Uaal Manor, f Jolty, Irtt and 3d Habbath. Gil la i reck, 2*1 aud 4th Uah'oath, 11 m Pie >s;t!it Hill, 2d and 4th Babbalh, \? m. ? G?>od milch cow with young ' cRif for sale. Apply to J E ltutlcdge. 1 ? Rev .1 B Muck, D D, of Fort Mill, has hcen tho guost of Col Spriogs this week. ? hielt Clyburn, a well known colored man here, (lied yesterday morning. Ho was on the streets tho evening before. His death was probably duo to the grip. ?Mr M ason Biunson, traveling representative of The News and Courier, was in the city this ( week. ?Julius Heglor, a son of Mr ' VV V Hegler of tho Antioch section, stepped on a nail whore his father was tearing down a house Wednesday and has a very bad 1 foot from it. 1 ? Married, on Sunday last, Jany 29, 1905, by Magistrate L J Perry, Mr Georgo Konnington and Miss Hnttio Blackmon. ?Rev J M Pardee will preach j at tho Crenshaw school houso on the second Sabbath in this month at 11 a in. ( ? Lost! About Jany 1st, boIwecn R J Fly no's and Creek post office, a boy's overcoat. Return to L 8 Elliott. ? Wrnted ! A white tenant for a small farm, favorably located, new bnildiogs. Apply to Miss M < Torapkinc, Dry Creek, S C. I ? During the past week Mr. A. < ,1. McNinch, of Lancaster, h.?s < emoted a beautiful monument at j the grave of Mrs. Esther P. 1 While in the town cemetery. The monument is of beautiful design nn4* is said to have cost aboul$800. ?Fort Mill Times. i ?The condition of Dr. J. K. Thornwell, who has been seriously ill for sosne days of la grippe is reported to be improved. - The Ledger, The Atlanta Journal, Seini weekly, nnd The Southern Cultivator, ill thioo / a*n t...A * IJIIC J cm llfl 3*2., DUl IUIJSI ue paid for in advauo& ? Senator Hough has been at home the past few days as county attornoy superrising tho issuing of tho refund bonds of the county. ? A commission has been issued to the Bennett Grocery .Co., of this place by the Secretary of State See notice "Books of sub. scription open." ?The engine at the saw mill of Messrs. J 11. & L. H. Robortson, ( near Pleasant Hill, was blown up ( with dynamite last Wednesday night and several dynamite were placed in tbeir bo ler but failed to explode. The loss of the engine is , total and it will require several hundied dollars to replace it. ?Letter* remaining uncalled or in the post-office at Lan- ^ caster, S C, for the week endirg ' February 4th, 1905 are as follows: j Messrs James Terry darter, W T Bradley, J F Taylor, McCnl- j lough, 1 L McGuirt, (2), W B ^ Funderhnrk, Mr and Mrs Ellis Gray don, Joseph F Perry,. Elmes Williams, Tom Hough, Mesdames j R C Jones, Mary Watts, Emma j Bel', Agnes, Fnnderbnrk, J D McGuirt, (2), Alice ioung, Miss j Nine Crawford, Miss Elmer Young. J M Stewart, P M. School House Burned Spartanburg, Jan* 31.?The scbool house and Masonic hall at Crercant in this county, caught fire yosterdaj and the building was entirely consumed It is thought that the fire originated from a flying spark rfoui the stove chimney falling on the roof. The Now County lloiuls Issued County Supervisor M C Gardner and Mr W I? Bruce, Clerk, < wore busy vewterday signing up and uflixiiig the county seal to the refunding bonds of Lancaster i C* county. These bonds uro being issued to retire the $80,000 of county bonds outstanding which were issued by the county in aid i of the Cheruw & Chester Bail road and ure now due and payable. The new honds draw 4 per cent, interest and mature, $25,000. in twenty years; $25,000 in thirty years; and $30,000 in in forty years. The bonds and interest coupons ure payable at I ho Hanover National Bunk iu New York city. As