UK***... / 1 Jiv si3 ^zt ^ I TflU^OW S. CARTER, EDITOR ANL) MANAGER. rSSUPD WKt'NK HAY AN It SATI'KllAY WEDNKSDAY, .1 ANl'AUt IS, 1905JJ BVBBOIUPTION $*60 PEP YEAH < Legislative Dots. < Mr. Editor: I Rend you only ' a brief letter this week as the sossion up to this time have been < of very little interest. Practical- 1 ly the week has been spent in ' organization and preparation for i work. Tbo o dicers are the same as , last year, all being elected without opposition. Mr. L. M. Smith is speaker, T. C. iiamor clerk, , J. 8. Wilson sergcant-nt arms, ; J. T. Withers reading clerk, Key. It. N. Pratt chaplain. In the allotment of seats Lancaster had third choice and made a convenient Mid desirable selection. f Tho Lancaster representatives have good committee assign monts ; tin ? are as tcllows : Senator Hough chairman of committee o* penal and charitable institutions, also member of judiciary committee, and the committee on privileges and election j, a. d retrenchment. R preventative Foster, judiciary and state houso and grounds. R 'pio ontativo Ilatnel, incorporation, public printing, enrolled lulls and public schools. Riib- are pouriug iu and are being referred to the committees, and it is likely that the work of the- session will begin early next week. Tiitt deficiency in the revenues of tho utato, educational affairs and the dispensary issue are the measures likely to engago the largest attention. Will try to keep your readers informed from week to week. J. \V. Ham el. A HSinicW hi'Afic Hno/1 n miiuaivi uiup vvttu. Kcv. Dr. Harvey Hatcher, a Prominent Baptist Divine of Atlanta, Expires in the Lobby of a Hotel at Beaufort, C. Columbia, S. C., Jan.15? Kev. Harvey Hatcher, D. D., of Atlanta, omc of the best known Baptist ministers in the South, dropped dead in the lobby of the hotel at Beaufort, this State at i o'clock this afternoon. lie had just en* tcred the hotel from the street, and stood near the office railinar. when lie suddenly fell forward and remained unconscious for scrcn minutes, when he expired. Ho preached a sermon at the Baptist church fhis morning, and intended to preach again to-night. In company with a party of South Carolina Baptist ministers, Dr. Hatcher had gone to Beaufort on Monday last to participate in the doer hunt on Hilton Head Island. During the three days' hunting the party had bagged nine deer. Dr. Hatcher himself killing n fineMnick. Dr. Hatcher was apparently in good health and had greatly enjoyed his outing. Ho was active preacher for 50 years and had charge of the Atlanta branch of American Baptist Publication So .. 1.. II- fr\ uiuiy. iiu wub years 01 ago and a native of Suffolk county, Va. LARGE INSURANCE POLICY. Rock Hill, .Inn. 15.?Tho offieo of the State manager of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York at Rock Hill paid out today the Mini of $05,000, tho amount of the insurnnce policy held ir. that company by tho late Senator C. 8. McOall of RunriettsvilJe. i *m*m w r mjum? v . mmrnmmummmmmamsm Variety of Measures nniqu Before legislature. crop i Within tho First Three Days of pe|,ri] the Session More Than One of the Hundred and Fifty Bills tccted Mr G The State, lGlh inst. farnie During the first week's session w'" ^ jf the Koneral assembly more than ''en a 150 hills have been prepared for new ^ sons deration und the most of them 0<^ ki have been introduced and are RrrCfd waiting the action of committees. a,)'y I Fhis represents practically three or,^er lays' work, since few wore in- fRrm trodueed on tho first day and neor0 Saturday was practically a dies ^'K non. lected The bills range in variety from i m w rc x concurrent rosolution having for r urcs t its object tho repeal of the four* toenth and fifteenth amendments ' of tho constitution of tho United ^ Stales to changing the nnme of Bull Pond school house to Bull ^ns ^ Pond club. Both are actual bills ^ftn" r , ini and not extremes of the imagioa- , * the in tion. Law i Of amendments to the constitu-1 rQ^f tion of 1895 there are already I j rc nine pronosed. Some of those are interesting if nothing more. One I ^jaro] would hare the terms of eircuit L ve judges changed from four to six- ^ teen years, a more desirable length ^ of service, to the legislator, than wouj for life or during good behavior. Another would have more power fore given to magistrates, another step 0^ei towards inferior courts of some coj|e, importance. with( Some old favorites or better nc- t0 re quaintances are up again. The 0flicc shud bill for instance. Mr Sandors qq will defend to the utmost his oilLaxel inspector bill which went down jan laet vo&r. The experiment station 8a^s bill asks for another showing, and Ljie j so does the inheritance tax meas- iRtrcj utb of Mr liorbert. q, Thero are already six bills on Btatu the marriage license subject. The prov ontry of the title on one of these, menl which was incorrect, made it ap- pie. pear at first to bo the champion go fi freak measure of the session. The the i title as it appeared at first read. T1 "To require all persons to con*, wide tract matrimony and to have a have license thorefor," which seemed side to be the first step towards the tcnti tax on bachelors which has been verb so freely discussed. The bacha- () lot s can breathe easy for the pres- will ent, however, as the correot bill of s< should be, "To require all who Ho i shall contract, etc." A bill which boai is closely akin to this and other mad i marriage license bills is one to plici provent child marriages. It pro- men vides that the person, minister or leant official, who marries a couple com I .IT.4 Vw.r~i4 < il.