. ' -* v * ' ? *". i %( 7k^T 1 aka^= L A N O A 8 T E H. 8. U.. JAN I1 ARK Y "l*. 1905 ^ KnTARUSB ETHHS^*^ ... ?k. ? t- ? i .', "l ' ,. f im 0 WE GRI DEF STO L HER I Bo p tfen! IWi mon( buY. Be I. > *8^1 lAi * c 4 rder To Redw ANUARY ARE OFEER SAT BARGAI 'ARTMENTS RE. E AEE A EEt 3ii's $5.00 Suit 4 7.00 ? lO.OO y's Suits lor 5o 's 6.00 Overooa e can certainl ?y on anything I sure and eomc Lurastrr li i i\./y U D.r * I *c jiuwiv uy >||j FIRST I ? 4 i ING SOME J| NSIN ALL 1 OF OUR f| 1 m tt OF THEM Jj Sr * F<< 8 $3.00 . 4.00 'I T,5? I cents. H ! its 4.?o. ; y save you *1J yon want to M t to see us. #| ! TFULLY. J rcanlilr In 1 1 Happenings in the State. As Chronicled by the Alert Coi respondents of Tho Columbia State. . < ' DR. RICH A KDSON LEAVES 80UT CAROLINA. Spartanburg, Jan 10.?Kev \ R Richardson, D D., left toda foral'ulaiki, Tenn., to accept tb pastorate of the First Methodu church of that city. His Spartan burg friends regret his departui from the city. He will be joine by his wife and children in a fe< wee'ig. 300 HALF TINTS CATTUKBD I CHARLESTON. Charleston, Jan 10.? After a exciting chase today the dispen sary constables captured a hors aad wagon containing a barrc with 300 half pinta of liquc which were confiscated while th horse and wagon were returne to tbo owner, said to he 1 Blank The constables were assisted i making the capture by the hon shying from a trol ey car whic caiyied the wagon into a tree ho and stopped the runaway. SA.VED FROM TEKR1BL DEATH. The family of Mrs. M. L. Bol hitt of Bargerton,Tenn., saw h< dying and wore powerless to sav< The most skillful physicians an overy remedy used, failed, whi consumption was slowly but sun ly taking life. In this terribi hour Dr. King's New Discover for Consumption turned despai into joy. The first bottle brougl immediate relief and its continue use completely cured her. It' tho most certain cure in th world for all throat and lun I roubles. Guaranteed Bottles 5 rts. and $1.00. Trial Bottle free at Crawford Bros., J. F Mackoy & Co., and Funderbur Bbar. Drug Stores. Cotton Car Burned. Seneca, Jan. 10.?A car o jotton on a through freight, goin lorth from Glen wood, Miss., wa twitched off at Westminister o Tuesday morning about 6 o'cloc m fir*. The fire is supposed t lave ignited from a spark froo be engine. The car and contents 15 bales of cotton, were destroyed Che loss is estimated at $2,000. Negro Stabbed to Death. Sumter, Jan. 9.?Tunie Wil lams, a negro woman about twen y-9ix years old, stabbed Esse: Uch&rdsoo, oolored, in the necl it Stateburg Saturday night, sev iring the jugular artery and h )led to death in a few minutes. OABTORIA. lean tfc* * ft* Kind You Have Always Bough rr. Tound Under Souse Near Newry Seneca, Jan. 9.?A great dee >f excitement was created toda >y the finding of a new born bab n a pair of old trousers under louse ac Newry, a mill town fou nilea from here. WONDERFUL NERVE Is displayed by many a man en luring pains of accidental Cuts tVounds, Bruises, Burns. Scalds lore feet or stiff joints. Bu here's ao need for it. Bucklen'i VrnicaSalvo will kill the pain anc ure the trouble. It's the hes Milvo on earth for Piles, too. 25c it Drawford Bros., J. F. Mackej z Co., and Funderburk Phar druggist. ? w- ww m.m w li w v VT t f I Our Lawmakers Start Sessioi General Assembly Convened Columbia Tuesday.?M. L H Smith Again Chosen Speaker y Columbia, Jan. 10. ? There y nothing Striking so far in t ie meeting of the now Legislatut both branches of which conven at noon. e The House organized with A d tamont Moses, as temporary che n man, who has done nothing i far but swear in new members. The Senate chose K 1 Manuin N of Suiuter, temporary chainna K R Hemphill was re-elect* clerk, J F Schumpert succee himself as sergeant at arms, ai W H Stewart as reading clerk. , S Dingle, of Charleston, was r >r apuointed assistant clerk. K< W I Herbert, Methodist, wus r< ie ' ' ^ elected chaplain of the Senate, t was opposed by \V J Snyder ai n N A Hamerick. M L Smith was re-eleeh ^ Speaker of the House without o position. The officers of tl House were also re-elected wit out opposition: T C Hamer, E Marlboro, clerk; J S Wilson, Lancaster, sergeant-at-arms; J 9. Withers, of Chester, readii jr clerk; Rev K N Pratt, Baptist, a. Columbia, chaplain. ^ The Governor was then iufori 10 ? ed that the House was fully o le ganized. y The dispensary question w r brought up on the first duy, it b< d ing in the shape of a resolution 1 ^ Senator Bleuse, of Newberry pr e viding for a sweeping investig g tion of the dispensary. Tho res 0 lutiou is quite lengthy und