previously staled in these columns they were purcbasl? ftt o ' cvt uy juessts oeasongoou Ou Meyer. ? BB rho Lancaster 15 and L Assocla | tion Disbanded , The Lancaster Building and Loan Association, pursuant to r< solutions passed at the last meeting of tlie stockholders, is rapidly winding up its uffairs, and is now about a thing of tho past. The heavy taxes of the association 1 last year was the causo of its un? ( joing. The last series ot its slock ( had been running just three years. . Wo regretted to see this associa ( tion disband. During tho leu or ? ( twelve years of its cxisttr.ce it . < was the means of many young men saying upfreui their monthly Rurnings a few dollars, to say nothing of the many new cottages jotted ovor the tcwu that proli1 I ibly would never have been erected but for the assistance of the building atul loan. It has added ;onsidorablo to the taxable prop arty of tho town anil the regrot is general that it has become dofnnct. Death of 15 D Cunningham A telo/ram received hero by Mr W J Cunningham last. Tue*. day evening lirought the sad intelligence of the death of his son, 1 Edward Dnnlap Cunningham, 1 which occurred the evening tie fore at Fort Bayard in New Mex ic> Mr Cunningham left hero in November lust iu search of health, having contracted consump tion while serving as a soldier in tho Philippines. Ho first went to , San Antonio, i'exus, and from ( there to B iotno, Texas. A letter ( to hie father last week stated that | bis condition was worse and that | | be would lcaye Boerno for Ariz^- ( aa A telegram Sunday stated , that he had arrived at Fort Bay-ml that day and would write as joon as able. His death occurred the following day, Monday, ,Janv ' 30th. On receipt of the telegram in tho 31*t Mr Cunningham *'ir. ^ 3d that tho remains bo sent l ome, i ind a subsequent telegram inform-' id him they left Fort Bayard on i Thursday's train. The remains : ' ire expected to arrive here next i ' Tuesday or Wednesday. Edward Cunningham was 23 ^ears, 6 months and 15 days old it the time of bis death, having 1 :>een born July 15, 1881. At the ' outbreak of the war with Spain le joined the U S Army and sorv- 1 3d in Co A 27th Regt., in the Philippine* Up to thai time he was lobust and the picture of j 1 tiealth, but the exposure and j 1 hardships of service in the Philip-j ] pines wrecked his health and on I he return of his company to the United States something over a year ngahe^had to spend some time ' in the government hospital in New Mexico rocuperating 'before ho was able to return borne hint spring. ' The dcopost syn.pathy is felt for the parents in the sad lo*n of their son in the blrom of young manhood. OA8VCJIIIA.. tMri tb? /> lha Kind You Haw Always Bought rr ?Fay yout subscription. [tlcaUng LI r> C -Officers Elected The annual election of office rs i)f the Lancaster Chapter Dauvh ter of the Confederacy canic oil at their regular meeting Thursday afternoon and resulted iu the unanimous reelection of the old officers, viz: Mrs Ira B Jones, president; Miss Annie Witherspoon, 1st vice-president; Mrs L.oroy Springs, 2d vice president; Mrs J T Green, Recording secy.; Mrs M .1 Perry, corres. secy.; Mrs \I E Can then, treasurer; Mrs L B Foster, historian; Mrs M li McCuidell, custodian. Tho report of the treasurer showed over ?S00, monument fund, on deposit in the Bunk. It A ~:.i .1 >vuo uiuiut u iu ijetvu uihuu uii t'?c; iirat two days of court to further supplement the fund. Resolution* on the death of , Mrs Harriet Jones, an esteemed mem tier whose death occurred sineo the lust meeting, wero ad? opted and ordered published