V J * V '. _ ** ' ' ? ITl. i ... ... .."i - !^5SS?.., - ^^"^"""SSSSSSBSSSSSSKy^TSg^^fc~Z !k.'..' ??JiLLJ-TTTSy**^^- ssS3C3CXS3CiEBC3Bnt ^v* 4 1 A I*sm&r Naivpapsr : JfrrtJU J* mini iff am ^*o PbiUtaaK j ^3>.T?ivEKKLY L A N C A S PE It. 8. 0. M A It C U, 8, 1905 E8TABL16H^D?RW ??? i " ?^?? ] # # i ^ ^ ' r I I HannP.nintfS in thP. RtatP ! Sumter, Oil his fnllM Oil tho I lillcnr I nriui nnr I ho .1 tul urn ntttrml ?V.? I /^ " ? ? 1 ~ i?v>j^|fvuiuQV IU %UV VWUIV? | I An Chronicled hy the Alert Cor- j respondents of 1'lie Columbia State and the Charleston News and Courier. (Specials to The State ) Incendiary Fire Neat Greet s Greenville, March 4.?The barn of M. M. Wood, two miles from Greer'*, was burned early tonight with 22 bond of cattle, feedstuff*, wspons, implements, etc., nil a total loss. Four head of horses were barely saved. That the hlnzo was the work of an incendiary there is no doubt, as tin# little son of Mr. Wood saw a man run from the rear of th* hnrn ns lh? broke out. Daring Safe Robbery in Heart of Spai tanhurg. Spartanburg,March 3. ? While Joe Jeffeison was entrancing the city folks with a superb rendition of "Rip Van Vickie" at the opera house 1 Ant night ? or some timo thereafter?the city assumed a kind of Sleepy Hollow state,which was taken advantage of by a bunch of bungling, awkward burglars, who forced an entrance to the green grocery of W H Swain, 59 cast Main street, rolled the safe from the very front of the store, out the rear door, and a short dirtanee away, on the ground They battered the door of the safe with a sledge-hammer and an axe and opening it secured from $70 to $80 for their risk and labor. Shot From Hit? Horse. Williston, March 8.?Tina com munity was profoundly shocked this evening upon learning that one of its prominent citleens, J. r Smith, Jr., was fcully murdered about a milo from town. As usual, Mr. Smith had ridden to his farm, and while riding through a narrow strip of woods was shot from his horse. Thero were two shots fired, which were heard by several persons, and the horse was seen coming out of the woods and was caught by a negro tenant The woods in which the crime was coqimitted is surroundei by open fields in which were men at work, and it seems impossible for the murderer to hitve committed this crime in daylight and escape. The shots were heard ubout half an hour before dark, and in the edge of woods not for from a tenant house. As soon as the horse was Vroiight to town without its rider a party was made up and searoh begun. The body was found about 8:30 p. m. There were two shots whieh had taken effect, one in the side ot the face and arm and the other full in the face. His watch being gone points to robbery as the motive. Movemeut of Fertilizers I UbftMeston, March 3?The feis liliner shipments for the month of February amounted, to 87,264 tons, as against 36,735 tons for January. The demand was very dull during January, and even the shipment L st month is much short of what is usually mo'cd. Fertilizers are being rapidly moved po^, ancj this month may show an Improvement over last month. Thirty-Five Bales burned. Muysville, March 2. ?Nows has just reached Ibis place of the barning oi 35 bales of cotton, tbo property of Dr 8 C Baker of j - " place, about three miles woit ol Mayesville. Tlio fire smarted from a spark dropped from a negro laborer's pipe while smoking un der tho shed . Death of Mr VV H Hardin. Chester, March 2.? Mr VV Holmes Hnrdin, aged 74 years, a prominent citizen and prosperous and wealthy farmer of this coun ty, died this afternoon ns the result of several recent paralytic I strokes. He successfully engaged in mercantile business hero a hum b*r of years ago. Under his prcs idency of the Chester and Lenoir railroad, tho road was completed Of his eight children nil were ftt his bedside except the wife of exAttorney Geneml \V A Bnrber. Policeman Bean Acquilted. Charleston, March 2.? Polico Officer J W Bean was acquitted yesterday of the charge of murder in the court of general sessions, upon the instructions of the court. When the jury had been sworn Judge Gage called the particulars of the killing to the attention of the jury, showing that the police officer had been shot by the negro, Green, at Hampton park in making the arrest, and was forced to use his weapon in self-defense, and accordingly instructed