Uaal Matte *'OINTMRNTS OK HUV. J. If 1TK Jnity, 1 .it iiinl 3d Mah'ciith. (JIIU v. rusk, 2d and 4ih Habbath, II m. Pittas lilt Kill, 2 I and 4111, ( m. ? 250 acres in Cedar Creek ownship Price $750. } cash. ? Prof A II Hunks \v< nt to Yorkvillo ycslerd vv in answer to u telegram I hut his un-ther, who in iii hor 8*2 I y 'ir, wfts quite ill of pneumoi.i i. ? Mrs .) il Foster is visiting relatives at Wiunsboro. ?Mr Oren C Blackmon killed another of his pigs Monday. It ? netted 484 lbs. ? Misses Kate Barton and Ola Beckham, of this county have entered a business college nt Macon, Gu. ?Senator Hough and Representatives llamel and Fost< r left for Columbia Monday to ba arciont at the opening of the session I on Tuesday. ? 4 room cottage for rent. Apply to \V. .1. Cunningham. ? Mrs. .1. C. Robinson and two . children, of Lancaster, are visit j ing the family of Mr. .John l\ Plaxico. ? YorUville Enquirer. ? Mr. Jake Kee of Chester 1 county is visiting his uncle, Dr. ' T. J. Strait, here this week. ? Alis. Fannie Bcckam and family have moved to the city from Lancaster county to the new two-story re-ddenco on Kbene/.nr Aveuua which has just been completed.--Rock Hill Herald. ( ? For Mile ! A .Jersey cow. | Calf 10 days old. Apply to John P. Tvitty, Heath Springs, SC : ?The session of the (J. S. Di - | trict ami circuit court, c. c.wvu-d n . Columbia L'ucsdav. I bo case of Mrs Fiances K Miller, former < postmistress tit Death Springs, j churned with cancelling stumps to iuereasc her arlary, will come up , at this term. 1 ( ? Married, Dec. 19, 1904. by | Rev T A Dabney, at thie place, < Mr Robert Lyon and -Miss Mamie So well, also Mr Henry Adams ' and Miss Lilla So well. Roth the | brides arc daughters of Mr Roche 1 f Sowell of the Douglas section. f ?Wanted ! A teaclur for the ( Taxabaw school. Apply to R. E. s Gregory, Tuxahaw, S. C. !, ?The tent of the Lommond i fruit stand caught afire from the stove Hue yesterday morning and , u I '-- 1 ' ijui iitu imiu muu iieai i y dillf lip j before the 11 unes were extinguish- , cd Mr L hud one cf his hands | painfully burned. ?The furmorb of the Autioch < sectiou wiil moot at 3 p. m., Fri- j1 day at tho school house to organize . for holding cotton and reducing acreage A trustee to til 1 tho va-" , cancy on the board by Mr Giles' removal from the district will also | tie elected that afternoon. ? Married, on Sunday, Jan. 8, 1905, by Kev T A Dubney, Mr Thomas MahulTey und Miss Sadie Adams, daughter of Mr G. 11 Adams. ?M;s B. F. Brazinglon returned Monday from a visit to her An. \1..? 1.. .VI i wau?int2i) lum ovuuuij', III VyWllJIllbus, Ark Her son- Mr Wllil^ i Brnsington, who spent the pr?st >e;rin Arkansas, rotntned with In r and will try his fortune heic this year. ? Mart i d, by Rev S N Wat son, Jauy. 5, 1905, Mr W D Bowers and Miss Ethel Cnuthoii, daughter of Mr S A Cauthop, of the Dry Greek section. Six cents cotton has no torpor tor these men of () lv., who hud. a pig killing lime iu thei homes' last week. I) 11 Supp's Inrgi st weighed 490 lbs; W (1 Supp's 505 lbs; and Win Hayos' 600 lbs. Mr Hayes' pig was just twenty months old and hud only I.ojii in the pen 3 months. ? Mrs Pet Potior, of Abbe* ' ville, is spending a few tdays with her sister, Mrs T C Hicks, at this place* , 1 ? Col. R E Allison went to, j \ Yorkviile last Thursday to attend ! Iho funeral o*' liis nephew, Mr. Win Allison, who died there Wed j ucsday after a protracted illness, j lie was 1+ years of ago and leaves j a widow and three children. n ?Strayed! From m^ home in'c Dry Creek township last Friday, ! a red spotted cow, white spot in face. Robert Moses, j Dry Creek, S C. j ?The Liberty Mill Mercantile 1 Co.,capital stock $5,000, received I a charter last Monday from the " secretary of Stato. S. W. Heath 1 is president, F G Perry ?dee-pres idont, and 11 F llaile secretary c and treasurer. 