Ucal Matte?.- ... J* 'OINTMENTS OH RKV. J. M WI 1TE I Jnity, 1st ami 3(1 Babbath. I A^i|illH i reuk, 2tl am) 4th Babbath, 11 Co ' 9 "Jfe*ek. Several shot took effect in s face The wounds were only ?The Times is informed that r. J W Davidson, of Pleasant alley, will in Ine early Spring gin the erection of a handsome o-story business house on Main eet in this place. Mr. Davidn's lot is opposite the public ill and a nice building thereon >uld add much to the appearanco Main street.?Fort Mill Times. ?The school house at Mt Preset just ucross the State lino was rned last Tuesday night. Lose. ,000; insured for ?1,250 in the irmer's Mutual. This is very fortunate for the Mt Pioapeot mmunity which had just comited the building and had levied ipeeial tax to build up a good 100I. A defective flua is said to ve caused the fire. ? An election will be held at ik Ridge school house .Jany 24, 05 for tho purpose of deciding leiuer a special lax or 4 mills ill be levied on all tho property, il and personal, in school dis. ct No 51 for school purposes 10 election ha* been regularly iered and the following havo en appointed managors: W j luglian, A j Bailey and D Lj dev. ? A marriage which took place, ring tho holiday was that of \ Walter E. Hall, of the Van yck section, and Miss Oda inks,of Walhalln. The marriage s performed by the bride's her, Uev. J. I. Spinks, at his me at Walhalla. ? Fort Mill lies. An exchange speaks of a niHn 10 it is taid^always paid for his per a year in advance. As a seIt he has never been sick a day his life, never had corns on his )s nor toothache, his potatoes 4. ui?u:? 4 vci i in, uio unmet? uoTtr cry at ?ht, his wife never scolds and he :ceeded in serving three years the school board without being psed, "1 take more interest in the ed? itionnl measures than in anyng else to come up before the ^ialature," said Capt. J. w. imel. And it would be to the arlasting betterment of South rolina if more members of the ;iblature were of Capt. Hamel's .. l\I.,? jr ui tutaa iuy;. uuuunviuum lasures are the most important insures.?The State. Favorable Rtport on Crum. Washington, jau 5.?The sen t committee on commerce today thorized a favorable report on i nomination of W D Crum to collector of the port of Charton, S C. Confirmation of the um nomination has been oppos for three sessions of congress Senator Tillman on the ground ?t a colored man is objectionle to a majority of those who msact business through the larleston custom ofiico. Crum filling the position of collector a third recess appointment and o indications are that he will w bo confirmed by the senate spite the objections of Senator llmin ^l>l? ii i OABTORI^.. ura th# /)7^8 Kind You Have Always Boug> ?Subscribe to Xhe Ledger. Tli" Moat li-Jonet* Co, Orgjnnlztfd. Tho stockholders of tho lieatli' Jones Company mot Wednesday and organized by the election of O 1* Heath president, C D Jones, vice-president, and Geo C Heath secretary and treasurer. The new Company is now about ready tor business. The store-rooms have been undergoing repairs anil for the past day or so the employees have been busy moving and re-arranging .the stocks. The grocery has beeu moved into tho porncr store room Where an elevator has been put in running to tho large cellar underneath where meat, 1110 lasses, etc., will be kept. In the next store room to the corner will be kept clothing, gents furnishing goods, otc , and next to this will be the dry goods and notions do. partment, while tho tnilinery will be in the front of the fonrth storeroom. Everything will bo attractive aud inviting at the new company's stoics. Look out for their adv. next week. Calhoun County Wins. Edgefield, .ian 2. ? Unofficial re turns 011 vote for Calhoun county gives Edgefield, "For" 237; "Against" 04; Abbeville, "For" 2G0; "against" 41; Greenwood, "for" 50; "against" 11. Informed the new county will cut ^Edgefield below constitutional area, and a survey of this county will be made tomorrow, iu order to place this fact before tho legislature. iSwaliowod a Staple. Spartan burg, Jan 3. ? A little girl 20 months old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs J M I'ereson, of Woodruir, swallowesl a poultry staple u few days ago. The parents did not know what she had swallowed. She grow woreo and yesterday she was brought to the hospital here and an operation performed. The staple was taken out, hut inflammation had set in. ller recovery is doubtfal. Converted to Christianity Sioux City, la. Jan. 4.?That the dowager empress of China lias been converted to Christianity and Christian science, through the influence of Minister Conger and bis wife; is the claim made by r?latives of the minister, who