Lual Matle 1 '??'OINTMENTS OK RF.V J. M T> ? ITK Juity, 1st aud 3(1 Habbat'o . Glllrt ( rei k, 'J\I ami 4th Hahbath, 1) m. ii lMeasunt Hill, 'J.I and 4lh Sabbath, \? Dl. H ? Mr Uriah New I and Mi at " Lnla Horion were married at Ike Methodist parsonage in Kershaw 1 last Wednesday night, March lat, J 11)05, by Kev O A Jetfcoat. f ? Mr and Mrs J F Clyburn nt ^ tended the funeral of Mr .1 It ^ Clyburn, the former's brother, at Waxhi-w yesterday. * ? Miss Funnie Stover of this place is visiting friends and relatives at Heath Spring. ? Mrs L Jacobson,of Lancaster, is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs L Hirsch.? Kershaw Era. ?That big cost sale at Cloud's store is t a k in g the cake. Next Suturday is tho last day. see h's adv. ? Married, at Beaver Creek chureh, on February 19th, 1905, by Rev S N Watson, Mr Alonzo Ca^key and Miss Mollie Hunter, daughter of Mr Lewis Hunter, all of Cedar Creek township ? W A Reckling, Photographic Artist, ot Columbia, S, C , will be at Lancuster March tho 22.1, 23d, 24tli and 25tb, taking pictures Ail who want the latest, up-to-date work please take not ee. Office at the Impoiial Hotel. Teachers and trustees will boar in mind that no school claim will be approved by tho Supt. of Education unless properly fiUed, with ink, and signed by at least two trustees; nor will it be paid by the County Treasurer unless approved hy the Supt of Education And en dorsod by payee. ? Married, at the Heath Spring parsonage, on Sunday, March 5th, 1905, by Rev David Hucks, Mr Sam Rarfhdd and Miss Ella Gay, daughter of MrGeo Gar, all of tho Hancina Rnolr ??/? n p " wv" wvi/iuu? j ? Magistrate Crenshaw of Cedar Creek turned over to the County Treasurer Monday $25.30, fines, j etc., collected the past quarter. j ?The Antioch Farmers' club j will meet at the school bouse next Friday night to arrange for the ] purchase of fertilizers for this ] year. A full attendance of mem- , bers is desired. I ? In a difficulty on the South- < ern railroad track, East of town 1 last Sunday afternoen Pete Can. t?y, col., shot Will Barnes, also 1 colored, the ball taking effect in t Barnes1 head inflijting a slight 1 wound. i --Our attention has been call 1 ed to our accidental omission of 1 the names of two otler Lancaster J County students whose names 1 were on the honor roll of the S. < C. College, viz: Ross Blackmon i and G Wells Vaughan. These J young men were both distinguished in their studies I ?There was a large crowd here ^ Saturdiy to hear an address by ' Mr E D Smith, president of the State Cotton Growers1 Associs- < tion, but he failed to reach here * on account of being delayed in A'abama. The crowd was greatly ^ disappointed but were entertained with short speeches by local speakers. it was decided < to hold another meeting on the 20th aud to invite President i Smith and Treasurer Hyatt to be present. ?The Spring term of the S11- I preme Court will conveno April | 18th, beginning with the Sixth i circuit which will be given four < dava Three appeals are docketed ; from this county: Mackorell V9. L & C K K Co ; Hughes vs. < Western Union Telegraph Co.; | and Buist va L M Co. I _ i(3nog sieMiy mih no* pui^i ?|2 ^ "**8 ' ZUQAiVO toll of Honor for Lancueter Winded School, 2d Qnarier. lu the three higher finder only he uumes of the highly distin;uished in study appear. In the ix lower grades, not only study, >ut deportment and attendance t-e given. First Grade - Scholarship :? Jorothy Moore, Louise Poag, lohn Henry Clybu? n, It L Craword, Ruth Fundetburk, Henry llaekinon Ernest Bealy, Austin ioldridge, Chauncey Gregory. Attendance : Ruth Funderburk 3dell Horton, Hacker Billing^, Austin Bold ridge. Deportment : Odell Burton Ccnan Moore, Juanita Sowoll, lohn Montgomery, John Henry jlyburn, K L crawford, John Dabney. Bessie Cunningham, chauncey Gregorr, Austin Bold, idge, Ezra crcnshaw, jumes T. rlaugh, Robert Allison, Henry llncktnon, liacker Billings. beconi) orade - Highly Distinguished: ?Eupheniia Ganson, VLary Gooch, Nanna Perry, Mary Drawford. Distinguished ? Cly burn Wilmn, Malcolm Williamson, Eugene lough, Orin Blackmon. Henrv Moore, Perry Bell? Bennett, Emnie Blackmon, Roth McDow. Attendance - Emmie Blncktnon, Meldiin Stoll. Deportment -L uise Robinson, ?erry Bollo Bennett, Eupbemia 31 an*on, Mary Gooch, Clyburn Wilson, Oiin Blackmon, Earle rillman, Henry Moore, Mnlcolui Willi imson, Howaid Williamson. thihd okadk ? Maude Clyburn, 1(0on Cautbeu, Zelnia .Johnson, Vlary Moore, George Enirey Ji>ovey, ElUett Springs. Fourth Grade - Scholarship, dighly Distinguished : ? Kate -1 inew Distinguished: Penrce Bell, Jan?z di Meore, Homer Bowling, ftenuie Culp Attendance: ? Hortenso Gregiry, Kat? Hints. Fifth Grade- Highly Distinguished: ? Ethel Dabney, Marie loddey, Mario Cljburn, Frances Maseey, Eflie luthcoek, Jessie joe Blackmon. Distinguished:-Walter Tillman, l E Hitison's S ore Dumagoc by Firo A .special from Camden to Th? News and Courier, March 5tb says: Fire was discovered at 9.8C o'clock tonight in the grocer} store of I) E lliuson on Broat street. The tire department re eponded promptly and tho flamei wero soon extinguished. Th< damage wm principally to the stock, which was covorjd b) insurance, antl tho damage wil not irn nvar 87(1(1 'fl.