THF LEDGER. 1 fit! SLOW S. CARTER, , ED1TOH AND MANAGEK. WimSKaDAY AN I> 8ATITKDAY I SATURDAY, FKBItUATY 4, 1005 a?- 1 - sUBsomrnoN *. .-i PEW YEAH [Fov The Ledge r j I : i * : ! a ? . i * uvuiiii'nivc i 'ins huh iramgrapr.s and so Forth. Eight or nine bundled hills have beeu introduced and the end is not yet nor is it in sight. The House is now down to bard work. Much time at first had to bo appropriated for the maiden iff oris of the new members at oratory. Every member has a pet measure with a flighty flight speech attached. Senator Hough is quite rosy and well. It is said of Senator Hough that he and Governor Sheppard are the only two men in South Carolina "who can strut sitting down." Senator Hougu has other decided qualities. The bill to change the charter of the South Carolina College to that of a University was defeated. 1 think the friends of the South Carolina Col lego men defeated their own meusure by antagonizing the friends of the other State Colleges. By a vote of 50 to 65 the Hoilsn nns>s.wl llu> liill t ^ t _ t_ 1 - ? ea rue 0111 oil tue grouud thi there was nothing in it? scheme to rob Peter to pay Pau Not a cent was going directly t the schools from the state trea ury. It would not help tb poor school to get buildings, f< which the county school fun was to bo robbed. On the coi trary, it would allow the ric districts to build at the expeni of the poorer districts, whic would not able to raise the $30( Mr. Veruer spoko along tb same line. Mr. Foster, of Lancaster, d rected attention to the provisio which left the matter with tb county boards. The bill we not obligatory on any count] He thought the county boarc could be relied upon to establia the buildings where they ai needed and should be placed. Mr. Hemphill, of Chestei favored the bill, directiug a f.flnfinn tn t.ltn nrnrioinn ???v jyi vviotuu f> UiV says part of the fund remainio at the end of the year shall g back to the general fund ? v?hic forbids large aud handsom buildings going up. Mr. John C. Sellers spoke fc the bill, as did Mr. Lomax. Mr. Pollock objected uolee there was an amendment thn would give those districts tha had issued bonds for building au annual amount equal to one fourth of the interest on th bonds. There had been a grec many districts which lud s gone down in their jeans tb past several years. Mr. Polloc -1 t- * t mougut cue dim as it stood woul work an injustice against tboi districts that bad already shou dared a debt that would la: I some tweuty years, it Messrs Richards nnd Brantl* 10 opposed the amendment, whic ed they looked upon as u de&t er thrust at the bill. Mr. Brantle n. proposed to raake tho subscri| it. tion amount $200 instead < j. $300. n. Mr. Etheredge, of Lexingtor n opposed the bill in (Le intrrei lM. of tho poor districts. Mr. Laney wanted to amcu by making the subscriptio ^ amount $100 and tho amount t come from the dispensary fun ur i ? j $50. By a yea and n?v vote of 8 G8 7 ^ * to 22 the houso refused toatrik j out the enacting words. Mr. Bauxs' amendment t rj make the subscription arnoun $30 and the county amount $1 were both rejected. ? By a division vote of 54 to 3 ^ the house adopted.Mr. Laney' amendment. 08 Mr. Pollock's at eudraent wa ]ost. Mr. Cloy's amendment to foi u- bid any building goiug up node )- this net within five miles c Kt auother school building v.a suowed under and Mr . Clo facially considered the joke o at him. Mr. Richards looked upo r| Mr. Lyon's amendment to e? cept the district levying a spe< jn ial tax from contributing to th fund as an attempt in adifferen form to accomplish what Mi Pollock failed to do. The.ameur ment was killed. The bill was then passed s I- amended so as to reduce th amount (o be raised in the ditrict to $100 and that to com >s from the couuty board $50. Heavy Russian Losses. Tokio, Jan. 31. ? Manchuria headquarters