. . Says Tiilman. ? i** Ilia Opinion < f Farmers Wbo Would Bum Tbuif Cotton. __ The Atlanta Journal prints the following opinion from Senatoi Tillman uu the burning of cotton by Southern farmers: Tho news from the South that there is serious tul'i among the cotton planters of burniug a part of the lu>t crop, is startling. In answer lo your icuer, asaing me comment on tho situnliuii, 1 will bay that I see no necessity to burn, and 1 will brFlly give my reasons. Tho law ot supply and demand is not fit wo; k now in regard to this tjiftj ie. During tho last twelve months tliero hub be-on tho most startling rise i 11 tho pries of cotton, fullowod by tho iiiutt unoxumplcd full in the history of tlio commndily. From IT \ cents in February to ?' ? in December, breaks tho record in tho cotton market. Speculation 1- at tho bottom of tho fall, ju-t as i' was behind tho phenomenal 'in ). There was no good reason for cotton going to 17^ cents, and t lioro in lw. .nil nl r* i w i von ami m m- I U1V.1V n U'M-'iiiii ; ^ uv? I V. ov/11 Iiv ?? for cotton to ho selling ut cents. TIi it tiioru is a largo crop, probably the largest in the history 'ft- c staple, is no longer disputed, but tho world needs every bale of it. A s:; r. Alberts. Carr Takes Hip' Own Life. ipecial to The Stale. Durham, N. C., .Inn 13. ?This uorniug while kneeling in the atitude of prayer Dr Albert G. Jarr killed himself with a pistol, lo had been in failing health for ome time, hullsriug from iusomlia. Lnst night ho retirod without iating supper und as usual awoke mrly this morning. It had hoen tis custom to awake his son, Wiliatn Carr, who is superintendent if the Durham hosiery mill, early very morning. Shortly after his the shot was fired. Dr. Carr was 54 yeais old and i brother of (ion. Julian 8. Carr, me rf the wealthiest men in North Carolina. He was ono of the best mown physicians in the State and ,siae from his prominence in his u-ofession, he was r very wealthy nan. lie carried about $50,000 nsurance on his life. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Ths Kind You Have Always Bought The annual report of the board )f directors of the State dispensary shows thut tho total cost of liquors, wines, boor, etc., purchased during tho year amounts to B2,316,252.97 and that tho total ind that tho total salon (exclusive 3f *fresh beer") amounts to $3,374,788.43. ' The net earnings for account of tho school fund for tho fiscal your which have boon placed to its credit, amount to $171,377.73. Tho net profits that have accrued to,and equally divided between, tho counties and towns, amount to $603,998.22, making the total earnings for tho yoar for the school fund, counties and towns $775,276.95, which is an increuse over last year of $136,893.60.^ .A. S3 "X* O 3TC. X jfa. . Bears the ft) Kind You Have Always Bou?!? Bl87" J. HARRY FOSTER. Attorney at Law, LANCASTER, S. G. Waf Collacltemu spec tally * CABBAGE PLANTS $1.50 PER THOUSAND. I ana prepared to All any and all or dors with the beet varieties of Cabbage Plants. Orders III led for any amount and varieties, Write for prioes on lota of 3,000 auri over. Addre s orders to W T Carr, Meggetts, B C, Doe ?0, 1004?3m ^< 1 Pl^T?0????? PROFESSIONAL CARD. Da M P Crawford Dr R C Brow* CRAWFORD A BROW*. Physiclaus and Surgeons. Lancaster, S. C, Treatment of the eye, nose and throat a specialty. Calls promptly answered day or night. Office ovor Crawford Bros. Drug Store. Phones: Office, No 171; R ideaoej Nos. 11 and 86. MONEY TO LOP I have made arrangement yh j lenders of money in Now Y?