-. I * xuuuut iuc uiMieuin ui mo pttrtiiiii A of both where the groom is under of c 21 and the bride under 18 shall be of e adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor in f< and subject to punishment, etc. A There are eight bills relating to reqi the dispensary aw in different prei ways. The new amendment car- the ried at the last election relating to T the county road law has already priv caused three or four hills to be vole presented on the roadluw question froti for different counties. offic Two bills of unusual provisions tors aro, to "regulate the price of cot- A ton seed," and to "regulate the sent price of peas, corn, and cotton sees seed." The author of these two bills evidently want to grapple fl with the immutable law of supply pj and demand and throttle it with- gatu out ceremony. Another bid to tice, ''rejulate the traffic in cotton freed merr and unpacked lint" has the ap- compearance of more sanity. in tt The game birds of the state are dree not overlooked even the lowly o0tn terrapin has a bill to guard bis ex- tor i istence, while the fish are included Bnd in almost all the bird bills. This ^ "close season" idoa was evidently at work in the brain of Mr ]0y?i Groen cf Lee county when he subs evolved what is probably the most l^hai 0 hill in the collection. H< liavo it unlawful to prose ny one for disposing of inder a lien from the first o iary until thetipstof Angus 1 year after the debt pro by the lien had been made reen's iien is to suvo th r from the merchant wh< it tho negro so violating th lone until he has moved to mine and lias his crop start lowing that if he threaten the new landlord Will prob pay the amount claimed ii that ho mav oot loso tl which he had rented to th tenant. 5 primary system is not nog , there being already severn which would make for it ivement and proposing mens o bolster it up. 3 automobile is a new issu us not been overlooked. 1 loking to regulato its spe<< sen introduced by Mr Moi ovn nvn Ksllo f ui v ?i v vi'i vv uiuo i \ iuiu)|; i irv law. The hand of th and Order league can be see ifely in some of these propoi forms. jo bills to mako the Soul ina collego into a universit been introduced, measure which would benef guilty newspapers is one tin d have all the names of d< ent tax payers published b serving executions; while at * to require the sheriffs I ct these delinquent tax out compensation would ter duco the emoluments of th >. is present method of payit ) with the small penalty aft 1st is evidently not entire factory, for a bill relating payment of taxes has be< iduced. do member wants to have ite requiring Pullman - ca ided with separate corapa Ls for white and colored pc The Jim Grow law does n &r enough in the opinion luthor of this bill, wo innovations, though >ly divergent character, are i all hangings to take place i the walls of the State pei lary, and the other to aboil >al contracts. ne member wants a law whi "provide an efficient metb icuring teachers for school aither "has it in" for soi d of the trustees or has be e sick at heart by reljiog ii tly upon the fulsome rccei dations presented by app & who afterwards proved i petent or unsatisfactory. bill to prohibit the "givi orrupt gifts" is aftor reba very kind. A similar law erce in several States. . lull of some merit is one lire tne county nttorney to innf ou thn I'onnoaenintiirA State at all inquests, he constitutional rights a ileges of the individual are d in a bill to prohibit audit (i becoming candidates for a e while holding office as au< t nd just think the above rep s the first three days of t ion! he handsome new court hoi arlington was dedicated rduy last to tbe cause of ji law and order. All t ibers of the State Snprei t were present and took pa 10 dedication. Eloquent t sea were made by Capt W er, ex-judge Hudson, Soli robnson, Chief justice Po the Associate justices. >noumontA and La Grippe jugbs cuted quickly by f i Honey and Tar Kofi; titutes. Sold by Funderbu rmacy. Ull ?I? .J?PW -. Jl :ATTt i: Bi 0 :THE _H_E o o . Successors t ITILE CO., ^ '.'settle with t 'ceased. e V ;1 [ ? We are n our share of ' ings will iii' b ing renoyat< y & Mercantil u our place m< have devide >>- ies first, on J; ment second ? the fourth r We would we have ma er iy r* :: For 3D ft ? as we want 1 chasing our ot of lit moving ou; decided to place thei in?. these shoes are not ?i as DREW-SELBY, GO sh 2 clo xie ?? And ifpri Z. .you to take You can ha' In ment for ac n r* 1 I a t;* (leiav Din c? We woul< lt0 have in the * prevents ou tion and yoi nd ini IN 3 and can ma feet satisfac 19e ous New Y( ?n cottage, we ushe ne irt I - Tli A L * ill Hi 1 gl iH n n i^ff |re convenient f< d our stock into d< the corner; gent's I; dry goods third OOlll. I call your attentn liy great inducenn The - Next Th to make a clean Spring Goods. r Shoes, a great many of the b m on a bargain counter, and jo old goods but right new and s DMAN and other makes. IHIN6 WE HAVE IN ces will move tint . 1 _ A _ / j I auramage or tins ? ve any puit of clot! 5'ual cost for the s >me and let us dre d like to tell you n waj of bargains b ir doi ng so. .#11 r ii will readily see r (APE FOR kc you prices that tian, Wishing e^ ;ar and hoping for are; ANCASTER % Ij>? lunniwmii i i| ?? j - ^ ;eekersi . COMPANY. ING & MERC AN n -m A uidated m order to M. HEATH, dcmd intend getting rices and fair dealstiek to us. 11 avle Heath Banking>re room and makes >r business. We ipartment, grocerturnisliidg depart, and millinery in >11 to the fact that 3nts to offer irty Days sweep before pur\ e oxes were broken, and we have 1 them go at first cost.- Now oine of the best we have, such ABUNDANCE. ~ .1 ^ : j. ... a II IN Up (O jreat reduction sale les in our establish^ pot cash, so do-'t ss j eu no. lore about what we ut being so rushed ve ask is an inspecle are BUSINESS, will give you perreryone a prospermore of your patmmnm . - I UHI '111 i. s. c. . ' ^ A