telegraphing yestei 10 day reports that in the figbtin *9 since Jan. 25, at Ltkajeniaii ;e Chenchiebpao and Heikoutal tti 9. L Russians left over 1,200 deAd o U (the field. of Refused Bail. id )e Judge Gaga refused an oppli y cation for bail, in the casa of +.b five men who are confined in tt k- Batklay county jail on the charj at of lynching the nogro, Kit Boob a kard, at Eatawvilla last year, an 1. his action IB the matter will fc ,o approved, we are sure, br tb s- better sentiment of the entii ie state. It has been found, by sr aareful aurvey lately, that the n< id gro was killed in Orangebur o- county, instead of Berkley coun h ty, and the trial of those charge tu nil h iKio hrvw i Li" I J V ?? A uu VUIO BUI ? 1UIU Wi 1UJU will I h held in Orangeburg instead c ). Berkeley. This is the case i 10 which GovernorHeyward behave so splendidly, and we are glad 1 i- note the fact that the cosrts at n holding up his bands, and thi ?e the law will tako its proper ooari is with being affected by technicali 7. ties through which many a guilt Is person has escaped pucishmec 'h for his crimes.?News and Coi re rier. r, Out on Bail of $4,000. t b Special to News and Courier. S Florence. Feb. 1. ? VV. B ;o Howell, the State constable wb h shot and killed Jonas 0. Blount the Atlantic Coast Line detectiv in this city in December last, am ,r who has been confined in Florenc /"? ?; \s\juuiy |iiisuu ever since, vra 18 released last nig^t, Judge Purd1 lt having granted himbail in tbosac lt of $4,000. Dr. William Ildertoi 8 and J. M. Humphrey, of thi 5* county, are bis bondsmen. ? j H. H. H. 0 SAY MURttAV'?" ? When you've got a trad oougb hu k my "MURRAY'S" If a dtuuii gives you anything but Muraay'a Hoi d hound, Mill loin and Tar you're nc getting the baet and suiest cough fore edy. Make him give you MnrraT1 1. Acts quicker and you get a Wo 4| bottle for >S5c. it Kvery druggUt haa M ? RATTEN : BAR( St THE HEAT ? - - d 7 e Successors to HE ; JLAJLft AJU., which 0 settle with the e* 7 ceased. s >S 8 * r We are here 1 ' our share of the t ; iligs will induce 1 11 ing renoyated tie ? & Mercantile Co. 1 our place more e< ? have devided our ies first, on the cc 1 ment second; dry ,9 the fourth room. 6 We would call e we have many gr< ; For The g b !o as we want to m chasing our Sprii In moving our Shoes, a .o decided to place them on a ba :e these shoes are not old goods as DBEW-SELBY, GODMAN and ?e " CLOTHING a B* And if prices wi d you to take advan >f You can have anj " ment for actaal < a ? delay but come ai ,t We would like ?" have in the waj < y prevents our doi i 'I tion and you will IN SHAP1 ? ? and can make yoi ; feet satlsfactian, I ous New Year an ? ronage, we are, Y a ' - lut m ?! In wr ; unn\j II II I??Mi I i| I 1 11 A? L hon jAIN seek H-J 0 N E S COM va..t ">*, " /r -y*." ^ j*' ^ "*> a r ?? -?r "*r n v a ^ r r r w ^ T / J 4 ) 1 AIM BAmum* rner; gent's turnishh goods third, and 111 your attention to the eat inducements to oi Next Thirty Da ake a clean sweep b ng Goods. i great many of the boxes were brok rgain counter, and Lt them go at fi ; but right new and some of the besi iU Ai? n r Ar? uuici iuar.w>. WE HAVE IN ABUNDAN ill move tl&o goods, It tage of this great re?h ' pull of clothes so our ;ost for the sj>ot cash lid let us (lpei>? jcu uo to tell you more aboi >f bargains but being , ~ ng MI. ?aii ue ?8K 18 readily see we are E FOR BUSlJt 11 prices that will give Wishing everyane a d hoping for more ot rni lliii.n i\mms llhKhn \W\ \ ASTER S. C. ; * ; ~ " - - **% V , % ;ers i PA NY, MEXICAN n order to 1ATH, dea m id gettingfair dealus. Havi Bankingand makes ess. Wc t, groeerlg aepartifliiiery in fact that for lys ef'orc puren, an*1 we hava ist cost. Sow t we have, such fCE. is up to action sole establish' , MO do-'t A it nil at we so rushed anjnspcc ESS, ymi peri prospervour pat IIII 1 # H V " " fljr