Burn and Valuable Stock Burned , J. A. Thomas, who lives midway between Edgomoor and Harmony, sulforod a sevoro loss hy [ire Monday evening. His barn find stnbles wero totally consumed, rhreo valuable mules, worth $600 ar more, wercdcstroye in the llfttn38, as well as several vehicles and considerable quantities of corn and provender. The lire original d in a barrel of lime, which had been stored in the barn. The structure was completely destroyed, entailing a loss of $1,000 or more, with no in surance.?Rock Hill Journal. A bill has been favorably reported making vaccina!ion compulsory. Wo supposo it will meet the opposition of some' !?e? cuiov it will vi date the "rights" of individuals, which apparently u their view arc greater thoso of the citizens as- a whole. Tho bill is a most important one and ought to pass. Ignorance and obstinacy ought not to be allowed to endanger the lives of citiz us aud to conlinuo the continuance of a loathsome disease, even whet? it is not fatal. Smallpox can h'0 practically destroyod in the s'ate. by vaccination, and where oi!U-fe : and towns do not thoroughly practice vaccination tiie state ought to come in and do the work. A sufficient appropriation to ellicuciously carry out the purpose of the act might to be voted without question ? Columbia Record. Farmers Want 10 Cents. .; ? . , Not Willing to Sell Cotton Under-*! That Price. !i <41 want to buy your cotton" "j said m purchasing agent to a farmBr living several mi ea above the | L'ity yesterday. "What will you take for it?" , " 1'en cents," said tho farmer. "But" said tho ugoot, "thut is far above tho marketpt ice. I am prepared to givotho host the mar i kot is offering but I cin't stford i anything liko 10 cents." j "Can't help it, sir. It goes for j 10 cants and nothing loss," said t tho farmer "My friend, seen that wooden leg? Well, 1 have fought through tho Civil war and i I have soon lots worse times in i Ureonviilo county than these of today. Those sixty hales of cotton piled up there belong to uie. You hear that ux in tho piece of wood down yonder don't you? Well, that man is cutting timber l ight now and 1 am going to have it sawed into boards to cover that same cotton. I expect to keep it awhil yetrand 1 will not Ur>?fA #.!<* ?* ? _1- ' ? ? i uiiyo iu Bim > u u> (io 11 either. VVhou your house feels like offering 10 cents for it, cone around and we'll talk it over. Until then good day." "lhut is a fair sample of the i * way the fanners aro all talking,' t :\ul the cotton man who t?^!?i tl < s'ory on himself when he returncs to the city yesterday nfte.uoon "Ttero is a great deal of copor being held by tho farmers uui they Hie waiting for 10 cents lik< my old friend, the soldier." ? Greenville News. Happenings in tiie State. As Chronicled by tho Alert Cor respondents of The Columbia Slate. FIRR NEAR 1UCHBURO Chester, Jan. 31 ? On the nighl of tho 23rd inst , the residenco oi Mr. William C. Key, near llichburg, was totally destroyed by fire of accidental origin, Biipposer to huvo been caused by a defoct'vt line in the cook room. The occupants burely had time tc make their escape: none of tin household goods was saved. The loss is partially covered by insurance. Mr. Key is a prosperoui young farmer of tho cummnnitj where he lives. ?. r. ASIILEY BUHNED TO DEATH. \iken, Feb. 2.