>rk CUy, With wiiom I am able to negotiate loans secured by first mortgage on improved cottou forms, at 7 | er o-nt Interest? repayable In annual inetallmentM of flveyeari No brokerage or eotumis slon charged Only a reasonable ohnrge for abetraot of title. It E. WYLIE, Aug 31?6m. Attorney ar l.uw KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all diseases. ai auiA tinurv mine i. * Hum KSUffifij or money refunded. Oentafnt remedies recognized by eminent physician* as the pest for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICB ft>* o6 VXL. mmntrnammmammmmmmmmmmmmmmm Life Sentence Imposed for ? Crime committed Fourteen Years Ago. Mobile, Alu., Jan. 12.?Henry Rogers, alius Frank Thomas, "vus convicted in 1 ho Unitod Slates district court today of holding up and robbing \ mail carrier, and was sentenced to the penitentiary for life. The crituo was committed 14 yearns ago inConecuh county. where he was a fugitive for many year, and ho was recently found in the Atlanta penitentiary serving a term under the of Frank Thomas. When being brought into Alabama be confessed his crime of 14 years ago. A Life nt Stake t . I a\S ?? 1* 1 ii you Dili Knew mo spienmu merit of Foley's Ilonoy and Tar you would never bo without it. A dose or two will prevent an attack of pneumonia or lu grippe. It may gave your life. Hold by Funderburk Pharmacy. The annual report of the State penitentiary is one of the most interesting of the documents sub mitted to the general assembly. It shows the State penal institution to be in most excellent condition and that ? 10,000 has been turned into tho State treasury from the profits. There are 255 baits of cotton held unsold, value at $7,470,70, and other cash in sight and available amounting to $5,364". 17, a lota! of $15,S61.1G aolied upon with which to begin the year. i here are now in the penitentiary 070 prisoners. The state would be a great dea better oil if it had more men like .Judge Hudson in the legislature. The pity is that too often Ihev w ill not sorve ovtn if ahosen.?Columbia Record. Amen to the first statement; bnt with tho record we beg to differ. Men liko Judgo Hudson j never refuse to serve tho people in any capacity. It is men who are not like Judge Hudson that refused to serve even if chosen.? Yorkville Enquirer. in I i LANCASTER AND CHESTER RAILWAY. Behc-dule in effect Jan 8, 1905. (Daily except Bumiay) Vf EST BOUND. Lv Lancaster, 7 J5 a m 8 45 j> ni Lv ForL Law ii, 7 84 am 4 15 p m Lv Raeconville, 7 44 am 4 30 p m Lv Rlchburg, 7 50 a m 4 45 p m Ar Cheater, 8 16 a m 5 15 p in Ar Charlotte, Ro It 9 55 a m 7 10 p ai Ar Columbia $o Rll 80 a m 1 05 a mi Ar Yoriv'.C&N W 0 48 a m Ar Gnsl.on'.a.cN w 10 38 a 111 Ar i.enoir, c ? n, r aiz|ipi A Atlanta,s a 1, r 4 65 p ill EASTLU'UNL. Lv Atlanta. ? a 1, r 1 00 p rr Lv Lenoir, c & n, r 3 05 p n L.v Gaston in " 6 00 p n; Lv Yorkyilis '* 6 50 j) ir Lv Columbia, Ho R 6 10 a in 7 0') pn Lv Charlotte, Ho R 6 15 am Lv Chestei, 10 00 u no 8 45 p n Lviiiohburg, 10 40 a in 0 00 p n Lv Bascomville, 1050 am 0 15 p n Lv Fort Lawn 11 06 a in 9 26 p a Ar Lancaster, 114 0 a in 9 45 p n CONNECTIONS. ChiR^er?Southern, Seaboard ant Oarolinfc & NdrthwCHtern railways. Lancaster?Southern Railway. A P. FcLURG, ^Isst Tralllc mgi LEROY SJPRfNGH. Pre*t and TrafUo Manager gmJJJMf11 Wl HP l^n1 'I >SgE5CW5g I MACHINERY 1 ?* j acutca. boilers, oinmino maohinn tut. ?aw Mai. a no *K>ot>won*iw4 h m ac h i nf h y, s h infl uc 4nc 1,ith fl machinery, oorn mill*, fei brick makiria machind krt, kinpreo line3 I GffiBES MACHINERY COMPANY. |j Cokmfcto, S. C. Kbk B??a MI iimmmasg BAY "MURRAY'S"'VV lien you've got a bed cough Jus I any 'MURRAY'S" If a diuggh (?l\es you anything but Uurwy'u Rl?