them to return a verdict of not guilty, which was immediately done. Failure of Judgeship Bill. Spartanburg, March 8 ?Senator D E liydrick, who returned from Washington today, informed your correspondent that the judgeship bill to create a new federal district failed to become u law. This was due to disagreement of members of the house in a fight which dwindled down us to whethor Rock IIill or Chester should be included in the district. Seventy-five Bales Burned at McColl. McColl, March 1 ?Seventyfive bales of cotton have just burned on the platform of the Alluntic Coast Line depot at McColl. This cotton belouged to J F McLaunn, H L McLaurin and the Gibson Mercantile company. Nuone knows how this fire originated, but it probably started from a spark thrown from thi passing freight from the north. (Specials to News ami Coiiri r ) Unfortunate 'Accident. Monck's Corner, March 3.? After intense suffering the sixyear-old child of Mr. George Murray died yesterday. The child swallowed a piece of stick last Saturday and, although a physician was called in, nothing could be done. Immediately after her child became ill Mrs Mur ray, who believed strongly in the faith cure, telegraphed the "Gospel Trumpet" to pray for the relief of her little one. Sentenced For Life. Bibhopville, March 4. ?The proceedings of the Court commenced with the continuation ot the Slftte ys Pete? Bind, for mur? der. After the speeches of the solicitor and the attorneys for the defendant the cat* was handed to 'the jury, who in about a half hour brought in a verdict of "guilty, with recommendation to i mercy." After a few solemn I and impressiye remarks to the I i " -r>" i , I penalty; sentenced him to the Pan ^1 itentiary for tho term of his nut. ural life." Kershaw's Court House. ?J Cuunleu, S. O., March 3.?The work on Camden' h Court House is to begin right away. Mr. Harry L Ziegler, secretary Sh for tho Messrs T. C. Thompson & p Bros, who have the contract for the erection of the new Court House, is hore now looking after tho work. Tho material is being received daily. . * Columbia's Prosperous Suburb Almost Destroyed. ^ Columhiu, March 4.? A (ire to- p( night in New Brookland, on tho 8l1 Lexington side of the Congarce (j| ltiver, has almost wiped out the jn valley. The tire started on the g west side of town, which is the 6\ uusiness portion, una exionoed to gft tho Columbia Duck Mill village, th About two-thirds "f thd mill vil- ai ago hue been destroyed. ? iw Soeking Prohibition. j h Pickens, March 4?Tho die- ^ ponsary situation is growing in * ! interest. til Following is a copy of petitions P( being circulated os the stisot; "The Lion (J. M. Lynch, super- ^ visor of Pickens County': The P' undersigned qualified voters of sa Pickens County, respectfully peti- al tion tor an election upon'ho ques- th tion of dispensary or no dispen- th sary in Pickens County." ui Assaulted and Robbed. th Florence, March 3.?Mr A E ki Oarmichael, who runs a small fruit store at this place, was tmir- j"0 derously assaulted and robbed 18 last night as ho wus going to his tt^ room in the Buckheit buildiDg on ^ Dargao stroet, one of tho most public thoroughferow of the city, ^ and his assailant escaped uudetect- J^.1 ed. The blow was of such force as to knock him sonseless. While in this condition his pockets were riflod and Dinety dollars, together ^ with bis watch, were takon tbereu Ol from m su ATTACKED BY A MOB b; ct and beaten, in a labor riot, until m covered with scares, a Chicago street car conductor applied Buck. ^ len's Arnica Sab e, and was bood j* sound and well. "I uso it in my ' family," writes G. J. Weloh of ^ Tekonska, Mich., (1and find it perfect." Simply great for cuts ^ and burns Only 25c at Crawford Bros'., J. F. Mackey & Co'b and Funderburk Pharmacy. *c "South Corolina" to Cost Eight ^ Million Dollars. ;8 ol Special to The State. tt Washington, March 1.? Preai- a dent Boosevelt had a conferenoe T with Secretary Morton this morn- | ing at the close of which th9 announcement was made that one p( of tho two new battleships ? authorized by this congress should n be named "South Carolina." The new battleship will be from 16,000 to 18,000 tons displace- p ment, and will havo a probable (] pood of 19 knot*. . . Si The approximate cost the South Carolina will be $8,000,000. m m w Take M urrai/'v hound Mullein and Tai J and stop coughing. 