array of police officers was then sent to the hnnne and after a furious exchange of shots the place was entered und Schistler was found in a dying condi tion. Ho died soon afterwmds. I 1 i ?1 have accepted the agency i for tho V. O. Remedies and will have them on sale at Lancaster during court week. They cure rhe.imatism, heart trouble, blad, der affections, la grippe, liver and s kidney ailments, stomach disor. ' dors and general debility. .) M Hag-ns. ' CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. i The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ST? . Signature of f&ZcJUte Foley9s Money mnd Tar tor chlldrentsafr,sure. No opiates Mrs. Chadwiek Guilty on all Seven Counts. Cleveland, O., March 11. ? Mih Cussie L. Chadwiek was tonight found guilty of conspiring to defraud the United States bv conspiting to produce the certification of checks or a national bank when there were no funds in the bank to tier credit. She was found guilty on every count of the indictment upon which the jury was at liberty to judge her ?soven in all. OABTORlJl. B#ar. tho /iKind You Haw Always Bou;? T* Notice to Road Overseers All overseers of the public roads of Lancaster County who hnvA nnt vvnrtoil ?!>?;?. ???'! - - * ? "?? ?vv? iUVii OCVJliUll \) I road will please warn, out their baud* and work same at once, us the roads have now dritd off so thev can be properly worked. If there is any section that has not an overseer, please report same to me at once and 1 will appoint one. M C Gardner, 4t. Co Supervisor. Notice of Pinal Discbarge Notice is heroby given that on the 31st day of March, 1905, the undersigned, as guardian of Maggie E Sisture and Goorgo W Sistare, will file his final return and settlement and make application to the Probate Court for the County of Lancaster, State of South Carolina, for a final dia^ charge as such guardian. L T McCain. March 1st, 1905. The Place to Buy Shoes We have jlist received a uew lot ol the E'kin & Ashcraft homemade shoes at same old price $t 60, also u full line of the Red Heal Hhoew that we can save you from 25c to 50c a pair; best on the market, CHERRY & CO. Notice. My regular office days will be Saturdays and first Mondays. All othei days you will find me at ray office near L & O depot Will keep school books at both offices and will b*> jjflad to wait on you any day in the week. W M Moore, Co fiupt of Education Jan 16, 1006. * abbage 1*1 fin tm From', the host selected seeds. Now ready f r shipment, large, strong, healthy, these plants are grown in llieonen ah and u ill alo.n-1 severo freeze with out Injury. Early Jersey Wsk?flehl, Large Type 01 Charleston Wakefield which are the best known varieties o( early cabbage, also Heuderaon's Huccession. the hesl laige, late and sure header, august* Early Trucker, also a floe typo of la<< variety. Neatly packed in light baskets, $1.50 per M, For Ave thousand or over $1.25 per thousand F O B ?1 press office. Clias M Oii.Ron. Youngs Island. 8 C, Dec 20, 1904 - 3m. HAVE YOU ^ last you this mo better look am send me youroi WE HAVE !"