recently recoived letters from him directly from Pekin. Minister Conger believes this means the beginmg of the opening of China to Western civilization and that the flowery kingdom's future will ho much the same as that of Japan. Tho sale of fertilizers in this State last year exceeded all prevU ous records by 10,000 tons, the income from rhe ' 'tag tux" haviug been if 118,914,14. For the I year preceding it had beon $98,909,80. ?Pay your subscription. FOR THIRTY In order to reduce oar we are going to sell goods February 5th. It's useles < 4 PPI When we say Cost wo mean ex this sale only lasts for Thirty day cost us. We don't charge you nnytrung'1 not. Yi FUNDHRBUR1 Don't Swear Off. Don't swear off drinking, sruok 1 iug, swearing or uny other vicei unless you feel able to carry ou the pledge. Don't prove to your self that you are weak; you probably know it already and need n< > corroborative evidence. If yoi nave a rice thut you can conquei that yon feel certain yon hare thi power to overcome, try to acconi plisli that end. But don't tell anj one about your good resolution Just try all alone, and noonecaa laugh at youl'f you fall. Smoking is expensive, drinkiDf is often fatal and always bad anc swearing is contemptible. If yoi try to overcome one or all of thsst we With you success. But then is one rice wo all have that ii greater than all of these. It ii the disposition to berate others, t( believe the foul stories and doub' the good ones. If every man and woman wil swear off gossip, will decide t( doubt the bad reports nnd believi the good ones we can have a hea vcn right in this section. Th< one thing that causes the greatea' worry ami the most lasting sorrow i6 the circulation of roports tba injure. Incidentally, we shall all d( well'tjp determine to try to bo livi that bad reports of us must bi falseoncs.?Springfield Union At Public Auction. 1 will eell at public auction a tbc home place of the late E I Bowers, near Primus, on Wednesday, Jany. 11, 1905, 1 horie, J wagon. 1 buggy, harness, shoj tools, household furniture am other personal effects of the said I D Bowers, decoased. Terms of sale, cash. J A Bowers, Admr. NEW LIVERY AND SALE STABLE Woihave opened up, at the El. liott 4 Crawford old stand, Sale and Lively Stables and are prepared to sell stock cheaper thar anybody, for cash, or on time j with good papers. J */""Call and Bee OUR STOCK before buying. Satisfaction guaranteed. i -? LIVERY! LIVERY I With brand new ve hides and good fresh horseswe aro vprapared to give ; the beat Satisfaction in the livery business. - - Very Respectfully, Moore & Sowell. Dec. 1, 1904. Foley9s Money and Tat for children,safc.sure. No opiatea. DAYS ONLY \ *_ # 1 stock, before taking stock "IFirst Cost;0,1;! CES > actly what wo nay. Remembe s. Coruo and see what oar good to ehow you whether you buy o ours to serve, ( COMPANY, t ^jj ^ I : What Cotton, No, 1 P ; Equal to six cent cotton. So co t 4 + t + + 4 i You have got what 1 want?MONEY"; an want?GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. ib s Sr k * s 1 ^ Sono of the best AXES on earth at last 1 orget me, I soil for Cash and at Cotton > TOBACCO at Cost. J. B. MACKOI l With I vTi ; Making a Ch< r . in our business and iu order to reduce our sto< 1nt nf1*?r ?-? ttin Kiii.nlioL.:.. .,..1-1:- ' ?iu mu |'uiv,u?ciu^ j)ki/in." our vni j Pants also nil Winter fabrics AT COST. We 3 we mean buaineis when we say COST, we me 3 an olegant line of Dry Goods, Shoes, Notions and Hats, and will undersell any one else in t ' Come and See and Sa t self. ) Our Clothing and Pants comprise all the sty Boys Clothing from 75c to ?3.00 per suit. I ?3.00 to ?10.00 per suit. This is n > humbug 3 a lifetime for the purchasing public of LancaaU J RESPECTF Id McCardell and Alii: i i I ) ; To Bargain j3i 1 f- f We have just finished.taking stock and tin heavy winter goods that we are anxious to sel them off we will make a special price on them. DBESS GOODS 5 pleoes of flne all wool mixed goods. iG inehes w ng out prlce-92} eenta. 3 pleeea of Aahlauds56 Inches wide, sold for 50o. 4 pleoes Zlboliuo, 40 inches wide, eold for 40 cen We have many otberjheavyfgoods that we will J&CKETS We have a few jackets loft and are very anxio make you aspecal price on them. FURS1 $3 00 Furs, Closlog out price $250 " * 2 00 ' " " " 1 25 " " " CLOTHIN \ To those who are in t ride, sold for $1.10. Glos Closing out price 3i els ts. Closing out piles 28e make special prises on. us to sell them and wll FURS ! $1 80 1 68 1 S9 90 G You can't affoid to bay all of them, ane we want Ing Hhoel, Dorothy Dodd of them and we will hava be added to our long Hat )UD iu teu^.tion to ist Office ions has received