Has Eight Thonsand Dogs What the lax on Canines lie veals in Picketis County ? NVhat it will Yield to Schools Special to News ami Courier. Pickens. February 9.?Auditor Keith came in from his rounds of the county the last of' tho weeK ami says there uro so ue vory enthusiastic school districts in tho upper part of this county. The cause of their rejoicing is tho tax on dogs. In Pumpkintown district, which has levied a special tax of thi eo mills for years 1 I * I - 1 A ior scnooi purposes, me nog lax amounts to more than the special levy. Tho special tax the past year was about $70 and the dog tax to bo collected in tho fall will amount to $81. This means that there is the astonishingly large number of 102 dogs in one small school district. There are fiftytwo districts in the county, which no doubt .vill average equally as well, and this gives l'ickens county a dog census of about 8.00U. This is about throe dogs to every qualified voter. A TOUCHING SIORY is the saving from death, of the baby girl of Geo. A. Eyle^ Cumberland, Md. He writes: "At the age of 11 mouths, our little girl was in declining health, with serious Throat Trouble, and two physicians gave her up. Wo wero almost in despair, when wo resolved to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. The first bottle gave relief;after taking four bottles she was cured, and is now in perfect health." Never fails to relievo and cure a cough or co'd. At Craw/ord llros.. .1. K. Maokev & Co., and Funderburk Pharmacy. Six White Men Held for Trial Special to New aiul Courier. Aikin, February S. The prollmiinary hearing of six white men and eight colored men who took part in the riot at Jacksonville, near Langloy, last Satuiday, was held here today. Magistrate S. S. Lee, of Langley, held the trial in tho City Hall, as.thero was a largo number of witnesses and a crowd of spectators. There two warrants, oue charging Messrs John Mitchell Sim Cobb, Jr., Hamp Williams, Minic Mitchell and Davis Williams, white, with murder. And another indictment charging Fred Butler, Athnoy Boyd, Henry Jackson, Boss Moaler, Loss Donaldson, Calvin Mealer, Lon Mabrey and Eilliot Spencer with murder. Sarah Mabrey, Jane Hampton, Margaret Banks and W. D. Wright wore the only witnesses examined, and upon their testimony magistrate found ground to bind the white men over to the Circuit Court and ho discharged the colored men. PUBLIC AROUSED The public is aroused to a know? -l ? leugd 01 the curutive merits of that great medical tonic, Electne Bitters, for sick stomach, liver and kidney. Mary H. Walters, of 547 St. Clair Ave., Columbus, O., writes. "For several months, I was given np to die. 1 had fever and ague, my nerves wero wreck ed; I could not sleep, and my etomach was so weak, from useless doctors' drugs, that I could not eat. Soon after begining to take Electric Bitters, I obtained relief, ABd in a short time 1 was entirely oafed." Guaranteed at Crawford Bros., J. F. Mackey & Co., Fundetbnik Pharmacy, drug tores; price 50c. .Notice to the Public. I will hold all inquests in the county. Phone to my residence At Pleasant Hill for mo wbon needed. J. Montgomery Caskey, ept. 20?tf Coroner L. C. Foley's Honey Tar %tor children.safe, sure. No opiatea. imparlpfW!*""" Big Cattlo Farm. Columbia Record. Preparations are being made for the establishment of a $50,000 entile and poultry farm about ten miles from Columbia in the lower part of Itrchhind county. This is to ho established by Mr 11 A. Mortimer, a prominent capitalist of Baltimore, Md., anil it is understood that he will also have as his associates a prominent poultry dealer of Savannah, Ga. All deals for tho land have been cios d and it is expected that the work on tho houses and fencing will commence at once and that. everything will he ready for business by the early spring The poultry business will be conducted as a side liue and the actual money maker will be the cattle business. Take Murray's HoreJton ml, .Mallc.iu and Tat uud stop coughing. 