>i ' hound, Mullein and Tar you're r.o 1 gelling the beat and surest uouorli rom edy. Make him give you Murray' C* cih quleker and you get aMo siz ottlo for 26e. livery druggiat h?A It r v I .vniu.f.c-Tfcw* -.v? | similatingSicroodandRcdulft- j*s _ ling the Stomachs andDowck of r|| j Promotes Digestion.Chcerful- ii| \ ness and Rest.Contains neither $5 Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. j? ; WOT^VRCOTIC. , Jbap< of OM fir SAMUEL PtTQQSR Pumpk in Seed' . Jlx.Smtm * 1 HocKtUt SmltJ? n jkitcSffl ? I ^TrtrtKruikSbdd* I tSt nirrft. Se*/i - ' J -I i A perfect Remedy for Consllpa- ^ I Hon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea 41, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- 'm I ness and Loss OF SlLEEP. || \ Facsimile Signalura oF ttXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ^ mars Frensl Pi Strictly vegetable, perfectly Imrnilc KUSULTS. Greatest known female i PflfPTinW Bowaroof connterfeUs and Imitations, ! wMU t lUn ton nltii f;:e-bl'T)Ho H(?tiainro en tlilo j Bond for Circular to wlliLlAiiS Mb'O. CO.. Solo Ajjoi I Sold by Fonderburk Pharmacy. I uditors oticC; ! Notice Is hereby given 111r?t this of- i i flee will be < pen from tho 1st day of j January to the COth day of February 1 190s, for the purpoua of receiving tlio ' returns of the taxpayers cf Lancaster j County Ail peraoue having property in their possession or control a a Manager, Holder, or as Husband, Parent, Gu ir<1 ian, Trufctee,Kxocutor. i0 per cent vvhioli Attaches after the 2vo Hth lOoft. PILES! PILES! PILES! Dr. WlUbaroa' I ml tan Pile OinUn?"t VWt ctf'0 Ht|nd. RiPitditJK.Lflr^ir'fOd, and Ftohtog Ptfr? Ii nl.? >il>? (be Himors. allay* the llohlm; .at on.'O r^its hm ^T-rnilCI e, pfivt-u Ifip-i>ifi 1 e?rliM. I) . WlinHOiW IfidVjn f'J> Oitii.rr.Mt in pr puKfl ot.4y t"< K W'llXl .Jftfi.S * 1 CO> Prop'*, Olpyo'JUifl, 0!W). HoM by Vuo'U-rturlt pl.'&ttttrtj.y. " BAJ&MER fe A LV K themo* tooaUqg ealvo In t^'world . < L''or Infanta and Children* he Kind You Have Always Bough! 3ears the /' \ Signature ft jtv in ^ Jr Dsn .h Pnr flvur u wa ?J W7 Thirtj years TilK OSNTAVS es*?ie?. Ktw TOR* city. a aa | ^ es, stire to accomplish DESIRED : remedy. Price, ?1.50 per bottle. The ceuulne Is put up only lp pasto-boor.1 Oft. ula. Cleveland, Oliio. JLnziraoss 32duoation PAYS L YKGE DIVIDENDS ! V<)U need a pra-'deal bu^incs oiln:ji;r{.o vv?* Kiuriiist*.' siput y?urn. ()l MlCfsiUity ctl(j<)ra?ni JUS bring llm in .-Hi- |)i\u;tical; tbey tiave no superb* a find ruy( inn yiv^n ih flm.t No ot iier buPiOeaa colleger'^p.'r i/6'tor .* ?]vc.'.t r ' ISn far now r.nd prspsro r.-; a. iu-ratlvo i cxiii- n. Oor Kr&'bnstos CI l'i OO'li ??;<] Li'J ufj'iu Kt V i| \V(> n v- i-ie ' 1' liuiro' s?ihey ? ? in i u -Mia. Wo oft'er special u.itws oliiolOAt's 3. (J. B i Ainods (V)!l GRANITE WORKS, Eor Good Work and Low Ib ices L J. fieliisifth. , * * ? A \s t. - jy a \?) N tf a m? B B l/ANOASTEK, S. 0 ' J. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. Working on credit doesn't pay, and my torms from this time hencoforth are strictly cash. Hca^onablo Prices. Gold Filling $1.50 Amalgam Filling 75 cts. Cement bMling 75 ct KUHHKK l'f.AfH, Full upper set of teeth $12.00 Upper and lower sot $35.50 tSSTrheiio prices are strictly for cash. No work done except for cnsli or good socurity. i f bhtypiuh? \w jut uuiimt>*vfc?o l'ldnt s From '.he l?c?t selected ?w?df, ! Now re*??** for I*'**. ?r>'onK, hoi!:hy, thfjfo p??/thB nr? r,t(."NVn iii *jeopen i>jii nml wiW ttn-ia novcro fl^cse wiWi ??u? injf>ry. litcly ji-wp w?fe'h?id, type ?f Uhtr iMtnn W nbfiWWl wbtoti we tlifi best known v.r1vt1&? oi f*rly cabbags, Riflo lrcndt^roo'n t?Aari. the Ive n>y T?u. k'*o k fl re fvn? of u/? va?**y. K? afcly packed In l>#lit bn#ki-^A. -$i .&? s M, f.*? IWo iho.**ncl "Sj (?? ovti- 5. 15 j.oucwid F O H Ex ' | . i\ k? otfl o. Cl>?* M | . YcUdgs in!ftiu1,H<5, Dec 20, 19