_'!! ?' die (11 neatly and quid est prices. Try me with thing you want will please you I qutlity. THE STRAH ' ? ARE YOU ENGAGED Engaged people should rcincm her, that, u.tor marriage, many , quarrels chii bo avoided, by kc oping tbeir digest inns in condition with Electric . Hitter* S. A. Brown, of Bennettsvilc, S. (3 , says: "For veins, my wife sof fered intensely from dyspepsia, | complicated with u loi pid liver, I until she hist her sttcngth uiul j vigor, and tiecnnio u mere wreck j of her former self. Then she tii- J ed Electric Bitters, which helped i her at once, and finally made her : entirely well. She i*now strong | and healthy." Crawford Bros. J. F. Mackoy & Co., and Ftinderburk Pharmacy druggist, fell* and guarentees them, at 5tU; a ??? ?tie. Foiey's Honey and Tar is best for croup and whooping c.'iigb, contains no opiates,and cures quickly Careful mothers kc? p it in the house. Sold by Funderburk Pharmacy. CA9BAQEPLANTS $1.50 PER THOUSAND. I am prepared to till any ami nil or ders with the best vartelb s of Cabbage Plants. Orders tilled for any anioui t \ and varieties, IFritw f>r piices on U>'s of 3.000 and over. Add re s ? rders to WTCarr, Meggetie, !* vJ. Doc 20. 1904?3m j '! I>i- i< i:niot t^ Luncuwler, S. C. j UeHi>l< nee phone No 1S7. Office, Davis Muildini;. corner Main and I i, Dunlap atreeU; i>h< tie No 72. Will pructtcu i i lx>tli town ami cuntv of LanexMrcr. A11 calls, eltht r i b ? s i "S-Og ' j ? ^ 3 ft - ??? i' ~ p pkD i <- ft ft 13 ~ c: ** 1 W :nBg'p B CD j * ~ ? > 2-J ~ cc 3 2X. - * > r: I 8 * "g (J. ? O ?' CB 3 * H-I n > s : B 3 - ? ?L J? ~ m * o i ! a a.o sej rF ?-<; C -r o ' J p h ?? oft * 5 ^ ? ~ ?y, = 1 era 1 11 o 3 ic > ;5 1: , > ? Cl, gj C ft ft ft _ cr 3 ft ? JK - ! f" = - | - ^ j I s (X. 5? B y ft il I *"* \ < 3 ^ ^ r** , r/3W * *?. ft j ?? - or " i?? pS^SUs=g: i S 2.5" * o x_K i -K c^;?' ? :! " ? ^ S i " O o 3 * 1 l ?*/ I I Kr 2. f ? g Eh STATIONERY. BILLHEADS, EMENTS, BLANKS, etc., to nth ? You had! (1 see and then rders. a job printing plant and epared to do your printing kly, and at low. ail order for any printed and I >oth in price and Itesptfully. ' 408 PRINT, J EDtiEROFFICE The Kind You Have Always Bon in use for over 30 years, lias ?? and has All Counterfeits, Imitations am Experiments that triilo with ai Infants and Children?Experici What is C/J Costoria Is a harmless substit gorie, Drops und Soothing Syi contains neither Opium, Morp substance. Its ago is its guara and allays Fevcrlshnoss. It ci Colic. It relieves Teething Trc and Flatulency. It assimilate! Stomach and Bowels, giving li The Children's Panacea?Tlio 1 GENUINE CAST< yj ?earB t*10 Sij The Kind You Have B ?. P- ^ 111 use i-or uve Ml CENTAUR COMPANY# TT MUOnA lyos's French Pei Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless RESULTS. Greatest known female i< naMTIftU Ilenaroof countorfoltn unit Imitations. 