includ* ? in its terms direction to invest 1 gate very nearly evo-y charge t rumor which has been in circuit tion against the dispensary mu agement. The resolution v.as r< ferred to the dispensary commi f tee. g Senator Raysor introduced ? compulsory education bill, r n quiring all children to atten school twelve weeks in a year. o i,? m M n Children Poisoned ? Many children are poisoned ar made nervous and weak, if n killed outright, by mothers givir them cough syrups containing o} ates. Foley's Honey and Tar a safe and certain remedy f< eoughs, croup and lung treubl and is the only prominent cou; medicine that contains no opiat x or other poisons. Sold by Fu k derburk Pharmacy. e Atlanta's Balloon Bursted. Nashville, Tenu., Jan. 7.?T ehaacerv court of appeals of Tei nessee decided that the Sout western Presbyterian univerei . cannot be ramored from Clark ville, Tenn. There has long be il an effort by the Presb^erians y Atlanta to have the university r e moved to that city and combi a with one now in South Carolin r The case will now becariied the supreme court and possibly the supreme court of the Unit States. I- m m , ?Miss Nora Hicks has been a , pointed carrier onCherokce rou 1 No. 1 in Spartanburg county at J has entered upon the discharge c ^ her duties. She is the first womt t carrier for South Carolioa rur r free delivery routes. Her parol > are well pleased with her appoin meat. 2 Killed and 6 Wounded. An Engagement With Moroa.? Uno of the Injured Officers & ,lt Native of South Carolina. Manila, Jan. 10.?In an engagement which took place on J*n. lB 8tb, with refractory Moroa on the *10 Island of Jolo, Lieutenant Jatnea c% J. Sewell and one private of the e<* Fourteenth United States Cavalry, were killed and Second Lieutenant Roy W. Ashbrook, of theSevonlir United States Infantry; Captain 30 Fialstead Darey, of the Fourth United States Infantry; Second Lieutenant R. C. Richardson, of the Fourteenth United nrl ... - oiaies Uavalry, and three privates l*8 were wounded. if* | Lieutenant It. C. Richardson, ^ Jr., ik a native of South Carolina, c~ and was appointed Second* Lieu* "v tenant of the Fourteenth Cavalry 3 in June last, lo iJ DOMESTIC TROUBLES It is exceptional to find a fam3t* [ ily where there are 110 domestic p- j ruptures occasionally, but these can he | ho lessened by having Dr. King's New Lifo Pills around. Much trouble they save by their groat work in stomach and Liver trou?* bles. They not only relieve you, k but cure. 25c, at Crawford Bros., lg J. F. Mackey &Co., and Fjunderof burk Phar. Diug Stores. Fire Burns Underground. rC) vingsville, Ky., Jan. 7.?An as underground fire in Fleming county is terrorizing the people living near Jefferson McGregor's farm there. The fire covers a section a of 200 yards sqaare, which has ' sunk more thaa a foot below the surrounding territory. A dense vapor arises constantly, which has an odor of burning coal or oil. x" STRAIGHT FAOTB. 11 A whole lot of fancy phrases caa be 3 written about remedies, l?ut it takes . facts to prove anythlug? good straight facts. And tho strongest faet yon ever heard is that Tannoplline Is ths best cure for piles on the market. Jt on res a absolutely. Has a healing, soothing effect from the start. Alldruggists have it for $1.00 a ]aP. id Ask for Tannoplline kand don't dare take a substitute. Senator Tillman in a communication to the Atlanta Jourual says id that those people who are burning ot cotton are idiots, and right he is. '8 None of the kind has developed in \l~ this state, though some advice to 1)r burn was given farmers. As it e> stands now there is not likely any rh cotton in tho state to burn, even if e8 there were any idiots who would D" burn it.?Columbia Record. A VERY CLOSE CALL "I stuck to my engine, al? though every joint acned and every nerve was racked with a_ pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a b- locomotive fireman, of Bnrlington, ty Iowa. ,(1 was weak and pale, s. without any appetite and all run down. As I. was about to give up, I got a bottle of Electric ?* Bitters, and after taking it, I felt e* as well as I ever did in nay life." ne Weak, sickly, run down people ia. always gain new life, strength to and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by 0 Crawford Bros., J. F. Mackey it Co., and Funderbark Phar. Price 50cts. * * P- Prosperity helps some men to te forget their friends. 1(1 Indifference is a pump for ^ drawing secrets from a woman. D m (l| Pneumonia and La Urlppo Coughs cuied quickly by Fo18 ley's Honey and Tar. Kafuie substitutes. Sold by Funderbuxk Pharmacy.