25. for 1 large bottle, lour drug tl gist or Murray Drug Co., (j ColumbiaS. C.- Hore ti ?Subscribe to The Ledger. c< / annot bet tree From Liquor Curse. G loree's AlmostUnanimons Pe- t3 titioD UnaTailin g. ' ai locdled to the Dispensary, Su- d< reme Court's Decision is that State Board of Eirectors is ^ Not Authorized to Re- . d move. n r he State, 2d in6t. tl The State supreme court yes- ^ rdaj banded down a decision in ^ fl C.ilBQ of thn rnmnrul nf Iho /lic_ u snsury from Elloree. The court c stains the positiou taken by v aairamn H H Evans, who, act- g g upon the advioe of the attorney y ineral, voted against the propo- a tion to do away with the dispen- e ry at that place on the ground ut the State board has not the ^ ithority to take such action. f In the decisiou of the court, g ritten by the chief justice, ^ on Y J Pope, a brief history of ie case is given. In October last ? io people of Elloree signed a pe ^ tion for the removal of the die- ^ msary. No charges of miscon* ^ irt *??ro brought against J 11 ~ n 0 feeks, the dispenser. The peo- (j ie wanted to be rid of the dispen- t ;rv aud did not hesitate to say so, 1 tint half a dozen of the men of j iat community having signed c ie petitions asking for the re- ^ oral of the liquor shop. ^ The petition was a:ted upon by ^ o board on the 14tb of Decern- ' and Messrs. Towill and Boy g n are recorded as having voted ^ grant the petition. Mr Evans recorded as having voted ;ainst the Hction of the majority, I' r he thought the State beard ul no jurisdiction. Dispenser reeks then appealed to the sureine court for a right of pro- hitinn in mt/tn thn rlw/ra* #?# *V?*? SI r -vv,-v " *uw ate board. In bis complaint to e supreme court, Weeks says c that no vote bad been taken by a e qualified electors of the county > f Orangeburg to close dispen- o ries in said county as provided p ylaw." He a'so alleged that no 11 targes had been made against bis tl magement, that he could not be tt amoved except for cause, and R at the Stale board has no author* y to close a dispensary except * jnn the order of the majority of c te people of a county. c After summing up these facts, \ te chief justice says: \ < A scrutiny of the powers con- t irred by law upon the board of irectore of the State dispensary tils to show that any power to 086 a dispensary once established conferred by law to said board ] f directors; but, on the contrary, is law confers such power upon different tribunal." He then notes the law as amended by enator Brico's bill in 1904, and | ontinucd: , "Apart from all ?f this, snch nwer in a board of directors of itate dispensary might set at aught the will of the people, 1 9 expressed by their represents- I yes,'legally chosen. As we have eretotoro remarked, there is no owsr given to the State board of irectors to close a county dispen> try. The demurrer is overrnled, ' d as any further consideration i i not desired on the merits we -t ill grant the petition. "It is therefore ordered that te act of the State board of eon ol is null and void and the writ ^prohibition is hereby ordered | ) issue, restraining the respon- ( ent from enforcing their resoluon adopted on the 14th of De? ' amber, 1904." m Koropatkin Badly Beaten. Russian Left Cut Off from Real e of tho Army?The Japs Marie" chine: on Mukden. en ;e, Berlin, March 4---A dispatch ,ee to the Tageblatt from St. I'eterson burg says : Gen. Kuropatkm, in a telogram 5iu which arrived here at 7 o'clock last evening, said 260,000 Japanese had broken through the Rus:an . & n(l sian le/t wing; that it was cut off (jo from lhe remainder of the army. "Bt 10 o'clock came another ers dispatch from Gen. Kuropatkm, ... which read: A e "The Japanese are matching on are 4 ^ t Mukden. My position isextreme. ly dangerous." In government circles here totny day there is a conviction that Gen. wo lvuropatkin has been fully beaten] that part of his army has been disnorsed and that the railroad emocruts Hunting Jobs r ro Republicans. reenwood Journal. It ia disgusting to notetbo anx f displayed by a number of ra i So.ith Carolina to get offi< ad especially so when we t atnocrats running to Waahiugt rwning on the President and be ing for appointment to office fr< lie hands of a republican. ^ 0 not see how these men c laintain their self respect a inrsue tuch a course. Why hey not do as John Cap ins dono go over bag t aggago to the republicans? 