THF LEDGER. UUHLOW S. CARTER, \ EDITOR AND MANAGER. D WKI)SK?I)AY AM) 8ATITKDAY rtU B.SURI I'TION iiftOI'KW VE*U WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 15, 1D05 j Blizzard Prevailing In Westi And Northwest. 111 I'exas the Loss to Catth men Will Reach Several Hundred i Thousand Dollars. I Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 12.? Reports tonight from Missouri, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, Iown, the Dakotas, northern Texas, Indian Territory, Arkansas, and Oklahoma says that unusally cold weather prevails. In Omaha the thermometer registered 1G degrees below zero at 9-o'clock to night. High winds prevail in many localities, drifting the snow . badly and delaying rni'road traffic in all directions. From? Oklahoma and Indian Territory word comes that the temperature today was tivo below zero in several daces and ranoed zero ull rlav. i " o ~ * From ull parts of the territories come accounts of suffering and death as the result of the sudden norther whch begin yesterday. The territory is covered with a coat of mio.v and ice ranging in depth from three to eight ihchos and this will servo as a protection to tho wheal and fruif crops, but the live stock and in some instances the people of the territories arc suffering severely. Cattlomon say that range stock will suffer the greatest loss in years. Great anxiety is felt for tho Indian tribes, who are in no condition to withstand the storm. In northern Texas tho woiot blizzard in ten years, with the thermometer at zero and beloiv, prevuils. Coming so soon ufter tho recent blizzards when snow lay on tho ground 10 days, this severe weather will inllict hundreds of thousand of dollars in losses on cattlemen. In Fergus Falls, Minn., the I 5 w *.? Ibvvi k/iuivo UUlUUb lliui" cuometer registered 3S below zero today. Ice Gorges on Ohio Cause Great Damage. Steamers Torn From Mooring and Sent Down Kiver.?Oce Hundred and Fifty Barges Will Probably be Lost. Cincinnati, O., Feb. 12.?Half a million dollars' worth of river property was placed in jeopardy, one steamer sunk, another carri ed down the river 150 barges torn lose and sent do-vn river, and several other steamers seriously damaged today from the break up of the ice gorges at this point in the Ohio. The gorge at North Bend hroks first, followed by the gorge at Ihe Covington water works. The first accident was to thetowboat Relief which was sunk at the foot of Lowrence streot. Capt. Williams and two mon on the steamor narrowly escaped drowning. Tho stoamcr New South,one of tho best boats on th6 river, was torn from her mooring ! and carried down tho river in tho ' ice. She is somewhoro below ' lodged in the ice pack and it is fearod she will lie a total loss The rise of 10 feet in tho river, i which occurred during tho day. probably caused by the regorging of the ice at some point farther down stroam, forced the steamer Bonanza out of the water onto the shore near tho foot of Main street, where she is in serious danger in ? case of ?uy sudden movement of I ho ice. At last 150 barges, 30 of them i loaded with coal, were cuught in ico and have gouo down the river, probably all of them being a total lose. Happenings in the State. \ s ? As Chronicled by tho Alert Cor- 11 respondents of Fho Columbia v State. e a KILLED A DBSPKRATB NEGRC. 11 Charleston, Feb 11. ? Special Police Officer J W Bean killed a 0 negro named Andrew Green in * self defenso at Hampton park yes- 8 terday morning. The oflicer did ^ not shoot until the negro had * shot him and then ho pulled his ' weapon and shot his assailant, who 1 died a short lime afterwards. t T.OST HIS ARM. S Spartanburg, Feb 11,?J S Rice, an operative of the Lock- I hart mills, while at work in the picker room of that mill yesterday morning, had his lef* arm caught f in the machinery. The limb was ? So badly lacerated that amputrtion v was nocessury. He stood the 5 operation very well. 1 I _ 1 I A BRIDGE BUILDER KILLED. ? Pat Cumuiings, a white work- 3 on the new steel bridge be ' ing erected for the Southern rail ( way over the Catawba