1 ? Mrs Amanda Pellc, widow of s the late D D A Polk, and a sistov of Messrs O P., and P D Heath of Charlotte, N. C , died at her homo ftt Fort Mill la>t Sunibiv J , iiftcr su\*( ral days illness of pneu- 1 moniu, aged uhnr.t G9 \enrs. She t is survived l?y two sons and two I daughters. li ? Magistrate Cauthcn of Ker- 0 shuw has turned over $31. GO, lines, v etc , collected the past quarter. v ?28 of this amount was for fines ' imposed by him on parties for v f illing to work t!i public roods v when warned out hy tlm overseer. ' - l b"re will ho a basket -supper at Newcut school house on . Fi iibiy night, January 13. The proceeds will ho used to help pur- . hasr a library for the school. The liiblie is c udi dlv invited to at- . , |;; ? I'lie Ingram Bbickwoll comvinv of Jrfl'srson was chartered s no d..\, c pii 'i! stock $10,000. '] '* ingrain, president and gen- , ral manager; .1. T. lihu kwell, sec etary and treii'tiror. J li ? Mrs Maitlm Ivy Witheis, vidow ol the late Titos 13 Wit'itrs ^ )f Fort Mill, and a daughter of, c he 1 ile Adam Ivy of this c mnty, 1 * lied uv tho home of her daughtor, j ** Mrs J E Massey in Iiock lliil j c fuesday night, Jauv 3 1, 1905, of 1 lent t trouble to which she was ? nihject and had before bad several e iivero a'ticks She was 09 years ^ >f ni:e and leaves throe children a nirviving her. Her remain" ^ vere taken to Fort Mill for inter- s: nent. l' Tho Daughters of the Confodr ?cv have, furnished us with thw n ollowing 1 ist of tho Veterans to vliom crosses of honor will be ^ ) resented on Jan. 19lh, 1905. II. Araut, J. T. Amos, W. R. l' Jlanton, deo'd., VV. 0. Downs, | Sarriuel Llinson, John Mackey, (j 1. A. B. Mackey, J. .0. Nelson, . Li. A. Parker, H. M. Polk, D. "? \. Roberta. J. J. Roberts, M.E. Robertson, T. J. Strait, R. II. J . \\ 3a.pp, J no. Wl ight, Win Wright, ^ D. P. Boll, J. H. Gardner, Jas. W. McCain, Jm>. J Moody, T. J. Reeves, J as. Rodgers. D. N. Mackey, M. L. Hinson, E. L. tlinson e Fatal Acchle t at Catawba ltlver Mr. Frank B. Ayors, who was r resident of this place upto about x year ago, was knocked off the Southern's new steel bridge now in course''of construction 'across ,, Lhe Catawba River near Fort * Mill by a heavy guy rope while >.l l w ?rk on Sunday last and instantly killed, lie fell a distance of about 25 feet and was doubtless dead before bis laxly reached the water, his neck having been hrokon, bis skull fractured and one shoulder 1 terribly mashed by stnkhig ' iguinst the timbers of the false f work below. Mr Ayers was about RJ years of age and leaves a wito und two children iiis remains were interred at ltock Mill. ?> ' > ?Subset ibe to I tie Rtdger. j -ivrry table of itl 1; IIIuhoii wilt) :fJ5il ?rs h uinl .llules I ?it v*. . :I Tin* friends of Air M L Hi dm rrj >f Kockiughutn, N. 0, formerly >f ibis county, will sympathise vith hiiu in tho heavy .loss lie .asinine.1 by tiio lu-st Saturday norning, as tohl in tho following pii'Sal to the C'lui.'lotto Obsclfvur: Rockingham, Ian 7.? A fire (ccifrrcd hero carlv this rooming o ippalling in its nature. Tho liv>ry stable of M \j llinson was it ras burned so badly lb it be had o be killed. The groans of the doomo ! ani uals before thoy were 'overcome s - aid to have haon terrible. Two ther wooden store rooms adjointig the* building in which the tables were located and belongig to Ported & Co., were also nrno d. This was, the fourth livery tabi<'. no on the sime spot. tilled by a Friend by Accident In a special to t he State from IbeiF.w on our'tird page is ount of the killing of Mr. \\rk! or 'raywick, formerly of Kershaw, alter re'nrts sl ow tint the ac mint there given is partly inc 1rct. C. G. 1'raywick, .1 brol: cr f the deeoased, who aceomprni? (I the"remains it) Charlotte whore tiey were interred on Sun lay told Charlotte Obscvcr reporter just off the fatality took place. Ho ud thut bis brother had gone to j ispect soitu lumber near Chcmw i r a lirm he was employed by. ^ leturning, he was seen by several ion at the Atlanta Coast Line de-> ot, among them the agont, a Mr. Lelntosh. Mr. Mcintosh hud a itie ot* tbo 22-calibor sort, and lay fully exclaimed, 4r aid, and sink to the ground. \'licn they reached him he was ying, lithe, little bullet having EAI> THinTV i m\ mini i * * In order to reduce oar s >/e are going la sell goods 'ebruary 5th. It's useless 4 PRK When wo ?a> Co*>t wo mean exn bis Kulb only la:>ts for Thirty days, u*. We don't charge you anything t?: ot. Yo FUNDHRBURK * pierced i 'y rijjht hi c ist with dead ly off cl. Mr. Tiavwick was a mail ol good quailics and had many frioudb at Kershaw who will receive the news of bis death with sadness. Another .Mevicen Veteran Ha^ ('ussed Over tlio lt/vcr. Two weeks ago wo chronicled the death of Mr \V K (Jinn ion, u veteran of the Florida, Mexican and nivil wars, at tho advanced ago of 90 years. On Sunday last, Mi Lafuyetto Hoik, a comrade ot Mr (.,iatitoh,s in the Mexican und civil wars, fell peacefully on sleep at his homo at Ml I'robpoct, just across the Stale line in North (Jaiolihn where he had lived tho past tiftecn or twenty year.