25. for large bottle, lour druggist or Murray Drug Co., Columbia S. C. A Giant in the Land, Mr. W. B , probably the largest man in South Carolina, was ;n Manning last Friday. Ho is six feet and seven inches and weighs nearly 400 pounds. Mr. lving was for several years a con*? spicuous figure on the police force of Anderson. ? Manning Times. Mothers can safely give Foley's Honey and'Tar to their children for coughs and colds, for it contains no opiates or other poisons. Sold by Funderbur* Pharmacy. No Friends. J. Arthur Josephs, end of the wits of the financial center, according to the Philadelphia Ledger, approached the other day by a well known character about "the street," who plaintively put to him this question: 4'Josephs, would you lend $5 to a friend in distress?" C "Dont tell me that you haven't got it," interrupted the other. "1 saw you change a $10 bill jtiatnow in Eberlin's." "You did not permit me to finish my sentenco," said Josophs, icily. "What I started to say was that I haven't got a friend in the world." OASTOIIIA. Boars the Kind You Have Always Bougjt Negro Convicted of Murder. Hampton Feb. 10 ? Dock Grant a negro, who last April killed one of his own color at a negro frolic near JScotia, in this county, and escaped to Georgia, but was cap tured in December last, was convicted of murder with recommend ation to tho mercy of tho Court. Andrew G. Glovor, a negro, was convicted of manslaughter and kentenced to four years on the chain gang. He killed a negro in the countv last. Knhrnarv bv thn - ? J / ~ J *"w namo of C. li. Jenkins. Notice. M"y regular office days will be Haturdays and first Mondays. All other lays you will flud mc at my office near Ij ot Will keep school hooks at both offices and will he glad to wait on you any day in the week. W M Moore, Co Hupt' f Education. Jan Iff, 1905. ? Capt. Charles L. Williamson of Sumter county lost his gin house, 100 hales of cotton, 12 bales of seed cotton. 100 hnahela corn,and a large quantity of fodder and hay last Wednesday morning:. The fire is thought to have been incendiary. The cotton was partiully insured, A bill to Prohibit Dealing in Fntores Tbo Measure Covers Raw Cotton and All Foodstuffs, and Prohibits Use of Mails for Carrying Out Contracts. 1 Special to The State. .Va^bi.igten, Feb. 10.?in re- | sponge to tbo request of tbo ro- 1 cent convention of southern cotton ! planters held at New Orleans 1 Senator Clay of Georgia to-day introduced a bill to prohibit dealing in options and futures in raw or unmanufactured cotton, wheat, corn, oats, rye, barley, flour, ' pork, lard and bacon. The bill is uiodoled somewhat on the Hatch ! antioption bill, which at one time attracted so much attention throughout the country. It defines options und futures declares ' them to be obstructions and restra ints upon commerce and provides that anybody a party to anyoption or future contract, as defined, shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall pay not loss than one thousand dollars ' and in addition shall he imprisoned not less than one or more than three years. The hill prohibits tho use of the.mails to any person or persons, corporation or corporations for tho purpeso of entering into or carrying out any contract known as options or futures, as described, and such use is declared a misdemeanor with tho samo punishment as provided above. Plans have been effected looking to the extension of the old Throe C's road into tho coul fields of Tennessee, and from thin time the work will bo actively pushed. The road will be lengthened about 100 miles. The terminus will probably be Johnson City, which is in the midst of the coal field, s j For Coughs -Murray's Horehoitnd, Mullein and Tar will cure your cough for large bottle. ? The Ledger, The Atlanta Journal, Semi weekly, and The Southern Cultivator, ill three one year for $2., but must bo paid for in advance. The giand jury brought in a true bill in the case against P. P. Hayes,, charging him with running a turkey raffle, in violation of tho gambling laws of this state. ?Columbia Record. Foley's Honey and Tar is best for croup and whooping cough, | contains no opiates,and cures ' quickly Careful mothers keep it in j the bouse. Sold by Fonderburk Pharmacy, j SO CD ^5 -o 3 O -n ? -P C| -1 ?t a> m ? H i 3 ^ 03 o 2 8* 3 ?>B5C2 "S.CS' " i ^3 2 W _ t-i o 2 s g ? 3 g= S. g? os w - ? w ? S K?2 p oo co * c- a. > a. ? " CO ^ 3 ^ ^ o ^ t? ? ?< # > ? 2 S ^ k ess (-S (J. fx> W&Op O , or> a -??'- Hrt Si W o*? r o ^ c o W 3 -' O v 1 J* Kf ?. M.. P3 ? g g =^= ' ?