river, was ^ found yesterday afternoon near ' Fort Mill lying beside the track 1 with his skull horribly crushed. ^ lie was in an unconscious eondi- 1 lion and died live minutes after 1 being found. It is not known how Cummings ' received the injuries which caused 1 his death.?The State, 12th iust. ? A NEGRO KILLED. , Darlington, Fob. 12.?Sam i Jones, colored, an employe of 1 Patton's tobacco stemmery bore, 1 was caught in machinery at the stemraery yesterday afternoon , and both legs were fearfully man- j gled, causing bis death, which occurred Fridy night. A eorO'. [ ner's inquest was held Saturday morning and verdict was in accordance with the above facts. SLI1TED FROM BRIDGE INTO CREEK Spartanburg, Fob. 12.?Mrs J D Brown and two children came vory near meeting with a fatal ac- ( cidcnt yesterday afternoon as the ( three were traveling in a bug- t gy across the bridge over Fair * Forestjcreek nearArkwright mills. 8 The horse hitched to the vehicle stumbled in the mud and sleet, . ? ' i lost his footing and fell head fore- j most, carrying the buggy and its occupants off the bridge into the # creek below a distance of 12 or 14 [ feet. In falling, the baby slip* ped f-om Mrs. Brown's arras and was picked up by her at the bottom of the creek. The infant bad been snugly bundled and tucked t about with waaps, and was not ] hurt. The other child, a 14 year i old boy who was driving, raanag i ed to escape with a few scratches. I Mrs. Brown was the worst injur* \ ed of three, sustaining a number ( of bruises. While very painfnl, ^ her injuries are not regarded as serious. The horse was badly 1 crippled and the buggy smashed ?ip. This bridge over the Forest c is a long and flat wooden structure i with no side railings or supports, ^ and has steep, slanting approaches on each sido. It was while in the act of descending one of tho approaches the animal slipped and F fell. Mrs. Brown who lives in t the city, had started to Walnut fc Grove to visit her mother, Mrs. Q T. S. Thomas, who is unite sink with pneumonia. . D ?Spartanburg is moving for z tho noxt state reunion of the Confederate veterans. The com- ^ mittoo having charge of tho matter , of fixing a timo and selecting a place has not yet made a report o The School Money. Vbout $118,000 to be Distribute* by Comptroller. Jolumbia Record, 13th inst. A distribution of the school die >ensary nioney, amounting b 118,000, will take place in a lev lays and the comptroller genera 5 now sending out letters to th arious county superintendents o ducation asking for their figure s to the deficiency for each schoo n their county during the year According to an established rule f the office an effort will bemad< o ascertain the deficiency for ani chool in any county and if tho up roprUtion by the respective coun y board are not as much as $7! or ouch school the deficiency i nade up out of this money. The amount left over is givei o the various counties on lh< tandard of enrollment. klarion Parr Convicted of Murdei Columbia, S 0., Feb 11.?Tin irst straight verdict of guilty o nurder to be rendered against i vhito man in Richland county ii 15 years was that handed in toda; >y the jury in the case o Vlarioa Parr, the cotton mill opei dive who had been on trial sine resterday for the murder of th >oy Clurence L Shealy, also :otton mill operative, who wa found with his head crushed by loe near the bank of theCongare iver. Parr received the verdic with stoic iudifference, showin not tbo slightest emotion. Hi nether sitting near him bowed he lead in her hands with grief an his brother seemed excited, ha rising in his scat, but immediatel sitting down again. The vei diet was rendered after a fei ninutes deliberation. Thoug not many doubted his guilt, tb verdict coming in the shape Ihi it did and after so Bhort'a delibei ition created something of a sur prise in the court room. Sentem Evas suspended pending a motio for a now trial. ? > ^ e i? 1 Russian Attack Repulsed. Tokio, Feb 12, 2 p. m. ? Jaf inese Manchurian beadquurtei elegraphs that a company of Ru nans attacked VVaitaosham villag >n Friday