*. He ; was a native of Lancaster county and lived in the county most of I J | his life. Me was about SO years | of age, and the machinery of life seems just to have givenout us was also tho caso with his comrade, Mr Clanton. Ho was thrice mar ried, his first wifo being Miss i " Nancy Hancock, of which union one chil I was born to thom. Ilia second marriage was to Miss Elizabeth Wallace and to them six ['children were horn. Ilia last iwife, who survives him, was Miss Elizabeth Lowry and to them 3 children were born. Of tho ten chil lien only three or four survive him. llis remains were it:tcrrod at Mt I'respoct church on Alq id ay. the faimora in almost every county in this State have organized for tho purpose of holding cotton now and reducing acreage and fertilizers in futnro. In all the cotton growing States the s'tmo is being done. In Georgia the meetings are most enthusiastic o many as ?00 fanners frequently Heading a county meeting. ? " ?TT I T1 n~l"IT' * ?N E W LIVERY AND SALE STABLE; Wo have opened up, at the El licit Crawford old stand, Sale and Livery Stables and are prepared to sell stock cheaper than anybody, for cash, or on time with good papers. Call and see OUR STOCK before buying. Satisfaction guaranteed. LIVERY! LIVERY i With brand new vehicles and good fresh horses we arc pr a pared to ^ivo the bent Satisfaction in the livery business. - - Very Respectfully, Moore & Sowelh Dee. 1, 1004. Foley's Money and Tar for children,safe,sure. No opiate*. DAYS ONLY * tock, before faking stock, ^First Cost '" :es ; p? ctly what wo say. Kemombor Comic and ao.o what our ^doits ? show vou whether von buv or %/ ^ / % urs to serve, : COMPANY. # % Mffl sii What, Cotton, N ; Equai to six cent cotton. ! j. + + i | ^ You liavo got what 1 want ? MONI want?GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS k S k k Some of the best AXES on earth a forget mo. I soli for Cash unit at < TOBACCO at Cost. jj. B. MACJC WITH A \ ?<1 Making a ( in our business ami in order to roduco o 1st., otTer to the purchasing public on flints also all Winter fabrics AT COST, we moan business when we say COST, an elegant line of Dry Goods, Shoes, N and Hats, and will undersell any one eh Come and See and self. Our Clothing and Pants comprise all t l?o\b Clothing from 75c to $3.00 per $3.00 to $10 00 per suit. This is no lit a iifetimo for the purchasing public of L: RE3P fijlnC its d A luwvilii y.vla auu n To Bargain 1 +fr Wo have jast linUhwil-taking slock v heavy winter goods that we arc anxious them off wo *>ill make a special price on aasss cot 6 p'eces of line ail wool mixed good*. In n?; out price esnt-i. :$ ^f A.shla i 1-idO inchj3 wide, sold f 4 pl???s , I) incllOJ wide, sold for Wo lure m iny otlvsrJhdHvy'foods that wi JACKETS We liavo a faw jacket* loft anil are very make you aspecal price on them. FURS! $:i 00 Fuvs, Closing out price $2 SO " " " 2 00 * " " " 1 25 ' " " CLOTH To thoso who arc in need of a Sui; or Ov< without aweing our lino a* we hare cat the pri you to reap the benefit of It, Pll^rP We hnve li.c 1- unite \nlir\ \&ilSfr\ Coiun ? oiii> k:i>I buy 'jliUt'J I? J.'}!L"J ouo more piiou ciistim f IliHin. r~i th o in town. 1 Satisfy Yourlie styles in medium goods. suit. Mens' snits from nnbiig, but is the ^hane?|of incasteii Counfy. 'ECTFULLY, Jison Bros. W. . , , Seekers I" ind tinr.J tbnf wn liotr? l/-o? ff V UW * U IU14 Ui to ?cll and in order to get them. IDS ! ahes wide, sold for $1.10. Cioa u- 50c. Closing oat prica St o(? 40 cent*. Closing oat priM 25? e will make spaelal prieas oa. anxious to sell them and wil FURS ! $1 80 1 08 1 39 90 INC naont, You oau't ntVonl la bay ice on all of them, ana wu **u' 49 1'ittlng Shoel. VX>rothy Doutl a prtir of them nnd we will have ner to be added to our long liat LOUD. e Post Office . r .