'I UftUIIUFI ton vril'i fnc-shiiilo oltfiianuo on kUo of Bond for Circular to WIl.LlAMS ML-'U. CO.. Solo Akouu Sold by Fundcrhurk Pharmacy. PROFESSION A Ij i ARD. j j I>U M P CltAWKUItl) I)K 11 C HllOWN i CRWVFOUl) & HHOWN, Physicians at.tl Surgeons, I uueibter, S. (', Treatment of the eye, nose and J tl>?oa a specialty. ut) Culls promptly answered day or i he night Olllc i.ver Crawford llros. Drug Store. J Phones: Oflie\ No 17(1; It hie noes N os 11 and 36. MONEY TO LOP I have made arrangement wU J ' lenders or money in New York od we have assisted lui rut reds?they are hi pot It lot iH. \V? offer special rates ||> Macfott's S. (J. lhi?.iuo89 College g1 Columbia, S. 0. ; Aug. 29, 1904 -tf. ! Q f? M-i ^4.^-jmuxu . > ?oai?race?wac^a??? m PILES! PILES! PILES! K '.?r, Williams' Indtiu Pile Ointment jnihr-tre ili.it. i> .< ding,Ulcerated, f I and Itching Pi! a I. absorbs the tu- I-1 mors all ?vs the itching at once, acts 4 i o mice, giv. s iiv-tunt relief. l)r. Williams' hull tu Pi n Ointment is pr p.?r <1 only fr Pi!??s mil itching of "lie private put* and nothing e.se, Kv iy l> x i g i r iii- I >ld by 1' i s'mm I'V mall, lor ninl 1/ j?l ill) j?er iiux 'V I. L1 A M:S 'P'O I< ? <> riit|i'<, i'i il, Ohio L Sot 1 hy KihmIi r'Mi U (*' arm iry. A A - - A A :/. T * ' A J A Li A U !'/ ? . s % ,\w. . V |J B "??cca ? j . < V?-TTti |'i |J n arpli '. ( f |i I' jjj cation ?/t* f ' '> y ?< ra INOINCt, BOILER I. OiNMIftO MAC III II M A M ?RY, IAW Mill AN? WCULWOhNl.T-T B MACHINERY, BHINGLC AflO LATH B MACHINE K Y, CORN MILLS, B BRICK MAHINO MACHIfl CRY, KINPREO LINES B (.1 I GIBBES MACHINERY COMPANY. I I folumbli. S. C. 0 4 ight, nnd wliicli lias been \ borne tlio signature of been made under Iiis oertervision since its Inanoy. 0110 to deceive yon in this*. 1" Just-as-good" are but id endanger tlio licuith of nee against Experiment* STORIA nte for Castor Oil, Parcnips. It Is l'lcasant. It liino nor other Narcotic nteo. It destroys Worms it*nu niai.|.1>^o IVI.wl utblcs, cures Constipation 4 the Food, regulates the tealtliy and natural sleep* Jollier's Friend. D>R!A ALWAYS jnatureo^^^^ ! Always Bought r 30 Years. f BTUCCT. NEW YORK CITY. ioical Drops , sure to accomplish DCS1RED cuiocly. Price, ?1.50 per bottle. r!n? Kouutno Is nut up only In. pustc-bonrjt OiLfr the Imitle. tints: v? ^-T . Ciurciautl. OUlo. I. E. RIITLEDGE, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. Working on credit doesn't pay, d mv terms from this fi.no neoforlh arostiictly cash. iiea onablo Price**, old Filling $1.50 Amalgam Filling 75 cts. Cement F'lling 75 ct uuniiKit PLATE, ill upper set of teeth $12.00 ppor nr.d lower act $25.6 AM.) C11EST1U I I vv * } n l f?!u!o in effect Jhii S. 1905. (Dally excel t BuiHm ) ?. i vi hoCN J> v I.K'iraHt' I. 7 16a in 3 45 p in v Fori Luwu, 7 84 a in 4 16 p i.i v li-'HOOUvilla. 7 44 x in 4 80 p in v Bleb burg, 7 n ,n 4 45 p in r f'hfstnr, 8 15 a in 6 16 p m r Uhnrhitte, So K 0 65 a in 7 10 p m ' r Uolutnbla Ho KM 80 a in I (i5 a in r Y? r> v'.D&N W 9 4S i in r Uaaioiiln.CN Wj0 88a in r la n< ir. e K 6 10 a in 7 00 p m v ("harlot)a, So K 6 J6 am v ? In s!i i, 10 no a ni 8 45 p m v i^irlitiuiy, 10 4o a in 0 09pm v lbiecomvillc, 10 0 a m 0 16 p m v Fi?i t i.Hwn M 06 a m 9 26 p m r Lancaster, 114 0 a rn 9 45 p in CONNECTIONS. ( healer- Southern, Seaboard and irollua & North wcntem railways Lancaater?Southern Hut (way. A 1'. il/cl.UKlC, /iaht Tratllc n~gf I'KOY hPlUNHS. Prebt and Traffic Manager.