1 ro persuaded that such men lot democrats to hurt, and that rould coat them very little aac ice of priuciple to part com pa nth the democratic party, und re very sure that the party coi aaily spare them. VVe are aware of the fact tl t ia said if u new district is to ormod in South Carolina, u ome good democrat can be i lointed judge, and some otl ;ood democrat district attorney rill be better for the peoj. bat is actuating these hungry ce lookers. Thay are after t?or king else, and if they get it wl are they for the people? Has ecency and self respect been 1 hat democrats can hob nob w epublicans and whine areund I or their tables waiting for ere rumb that may fall? It looks i 'bedsmocrat who does such thhi arfeita the rsspsct of his own Y and ia justly despised by all r ublicans. The facts are he t for neither party and should political outcast. nsurance Companies Will P for McCue's Life. Charlottosrillo, Va., March It is now believed that all the i urance companies in which t ite J. Samuel McCue held po Les will pay the claims withe ny trouble. The New iork Li 1 the first to have settled. T nly question asked by the co any was proof of the death of 1 asured. This they received fr< bo qualified executors of McCi nd the company immediate ent a check for the full amoui 110,000, to W L Smith their nl agent, to settlo the claim. Uul/in/v f K A sixtf 1 Amnnl ? 1> n /tA uuniu^ fcuu owitiouioub iug tu >anv *as ao exact that it inclut a the check $11.35 unearned era tit of $315 borrowed in C >ber last to pay the last premi >n the above named policy. Expert Cracksmen Hob Oeoi Bank of $4,000. Flovilla, Ga., March 4.?Sc time laat night professio cracksmen entered the bouk Flovilla and wrecked the vi with an explosive, making Basy haul and eicapod v 14,000 in cash. ?Reward will be paid for formation which will lead to recovery of a black Berkshire and pigjsix months old, which my home last Sunday. Dave McKinno) ? For letterheads, notehet billheads, circulars and all ki 3f printing neatly and quit printed, send your work to office. Roy S Strai tiat 1 j north of Mukden will probably be , cut. ;ud tp. FURTHER SUCCESSES OF THE JAl'S. ier Gen. Kuroki's Headcpiartere,in > it the Field, March 4.?Via Fusan. >le The Japanese have gained a signal of- victory beyond the Hun River, dene feating in detail two divisions of aai the Russian 15th corps, recently all arrived froai Europe, with great ost slaughter, and captured hugequan ith tities of ammunition. UQ. The Russians still hold their ,ry main link of defences, so. The Russians fighting stubborn* igs ly between midnight and daybreak ,ar made four attacks in heavy force o- against the contingent of Japanese j8 which gained their first line in be front of Waltao Mountain Thursday night. The Japanese held the ground two nights aud one day weather below freezing. The HV J morale of the Japanese troops splendid. g DRIVEN FROM flAQTU FASS. n_ St. Petersburg, March 4,?Gen be Kuropatkin reports that the Rub. ,1b sians have been compelled to evac< lUt uate their position at Gaotu Pass. fo THE JAl'g GAINING GROUND. k? Tokio, March 4.?4 p. m.?It m,% was announced today from the headquarters of the Japanese ing on the right, centre and left is 01J resulting in steady Japanese gains. Qt> The Japanese, it is^added, have 1?* defeated the Russians at Sinminln tin. m. , JAP8 UA8TBR OF KOREA, led n Vladivostock, March 4.?Two jct_ thousand Japanese troops have landed at Shengudsihn, north of Korea, to which which place they were conveyed by steamers from war ships. A flotilla of torpedo Kia boats covered the landing. ARE YOU ENGAGED ime I Engaged people should remem? . ber, that, alter marriage, many ? quarrels can be avoided, by keep*ult iog their digestions in condition an with Electric Bitters. S. A. pith Brown, of Bennettsvile, S. C., says: "For years, my wife suffered intensely from dyspepsia, complicated with a torpid liver, in- until she lout her strength and the vigor, and became a mere wreck BOW of her former self. Then she triI ed Electric Bitters, which helped her at once, and finally made her entirely well. She is now strong '' and healthy." Crawford Bros. J. F. Mackoy & Co., and Fuoderj burk Pharmacy druggist, sells ,' and guarentees them, at 50c a bot01,8 tie. ;kly ttbi kuwiS sealing mss