-2 rH * ** ^ Q o- o ? S H ^9 o W ? 3 5 ^ ~ J* 3 C H 3-? ^ ^ S ** nh, ' = SogH<;L'-- org ^ ? o ? ^ 2. tc> 3 >- 2L ? C -* "r-a r S5 i pWS'f S ^ < a^mai?3?gb - Sjgg.S^oS C-9 "g 5 m ,? -3.J w so p 3 8 ra| S s g S= 5 ?.?"?? -M Pes ~? ~ ~?B CC ~ cn S* o ? a ? ?. ? C ? D ? iS Rf S. f ? g Co-Education oftbe Races. First Criminal Prosecution Now on in Kentucky ? Ca?e HeinferiO. ? Instruction given GRANITE WORKS, For Good Work and low Prices A. J. McNinch, LANCASTER, S. 0 ' MmmmmmBrnmaanmamm AVbgc(ablePrcpardlionforAs J; ! slmilatingthcFoodandRegula- 3" ling the Stomachs and Bowe ls of '% * ^pa gPromotes Digeslion.Cheerfub- f* ness and Rest.Contains neither f. Opium .Morpliine nor>Iii\erai. 'M C Not Narcotic. aroMl*-SAMUELPtrCHKR Seetl- . S3 Alx.Smnn * 1 RmkM, .\Ju- I M?> situxr Srrtf r 1 jg itaa.:.!.-.,- i - \ WnftStrnd." 1 ? \ \ Ciunfinl Sugg? 1 fj cjA. Fii f.Kvsiinilo nijitiaoiro ? '? Milo of iho Bend for Circular to WiLLlAMS MtU.CO..Solo Auvuti. Cle1 Sold by Funderburk Pharmacy. Auditors Notice111 Notice is heteby givoti tb^t t*tIh offlee will be t'ii from the 1-t day of , { January lo he20lh day of Wlnuary ,u'a 19i)s, for the p it p.oM of receiving the hcnco rolui i.h of the tuxnaje;* r Lun-aster County All pernors having properly in their Gold poese.-slon or con.iv.l as Manager, Holder, or a - llu?hii d, Parent, Guard Jan. Trustee, lixeeuit.r. dminisir itor Rectfver Accounting oflleer, Agent, Attorney or i-actor 0:1 th > 1st ?lay of (I January, 1905, are itquired to lir-t the ' same for Taxulion w ithin tho time res Uppe qu'red by Law. or incur the penalty of 50 per cent which attaches in case for Ci cf failure to do so. for c, Only returns of n rsonal property are to be made this y? ar, and Improve J \ ments cn Real Estate J'trsons liab e to Poll Tax are requir ed by law to make return of same. T () OEMS MACHINERY COMPANY. a' A Columbia, S. C. MPMMMH1M9HHBHOTS9H Lv , Lv Li PILES! PILES! PILES! IKS I>r, Williams' I mil tn Pile O'wilm ?m t ! |< wlJIcu'e Blind Bleeding,Ulc? j'v V? and Itching Piles L nbabrbs the Hi- j^v jj, more. allavH :Jie Itching fit once ?>o.Vi j^v pi as a-'Oiiivice, gt Is pr pared only for Pi es and itching of the priva'-o put* and nothing oise. Qlu Every b x i gu-uxin ed Soul by Cflroi druggists. dv nudl, for 5')m.i! Lat ftOOpe h.x W ' i, LIA VI rt y?Li"ol a CO., Pr< p's, Cleveland, Ohio. liER Sold by Fnnderburk Pharmacy. pN Enfant a ancl Childron. Kind Yon Have Iways Bough? rs the / * lature In . X ise For Over fhirty Years ctNTAun ioiimnv. new r?K omr. jfea! Props e to accomplish DE.SIRED iv. Price, $1.50 per bottle. >?ailno is p'-it up only Id pastc-bonrd Cmbotlln. thus: r /Claud, Ohio. i RUTLEDGE, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. irking oil credit doesn't pay, my term8 from this ti.ne forth are sti ictly cash. ? it .onabld PricQs?? Filling 1.50 \midgain Filling 75 cts. Ceme nt F'I ling 75 ct uuimKi: PLATK, ipper set of teeth $12.00 r and lower set $25.50 rrheso prices are strictly i8h. No wOrk done except ish or good security. rt fltTTrtrt* lrt Vv /? -? - i. KUiLtlHit, Dentist. HARRY "FOSTKB. Attorney at Law, LANCASTER, S. C. ' oli o iomi H|> daily ]J|Y 01SEASES the most fatal of all dis5. I TWQ KIDNEY CURE la a Lb. I d Guaranteid Rimady loney refunded. Contains :dies recognized by emlphysidans as the best for ley and Bladder troubles, PRICE 50c. and $1.00. CASTER AND CHESTER flAlLWAV . Ill dale in etf'eet Jan 8. 1 K*5, (Daily except Rundaj) WE TROUND. am ust< i. 7 15 :? in 3 45 | in op i aw ii, 7 34 a in 4 15 p in jiMMViviUe, 7 44 a in 4 3n p na Iclibuig, 7 6?? a in 4 4> pin 11 ester, 8 1ft a ni ft Ift p m lac'olte, So K 8 5ft a in 7 10 p rn iumti'ia So 1(11 30 a in 1 05 t; m ! rkv'.C&N W 0 43 h in ualonia.C vv 10 38 k ni i-iu ir, c A n, r 2 12 p o tlaniu, Hul,r 4 55 p iu 10 vith i yi i.. t ianta, Mal,r 1 00 p m pii .ir, c & n, r 3 Oft i? in astonia " 6 llO p iu ork v ille " 6 50 p m ilumOia, Ho R 6 10 a in 7 00 pin liarlollo. So k ft ift mi? heutei, 10 (K) a in 8 45 p ni Icbburtr, 10 4o a hi 0 ow p m aacoirivlllc, 10 "0 a m 0 15 p m in t Lawn 11 00 a in 0 wO p m incaHter, 114 0 n m 0 45 p in CONNECTIONS, iater?Kou (heui, t'oulviard and filft & NortiiWcwtort. rifVWuya. l caster?Southern Hull v. ay. . P. Afpl-UllK, Traffic ingr oy Spkl