night and were repuU id. The Russian batteries at th ivestern foot of the Ta mountai ihelled Putsaowo on Friday, j :ompany of Russians attacked Lii diientus early Saturday mornin ind were repulsed. The Russia irtillerv then shelled fdnehientn ind vicinity. The United States senate hi nado prohibition of the sale c iquor for a period of twenty-or ,-ears a condition procedent to th tdmission of the Indian Territor nto the Union as a state. Letter to J. P.rc. Caskey. Lancaster, 8. C, Dear Sir : We manage to g< iomo fun out of paint. J. K Kohlmeyer, Grove City, Pa., pi n Devoe. Along came a sale nan of somebody else's paint bi 'ore ours had got there. Salei nan said ours was* short-mea1 ire. Kohlmeyer woakened.hun ? ? /i * * ire ana noppea ; stopped oui ind took bis. It was our turn now. W iraptied our can into L is and hi nto ours. The short-measur vas his, not ours ; and we kep >ur man. And, ever since then, tha > gives full aeasure ; his paint is not pure ?ut his gallon contains fou uarte. Go by the name; and th ame to go by is Devoe lead-am inc. Yours truly, 7 F. W. DevokA Co. Lancaster Mercantile Co. eel ur paint. % Eyes Ope : ???( v I ef A great reductit ' For The J ' in all Winter weij - cordingly. Every 5 of these slaughter T H E H E A T i 0 ? - -- ? ? ? ? ?~ We will offer to r the following goo< ? a clean clearance ? make room for Sp 1 and inspect onr st f buy, for it is a pie; "e what startling va] ? All Winter weij " and Overcoats, at: a ets,Furs and Muff it forts and Lap liol * sortment of Knit $ ? We have 150 pa i| and which are of 1 y tured. But, after ; ing from one stor< i> place them on the ;; go at a great sacri ? will be knifed to t ? too many. Remember, the e a cu ~a ? cuiu iiu r > Come everybody a 2 will gixe you the i6 taht has EVER b< e ^TtaSOaDIR I We have just received a pretty Ginghams, [* n He have the largest and best n Collar A pretty line of Mohair tailor r 'J Also a large assortme 16 We have the swellest and nobb y * so come at once ana price: I! Laces and Embro extensively the best and cheape: :: can please the most fastidious. 9' The most up=to date line of # string ties. Internat'on > to be had. and ais e )t jy x Several dozen HATS to be turn I' the price and let your cranit r ^ M ? We have several rolls of CAI 4 stock of Furniture that we wil I \ a, livery )ii in prices Next Thirty i ^hts, so govern yt one come and tak< ing prices. NONESCD HuaHWtBBgwMtarenrar tlic trade tor tlie Is at cost, as we \v of Winter wear ring- goods. 80 e< oek, even if you d iisure to show on hies we have in st< lits in Clothingactual cost. Also s accordingly. Bla >es, the same way. Shirts at your pric irs of Shoes to otfe the very best that breaking the bos 3 to the other, hav Bargain Counter; tiee. Qua entire 1 he core, as we li ise Prices are foi barging will be nd bring your pc cheapest and best een offered YOU. : zx&zi &ZS2?: , -.? v ' lot of Spring Qoods such as lainsooks, Swisses, Piques, and selected stock of Ladies' s that has ever been shou nade Skirts in ail the leading s snt of black mercerized Sateen I iest line of Spring Silks in ai! take a look and you will be p s, pattern, and quality. iderieskSi^ st that money could htfy, and fi CRAVATS, in all colors. Asco lal and United Shirts and Collai o our fifty cent line cant be di ^ ^ .'T /F "*v led ioose, name o_? 'Jul S/ozen im be covered. ?~e the vc ^ (PET that we wii! close o?it at 1 sell at cost. I "I'1"." body! Days mr&elves acb advantage am ? ? m p a N Y. f " p a h ayi next month ronf "f/* liiolm U I 1 U 111UJVV/ in order to >111 e at -once on't wish to r customers ore for them Suits, Pants Capes, Jackmkets, ComA big asse. r very cheap is manufac:es in remove decided to and iet them line of Shoes' avc entirely l? the SPOT listened to. irse, and we bin i m * \/JiU V I lots ol other styles. rii on this market, hades. Petticoats very cheap. SATXBffl the ?p=to=date shades, leased with ladies have a perfect ch, we have bought ;el assured that we t's Four=in=hand and s, the very best iplicated. Soiled Linen Collars, ry best, 5 cents each. cost. Also a small