Lwal Matte ' rut m ?.! "n'itifcfi - -rr? rmi-Ti" '/OINTMKNTH OK UK'..* ) ^ V ITh Jnit.y, l.nr ai.U ?i\l Habbath vtllls ro' k.'Jl 'uul 4tli Sabbath. |i m. ? For li nt ! 4-room cottage in Eist End, Apply tunu?M\ !in beat to get the connectibns made at the earliest possible day. x ?Mr .1 H Cut Dos foil on the ico'Wednesday evening while on his way home from-the shoe and sprained one < f his ankles i-o had that he has been confined to his homo rtnab.o to waik since. Ml B F Hunter also fell the sime evening on. leaving his market, cutting ti severe gnsh over his left eye by his head striking a niece of ice protruding ubovethe ground A. number of other persons here got severe fulls on tho ico but no others wo:c crippled'or severely hurt. Items From Wuxlmw Enterprise. Capt. T. K. Nesbit had the great misfortuno a few days ago to lose u good horse. ? Pro'. R. N. Nesbit, whose illness lias been noted in those columns for the past two weeks, has sufficiently recovered to be able to resume his work in the school room. i ? It was noted in thalo^ of cottort, 12 bales of seed cotton, 100 bushels corn,add a large quantity of fodder and hay last Wednesday morn fngl * The firo.is thought to-have 1 been incondiary. The cotton was partially insured. I . . J [For The bedgor. p A Charming Homo Wedding. f The morning of Feb bib dawued s crisp and chillv, i111 every tree, " thruh and all lh_ . t waiter. Then the groom, ncconi- 1 punied by his best man, Mr W P ' Bostic of High Point, N (J. Lust " came tho bride with her sister. * I Mrs J E P oore, of Columbia, who wa9 dame of honor. Tho bride 1 and groom met in front of the * altar and were united in holy wedlock by Rev ,) ,J Payseur of Mai- j den, N C.,cousin of the bride He ( used ,lho impressive Episcopal { marriage form. , The bride was gowned in a Costly dark blue silk traveling . costume,,. which was extremely ( I stylish and was trimmed with , t t'l^ka a&d tiny buttons. The hat < I was quite pretty "and matched in i color. She carried a bouquet of exqmsite white carnations. Her only ornament was a sunburst of diamonds and pearls. Tho groom wore a full hlack traveling suit. Tho bridesmaid was handsomely gowned in green si*k, bat to mutch and carried pink carnations. Tho (lume of honorwas attired in rich shimmering green silk, J with white plush hat. She alto ( carriod pink carnations. The i fairy ring girl was robed in purej white, and wore a large soft white ,1 Have Your Home oabbage plants, Prices: 1000 at $1.50, 5000 at $ per 1000. 'Shipped CO Dis desir press office 111 good condition. ^ CBBAGE, BEANS, SWEET PC son. Orders for shipment of Tom and sweot potato draws should bo .i AS RA\ GE Express Office, Yoi lush hat, and was reiuarkabl or her hoauty. Mrs Payseui not her of tho bride, was ver lately in a rich brown tailor uade suit. There were scores t nndsome costumes, < too numerou o mention. After the ceremony and con ;ratulatioD8, fruit punch wti erved iu the hall by Missc 'lorenco Blown and Lizzio Cot iors. Miss Brown wore a whit nee dress over bl.ie taffeta. Mis 'minors wore a broadcloth tailo uade suit. Then white robe 'oung waitresses Misses Chrii mo Mcllwaiti, Maud MoorC Jessie Thomson, Coritie J one erved delicious refreshment! tassing trays through the room* 'lie luncheon oDnsistod of Hire our see. Tho coffco and chocc lto wore dispensed from a tabl a tho hack parlor. A bottle of wine put up year go, to be opened at Miss Una' tiarriage, was uncorked. Bo { K Wylie, Lancaster's popula aayor, was toast-master. Hi oust was beautiful, couched 1 luetic phrase and most happil lelivered, and >?ell receiver diss Florence Drown gracefull lassod tho loving cup. Tho prei nts were displayed in the libror nd were costlv and appropriate Mr and Mrs Dos well left on th fternoon L & C train for Burke ille, Va., which will he thei uture home. Mr Boswell is a very prepoi cssing young gentleman, an )romising in the world of bus less. Mrs Boswell (nee Mis Jna Payee ur) is one of Lanca er's most accomplished and lovel prls, and carries with her muc ovc, and many warm best wish< if her host of friends in old Lai :astor. F M H. The Lancaster Building an joan Association hus resolved 1 lisfiand and is winding up its bus iess. It has boon forced to th top by tho heavy taxes imposec n its 10 or 12 years of existenc ! has enabled many people ( United means to secure homes an ins added considerable to tho tax bio property of the town. Tl uirciple of douhle taxing prope y under mortgage is wronj There should tie only one lax, aj mrtioned as tho interests of tl larlies may appear. It is ba lolicy to tax out of existem in institution that is a constu iroducer of taxable value. It had policy to discourage the buil ng aud owning of homes.--Che er Lnnlnrn Several new cases of smallpi uive developed at the home of 5 1). E. Baas, near the mill villag jince our last issue. The victir ire three children of Mr. and Mi Haas and Mrs. Buync, an old lai who resides with the family. T disease among the children is of mild nature, hut Mrs. Bayne dangerously ill and bor recove is' doubtful. Mrs Baas, who h boen ill of the diseaso, is up agai ? Fort Mill Times. Leaped From Train. A special to the News and Co ier from Lancaster, Feby 8, saj A male passengei on yestoid Mivsiuiijg o uuvvu iriiui, ior hoi unexplained reason, jumped < toe train a short distance this si if Camden, falling in a heap the ground. The conductor we back to see bin., but tbo m stated that he was not hurt. grown Cabbage ALL# VARIETIES. >1 '25 per 1000; 10,000 at $1. ed. Plants arrive at your fc Write for merchants* prices. >T\TQR3 and TURNIPS in s? ato plants, SeA Island Cotton sc booked in advance. UATY. EN IERPRIEE, 8 o unr.'s island, 8 G. iiLv,." V. e C.A.B' ' O XT X ./V . Bjb-? the >9 ' o Kind You Have 'hnys Bought ; rr<2^.^gST I 1 >r 3< i:ili7 ttlli :e, Davis Building, corner Main and 1 Dutilap street#; phono N o 72 Will practteo in b>th town and >?; county of Lancaster. Allco'D, eitln r day oi nigh . will rtcelvo prompt attaniion 0 Jar.. 10, 100)?If. r State of South Carolina, " COUNTY OF LANCASTER. BY J. E STEW MAN, ESQUIRE Probate Judge. WHEREAS, Mr W T Castles 's made eui t to me to gran^ him Letteis ( of Administration of the l< state of ard ' effects of Jolin T Morrison ?. THESE ARE THEREFORE to cite and admonish all and singular the e kindred and Creditors of the said >. John T Morrison, deceased, and that they he and appear before me, in the e Court ofProhate, to bo held at hancna< ter on tlie 25th duy of February next af ter publication thereof, at II o'clock in b theforeroon.to show cause,if any they have, why the said Administration 8 should not be granted. n Given under my hand, this 10th day of Feby Anno Domini 1005 r J. E. 8TEWMAN, ; "roha'o Judge. I" y ?? -What, Cotton, i r? - Equal to six cent cotton. . + + t + t ?8 You have got what I want?J b- want?GROCERIES OF ALL, K1 b ^ ^ h \ 38 * Souio of the host AXIOS on en forget me. I sell for Cash and TOBACCO at Cost. J. B. MAC is 1. ] WHITE G( le ? Now is the tin - early spring' W] ^ Wo arjj going to make a spec ce 10 pieces of Fancy Mercerised Whit . waist suits or shirt waist, this sale 24 0 P K sold 16 2-8 and 20 cents, this sale 1 sold 12 J cents, this sale 9 4 cents. 8 fi this sale fil cents We are showing a beau iful line ol this sule at 5 chiU, ? TABLE LINEN. S3? dr Linen, would be cheap at $1 ()0, this '0, sold 69 cents, this sale 50 cents. 02 ln< Q8 this sale 45 cents- 60 inch Table Lin< l LACE & h? $3.50 Laco Curtains, this i ! a $2.50 Laco Curtains, this is $1.05 Laco Curtains, this ry $1.25 Laco Curtains, this i as 05 cts Laco Curtains, thi SSSllMllMl 20 corns Emorodories this sal 15 (I K ?( (< 12$ " 11 4 4 4 . 10" < ' 4 4 4 . u r A 8^ " " 44 41 '8 5 t ( 4 4 4 4 4 1 ay We have a roal linen Lace, taea ue and 4c per yard. They are grei !!: Beautiful Line o with insertion to match, that arc an B Come along I miss this sale fo iknSc.?kil 4i\ uaa 4l>i |FM a(3i;u iv ort- i in 25 fer in White G &&QB8 le 15 oents. 124 ? 10 " H ? 1 5 " 1 vy edgo wo oirer this salo at 6c, 5c it bargains. Wo aro showing a if Valencine Laces great bargains also. ^adies and don't r vail will be. sur mr e bargains we ot>OdSr Cloud , Above Post Office