--A telegram was received hero this afternoor stating that Mr. George P. Ashlov was burned to death in tho of fico car attached to tho ratlroac camp of W. J. Oliver & Co. a Wayckliffo, Tenn., at 2.30 o'clocl this morning. No further pur ticularsof tho tragedy wore given in tho teltgrani. KILLED BY TRAIN. Green Pond, Jan. 32.?Mr. M A. Brawdy, whoso homo was ii Beaufort county, was killed heri today by tho fast mail. Mr. Brawdy and his wife hat been to Walteihoro to attend tb( funeral of their daughter and wer< returning to their homo at Dale in Beaufort count/. Whilo waiting at tho station here for the lo cal train Mr. Brawdy went ncrosi the track for a few minutes, ant hearing a train coming, snpposet it was the train he wu6 to tak< and attempted to cross the track The fast mail, flying along th< fine stretch of track, killed bin almost instantly. A GIPr FROM MR. VAKDKKBILT. Bethune, Jan. 31.?Severa hundred crosstics were burnet about two miles west of town las1 Sunday night and while they were burning tho Seaboard's Floridt limited train, to which was uttach cd '"Vander hilt's special ear, was . .1 ..1 I..J ~ -- * ' i.wiu t? books of buh.ieriplion o. the 1' >i nctt Grocery Company wil open until noon of Mm day, 1 ?ruary Gtb, 1005, at the oil :o < i' \Y P Bennett in his storeroom u the town of Lancaster, C. \V P Be nnett, Ij II Bennett, Daisy Bennett, \ Corporators. t Feb 1st, 1005. l>i* Is (* III?to tt t \ Lane.isle1, S. ('. ) Residence phone No '< ill . Davis DuitOim; criio .a ami Dunlap slrevti; |.in>Lc <>72. ) Will practice 1 i 1> ?th town M il > county of Luucus'pi. Aii a'ir, i i'.I > tiny o? will ruc:s o" I*aney . .Vh." j waist suits or shirt wai 1 . . r K s>ld 16 2-8 and 20 0 t ;ir.s . 14 ' sold 12jeentf, this sale 9 i coats -1 p ) this tale SA cents. 1 Wo are showing a beau ifut iinv this sale at 0 Ci nte. ! ME LI MEN. ; . Linen, would be cheap at $1 3. 50 Lace Cm tains, this mi ?2.50 Lace Curtains-, this mi *1 .05 Lace Curtains, this y > $1.25 Laco Curtains, this mi 65 ct* Luce Curtains, thL SSSIt'dS r->% % i ?. 20 cents Embrculcrics tin Mil. i 15 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 12? 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . , 10 4 4 4' 4 4 4 4 . ] 8J 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . 5 < < 11 it >. We hivvo a real linen Lace, I: av\ 5 and 4c per y-'.rd. They are -jrcat ; Beautiful Line e! 1 wilii insertion to mutch, that .ru -t 3 Come along L i miss tliis sale fen j prised to see the ? fer in While I E. E. In Masonic Building,. ; r \ - -<*JB? NEW V. KV i;i. BALE STABLE We h vo opened up, ut tho El' ? V nwfuid old stand, Sale 1 I. - ! ;. BS;. c> and are precheaper than :u.\ . i , i , < -. !i, or on tiiuo Willi ? .1 \ ( : :..i . f OUR STOCK m . in . Satisfaction li t ".'i'o LIVERY! LIVERY! With brand new veil iole.s and f^ood fresh horses we fire prnpnred to ?.ive the hot SatisfaeIi>. in tiie livery business. ... Very Respectfully, M g o r e & Soweil lAv !, 1004. jw~ 'mm" fa * n ! ? U k H rt . r\ I? U iill isj.iiUs No. mi] Prices U V" OOiilfi "to 6 FS18. 1* 4* -j* ONi'.V; i liavo got what yon Si 1)S. v : . k i! . ' -i prioi i. Do?'t at (.' It', .i j.ncos. 2,000 lbs v/ A O T '? 1 I jj\ \J I' %. ibacH IlLmtt ILsri X V; ) :n, 'itA | |7 '-vV ?. ^ irfJDi i jLaosl I f 4 i0 v your I1TE GOODS. ! .-alo'-.1. this el as* of goods. (.< 0 \\ i.l It: it,;* for pliirt i... , i j .i 10 pktu'S Figured :i ? ' ; e - i .Xiduxook, -u-i 1 ii .".' \ i ?> ' - o!?. solu iu cents, ';<< !; i V. ' i (i. ;< that vlll rnD ih'v) 'i \! ! 1 < i' jv\rd, this 7J ! Ta ' linen old $! 00. i .'J it. h I i.htearhcd Table cents, . S >!ll 40 k 11' ti, 3 ' ;?H! ii ut-nts. le 2.75. !o $1.75. !o $1.35. !c OS cts. sstilcj 48 els. '. r *| Tift ft 15 cents. "12.Y 44 10 4 4 Si 14 5 44 1 44 I'll;..) \VJ offer t!;I1 fca!o at <3c, 5c bur jains. Wc rvre showing a iik-j cat I arguins also. adies and don't ? *.v