- -1 ? - ? w. w ? x/% ^'ivsv. iuo viui r 11 owned by VV B Burnu of Sunitor The origin of the fire is no known. Mr Lliuson states tint he wus in the building before th hour of service to night and ssa no fit c then. ? Married, at this place, Sue day, March 5, 11)05, Albert Hot erta and Miss Essie Ku?ght dau ghter of Mr. Mody Knight. ? Mr J B Ellis of tho Cree section was painfully scalded abou the face and neck yesterday, h h'td put a tin bucket nearly ful 1 of water, with tho lid tightly puet ed in, on the fire and when th water began to boil the buckf burst throwing the water ove him. COS We ar - GB ever < mt- On goods at a F.vervbc that we do yourself ai , we don't a ; Tffl< Throi * r*; ; i / B + i . ^ > V-V' Jesse B Cbburu Died In Atlanta Mr John F CI y burn received a I telegram Monday afternoon that i bis brother, Mr J B Clyburn, h?;d died ut bis father's borne in At I lanta of pneumonia. dust two weeks ago Mr Clyburn went from his borne in Hock Hill to Atlanta Ic to the bedside of bis mother who was then seriously ill of pneumonia. He became ill shortly after . be reached the city and, though ho had the best possible attention, death resulted Monday. | Mr Clyburn was born near Van Wyck, in this county, and was a son of Mr Henry N Clyburn srbo j moved to Atlanta several yoars ! ago. Ht was about 33 year* of age and was married- about three i years ago to Miss Bright Blythe 1 of Waxhaw, N C., who with an 1 infant child survives him. He also leaves his father, mother, | three brothers, Messrs ,J. S., J. F., and H R Clyburn, and two ^ sisters, Mrs J M bevguson of this county, and Mrs J L Wilson of Rock Hill, surviving him. Ha I was a member of the Methodist church and a splendid young man, enjoyinc the confidence and j of nil who knew him. For several years he hns occupied a very responsible position with the Rock Hill Buggy Co. His re? t mains were brought to VVaxhaw, N. C., yesterday, where they were interred at 2 p in. v 1 ? Mr W E Massey, a former ( Lancastrian, and his wife, sustaini ed losses by the recent big 6re in Hot Springs, Ark., aggregating nearly $40,000. Mr Massey wae in the mercantile business and tho k only insurance he carried was $6,>t 000. on his stock of goods. Aside o from the heavy monetary loss of 11 Mrs Maisey by the 6re, death rob > bed tho household of her fatber ?' only the duy before the calamity *t 'of the tiro. ir ^ ?Subscribe to l'he Ledger. SALE e in the m LEATEST < 3onducted r store has been < great sacrifice. > m't Miss ?ch knows when i ? exactly what w id if you don't fit sk you to buy one -i C n T n T 5 DHLfc VV JGHSATUB (/n't miss such a j h c i i$ .4 V I V. ?u . > The Place to Buy Shoes We have Jn>t received n new lot ol the K bin & Ashcraft homemade ahora at name o'd priee tin, nipo 8 full line of the RetlHoal Hlioew that we can nave you from 26c to f> cent's worth. TT T HlVTT V lLfJL U1U 1 (day, MAI ;reat slaughter i E. E. Ci ! NOTICE! i No' ice i? hereby given that (be I partnership heretofore existiug be > tween Heath Banking and Mercantile k Company and \V P Bennett, under the firm name of W P Bennett, has been dholved by mutual consent. The said W P Bennett has purchased the entire interest of tiie undersigned in said partnership business and assumed all - ho liabilities thereof. Heath Banking & Mercantile Co, By H W Heath, Keoy and Treas Feb 24. 1905?2 w NOTICE! r 1 5 Notice is hereby given that tho ' partnership lieretofore xiating be' ween Heutlt Banking and Mercantile Company. W T Witherspoou and \V B Culp, partners doing business unde the llrna name of W B Culp & Co., has tills day been dissolved by Mutual I consent, and the said W B Culp liav5 ing purchased the entire interest of j tho undersigned and assumed all the , ilabilitUs of said partnership* be will conduct such business in his own name. Heath Banking & Mercantile Co r By K W Heath Secy and Treas \V T Withers^ oon. Ft I) 24 1905,?W2 INT jER CENT est selected marIRISH POTATriumph Bliss, jerless Beauty of lers at lowest priand Garden seed ORELL'S. NG!" e of the LESaster. iople buying 1 i k ? 16 I -m )OST SALE and see tor ; Actual Copt Last r. 11th. sale. loud